graison-hughes · 10 years
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graison-hughes · 10 years
You're right, you shouldn't have. Twenty-four seven, someone has to tell the truth around here. I know, but I guess I can't say it's been a horror meeting you either.
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Right, I shouldn’t have even asked. Of course,because what’s the point in lying? I try to be. Are you always this judgmental? Nice to meet you Graison.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Yeah, well I mean you kinda' have to be naturally good at it otherwise you suck, you know? I bet you can. Do you go to parties often enough to be good at it or something? Definitely. Saving kids one rebellion at a time.
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I can tell. Isn't that just the perfect mix though? But feisty's always going to outrank cuteness.
Nah, I think it goes beyond just that. Trust me, I’m like ten percent grace and ninety percent clumsy. Haha my favorite type of dancing, but mostly just because I can actually do it.  It’s a must, I think we’d make a pretty awesome rebel team.
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Why thank you, I do like to be as cute yet feisty as possible.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Everyone here, excluding a few selective people, are gross, Liv. I thought you already knew that.
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I’m terribly sorry, but please don’t sit next to me if you’re going to suck on a pencil and play Pokemon games for the entire class. It’s kind of gross, you know.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
if i showed up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it, would you wanna run away too? cause all i really want is you.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Exactly. And not to mention when I actually go outside I can't walk straight without almost breaking my neck. I mean, sure, dancers are good at balancing, but not on freaking ice! That's a figure skater's job.
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I’m sick of this snow shit. I need heat! I can’t walk outside without piling on five million layers, it’s torture.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Probably because you've never had a lesson. But party dancing is fun, too. Of course, we'll both lead it and get us out of this crazy place.
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Thanks. Danni's pretty cute yet feisty at the same time. 
I can dance at like parties and whatnot, but if anyone ever told me to get on stage and do ballet or contemporary or whatever, I’d probably fall flat on my ass, haha. That’s nice to hear, I wouldn’t want to be the only one losing it in here. A revolution? That would be amazing, guess I should just start sharpening my pitchforks now.
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Cute name Graison, and I guess it’s nice to meet you too.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Pretty much. Of course I'm sure, I wouldn't say it otherwise. Are you always this optimistic? I'm Graison.
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Wow, you just know everything, don’t you? You sure? You don’t really seem like it, but glad to hear it, there’s no point in sulking. I don’t think I caught your name, I’m Ethan.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
What can I say, it's my thing. That's not uncommon for people like us who are locked up here, so you're not alone. I'm pretty sure you're not the only person thinking that either. I mean, who knows? There might even be a revolution and before you know it, freedom.
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I'm Graison. It's been nice to meet you so far, I guess. 
You’d rather stay and dance? That’s some dedication. Maybe it’s because I’m the type of person who always likes to be on the move, but I’m definitely going stir crazy being stuck in here. I wish they’d leave the gates wide open, but I think that they’re starting to get way more cautious having people like me around, haha. I really hope so, I’m not exactly the best person to be around when I’m stuck somewhere for too long.
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I’m Danni by the way.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
You're a minority. Not all people are that self-centred. They just care about a select few. Don't be, it was over a long time ago and I'm completely over him.
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I know when to put myself first and when not to. In my opinion, that’s better than not caring about anyone but yourself. Sorry to hear that, and no worries, your relationship trouble isn’t exactly a topic of interest to me. 
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graison-hughes · 10 years
It's anything but cool. She likes to think she can, but two left feet doesn't even begin to describe how awful she is. Count yourself lucky then, siblings are a pain.
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Oh, a twin? That’s cool. Does she dance too? Sorry, that counts as talking about her. No, bunch of cousins but no siblings. I think I’m cool with that, though.
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Pretty much,and they will soon enough. I've done it once,  but that was because they left the gates wide open, not that they would have attempted to stop me anyway. But honestly, I'd just rather stay and  dance which won't happen until they turn the heaters on. So, I think it's safe to say that the security might ease up soon.
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That sucks, this place looks nice enough, you’d think they’d at least provide some insulation for the dance studio. While you’re at it, you should tell them to lessen the security at the front gates. I mean, when you’ve had as much experience as I’ve had with sneaking out, it’s not a huge deal, but the less I have to work to get out and do something fun, the better. 
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Just one, sadly. Peyton. She's my twin sister and one of those ungrateful people. Totally not worth talking about. What about you? 
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I’m sure there’s more to your life story than wishing people weren’t so damn ungrateful. Like, do you have any siblings?
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Putting other people before yourself, constantly. My boyfriend dumped me. And that's something I'm not talking to you about.
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Okay then, what’s your definition of “too helpful”? Typically us nice folk are pretty forgiving, so that you’re definitely saying from experience. So, what’d you do?
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graison-hughes · 10 years
What's so bad about taking help that they offer? It's not difficult, just people are sometimes too helpful and it just seems desperate. Not to mention if you do one wrong thing to those people-- it can suck.
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You say that like not treating them like that would be such a difficult task, when really it’s not. I didn’t realize that being helpful was such a terrible thing. 
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graison-hughes · 10 years
Story of my life.
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Exactly, I don’t understand why everybody has to be so damn ungrateful. 
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graison-hughes · 10 years
That makes two of us. I tell that to the people who usually call me a bitch, I mean basically we're only doing them favours.
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I don’t really see the point in sparing people’s feelings. Like if what I say hurts somebody then they’re obviously not prepared for what the world is going to do to them. It’s not like I go out of my way to be mean or anything, I’m just…honest.
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