Hi! My name is Grafton - but you can just call me Graf 😁 - my account is all about me, kinda why I made it. On this account you'll find posts that I like, posts about what's going on in my life - which may sometimes be sad - and a lot of other stuff. I hope you enjoy your stay and if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always dm me.
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Stuff about me
To start this off I figured I’d tell you all about me and what I do in my life/what has happened uo until now.
I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and lived there until about 5 years old, my family and I - which consists of my mom, dad, and 1 year older sister - moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. I’ll be honest with you, I hate living here. We firsted lived with my aunt and her family for a bit I til we started renting a house, when we moved into the new house I was so glad I we moved xD (btw I do “xD” a lot). We lived in that house not very long bc there was an ant problem - so we moved to a gated community that had a pool. Tbh (I also say “tbh” a lot) I really miss that house, one story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, it was a very nice house. We lived in that house for about 4 years then moved agiain into a 2 story for 3 years, then moved a final time to another 2 story and we have been living here for almost 3 years. So, as you can tell, we move around a lot. Next week is the first week of school and tbh I’m not ready for it 😂. I’ll be a sophomore at least but I have to get up at 5:20 or 5:30 each morning 😩.
Now to more of what has happened in my life since summer of 2016-present.
2016 was so far the worst year of my life. At the end of 8th grade was okay but about mid June was when one of my friends committied suicide. That’s when I started getting depressed. The week after that happened, my best friend and his family get into a car crash and his sister and mom die (I was close with all of them so it was hard on me too). Fast forward to second week of July, my friend calls me while I’m at a party but I didn’t hear it. So she leaves me a voicemail, and when I get to listen to it, it’s her saying goodbye. After I listened to it I ran to her house (which was 4 blocks fron the party) and get to her bedroom door right as I hear the gunshot. Honestly….. all I wanted to do was go back in time and save her…. but all I could do, and all I did, was cry sitting in front of her door. The police came after about 5 minutes and so I moved and let them do what they do. I couldn’t stop crying and I couldn’t stop myself for blaming her suicide on me. This is when I started cutting. Fast forward to end of July, I meet this amazing person on iFunny (and I’m sure many of you know about it). Eventually we start dating and once in a while we talk on the phone at night. Honestly she meant everything to me, until one day I learn she’s dating someone else and she says she always “loved me like a brother.” That’s probably when I became suicidal bc I convinced myself that no one could ever love me. From then on my life got worse, my dad started abusing me (my mom didn’t care), both of my parents basically ignored me. Around my birthday (Dec 22) - I think it was ON my birthday - I attempted suicide. Now I know what you may be asking and saying - my family didn’t care, I did it to see if they did, only people that cared was my friends and is the reason I’m still alive today after attempting two more times.. Fast forward to today - I have a girlfriend who I love so damn much idk what I would do without her. The 18th will be our 1 month and I’m so excited! 💖💏💖💏 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There you have it. Of course it isn’t EVERYTHING about me but I will do another post for my likes and dislikes and such.
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