Tumblr totally fucked themselves over with the no adult content 
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Your choice Princess
SO I made this one again. I wanted to make it more believable. I mean I love to think that Negan would a sweet guy and everyone loves him but come on! Hes the villain, a sexy mofo but there are very little imagines that end with the main character having a realistic reaction. So heres, in my personal opinion a better one  Hi I just found your account and I love it !!!! Can I request something daryl Dixon , where you are pregnant with his child - you two are married . And you are chosen for Negan's line up so daryl gets super shouty etc - you can choose the ending xx
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d The cold dirt was underneath my knees, my hands wrapped behind my body. I looked over at my husband who was already hurt bad enough to where I was sure he was going to need something medically done to him. He looked at me a few times but didn't say anything other than take a few deep breaths and just think about where we were. I looked at the ground as my heartbeat was pulsing into my throat from the anxiety. This was it… Our group wasn’t going to win this time… We were always the group who would show don't fuck with us. But now… we aren't.
As I felt my mind start to unravel I started to feel my unborn child move. Almost like an automatic reaction I wanted to touch my bump with my hand, but I couldn't. I tried to shift my weight as it was getting uncomfortable to be on such a position while being pregnant. Daryl looked over a me with sympathy. I knew that this was his worst nightmare, me his pregnant wife possibly about to be killed or hurt. We all heard about this Negan that was threatening our group. We had no idea what he was going to do. I hoped that maybe he was once a good man and would see that i’m pregnant. It was a hopeful dream, but I knew that something was going to happen to me.
We were all waiting for him. I knew that everyone's hearts were beating through their chest. I couldn't dare to look at Daryl, knowing that he wasn't worried for himself he was worried for me. I was his everything and I knew that this baby was his all and much more. As I really let my heart and my mind race I heard banging on the camper.
“You all ready to meet the man?” I looked up to see a man with a receding hairline. Then a man with a leather jacket, red scarf and bat came out and walked towards us.
“You all pissing your pants yet?” It was so quiet we could all hear his steps on the ground as he makes his way towards us. He had this smirk on his face, almost like he knew that he was going to get everything that he would want from here on out. He stopped at Rick and started to talk to him. Intimidating him, making sure that he knew that he was the boss. After he was done with Rick he started to pace in front of the group. He stopped in front of me looking at my bump and smirking even more.
“What do we have here?” He growled to himself. I felt Daryl start to worry. “What's your name doll?” I hesitated to answer him but knew that he would make me say it no matter what.
“Y/N..” I said quietly. He smirked and walked the other way.
“Which one of you here knocked up this fine thing?” He laughed to himself turning back to me a few times. I just started at him, he was pretty intimidating. But at this point it didn't matter to me what he looked like.
“Was it you?” He said pointing his bat to Daryl, who looked up from the ground to see the bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. I could tell by the way that Daryl looked Negan knew that Daryl was the father.
“Well fucking shit all mighty. You're the little fucker that knocked up this little beauty.” Negan said as he looked at all his men, then knelt down infront of Daryl. “You see all these people.” His tone then started to get more quiet. “They would love to fuck this little beauty right here. Consider yourself lucky that you fucked her so good that somehow that one sperm got you where you are today.” That was when I saw Daryl lunge at Negan, getting a good punch in at his jaw before his men took him to the ground.
“What the fucking shit you fucking little ass fucking bitch!” He roared as he clenched his jaw. He looked at me and grabbed my arm and made me get up from the ground, practically dragging me. “You want me to fucking kill her because you fucked up!” Daryl looked like a deer in the head lights. Negans grip got tighter then it started to relax.
“Or how about this.” With a firm grip still on me he brought me closer and closer to Daryl, almost like he was taunting him. “I won’t fucking kill you, if, this fine little thing will be my wife.” Darryl froze as soon as he said that. “Think about it, she gets everything and anything that she wants. She will get the best medical care for her and the baby. Come on what's better than that?”
“No I fucking wont! I wont fucking do that!” I screamed at him.
“What else do you have? Hmm surviving on nothing while you got that bastards kid in you? You would rather die than this?” I didn’t say a thing to him. “So little boy what the fuck will it be? Your bitch’s life and kids wife or let me make her happy.” He smirked. Daryl looked at me, knowing that he had to make the deal in order to save me and his unborn child. “Tick tock.”
“Fine” Daryl whispered to Negan.
“Good, see you little fuckers I do have a heart!” Negan took my arm and lead me closer to him. “Now you little lady, don't realize how lucky are.”
“Fuck you.” I looked up at him and spit in his face. Negan pushed me away from him.
“Feisty little bitch aren't you.” He said whipping his face. “We’ll have to fix that won’t we?”
“Never” I said looking at him. I could tell that he was more and more pissed off by what I was saying. “I’ll never be your wife you small dick bastard!” I screamed at him.
“Shut the fuck up, or I swear I’ll smash your baby daddys head in so fast and I swear that it won’t be fast.”
“Listen to him Y/N!” Daryl yelled at me. I wanted to say more to Negan and kill him. But I knew that Negan was serious about doing it to Daryl.
