World Religions Portfolio
13 posts
The Grade 11 Religion CPT by Erica Burlac
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
Welcome to this Tumblr page Ms.Fiacco. I decided to make a Tumblr page because I think that it is a really creative way to share all my information I have written for the CPT. I'm not sure how familiar you are with Tumblr, so I have made it as easy to understand as possible. All you do is scroll. First, a paragraph about a religion will appear and then the pictures supporting each paragraph will follow after. It is all in order, the reflection being at the very end and as well as the works cited. I hope that you enjoy my CPT and I also hope that I am the only student you have had before that put their CPT on Tumblr.   
-Erica Burlac 
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
Aboriginal Spirituality
The pipe ceremony is a sacred ritual for connecting physical and spiritual worlds. "The pipe is a link between the earth and the sky," explains White Deer of Autumn. "Nothing is more sacred. The pipe is our prayers in physical form. Smoke becomes our words; it goes out, touches everything, and becomes a part of all there is. The fire in the pipe is the same fire in the sun, which is the source of life”.The pipe itself was a symbolic microcosm. Its parts, its colours, and the motifs used in its decoration each corresponded to essential parts of the indigenous universe.  The ceremony itself is quite simple. The pipe holder stands holding the bowl of the pipe in his left hand, the stem in his right, pointing the stem to the East. He sprinkles a small amount of tobacco on the ground as an offering to Mother Earth and The East. The same is done for South, West and North, Skyward and Earthward. A prayer like saying is said every time there is an offering.  Ed McGaa (Eagle Man), an Oglala Sioux, and author of Mother Earth Spirituality once said “Most pipe ceremonies have the same intention: to call upon and thank the six energies: All of our Sioux ceremonies beseech to the four directions, the earth, and sky, and ultimately the Great Spirit. We see our Creator through nature, and we try to emulate what the Creator has made”. That is why in my opinion the sacred pipe ceremony is one of the most impressive traditions. It has so much meaning to the Aboriginals that you really have to attend the ceremony itself to understand how important this ceremony is really.
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
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Photos for Aboriginal Spirituality
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
If I had the power to repair the world in some way, the first thing I would do is change the lack of empathy. For every person, there are 4 core reasons for the lack of empathy. The first and greatest reason is ANGER. This emotion blocks off the capacity to feel warmth for those you are the closest to. The second reason that you don’t feel empathy for those closest to you is because you are too busy PROTECTING yourself. The third reason for being emotionally cut off is to avoid IDENTIFYING yourself in the other. The fear of INTIMACY is the fourth reason for being emotionally distant. “World change can only come from personal change,” says Brigitte Lyons, founder of Unfettered Ink.  “Empathy is something we can always use more of, and it’s nearly impossible to put into practice. Think about it. Can you really put yourself into another person’s headspace? Of course not. The best we can hope for is to try...All we can do is accept that they are doing the best they can do with what they have, just as they are.” A world without empathy would be chaotic and uncivilized. We probably wouldn’t survive it. Empathy creates connections between people, bringing them together and helping to forge friendships and love. It makes us feel as if someone cares for us: without it we would likely feel vulnerable and lonely. So that is why the first thing I would do is create and teach people how to empathize more.
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
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photo for Judaism
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
Islam is such a complex faith to learn due to all of its parts and systems. My favourite core values are the six articles of faith, the five pillars, and the core teachings of prophet Muhammad. More than a billion Muslims share a common set of fundamental beliefs that are described as "Articles of Faith." These articles of faith form the foundation of Islamic belief system. My favourite out of the six are articles one and two. The first is the belief in One God. The most important teaching of Islam is that only God is to be served and worshipped.The second article is the belief in Angels. God created unseen beings called angels who work tirelessly to administer His kingdom in full obedience. The angels surround us at all times, each has a duty; some record our words and deeds. Next are the five pillars. From these, my favourite would have to be the fast and Ramadan. Once each year, Muslims are commanded to fast for an entire month from dawn to sunset, during the fast, Muslims learn to sympathize with those in the world who have little to eat. And form the core teaching of prophet Muhammad my favourite would have to be that one should not harm himself or others.Being in a world religions course has taught me a lot about the actual beliefs of Muslims. Television has a large say in how everyone views any religion and so our perspective on Islam, for example, is ruled by what CNN or BBC says. For that reason, I try not to watch CNN because all of the news is based on religion making it very stereotypical and racist.
