gracecromwell ¡ 3 days
"Of course I am and I'll take full responsibility for my own amusement." Gracie said laughing with her hands up with a shrug of her shoulders. "I did tell you to choose wisely and well...the choice was yours. We could've went with a simple lemon drop shot but no you decided to choose the most messy one." She couldn't recall the last time she even taken a blow job shot, maybe it was at a friends birthday party, most likely that time but other than that, never really her drink of choice. "Should I be concerned if you do really well at it?" She jokingly asked as she laughed, amusement sparkling in her eyes at Cole. The bartender placing the shots in front of them as she eyed the shots and suddenly aware how messy this would become, "You ready? To show off those amazing skills of yours?"
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Cole chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. “Oh, come on! You can’t just drop that on me and expect me not to get a little flustered,” he teased, pretending to be offended. But there was no hiding the laughter in his eyes as he watched Gracie’s excitement. “Extra whipped cream? Really? You’re going to be the one enjoying this mess more than I am,” he said, leaning in a bit closer, his tone playful. “Just remember, if I end up wearing more of it than I drink, this is totally on you!” He glanced at the bartender as they prepared the shots, then turned back to Gracie, a grin spreading across his face. “Alright, challenge accepted. Just don’t be surprised when I nail this and leave you in the dust.”
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gracecromwell ¡ 3 days
"I just might have to try it out, maybe take an anxiety pill so I don't go splashing around freaking out when a fish brush against my leg." She said jokingly, although she probably would freak out more than anything if a slimy fish touched her. She liked looking at the ocean from a far but being in it? Not exactly her cup of tea.
Gracie's smile widens at the compliment, "Thank you. I appreciate it." She said warmly before adding, "Really." Laughing lightly as she placed her phone back in her lap. "I wish I could say something like I cliff dive for fun but I just make silly outfits that turn out good."
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“Maybe start small. Snorkeling? Sometimes the club takes tourists out to snorkel and see some of the fish and turtles.” Hinata shrugged. He enjoyed doing that almost as much as diving. He understood why diving could be intimidating for a lot of people. The ocean was huge and there was a lot about it that was still unknown.
Hinata leaned over to take a look at some of her posts and his brows rose. He didn’t know anything about fashion but that didn’t mean he couldn’t tell when something looked awesome and well made. “Those are great. Wow. You’re really talented.”
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gracecromwell ¡ 3 days
"I would love that actually, anything with chinese food is a way to win my heart." Gracie stated with a laugh. "Oh and supporting my clothes, but shh don't tell anyone or else I'll just end up giving my heart away so fast." The brunette knew the struggle of starting out with a studio of your bedroom, it was like the way of an artist, at least that was what she assumed. "I think you'll make it. Knowing you, you'll make it happen and I'll be here saying 'See? I told you so' type of deal."
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"Yeah, totally." A perk of having a chill job that didn't have much of a dress code after all. "Wanna hang out again this weekend or whenever? I'll even make you a deal that I'll look your stuff over and give you free publicity by wearing your merch and in return just like, buy us a some Chinese food or something?" Celeste grinned as she suggested it, obviously willing to do a lot for a free meal. In a rare moment, Cel actually felt a blush creeping onto her face and her smile turned a bit bashful almost as she nodded at her friend's words. "Yeah, me too. But...like I said, it's just a hope right now. My apartment now is already more than I've ever thought I'd get on my own, so I don't wanna look a gift horse in the mouth, yanno? But..yeah. It'd be nice. But til then I'm happy to just have a corner in my bedroom piled with all my art shit. Especially since my easel doubles as a coat rack."
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gracecromwell ¡ 3 days
"Oh, like a mukbang. I always wanted to do one of those." Gracie said excitedly, "A drunken mukbang would be epic...I do tend to get hungry when I'm drunk so it could work out." She grinned cheekily at the idea, even though she probably would have to dress for comfort and not for aesthetic purpose.
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“you had me almost thinking we would just get a bunch of food from different places and eat it at once. But I think I’m not drunk enough for that kind of dining “ Lalita joked. “ but in reality we probably should see if they underserve with delivery. @gracecromwell
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gracecromwell ¡ 3 days
11 + Gracie
11. a song my muse would dedicate to yours
Perfect Strangers by late night drive home @gracecromwell
"Do my eyes take you to September? It's the way you cared that helped me remember and I just wanted the moment to last. Stop and take a breath before we relapse. Should I change now or later or never?"
send 🎧 plus a number for me to post / ask box
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gracecromwell ¡ 3 days
11 + peyton
a song my muse would dedicate to yours
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gracecromwell ¡ 4 days
"What!" She gasped at him, "You're going to make little ol' me do a blow job shot? The audacity." Gracie pretend to look offended but the smile on her face was a hard give away as what she was about to choose. It was going to be messy but it would be worth it just to see Cole attempt to take the shot for her own amusement. "Fine, bartender!" She called out as she gave a little wave, flashing Cole a devious smile before turning back to the bartender. "Can we get two blow job shots please and make his extra whip cream. He may need it." She turned back towards Cole with a hand on her hip as she smirked up at him. "You're so on."