“So what is it Princess? Me or a dead baby daddy?” He said with his bat on his shoulder, he then looked at me with an eyebrow raised. “I’m waiting baby.”
“Fine, I’ll be yo-your wife.” I said looking at the ground and avoiding Negans eyes at all costs.
“That right! Now look at my look at my beautiful ass wife.” Negan went in and kissed me on the cheek, slowly making his way to my mouth. I then balled my hand into a fist but to end up unfitting it knowing that it was going to end up with Daryl being killed. “Get in there baby, and then I’ll show you what Daddy can do.”
3 months later
I was sitting on Negans leather couch waiting for him to come to the bedroom. I wasn’t ok with the fact that Negan took me. My first thought waking up was Daryl and my last was Daryl as well. I hated the fact that I was sleeping next to someone who I didn't love and hated. I wanted nothing more than to sleep next to Daryl and him be part of our baby's life. But I knew that I would be lucky to see him once again or if ever again for that matter. Negan was just a dick, he got what he wanted but it still wasn't happy with what he got. The only good thing about this ‘deal’ was that I didn't have to do anything in order to survive. Because I was his wife along side with Negan I was on top of the food chain. A week after I got here Negan started to collect baby items, he has this whole idea that I would lie to my child that he was in fact our child. And that he was in fact the father of our child. I know for a fact that I’ve pissed off Negan many times to the point where he has screamed in my face. But he’s never gotten physical with me, maybe it's because he didn’t want to hurt me because I’m pregnant or he just didn't want to hurt me. Either way I still didn't see him as being any better because of it.
“Knock Knock.” Negan said as he come through the door with his bat in hand. I didn't say anything to him other that sigh at the fact that this is where my life is going. “Honey I’m home.” He said with a joking tone as he put the bat down by the bed.
“Whats fucking wrong now?” He said before sitting next to me.
“Nothing, nothing is wrong.” I said looking away from him.
“Alright fucking then.” He let us sit there in silence for a few minutes but then started another conversation with me. There was no way that I could try to ignore him, I’ve tried it before but he would just get louder and louder. “I got some more shit for the kid.” He got up and then handed me the clothes. I looked at them, they were pretty thoughtful things that he got.
“Thanks, that was- uh nice of you to think about me.”
“See I’m not a just a fucking dick like you think that I am.” I didn't say anything back to him knowing that what I would say was going to piss him off. “So what has my very very pregnant wife been doing all day?” He emphasized the very because the doctor said I was at least a week overdue and boy could you tell.
“Just getting ready.” I sighed a little putting my hand on my enormous belly.
“You know I sure know of one way that will get my son out of you.” I knew what he was getting at.
“Not gonna happen.”
“Come on, we’re gonna have to have to seal the marriage sometime.” He said crossing his fingers. “You think that I don't want a kid of my own with you? With your beauty and my brain's Y/N we could make a pretty good looking and badass kid.”
“Fuck you Negan. Let me fucking go back to Daryl!” He got pissed at my comment.
“Fuck! Fuck, what does it take for you to fucking accept that you're here?”
“I don't want to be here what does that take? I'm fucking pregnant! If I wasn't then maybe I would accept it but I'm having another man's baby!”
“Get used to it bitch! What I say goes around here. Do you not realize how fucking lucky you are? I’m protecting your fucking ass every day! You think that you would be able to survive outside? I bring you every fucking thing that you need for this kid! Fucking christ! You have been fed better than you probably have since this shit! I'm not making you have sex with me! Your kid will be raised better than what anyone could offer! Fucking get that straight!” He yelled at me, making me think for a second. Even though this was probably the best thing that could have happened for this baby and my health it didn't change that the baby's father wasn't here. And won't be at the birth. “I’m fucking going out.”
I sat on the bed carefully laying back on the mountain of pillow that were piled up for me. I haven't been able to sleep very well since all this shit happened. Every night I had to sleep next to Negan. Just sitting next to him made me want to throw up, I hated that I was sleeping next to the enemy. Just staring at the ceiling I rubbing my bump, maybe I wanted to die in childbirth. But I knew that if I did was going to leave behind my baby only to be taken are, maye, by Negan or one of his ‘wives’. With my mind wandering all over the place I started to feel my eyes start to fall.
A sudden sting in my back woke me up. I raised up from the bed to see Negan sleeping next to me. I tried to be quiet as I could while trying to breathe through the pain. The pain subsided but I knew that this was the real thing. I carefully got up and made my way to the bathroom, holding my bump knowing that I was going to have this baby today or tomorrow. When I entered the bathroom I closed the door behind me. I looked down at my bump, when I had Daryl next to me I was actually excited to have this baby. He made me feel so secure with his arms wrapped around me. Just before all this shit happened he was able to feel the baby move on the outside for the first time.
“Ok, I know that you’re going to come today or tomorrow. Do me a favor, come easily. I really hope that your a girl…” I knew that if I had a boy Negan would make sure that he would make him into a mini me. He wasn’t going to really be fazed by having a girl, other than to hold the fact that he had me and the baby over Daryl's head. I heard a knock on the door right as I started a contraction.
