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grackielechuga · 1 month ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 10: "Rain and Sun"
I am super proud of myself for finishing my first multi-chaptered fic, even if it took me months longer than I expected.
You can read the tenth and final chapter here.
The chapter title is a reference to three things:
The title of the actual fic.
The sunshower that begins as Aru kisses Mook.
That one quote from chapter three where Mook tells Aru he'll be her rain if she is his sun.
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 9: "Rain and Answers"
The penultimate chapter where Mook gets some answers about Aru's true feelings, and some insight from Yemma.
Originally this fic was going to be rated for General Audiences. Then I added the kiss scene, which was enough for me to play it safe and mark it as Teen and Up. You can read chapter 9 here.
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
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sugar plum fairy (please pretend it’s Christmas and not 2025 already thanks 😭)
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
I promise in the future to actually go back and add stuff to my Sunshower chapter update posts because I meant to do that from the start and I have been failing recently.
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 8: "Rain and Acceptance"
As I said on my other social media, this chapter may or may not have a kiss scene. You can read chapter 8 here.
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 7: "Rain and Questions"
I realized I forgot to post this so oops...
Finally the big chapter where Mook has his meeting with Yemma! But don't think it's over yet! You can read chapter 7 of Sunshower here.
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
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Some MadoHomu for the soul because I need the new movie 💔
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
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by Koyomania
art republished with artist’s permission
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
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i was all over her.
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
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me when I doom the yuri
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grackielechuga · 2 months ago
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grackielechuga · 3 months ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 6: "Rain and Oversight"
Back at it again with a new chapter. This time featuring more Ajun. You can read chapter 6 here.
The chapter title has a double meaning btw.
Ajun is keeping a close eye on Aru to prevent her and Mook from meeting up.
Because Aru is pretty much staying holed up in her room, she has an unfortunate amount of time to think over her relationship with Mook.
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grackielechuga · 3 months ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 5: "Rain and Boundaries"
I hella procrastinated on the Tumblr post for this. Sorry it's short. I'll probably edit it to be longer later.
This chapter goes out to people who like hurt/comfort. You can read it here.
This chapter honestly might be my favorite. Just Mook and Aru, sickfic elements, and cuddles. All things I love.
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grackielechuga · 4 months ago
Hananene Art collection!
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I have a ridiculous amount of toilet bound art that I just have barely posted oh my gosh. I wanna make a collection of posts dedicated to them.
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grackielechuga · 4 months ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 4: "Rain and Rendezvous"
In a complete 180 from the emotional intensity from the last chapter, we have a lot more lax environment (until I added angst because of course I did). You can read the chapter here.
So right from the get-go we establish that Aru is struggling to comprehend her emotions after Mook was able to touch her again in the previous chapter.
It was like a switch had been flipped within her, one that awakened a suppressed turmoil that she couldn't begin to comprehend without the memories of her past life. She recognizes some of the emotions; anxiety that sours her stomach, admiration that warms her heart, an overwhelming longing that makes her ache like she needs him.
Sehui suggests to their friend group that they hang out, and Aru jumps at the opportunity to get out of the house (especially because it's supposed to rain again and she will see Mook).
Her friends (aka Gunn, Mari, Sehui, and Sua) gain the ability to see Mook as well, and he explains that they're all Reincarnation High alumni. Everyone is shocked, to say the least, especially when Mook explains the logistics of becoming a student in the first place, something he previously had not explained to Aru.
Aru ends up upset that he was so blunt with her friends about this info, as well as him keeping things from her.
She wants to quip, clearly, but holds her tongue. Although she can't stop herself from huffing, “How come you told them way more than you've ever told me? You never mentioned anything about me dying tragically.” Aru looks up in time to see him wince, but Mook doesn't respond to her question. Rather, he averts his gaze entirely. He can tell them everything about what's going on, but the second she probes him for answers, he keeps his mouth shut? “I don't understand why you're hiding stuff from me,” Aru starts, wishing she was like Mari who would insist he look her in the eye. “But I also don't think you're lying.”
