graveyardhangouts · 8 days
I don't really get panic attacks anymore. Now it's mainly just a constant sense of doom looming over me and gnawing at my brain while I compulsively ruminate over nothing and everything
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graveyardhangouts · 8 days
they should invent a world that im suited to live in
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graveyardhangouts · 8 days
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Pacific Grove - California - USA (by
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graveyardhangouts · 8 days
WOMAN TWEETING: girls go to college to get more knowledge 😁 boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider 😝
MAN RETWEETING: And women wonder why men abuse and kill women. Pretty telling, isn’t it?
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graveyardhangouts · 8 days
hey remember the sun is going away and you’re going to go nuts and to not take it personally
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
its september time to build a new life
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
This is a really helpful tracker app 💖
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
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Sweet Sixteen at 9/11
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
I get so irritable and bitchy when my anxiety is bad
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
We're gonna break up lol I CANNOT move in with him
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
I'm a weirdly secretive person but it also kinda pissed me off that he goes around telling everyone my business, I haven't even told my own parents that I'm trying to go back to school because I don't want to talk about it if it ends up being another failure 🙃 and he's already gone and told his entire extended family about it because they all need to know my business for some fucking reason ???
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
I was on my period and told him he needed a garbage for his bathroom and he was like "well there's one in the kitchen" and I showed him the used pad he was holding and was like "do you think I like walking past your male roommate with this while he's cooking?" And he was just like 😑
You're almost 30 years old and you have used q tips all over your bathroom counter, they cost $4 at walmart get a fucking bathroom garbage can
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
I'm thinking about moving to the city he lives in because it's still only like 40 minutes from all the good hiking and lakes and stuff but they're at a lot lower elevation so they get way less snow and there's a lot more to do than in the little mountain town I live in rn, and I'm going back to college in this city anyways so might as well cut down on the commute especially with winter coming up. He wants to move in together if I do move over here but where he lives with his roommate rn is a disgusting bachelor pad with no room for any of my stuff & his roommate's dog is big and aggressive and doesn't like me, and if we wanted to get our own place together it would be a lot more expensive than me just getting a little studio for myself because he needs garage space, large dogs allowed, 3+ parking spots just for him, doesn't want to live in an apartment complex, etc. Like why the fuck are men so needy
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
He gets mad if I don't tell him about the problems in my life but when I do he's incapable of just LISTENING and always tries to give me the stupidest pieces of advice I've ever heard in my life and gets mad when I tell him that won't work
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graveyardhangouts · 14 days
I should go back to dating girls
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