“Yea?” I said in a the middle of it.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He said in a groggy tone.
“Hold on.” I said trying to breathe through the contraction. As soon as I finished I opened the door to find Negan whipping his eyes trying to keep himself awake. “What Negan?”
“Why are you up this early?”
“I’m over due with a kid, I have to pee.” I said carefully walking past him.
“Ok fucking then. When do you think that you're going to pop out that kid?” He said as he sat down on the bed letting out a sigh.
“Today or tomorrow.” I said leaning against the headboard. It took him a few seconds for him to realize what I was saying.
“You heard me. I’m in labor.”
“Fuck.” Negan shot right up and looked like a deer in the head lights. “Fuck fuck!”
“Did you forget that this was going to happen?” I said as I started another contraction
“A little.” He said under his breath.
“Take me to the fucking doctor!” I said holding my stomach.
“Fine come on let's go then.” He said opening the door.
On our way over to the doctors I was really starting to feel it. I had a feeling that this was going to happen soon. I wanted to cry not only from the pain but from the fact that Daryl isn't here. That I was going to have the enemy next to me while I give birth. Negan helped me into the doctors but I hated the fact that he touched me.
“Doc! We got a baby coming!” The doctor ran out from wherever he was. And escorted us to a small room. He didn't dare say anything to Negan for a few minutes. “Are you going to help?”
“Yes, I need her to sit down on the bed so I can check over her.” I carefully got onto the bed, the doctor then helped me with taking off my pants. “I’m going to check to see how dilated you are.” He said before putting a glove on and then entering his finger in me. “You're almost seven centimeters.” I nodded my head as I started another. “There isn't anything that I can give you for the pain unfortunately, looks like we will have to do it like the good old days.”
“Ok..” I said before I moaned a little from the amount of pressure that was starting to build up.
“Thanks doc.” Negan said while walking him out. He pulled up a chair to be next to me. “You know I never thought that I would be here. Having a sexy ass wife give birth to my baby.” I didn't say anything to him. I didn't care about the sly remarks that he was saying. I knew that I had to be focused on giving birth to the one person that needs me the most. I tried to be focused on giving birth. But then I thought for a second to make my life a little easier, I knew that Negan would probably be wrapped around my little finger if I was a decent person to him. He needed something to come home to and know that it would be there. It didn't matter how he got them, he needed something to love and he got a full package, a woman and a baby on the way, a perfect fantasy for him.
“Negan?” I said a little sweet.
“What?” He said a little surprised that I even talked to him.
“Can you get me a cold wash cloth please?”
“Yea I’ll be right back.” I waited for him to come back with the contractions coming closer and closer together. I had a feeling that this would be a really fast labor and I was right. “Got you a cold wash cloth.” He said handing me it. I was about to say something when I felt something rip through my stomach.
“You need to get the doctor now!” He did just as I said and the doctor came rushing through the door. He checked me and then made a small smile.
“I think you're ready to meet your baby. “
“I think I am too” I said lightly patting my belly, I saw Negan chuckle a little to himself.
“Alright on the count of three I want you to start pushing.” I nodded and as soon as he started to count down I started to push. It seemed like hours of me pushing with nothing in return. Then I felt the head start to come. By now Negan was holding at one of my legs and looked down. I hated knowing that he was looking but I didn't care, it was bound to happen at one point.
“Your doing great your crowning!” The doctor said. “You need to push!”
“I am fucking pushing!” I yelled at the doctor.
“The head it out!” I could sure fucking feel it. “One more big push!” I then screamed out from the pain. And that's when I felt him place the baby on my chest.
“Hi sweet baby.” I cooed at it. I then got the state of mind to look at its gender. I saw that it was a boy.
“It's a boy!” Negan exclaimed. Tears were rolling down my eyes from excitement and disappointment. I couldn't let him go or stop staring at him. The more that I did the more that I realized how much he looked like Daryl, he had his eyes, hair color,and nose. It was almost like looking at his twin. Which made me more and more sad that he missed it, that he wasn’t here with me. I knew that I had to pretend that I was somehow in love with Negan in order to maybe get back to Daryl. But I knew that it would be hard to hold my tongue and temper.  “What should we name him dollface?”
“Weird name but sure.” He lightly stroked his finger over his back. “He’s fucking cute.” I nodded. Knowing that this wasn't going to be easy. I was for damn sure that I would be able to see Daryl again. No matter what happened. One way or another I would make sure this baby knew who daddy really was.
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Im almost at 3000 followers you guys! Thank you... Im sorry for not posting as much as I would like or used to. But really you guys its been amazing and love you all!
