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Hargett School, Hargett, Estill County, Kentucky
My mother points to the block
     of what’s left of the gymnasium tiles
     just beneath a ragged basketball net
“That’s where I fell and hurt my back in gym class,”
     how surreal it seemed to be
     in the place that began what ails her even today
Further down the hallway
     we find the fifth grade classroom of Mr. Samples
Samples is still a character
     if he catches you out at the grocery store
     he’ll keep you caught up talking for hours
I laugh remembering a story about this particular room
     “Is that the closet where you beat up those mean girls?”
My mother’s eyes shine as she grins in confirmation
     touched that I remembered a story that she told me
     over a decade ago
The only classroom still in tact
     after decades of the earth reclaiming the school
Was the classroom of Mrs. Burgess
     where my mother spend first grade
The slate chalkboard still clung tightly on the wall
This place is more than dangling light fixtures
     and weather beaten bricks
Hargett serves as a guardian to the memories of my mother
     and that of so many others from years past
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Rose for the late Organist, Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky
Miss Armeda
She was the kindest soul
     one could ever hope to meet
She was what there was to love
     about Sundays
Her grin made the church feel like a home
     and she always made one feel wanted
Her warm hugs
     were always a welcome reminder
     that she had missed you last week
Even when life was it’s hardest
     Miss Armeda was an unwavering source of love
As a Christian
     your goal should be
     for others to recognize the love of God
     shining from within your soul
     for all to see
And I always saw the light of God
     in Miss Armeda
     and my heart saddens at the thought that
     the world is a little less bright
     without her in it
But then my heart soars because
     I know that her light is at its brightest now
     as she sings within Heaven’s gates with her Lord
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Chevy Pickup, Barnes Mountain, Estill County, Kentucky
Old Chevy trucks have this way of telling time
     years passed and stories told
     lives lived and lovers grown old
No sound is quite as sweet
     as gravel beneath feet
     and under the turning tires
     of a four-wheel drive
     on the end of summertime
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River View Place, Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky
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Plantation house, Pryse Road, Estill County, Kentucky
America and its finest have this way of forgetting
     the antebellum history that gave us this edge
We are no more than colonists and conquerors
     but we can strive to right the wrongs
Looking at this house
     travelers see an antique stillness and beauty
     locals tell tales of its dark and haunted past
This stunning giant looms
     over what was once a plantation
     and somewhere within the grounds
     rests a slave quarters
          but no one likes to mention that
It’s almost as if it’s easier
     to just pretend like it never happened
     and that this house is only a thing of beauty
          not a ghost of a shameful past
          and to simply
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Barnes Mountain, Estill County, Kentucky
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Roadside Views, Estill County, Kentucky
Winding roads and autumn leaves
     embracing around the curves
Kentucky’s most beautiful love affair
     since God saw fit
     for the bluegrass to kiss the mountains
Breath catches upon the sound
     of the whippoorwill
     and that of the lone woodpecker
Nothing compares to coasting
     along a back road
     Tom Petty blaring
     through old speakers
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Ravenna Elementary School, Ravenna, Estill County, Kentucky
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Railroad Bridge, Racetrack Road, Estill County, Kentucky
Art manifests itself in the unlikeliest of places
     from an old building to
     every last railroad bridge in the country
Teenagers have scrawled their names
     across the old stone for decades
          amateurs at even holding a can of paint
          in their youthful hands
The graffiti of it all talks
     it says who has been there and
     even who could be and
     what sort of train they were running from
     albeit literal or otherwise
Everyone’s on the run from something
     no one is entirely content
Not everyone decides to document their journeys
     so these small faded bursts of color
     are all that remains
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Contents of the Abandoned Library, Hargett, Estill County, Kentucky
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Flood Lines of 1984 and 2003, Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky
Growing up
     I always believed that the fields
     on the way to town
     were magical
     a sort of magic that was all my own
     like a secret of sorts
Something out of a storybook
     when rain would fall
     the fields would turn
     from grass to water
     then back again a couple of days later
Faith possessed by a child is like no other
     belief in the unseen
     and in the inconceivable
I remember learning later on that
     since the country was split in half
     by the Kentucky River
     the rising River became floodwaters
     and those fields weren’t magical after all
Growing up
     means learning that what you’ve always known
     and believed
     isn’t necessarily what you’ve always seen
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The Legacy of Old Money Irvine, Pryse Road, Estill County, Kentucky
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Over the Irvine-Ravenna Line, Ravenna, Estill County, Kentucky
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Tipton Way, Millers Creek, Estill County, Kentucky
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Sinking Piano, Hargett, Estill County, Kentucky
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Bridge Over the Kentucky River, Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky
Irvine is a living, breathing human being
     and the Kentucky river is its blood
     winding in veins and ventricles
     cutting trails through the mountains
That green bridge is an insignia of years passed
     the town may evolve
     but that bridge will be a constant
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