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
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Images for the Islam reflection 
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
Dharma is defined by a duty and a moral law. Teachers are role models and mentors helping students achieve lifelong goals long after the students have graduated. So, therefore, the dharma for a teacher would include instructional preparation, classroom management, recordkeeping, student assessment, the use of technology in the classroom and even new styles of teaching. Parents must provide for the material and spiritual welfare of their children. They must love their children in a responsible manner and provide for their healthy growth. They must inspire their children by their own exemplary life and must never neglect to correct their faults. Parents are responsible to provide the necessary food, clothing, shelter and medical care insofar as they are able. share the responsibility for ensuring that the relationship is healthy and happy. To develop a strong, true friendship, you should treat your friends as you expect them to treat you and focus on what they need out of the relationship. Your friend is also responsible for extending the same level of care towards you. Police officers are commissioned to keep citizens safe 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The job of a law enforcement officer carries a great deal of risk, but many people pursue a career as a police officer because they feel a moral duty to protect others. Moral Obligations are a duty which one owes and is ought to perform. These obligations are of two kinds. 1. Those founded on a natural right; as, the obligation to be charitable, which can never be enforced by law, and  2. Those which are supported by a good or valuable antecedent consideration. As human beings, it is expected of us to be kind and caring. There are many dharmas that can live by but I believe that those are the most important, not only for oneself but for everyone.
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
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Photos for Hinduism and Dharma
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
In a multicultural society, I believe that the civic calendar should include the holidays and holy days of all religions because it is the socially just thing to do. According to the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, all citizens are equal and have the freedom to preserve, enhance and share their cultural heritage and multiculturalism promotes the full and equitable participation of individuals and communities of all origins in all aspects of Canadian society. So if there is a law that states for people to preserve, enhance and share their cultural heritage it would only make sense to have the civic calendar include all religious holidays and holy days. According to a holiday calendar in Canada, there is some type of religious holiday on almost every day of the year. To be more specific there are exactly 111 holy days/holidays only in 2017. That is ⅓ of the days there are in a year. And only half of those holidays are actually written in the civic calendar. In a multicultural society and country, it would make a lot of sense, it is not right to put one religion above all others.
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
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Photos that relate to Christianity 
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
Personal Reflection
Over the past couple of months, I have learned a lot about different religions. The 3 things that I thought were most important was the golden rule, work for the Happiness of Others, Especially the Poor and Unfortunate, and focus on the Present. To start off, the golden rule states “treat others as you would want to be treated yourself”. This tenet is expressed in Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism. The Jewish Talmud, for example, says “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary”.  The Hindu Mahabharata declares “This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you”.  And from the Islamic Sunnah, “No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself”. Working for the happiness of others, especially the poor and fortunate is similar to the golden rule, but expressly asks us to look out for others less fortunate than us. Studies have found that the most successful people tend to be givers rather than takers, and religions advocate this idea of selflessness and charity. Buddha's final instructions on "the mission" set before us, for example, is to work for the happiness of others “Go your ways, oh monks, for the benefit of many, for the happiness of many, out of compassion for the world, for the good, benefit and happiness of gods and men.” And finally focus on the present. As much as religions preach about the afterlife, they also emphasize making the most of the time we have available now (and isn't that the point of all our productivity hacks?). Buddhism's emphasis on mindfulness and meditation might be the most prominent examples, but other religions also encourage us to savor the moment and sharpen our awareness. Jesus told his followers “Take therefore no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall take thought of the things for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” I believe that the main challenge in living a religious life in the modern times would be for one to freely express his religion and beliefs without being judged or stereotyped. For instance, the Muslim people are always stereotyped as ‘terrorists’. But many Muslims do not want to be associated with ISIS because they believe that what they are doing is inhumane and not correct. Many Muslim women get called names and get racially discriminated because of their hijabs. In 2017, the people should know better than to call people names or make fun of their religion because it is just rude. It is something that a lot of people of many different cultures and backgrounds experience.
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grade11religioncpt-blog · 7 years ago
Work Cited
“Articles of Faith.” Dar-Alifta.
Branch, Legislative Services. “Consolidated federal laws of canada, Canadian    Multiculturalism
Act.” Legislative Services Branch, 30 Nov. 2017,
“Calendar.” Static Squarespace.
“Core Teaching of Prophet Muhammad.” Bhuiyan Foundation.
“Dharma.” Amazonaws.
“Five Pillars of Islam.” Wikimedia.
“From the 'Lectric Law Library's Lexicon Moral Obligation.” Legal Definition of Moral Obligation,
“Gap Year Programs Teach Higher Order Empathy.” Thinking Beyond Borders, 25 Oct. 2017,
“Holidays in Canada in 2017.”,
Horn, Gabriel. Spirit drumming: a guide to the healing power of rhythm. Sterling Ethos, 2017.
Horn, Tim Van. “Canadian Flag Mosaic.” Tuesday Justice.
IdeaMensch. “20 Things Worth Changing for the World.” IdeaMensch, 7 Sept. 2012,
McGaa, Ed. Mother Earth spirituality: Native American Paths to Healing Ourselves and Our
World . Harper & Row, 1990.
Mills, Jerry D. “Dharma Wallpapers.” Teachings of Masters.
The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Sacred Pipe.” Encyclopædia Britannica,
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 5 June 2013,
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