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Look what we got here
Hi I just found your account and I love it !!!! Can I request something daryl Dixon , where you are pregnant with his child - you two are married . And you are chosen for Negan's line up so daryl gets super shouty etc - you can choose the ending xx
I may have gone a little over board with with one... my bad yall. Oh well enjoy, requests are open 
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The cold dirt was undeath my knees. My husband was right next to me, I knew that he had to be in shock like the rest of us. I felt my heart beating so fast that it was almost in my throat and my brain pulsing from the anticipation. Not only am I worried for my life that could possibly end because of the Saviors or even because of Negan himself. As we are on our knees waiting for our destiny I could feel our child start to move inside of me. I was almost seven months into the pregnancy, it was obvious that I was pregnant. I knew that if I got chosen it wouldn’t just be life ending, it would be our child’s life as well. Which I know would destroy Daryl, he really didn't have anyone else to show his true self to. And losing me and our baby would destroy him.
As we all were knelt in front of the camper I tried to think that maybe I would be spared from being slain. However I knew that I most likely wasn’t going to be, it doesn't matter who you are or what your condition was. No one cares anymore, it's a one for all out in this world.
“You all ready to meet the man?” And that was when Negan was revealed to all of us. He was handsome but that didn't make it ok for what he is doing to our group.
“We pissin our pants yet?” He said taking a good look at our group. He had a bat with wire wrapped around it. Even though he didn't move it from his shoulder he had this vibe of anger and power. Even though it was Rick that he was really mad at, and wanted to have revenge on. He knew that he was going to mess with our group in order to really mess with Rick. Rick knew that this group was more than just a group of random ass people put together.
As he tried to intimidate us he glanced over at me and noticed that I was clearly pregnant.
“What we got here?” He said walking over to me. I glanced over at Daryl who was worried about what Negan's intentions were. “Fuck looks like someone beat me to it darlin. He here in this group or did he find this group after he knocked you up?” I didn’t say anything to him, just focus my attention on trying to stay alive. “You going to answer me?”
“He’s here…” I said not looking at him. He smirked at me and went the other way, talking to the others. As he talked further and further he started to randomly decide on who was going to die. As he went around deciding I was trying to calm myself from the nerves.
“It” That’s all I heard before looking up at the bat in front of my face. I couldn’t wrap it around my head that I was the one to be chosen. I could feel the baby moving pretty quickly inside of my bump. As I looked down at my growing belly I could see it move a little, I tried to hold back the tears.
“No!” I heard Daryl scream on the top of his lungs.
“Looks like we found the Daddy.” Negan said turning over to look at him, smirking at the sight of Daryl trying to save his pregnant wife.
“Don't fucking kill her! Kill me she’s pregnant you fucking bastard.” He said with tears streaming out of his eyes.
“Fuck ya’ll look we got the daddy mad at us!” He started to lick his lips. He walked away from me and made his way to Daryl. Standing in front of him to intimidate him. He grabbed him from the arms and dragged him up from the floor and making him stand up in front of him. Negan started to smirk more and more, knowing that what he was about to say was something that Daryl was going to have to think hard about.
“How about this. I let her live, because I’m not that horrible of a person. But but but!” He took a deep breath and grinning at me. “You become one of my men and she becomes my wife.” Turning over at me and walking to me. “Hear that doll you’ll be my fucking wife! I’ll drop all of my fucking wives just for you. Even with that belly ya got there I can see that you're still attractive.” I looked down to Daryl, he looked like a deer in the headlights. If he said no then he knew that Negan would for sure kill me and our unborn baby. But he knew that even if we had to ‘seperate’ it would be the best option for survival.
“Fine.” He said out of breath and sadness in his voice. Megan let out a laugh and ordered one of his men to untie my hands from behind my back. I quickly got up, as quick as I would with my bump in the middle of way.
Negan walked over to me, he pecked my forehead making sure that Daryl saw and knew that I was now Negan's property.
“My beautiful new wife! Look at her, I’ve always wanted to have a family. Sadly he did all the fun work. But lemme fucking tell you baby, we’ll definatly have some fun after our bay comes.” I looked over at Daryl with sadness in my eyes knowing that this was probably the last time that we would see each other without the fear of Negan. “Since I’m so fucking nice I’ll even let you all say goodbye.” I was afraid of moving near Daryl knowing what Negan was capable of. I felt his hand on my shoulder. “Go ahead doll, tell your fucking ex husband goodbye.”
I carefully walked over to him. Almost collapsing into his arms as I sobbed into his shoulder. Daryl letting go of all of his emotions and doing the same to me. His big warm hand on my bump trying to feel our baby kick one more time.
“I love you Y/N, don't fucking forget it. I love you and our baby. I loved you since the time that we met and will love you until my last breath.” I put my hand on top of his feeling the baby move. He leaned in and kissed me. That's when I felt him being pulled away from me and Negan lightly grab my arm.
“That was so cute, but she's mine. Don't you fucking worry! I will take care of your baby and your wife. It’ll be calling me Daddy.” He said making Daryl angry. “Doll why don't you go into the camper and I’ll be with you in a while. Actually I’ll have Dwite show you the way.” I looked back to see Daryl mouth the words I love you. I mouthed the words back to him…
(3 months later)
I was sitting on Negan's leather couch. Waiting for him to come back from wherever the fuck he had been. Negan wasn't as bad as I thought he would be. However with that said I still never forgave him for taking me away from my husband and father of my child. He made sure that I had everything that I needed. The first say that I was there he made me go to the doctor on the Hilltop, where I got my first ultrasound. Even though Negan was there in the corner eyeing the screen, I felt overwhelmed with joy seeing mine and Daryls baby on the screen.