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Cole’s grin widened at the mention of shots, clearly ready for whatever was coming. "Oh, you’re giving me options? Dangerous move, Gracie," he teased, leaning back a bit as he thought it over. “Lemon drops are solid, but… a blow job shot?” He raised an eyebrow, a mischievous spark lighting up his eyes. "You would try to make me do that, huh? Just to see me attempt it with no hands and make a fool of myself." He laughed, shaking his head as if already picturing it. "Alright, alright. I’ll play along. Let’s go with the blow job shot, but only if you’re doing one too. No way you’re getting off easy on this one, Gracie. We’re in this together." He gave her a playful smirk. "So… choose wisely." @gracecromwell
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gracecromwell ¡ 4 days
"Good because I will shove pizza into your mouth to shut up." Gracie laughs threateningly. She was more than excited for a little girls night, something she desperately needed. A break from her world was all that she needed in that moment and especially if she got to watch some silly romcoms with greasy food? Even better. "We can even gossip about whatever."
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"Good, I'm in desperate need of a good girls night." Luciana laughs, pulling out her phone to send a quick text to Jude to let him know she wouldn't be available tonight even though it seems odd to imagine not being in his apartment later. "I promise," she puts her hand up. "I will not speak about working out tonight." A small smirk curves her features.
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gracecromwell ¡ 4 days
"I feel like I'm about to divulge in far more than you're wanting to hear." Gracie said laughing. Although she figured it was better to talk it out than to hold those feelings in. What better way than to vent about it?
"So basically...things were going perfect, no cheating or whatever. I supported him in his career choice and he supported me. But somewhere along the lines we grew apart from what our relationship was about which lead to fights and arguments. We decided to break up so we could focus on our careers and well...we talked again months later and those feelings were still present and well I guess I played a bit too much mind games? Like I got lost in feelings resurfacing and said that we're still broken up and that I need to focus on my career choice. I don't know, it got messy and now well we stopped talking again but I still hold those feelings for him."
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"Oh, tea, let's get into that," Mac says, immediately perking up with interest as she puts her elbows on the counter and perches her chin in her cradled hands.
"What happened in your last relationship? What went down there?"
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gracecromwell ¡ 7 days
Seeing the way his face lit up at the mention of shots, she figured that was the best bet for the night to start. "Do you have a preference on shots?" She asked, "Because I'll just end up choosing lemon drop shots or I could make you take a blow job shot which would be hilarious." Gracie jokingly said, although now she was tempted to see him try and do the shot with no hands. "The choice is yours Walters...now which do you choose? Choose wisely." @colexwalters
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Cole raised his hands in surrender, laughing at Gracie's playful jab. "Relaxing? Not my strong suit," he joked as she grabbed his arm. Letting himself be dragged through the crowd, he found himself glancing around, momentarily distracted by the swirl of people, noise, and flashing lights. Every once in a while, Gracie glanced back to make sure he wasn’t lost, and he appreciated it—though he wouldn’t admit that out loud.
As they reached the bar, Cole’s mind spun through his usual options. A beer or a bourbon and coke, but he'd usually drink liquor straight. "Cosmo’s solid, but you’re right about the Long Island—it’s always hit or miss, and who wants to gamble with that?" He didn't know nor did he care, as long as it got him buzzed. His face lit up when shots were mentioned. "Sounds better, I'm not gonna lie. You pick, I'll do anything." @gracecromwell
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gracecromwell ¡ 7 days
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Zoey Deutch’s outfits in Something From Tiffany’s (2022)
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gracecromwell ¡ 9 days
"He was...I thought he would be my last, but love is a funny thing isn't it?" She said with a sad smile. As much as she loves Ezra, she needed to carry on and not settle in the past of what if's and the possible day of things one day working out again. She had to focus on the present and focus on her career, she was so close to getting where she wanted that she was certain that just a little more of a nudge she would almost have it all. "Like you said, maybe I'll fall in love again and who knows, I'll just try not to run from it."
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"Really? I would totally love to have a stakeout night. I'll even dress for the part. We can have code names and everything." Gracie said excitedly, totally not hearing the fact it might not be what she assumed it would be from her trashy romance novels. Not that she cared, it would be fun none the less.
There's a knot in Robin's stomach at Grace's words. Something bitter and sinister taking root. Ravi had been that person for her. He had made her feel safe and loved. Certain about their future. Casting no doubt that her future was him and that his future was her.
It was childish and naive of her to have believed him. She knew better now and wouldn't make that mistake twice.
"Sounds like he was one of your big loves." Robin observed, face softening and the knot in her stomach loosening. "But I'm sure you will have many, many more that will inspire your fashion and give you a fulfilled life."
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"Unfortunately no stylish disguises. Only shit coffee and whatever snacks I have leftover from the previous stakeout in my car. You're more than welcome to tagalong one night but I fear it may shatter the idea of those trashy romance novels you love."
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gracecromwell ¡ 9 days
"Okay Mr. Flirt, you need to relax.” She said laughing as she nodded her head at the mention of drinks. She could use a drink or two. Depends on how well they made them. She wasn’t exactly picky about it but she also wasn’t keen on drinking straight liquor. Gracie reached for his arm to drag him with her towards the bar as she made her way through the crowd, glancing behind her once and awhile to make sure he didn't get lost between the sea of people until she managed to snag a spot at the bar.
