I figured it out! :D Sorry I kept bugging you and messaging you, thank you for the time :)
[Image: an 11-striped vertical flag, from left to right: burgundy red, dark purple, light purple, light pink-purple, pink, black, pink, light pink-purple, light purple, dark purple, burgundy.]
No worries at all! Glad I could help, and glad you figured it out. :D
Lillederic: A gender that feels demonic and/or unholy, but softer, fluffy, and/or unholy and/or demonic, but not as strongly as the average Daederic. This gender can be masc aligned, fem aligned, unaligned, etc. This gender can also be used by anyone, but was created with [some] demonkin in mind.
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i hope this is better (i stole my mum’s laptop to do this, my internet decided to break today and i’m going on camp tomorrow) i’m sorry it took so long. (sorry i had to do it anonymously can’t log onto my tumblr here)
Ren says:
Thank you so much, friend! In case this post starts going around again, I want to remind everyone that the wordy flowchart (with links!) can be found here. :)
Edit, 1/22/2015: it should be noted that non-intersex people should not use the term intergender to describe themselves. This has been corrected on the static version; please head there for a term for yourself that isn’t appropriative!
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I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but I don't know who to ask. If butch and femme are terms that are only for lesbians, what terms should a nonbinary person be using to describe their presentation? I don't really want to use masculine and feminine because they feel too much like misgendering myself. Any ideas?
Butch and femme are not terms that are only for lesbians and anyone who tells you that is misrepresenting bi/lesbian community history.
Butch and femme as terms predate the bi/lesbian split; at the time when butch and femme originated, “lesbian” was a term that applied to activity (that is, a lesbian was a woman who had sex with or wanted to have sex with women regardless of whether or not she also had sex with men) as opposed to identity (that is, a lesbian was a woman who ONLY had sex with or wanted to have sex with women). If you had sex with or wanted to have sex with women, you were a lesbian, full-stop. Even if you also had sex with men.
(Yes, this is all very binarist, but that’s how the conversation went seventy years ago.)
During the forties and fifties, the terms butch and femme came into common use; again, during this time, ‘lesbian’ applied both to women who we would now know as bisexual and those who we would now know as lesbians, as well as people who would now, or do now, identify as non-binary.
It wasn’t until the seventies that lesbian became a political identity as well as a descriptor of what someone did or wanted to do sexually. It is only at this time that there was any kind of split between bisexual women and lesbian women. Or, to put it more bluntly, this is the point at which bisexual women were shoved out of the lesbian community, including the bisexual woman who created Pride. These same people are the people who violently assaulted trans women to try to drive them out of community and were the very first TERFs.
So: use butch and femme with pride, my fellow non-binary person. Anyone who tells you that butch and femme are only lesbian terms is someone who is taking their cues from the very first TERFs, and those who violently ejected bisexual women from their communities, and you don’t need to be taking your identity cues from the script notes of TERFs and biphobes.
With love,
Mod Athena (who is also non-binary and butch as fuck)
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Delusogender: a subset of posigender (a gender identity that is influenced by the positive symptoms of a schizophrenic person) in which one’s gender is influenced by one’s delusions. Strictly for schizophrenic/psychotic/delusional people. This can be a multigender identity if your delusogender is made of multiple genders itself. Flag meaning: - Black Outline: The disconnect between one’s delusions and reality. - Dark Fuchsia: All types of delusions - Fuchsia: Bizarre Delusions - Red: Paranoid Delusions - Orange: Delusions of Grandeur - Yellow: Divine/Godly Delusions - Teal: Reality and Nihilistic Delusions - Blue: Truman Show Delusions - Dark Blue: Persecutory Delusions The [gender] part of delusigender can be replaced by any gender term one feels they may identify with in their delusional state, as in delusoboy, delusogirl, delusononbinary, and so on.
Holidelusogender: a subset of delusogender in which one’s gender is affected by delusions of being divine, holy, demonic, angelic, or godly. Flag Meanings: - Black Outline: The disconnect between one’s delusions and reality. - Fuchsia: Malevolent Beings, Malevolent Gods, Demonic Beings, Hellish Beings - Orange: Beings that are partially malevolent and partially benevolent - Gold: Holiness, Divinity - Pale Yellow: Benevolent Beings, Benevolent Gods, Angelic Beings, Heavenly Beings - Cream: Immortality, Existence, Higher Being - Teal: Power - Blue: Strong emotions related to one’s divinity - Navy: Heavens
Grandelusogender: a subset of delusogender in which one’s gender is influenced by delusions of grandeur. Flag Meaning: - Black Outline: The disconnect between one’s delusions and reality. - The bright colors are meant to evoke feelings associated with grandeur.
Paradelusogender: a subset of delusogender in which one’s gender is influenced by paranoid delusions. Flag Meaning: - Black Outline: The disconnect between one’s delusions and reality. - Shades of red and grey are meant to represent the feelings evoked by paranoia.
Delusofluid (doesn’t have a flag yet): a subset of posigender in which one’s gender changes as they experience delusions. This can be fluid through delusogenders, or simply changing between experiencing a delusogender and not experiencing one.