“There you fucking are doll.” He said putting lucille down by the door. He took off his jacket throwing it on the ground and then starting to make his way over to me. I moved over a little bit and he sat down next to me. “How’s my sexy ass wife and kid?” I rolled my eyes and answered him.
“We’re good.” He put his hand on my bump and then started to rub it. I didn't care anymore about him touching me. He didn't have any boundaries when it came to me. Even though we didn't have sex he did like to touch me and give me the occasional kiss on the cheek. I’ve not given up my love for Daryl but I knew that I was going to make myself very depressed if I didn't accept that I wasn't with him anymore.
I awkwardly shifted on the couch after feeling the baby move. Negan noticed as I started to move to another side. But it wasn't working, I was having what I thought Braxton hick contractions. Then again I was already a week overdue.
“What wrong with you?”
“Nothing.” I say getting up and walking over to the master bathroom. I didn't want to accept that I could be having the baby now. I wasn’t ready to raise a baby on my own… even though I wasn't going to be on my own. I wasn't going to have Daryl there to hold me hand or help me raise it. I leaned against a counter looking down at my bump.
“What’s fucking wrong with you?” Negan said standing in the doorway looking at me with confusion. I took a deep breath and looking up at him.
“I think I’m in labor…”
“What?” He walked over to me and automatically put his hand on my bump, right in time to feel my stomach tense up from a contraction.
“You heard me… I think I’m in labor. Get the fucking doctor.”
Negan left grabbing his jacket and looking at me. When he came back I had already made myself comfortable on his bed. I could give less than fuck if I got something on it. When he came back with the doctor behind him he looked concerned but yet excited. I guess he felt that he was the father of this baby in some way.
“Y/N, I need you to lay on your back as I check on you.” I nodded and did as he said as he checked me I couldn't think about how things would have been different. If Daryl was here I know that he wouldn't dare to leave my side. He would be quiet for sure until things really got started and I needed more support from him. “You're almost five centimeters. I’ll be outside of the door if you need me. I’ll be back in two hours to check your progress.” I nodded at him and accepted his help to help me sit up.
Negan pulled up a chair and sat next to me. As I was contracting he sat their quietly, observing me and at times getting me water and pushing hair back out of my face.. I knew that this was probably something out of his comfort zone. But it didn't matter to me, it was out of hands.
“Fuck!” I yelled out it had been at least six hours since labor really started. I was exhausted, and just wanted it out of me.
“What do you want me to do?” He said putting his hand on my shoulder.
“Nothing.. You’ve done enough.” I snapped before placing my head on the couch that I was leaning on. I didn't try to hold back the tears, I felt awful and I didn’t want anyone let alone Negan to touch me. However I felt like my back was on fire and was going to snap and half from the pain and pressure. I heard Negan crouch down from behind me and start to rub my back, right where I needed it. I didn't say anything but I moaned out a little from the pain and what he was doing.
“That help?” He said in a whisper. I nodded and reached for the water bottle that was set out for me. Negan reached over with his long arm and handed it to me. As I took a few sips I felt a little better. I then felt Negans hand on my forehead, I didn't say anything because at this point I didn't care. “You're burning up.” He got up and walked over to the bathroom, when he came over I was in the middle of a contraction. At this point they were about two minutes apart. He put a cold washcloth on my forehead. That was when the doctor came in and told Negan to help me move to the bed.
“Ok Y/N I think its time for you to push.” He started to get everything out the he needed. “Negan I need you to get behind her for support, she’s probably going to need to lean back on something.” Negan did what he said and pushed some hair behind my ear. “Go ahead and push when you feel like you need to.”
It took about an hour for the head to come out, by then I was ready to pass out. I didn't care at all that my ‘husband’ who hasn't seen me naked, is now watching me give birth. It was in all honesty his fault that we were even in the situation.
“Fuck!” yelled out as the shoulders came through.
“One more push and your over Y/N.” Negan said as he softly kissed my forehead. I pushed one more time and he put the baby on my chest.
“It's a boy” The doctor said softly. I started to cry as I touched him for the first time. I then saw Negans hand lightly touch him. I looked up at him and saw a little smile on his face, I softly smiled back at him.
“He’s beautiful Y/N”
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Negans Savoir
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I woke up to darkness, flipping on the lamp next to me I checked the little watch that I had on the night stand. 4:30 it read, Negan and his crew would normally leave around five thirty. I sighed before walking over to the small bathroom that I had in my room. Turning on the shower and waiting for the water to warm up I looked at myself in the mirror. My cheek bones were a little more visible than they used to be, I lost a good ten pounds, and my eyes were sunken in.