"So, what's your poison for tonight? I'm thinking something along the lines of a cosmo or a long island, but usually they make the long island gross so I'm kind of debating on that." Gracie gasped and clapped her hands, "if I take a shot, you should do one with me." @colexwalters
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Cole chuckled, leaning in just enough to make his presence felt, his voice low and teasing. "Embarrassed? Me? Nah, I think you’re just impressed and don’t want to admit it," he said, his grin widening as he caught the amused glint in her eyes.
He moved with her, matching her rhythm, his confidence clear in the way he held himself. “Besides,” he added, brushing off her nudge with a playful wink, “if I’m getting eyes on us, it’s only ‘cause they’re wondering how I got lucky enough to dance with you.” Cole then tilted his head to the side as he glanced around the party to look for one of the bars. "Come on let's go get a drink, then you can show me your moves." @gracecromwell
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gracecromwell ¡ 10 days
Gracie gaped at him, amused with the fact he knew the dance move had a smile appearing on her face. She was more impressed with the fact he knew the move more than anything. Not that she would admit it to him because he would somehow twist it around to tease her about it.
"Oh god, are you trying to get eyes on us?" She asked as she continued moving to the beat. Not that she minded a few eyes staring their way, if she had a little alcohol in her, but the fact she was still sober was starting to affect her confidence. Gracie pushed those thoughts aside as she nudged his chest and laughed, "Shut up, you are supposed to be embarrassed, not encourage this."
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Cole smirked, watching Gracie with amusement. "Oh, I definitely know this one," he teased, mimicking her q-tip move with an exaggerated flair before 'throwing it away' like a pro. "But embarrassing yourself? Nah, I don't see it happening. If anything, you’re just making me look bad."
He stepped closer, his grin widening as he moved to the rhythm. "But hey, if you’re trying to test our friendship, you should know by now it’s pretty unshakeable. So bring on the moves." He beamed,, spinning around to match her energy, clearly enjoying the banter and dancing. "Just don't blame me when we turn into the stars of the party."
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gracecromwell ¡ 10 days
"One thing about me, if I sleep now then my sleep schedule would be all messed up so I figured pull all nighter, stay up as long as I can and crash around a reasonable hour." Gracie knew it wasn't exactly the healthiest one but it usually did the trick especially when she was in college. But as she grew older, she realized her body didn't bounce back as fast it once did and now she was suffering the consequences to her actions.
"But it's fine. I promise, now tell me, anything new with you?" She said as she glanced up at Dallas with a grin.
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"Bad? Never. You look beautiful."
Beautiful and tired, but Dallas keeps that part to himself so he's not adding to her worries with an unnecessary one. Reaching Driftwood, he gets the door for her and wanders them inside, glad they picked a quieter moment as the initial morning coffee rush had died down to some 10am stragglers.
He queues up behind a redheaded woman and glances to Grace with a sympathetic look, all-nighters often a part of his work though they never got easier on the body.
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"All night? We could have rainchecked if you wanted to catch up on sleep. I wouldn't have minded."
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gracecromwell ¡ 12 days
"I call bullshit, it will somehow sneak its way out." Gracie responded back with her finger raised his way before laughing. Not that she blamed him, sometimes it was hard for her to hold back her thoughts from escaping her mouth out loud. Which was probably why she didn't mind having him around, he was amusing and fun to be around.
She stared up at him, placing her hands upon her hips. "You sure you want to open that can of worms Cole? Because...well I just might embarrass myself." Gracie slowly started moving to the beat of the music and did the infamous q-tip move, "Because if you don't know this dance...we can't be friends....now throw it away." She said before started moving randomly, dancing around him.
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Cole raised his hands in surrender, his grin widening. "Hey, no need for the dramatics. I’ll keep my commentary to a solid PG in your presence from now on. Promise." He chuckled, clearly amused by her reaction.
His gaze followed hers, briefly scanning the crowd, before landing back on her with a playful glint in his eyes. "Now, as for bustin' a move, well…" He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "You might just have to show me what you’ve got. But fair warning—I don’t embarrass easy."
He leaned back, flashing her a charming smile. "Go ahead, Gracie. I dare you." @gracecromwell
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gracecromwell ¡ 12 days
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"Are you saying we should share our drunk buys? Because I am so game for that." Gracie said excitedly as she smiled at Roman. "Because those bread lights...I just might buy myself some. They're pretty cute and I could hang them in my kitchen...fit with the theme of well...I don't exactly have a theme. I just collect shit and hope for the best."
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——- ❝  Oh — wow. i'm interested if that mouth tape works now and i'm honestly like - such a drunk shopper and i never get anything too crazy as you can tell from my bread lights. ❞ roman chuckled some. ❝  my next place will be tiktok shop now, thanks for that. i'll definitely have to share with you what my buys are because it might be interesting. ❞ there was definitely going to interesting buys from there but surely nothing too crazy for himself to handle.
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