Term coined and flags designed by @actuallyschizophrenic
A very nice and detailed post! Thank you very much for the submission. :)
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Technigender Pride Flag
Technigender: A type of colorgender; a gender that can be described by multiple, but not all colors, or a gender that feels as though it is multiple, but not all colors, or a gender that relates to multiple, but not all colors.
Designed by @neo-identity - ap
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Argogender, Sychnogender, and Tachigender
A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. “Argogender” can also mean a gender the user defines according to any kind of slowness. Prefix from the Greek word αργóς meaning slow.
[image description: a flag with thirteen stripes. from top to bottom they are: pink, light pink, very light pink, white, very light purple, light purple, purple, dark purple, very dark purple, black, very dark blue, dark blue, blue]
Full size [Here]
The gender of someone who is sychnogender might change many times throughout the course of a day. Prefix from the Greek συχνός meaning frequent.
[image description: a flag with five stripes. all five stripes have a wavy border between colors, instead of straight lines. from top to bottom they are: pink, white, purple, black, blue]
Full size [Here]
Like the above but regarding rapidity, a gender that changes quickly or that otherwise has to do with high speed. Prefix from the Greek ταχύτητα meaning speed.
[image description: a flag with nine stripes. from top to bottom they are: pink, white, purple, black, blue, black, purple, white, pink. a stylized hermes boot (a black shoe with a white wing on the heel) is centered on the flag]
Full size [Here]
Designed by: Me
Color meanings: Using the genderfluid pride color and changing them up to visually represent each gender. The “fading” stripes in Argogender symbolize the gradual changes. The wavy lines on the Sychnogender design represents short, wavelengths to represent the high frequency of gender changes. The Hermes boot in the Tachigender design symbolizes speed/rapidity.
Terms coined by: Gyey
Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
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Four common examples of leptivity
Neutrois — nongender / neugender / neutral-gender
Positrois — eugender / comgender / positive-gender
Negatrois — antigender / ungender / negative-gender
Nulltrois — agender / genderless / gendervoid / null-gender
Check: advanced explanations.
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Ambitrois or amplitrois: leptrois ambivalence/amplitude or flux/motion; ability to fluctuate between gender leptivity, such as negativity, neutrality and positivity (as represented in the flag). Similar to equitrois (leptrois equity/zeroness) but essentially amplusian (flux/fluid/liquid), such as cendtrois (leptive cendgender).
Examples: once you are antigirl (negative-girl) then neuagender (neutral agender or demiagender) to eugirl (positively female); in the case of cendgender, from euboy (positive-male) to antiboy (negative-man), not adherent to neumale (neutral-guy); zerogenders transiting through (a)n-ary spectra.
Introducing leptroisness (leptive gender spectrum): in gender fictive measure, an fanciful gender math, immaterial but adherently calculable. It includes neutrois, negatrois, nulltrois (nullity), equitrois (zerotrois / zeroness / paritrois), infinitrois (leptrois light), nucleotrois (positive neutrois) and electrois (neutral negatrois).
~ ap
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Equitrois Pride Flag
Equitrois, equatrois, gemitrois, posinegatrois, zerotrois, negapositrois or paritrois: an equiry leptrois; a leptive zerogender / equigender; close but opposed to neutrois; when a positrois (affirmative/positive or original/absolute gender) is combined to its equivalent negatrois (negative/opposite or final gender). Similar to zerogender but mixing gender negativities to their positivities, not necessarily nullifications of eugender(s) and antigender(s) since it extends to gender feelings / emotions, etc.
Read about zerogenders: coinage | flags.
~ ap
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Nulltrois Pride Flag
Comparable to neutrois, there is no one definition of nulltrois, the most common ones are:
Null-gender / gender-null
Gender nullity
Gender-free / genderfree
Ambitrois of Negative × Positive
Mnioct / mniogender
Voidgender / gendervoid
Genderhollow / genderempty
Basically nulltrois was coined to include these identities in the leptrois spectrum (that is neutrois, negatrois, positrois, nulltrois and penultrois).
The combination of positrois and (th)eir respective negatrois gender(s) can be called negapositrois, zerotrois or posinegatrois, more specifically saying while nulltrois encompasses it all. And the pantrois/omnitrois of negatrois and positrois (pannegatrois×panpositrois or pangender zerotrois) lightrois or infinitrois.
Some nulltrois people may interpret their gender-nullity as xenogender and/or neurogender. ~ ap
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hi!!! so, i’ve found that the best way to describe my gender is just kinda, well, y'know *shrugs*. so, i made this flag for my identity ehgender! i hope you like it and i hope others do to!
That sounds really similar to Mehgender, actually!
Gendermeh/Mehgender: Where you’re kinda cool with being called any gender, like whatever. You might not be that gender, you might not know your gender, but meh.
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@ask-pride-color-schemes @beyond-mogai-pride-flags
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requested by thelastcosmicashes
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Integragender Pride Flag
Integragender or meldgender: having multiple genders and one of them matches the AGAB (gender assigned at birth), being cis trans as a result; someone who is trans cis.
Similar to: demicisgender, isogender (iso), circumgender, androgyneflux, binaryfluid and demitransgender.
Not be confused with male-female bigender (bibinary or multibinary). ~Kau
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