With some hope, I wished that maybe me and Negan would get along. Even though he really is a horrible person, he is a very attractive man. I knew that there was something that made him into the man that he is now. For the sake of my sanity I wished that Negan and I would get along better with each other Stepping into the shower I let the warm water massage the knots into my skin. I let my mind go blank, I didn't think about where I was, who I lost, what I didn't have, and who basically owned me. After standing there for what seemed like hours I washed myself and got out.
I couldn't help but wish at this point that I was one of Negans other wives. They think that he’s the best thing since sliced bread. None of them will ever talk back to him, they are willing to give their bodies to him and let him do whatever he want to in pleasure himself. At times I would see him surrounded by them on the couch. His arms stretched out so that two of  them could sit next to him and the other two would sit next to his legs, all of them were gushing over him. He would kiss them all and take one or even two with him to bed. His smirk could tell it all, he loved it. He loved knowing that he could swoon any woman that he wanted.
Sighing to myself as I buttoned up my shirt I knew that I wasn't going to turn into one of them. Hell I knew for a fact none of them had gone out of the sanctuary since they've been here. Maybe Negan didn't want someone who he would just flirt with and have sex with. Possibly he wanted someone that wasn't scared of the outside and knows how the outside world is.
Opening my door to leave, I knew that they would all still be in bed. My room being the last room in the hallway I noticed that there was one girl's room that was open. I saw that there was someone else in there with her. It wasn't shocking that they would sleep with someone else, but I knew for damn sure that if Negan knew who it was he would have them both killed. Rolling my eyes I made my way to meet Negan and his crew
The closer that I got to the cars I saw Negan standing there. Most likely giving his men instructions on what he wanted or what would happen to them if they fucked up. I got closer and closer to them and Negan turned around. He smiled a little at me.
“Well fuck I didn't expect for you  to show up baby doll.” I shook my head and walked over to the truck and leaned back against it.
“Well I did, so what's the plan?” He took a deep breath, almost in shock that I had the balls to come.
“Welp baby doll, our group will be out trying to scoop out a group. Some of my men have been seeing a few people too many fucking times. And I don't like that.”
“Ok so are we just going to see who they are?”
“For now.”
“The ‘daycare’ needs more things for the kids, if we see anything or if anyone sees anything then it would be a good idea to at least look around.”
“What do they need?” He asked with concern.
“To my knowledge I know that they need more diapers and I think they need more formula.” He nodded his head. Negan found a few orphans when he was on runs, he has a special place in his heart for kids. There were four women that were devoted to them. Which was lucky for them, they were better off that way.
“Ok” He whispered to himself. “You ready to leave?”
“You going to give me anything to protect myself?” He grinned and went to his truck. When he came back he gave me a gun, bullets, and a knife.
“You know how to work these?”
“No, I managed to not get bit by walkers by just using my hands.” He rolled his eyes and went to the driver's side of the truck.
“Get the fuck in the here baby doll.” I did as he said and climbed in. He reached into his back pocket of his pants and got out a pack of cigarettes. “Want one?” He said as he handed the pack to me and put one in his mouth. I took one out and then waiting for him to light one up. I thought that he was going to hand me the lighter but he still had it lit offering to hold the lighter as I inhaled.
“Thanks.” I looked over at him, he almost smiled at me.
“Where are we going?”
“There's a gas station about an hour or two away from here.” Nodding I looked around in the truck. It smelled like an ashtray, which didn't bother me. A few old shirts in the back, two guns, and a little bit of trash on the floor. Then again what else did I expect from a car?
As we drove to the gas station there wasn't much talking between the two of us. I didn't find it awkward, it was kind of nice to have someone next to me. Negan would say a few things here and there but for the most part it was pretty quiet. He pulled up in the gas station's parking lot he took a deep breath and looked over at me.
“Ready?” He said looking over at me and kinda smiling at me. I looked around to see if there were any walking around. So far there were none that I could see. I looked over to see Negan being a little cocky with his gun, probably trying to impress me. I made my way over to the door waiting for Negan who slowly made his way over.
“Fuck Natalie (I don't remember who I named the main character) were you in the army or something?” He said putting his gun on his shoulder.
“No, its just been awhile since I’ve been out here.” I looked up at him. “No thanks to you.” He then grabbed my arm.
“Say that fucking again, you should fucking be thanking me that I let you out you little fucking ungrateful shit!”
“I didn't mean fucking anything to you Negan. I agreed to be your wife after my group traded my life for theirs.” He let go taking a breath. I didn't say anything about it again. “You ready to go in?” “Yea.” As soon as we were able to tell that there was nothing in there we decided to split up.
I noticed some broken glass on the floor but didn't think of anything about it. I could hear Negan's heavy footsteps in the background. I noticed that there were a good amount of the supplies that were needed. Walking over to them I carefully put them in my bag. As I made my way back over to Negan to tell him that we could go a walker came out making me scream. I pushed it making it fall on the ground. I started to stomp its head in, not stopping when it was obviously not going to hurt me. I felt my heart racing and my head throbbing from the thoughts racing in my mind.