Aru returns home and says her goodbyes to Mook, who doesn't say anything back.
As she approaches her apartment door, the only thing she can choke out is, “Bye, Mook.” He doesn't even say it back to her.
Overall I don't have much to say about this chapter, other than it definitely took me a while to write because I knew the dialogue would be a struggle for me. Trying to balance six characters in one scene is hard haha
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grackielechuga · 5 months ago
Fic Update | Sunshower, Chapter 3: "Rain and Lightning"
Mook's POV again! And not only do we get to see Gang Ho's opinion on Mook's relationship with Aru, but we get to see how this directly affects Mook in a push and pull sort of effect throughout the second half of the chapter, which you can read here.
I knew I wanted this chapter as soon as I began expanding on the idea for Sunshower. It changed POVs a few times, but overall I decided that I wanted it to be experienced from Mook's perspective. A part of me worried that I was writing it too soon, but I reminded myself that this is my fic and I can do whatever I want with it.
I do genuinely enjoy the fun aspects of Gang Ho and Mook's friendship, such as Gang Ho unintentionally being clingy towards Mook.
“Mook! Did you miss me?” Gang Ho snakes an arm over Mook's shoulder, almost knocking him over in the process.
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Gang Ho's opinion is that Mook is getting himself in too deep when it comes to Aru again. We know Gang Ho, despite being the one to help Mook confess his feelings to Aru, had his qualms about their relationship towards the end of RHS.
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The second part of the chapter is, as I said, a push and pull between Mook's desire to protect Aru and his desire to be with her.
Starting with push:
He's unsure if she really wants to be with him again, as he has never asked.
Mook never asked Aru what it was she wanted from a relationship. Not at Reincarnation High, not since she's been reborn. Sure, she admitted to finding him attractive and said they were friends, albeit both in roundabout, unintended ways, but she's never told him she's interested romantically.
She has her own life to be worried about, one that he's already meddled in.
She absentmindedly taps the railing, gazing down at the street below. “Sometimes it just feels like I wasn't meant to get this far.” Mook's stomach drops. Even without an explanation, he knows exactly why. Her lifespan was destined to be short until he meddled with it.
He's not only going to break his own heart again, but hers.
And here he is, dragging her along for what Gang Ho reminded him could be another heartbreak. He wouldn't just be hurting himself, but also her.
And he views his love as something unconventional.
To love isn't to own, but Mook would do damn near anything to keep her eyes on him and him only. This is what Gang Ho meant; this sick and twisted part of him is unsightly, grotesque even. And he's sure that if he stays, Aru will see past the facade of love and deem it obsession.
He's a spirit, and she's a human. He can't even touch her.
He's cursed to be a creature of the rain, once being made to hide away and now finding it a reprieve. The sun and the rain can only meet temporarily, two opposing states of being. Monster, human. Dead, living. Rain, sun.
Their time together is always cut short: gifts and flirtatious words don't mean anything if Aru can't feel his affection. He saved the love of his life, but something as simple as touch still evades him? How pathetic.
There are so many reasons for him to leave Aru and never interact with her again. However, he's always pulled back.
I just mentioned touch as being one of the things that separates them. Even Aru mentioned in the previous chapter that she wants physical affection from a partner. And, well, what better way to bring them closer together than by giving Mook a bigger reason to want to stay?
If he really loves Aru, he should be able to grab her hand right now. If not, he'll admit defeat and follow Gang Ho's advice to leave her be. And he does. He touches her. He's touching her.
He pulls her down by the small of her back; it takes little force for her to fall into his arms. Her knees knock against the concrete, the arms tucked close to her chest loosening to hug him back. “God, Aru. You have no idea how much I've wanted to hold you.”
So yeah. Chapter 3, and Mook and Aru can touch each other again. That will certainly lead to more chaos. Next chapter we get to see Aru's reaction to this in "Rain and Rendezvous"
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grackielechuga · 5 months ago
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In another lifetime
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