“Natalie stop.” I felt Negan's hand on my arm making me come back to reality. I looked at him and then left to the truck.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Nothing dont fucking worry about it Negan.” I starting to feel something in my throat start to come up. I started to move away from him but he wouldn't let me, obviously not seeing that I didn't want to throw up on his shoes. “Let.. me go.. Negan.”
“No what the fu-” I then started to throw up on his boots.
“Fuck look what you did.” I didn't say anything as he got into the truck. “You getting in or fucking not?” I got in and he rolled the window down.
Great, just when I thought that I could have proved myself in order to possibly leave I blew it. I turned out to not be who I was before. It's like I forgot everything that I used to do. I didn't show my ‘husband’ a damn thing other than I can't do shit and that I’m basically now just his wife and sex slave. Fuck
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Can you do a fluffy smut filled Andrew Lincoln imagine?
In all honesty I cant really see myself writing about Andrew, I don’t know much about him or attracted to him. This being said I find it hard to write about him...
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Yall please give me some reqests for Negan!!! Or Jeffrey yall Ive been dying to get back and have a craving for Negan and Jeffrey 
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Can you do a part 2 to Negans Saviour? Pleasee? I love the first part so much
yes I wil
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Negans Savior Pt. 1
Sounds were going off everywhere at everytime. Either outside from the guns, people shouting, fighting or getting drunk. Or on the inside, from Negan fucking his other wives. He tried to fuck me when I was first made into his wife. When he took over the group that I was in he decided that I was to be his wife. It was that or he would kill the rest of my group. I didn't personally decide to be his wife but someone in my group said that I would do it. Ever since then I’ve been one of Negans wives. Where he would make me do womanly chores and basically try to make me his sex slave. The other wives would tell me how wonderful Negan was and how he made sure to take care of them. I couldn’t let myself bow down to Negan, he was a dick to everyone.
Negan made sure that every wife had a different room, I wasn't complaining. They were all bitchy and knew that I didn't want to be here.
While walking throughout camp I knew that his men were watching me. Being the new wife to Negans collection I knew that they would watch me. Everyone here knew that his men were afraid of him because he wasn't afraid to do anything. He’s killed without batting an eye or even thinking about it. They sure as hell were not going to risk their life over not looking after one of his wives.
“Aubrey you going to be a good girl while I’m gone?” I heard Negan say coming up behind me. I rolled my eyes and refused to look at him. “Oh come on, don't be like that.”
“Be like what? Pissed off at you or anyone for that matter.” I heard him chuckle a little bit to himself.
“God if only I would have known how feisty you were...” He scratched the side of his face. “Then maybe I wouldn't have made you into one of wives. You would have ended up like how your group should have if they didn't offer you.”
“You should have killed me th-” He grabbed my face and turned it to face his.
“You want to talk like that again bitch? It can be arranged, I don't let anyone especially my wives talk to me like that!”
“Why you afraid that they actually going to be tougher than you. You're just a coward really.” I said getting out of his grip and walking back to my room.
As I walked back to my room I saw everyone looking at me. All of his men were staring me, almost in shock that I would talk to him like that. I didn't let it bother me, I hated it here. I hated everything here, I hated Negan more. As I got back to the house Negan had all his wives they all looked at me like I killed someone.
“Why would you talk to him like that?” One said to me.
“He saved you!” Another said.
“He does anything he can to keep us safe.” The last one chimed in.
“You all act like we live like we used to. Do you not understand that the living dead is out there? He can only do so much to keep anyone safe. We are all bound to die in this shit hole of a life we have.”
“Why Negan decided to take you we will never understand.” I shook my head and kept walking towards my room and slamming the door. Negan did not allow anyone to have locks on their door, he wanted the control of coming in at anytime.
That night I could hear Negan having sex with one of his wives. It was one of the most repulsive things I had heard. He would never sleep with them for the night he would get what he wanted and leave to his room. Most of the others wanted his actual love. But he didn't seem to want the love that they could give.
I could hear Negan’s footsteps coming closer and closer to my room.
I tried to ignore the fact that he was most likely going to be coming into my room.
“Aubrey” He said leaning up against the dor. “Can I come in?” I nodded and put the book that I was reading down. He walked over and sat next to me, there was something about how the way he acted to me made me feel like I was different compared to the others. He reached in his back pocket and got out a half filled box of cigarettes. “Do you want one?” I nodded and reached out to take one. He put one in his mouth and lit mine.
I inhaled and looked over at him. He looked tired, more than usual. He would come into my room at times to check on me or ask me if I was ok. Even though at times he would show me his soft side it never made me think differently about him. Part of me wanted to know more and more about him. But the other part couldn't forgive him for what he had done, take me as a wife and make me live in this living hell.
“What do you want Negan?” I said looking him, he looked right at me. For the first time I didn't talk to him with attitude. In fact I asked this with curiosity.
“I wanted to ask you something.” He took an inhale of his cigarette before continuing. “You're not like the others, I can see that want you have to do something outside of these gates. And I want you to come on a hunt with me and my men. If you can prove to me that you are strong enough then maybe you'll be able to come on more. I have a feeling you’ll be surprise us.” He chuckled a little before looking at me and then chucking to himself.
“Where are you all going tomorrow?” I say taking a breath into the cigarette.
“We are just going to go and look for supplies.” I nodded and couldn't believe that he was letting me go out with him beyond the gates.
“Do I get a gun?”
“You know how to shoot?” He said with a grin.
“Fuck yea.” He chuckled a little and looked at the floor. He cleared his throat and walked over to the ashtray that was in my room.
“Get some sleep you’ll need it.”
“Night Negan.” I said looking at him and smiling a little. He looked back at me and half smiled. Most likely surprised that I told him goodnight. Which was a three-sixty from what we were used to. Which was cursing and me being a fired up bitch.
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New story
Hey how would you all feel if I started a new series about Negan. I have an idea where he takes the reader to make her his wife and shes totally not going to back down. He last other wives but he leaves them all for her. She cant deny the fact that she is falling for him. I kind of want to make the reader or who ever I decide to name the character, pregnant later in the story. Would you all want a name for the character or not? Is it a good idea?
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I think she does
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Can you do a norman reedus imagine? Where the reader is pregnant and all? I love how realistic you make them!
I was finally at home, unlocking the door to the apartment that Norman, my husband, and I shared together. Next to me were the bags that were filled with the gifts that my co-workers gave me before our baby came. Today was the last day working before taking off for maternity leave, and they decided that it was needed to throw a smallish baby shower. I guess having your first child is exciting for everyone else. Once I opened the door I smelled Norman making dinner, as of late he’s been on this kick to make every meal for me. I carefully placed the bags down by the door and walked in to see Norman cooking my favorite, breakfast for dinner.
“That you babe?”
“No it's a serial killer.” Norman chuckled a little bit watching me walk over to him. He leaned down so I would kiss him on the cheek.
“How was your last day?”
“It was good, can't wait to go back and be sitting all day.” I said leaning against the counter and rubbed my bump.
“Before you know it then you’ll be saying you wished you were pregnant again so you aren't on your feet all day.” Giving Norman a look he turned off the stove and walked over to me. He placed his big hands on my bump giving me a smiled as he felt our baby move, then moved his way up to kiss me on the lips.
“I will not be saying that. Your daughter is so damn big I can barely breath, I don't have much to wear, and that nice body you loved so much I’m willing to bet won't come back.” He looked at me with sympathy.
“You’ll still be sexy to me babe, don't worry.” I sighed a little, giving Norman a reassuring smile. “Go sit down on the couch and I’ll bring you a plate of food.” Nodding I made my way to the couch where Eye in the dark was sitting. She looked up with her big eyes and made her way over to sit on the remaining room that was left on my lap. Norman walked over to me to give me my plate.
“She moving?” Norman asked as I shifted my weight. I nodded and I put my plate on the coffee table.
“Yea, she's really kicking.” I rubbed my bump as I tried to breath through it. He looked at me with sympathy. “Sorry”
“Don't be, you're almost done.” I smiled a little at him. He kissed me on my temple as his finger stroked pattern on my stomach. “Are you having false contractions?” He said as my stomach tightened. I nodded and looked up at him.
“Yea feels weird right?” Nodding he didn't move his hand from my bump as it tightened.
“Does it hurt?”
“It's more or less uncomfortable.” I sighed a little, looking over at him he looked a little more concerned. “I’m fine Norman, nothing that I can't handle.”
“I just want to make sure that my girls are ok.” His fingers spread across my bump. “I haven’t had a baby in almost seventeen years.”
“You sound so old.” I chucked a little as I felt the tightness go away. I sighed a little and looked at Norman.
“You chose to be with an older guy.”
“I know.” I leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
We sat on the couch together watching TV and talking about random things. Norman making laugh with the stupid things that he said. I still can’t believe that I’m with him, the day that he walked into the Salon that I was working at, at the time would be the day that would change my life. I somehow ended up being assigned to do his haircut. He was very welcoming and friendly, something that made me more intrigued by him. He would keep coming in to get regular haircuts, trying to see me as much as possible. About three months later he asked me out for a date, then two years later we were married. We just went to the courthouse, we both didn't want anything big we just wanted to be married. Now about three years later we are here, and I wouldn't really change a thing.
Three weeks later
Sitting on the floor in between Norman’s legs as he was rubbing my shoulders was nice. But the fact that I was still pregnant didn't help much. I knew that this being my first pregnancy would probably mean that the baby would come late. As much as I loved the whole amazement of life growing inside of me, I wanted my body to be mine again. I’ve gotten tired of nothing fitting around this planet that was my stomach. The last two weeks I’ve gotten used to just wearing a sports bra around the apartment.
“Feeling better?” Norman said to me not looking away from the TV.
“I guess.” With no emotion I said, Norman looked down at me.
“Whats wrong?”
“I’m just tired of being pregnant. I want to have me daughter in my arms, I’m just done with being pregnant.” My eyes started to tear up.
“Hey, I know you're tired, sore, and uncomfortable. But I’m proud of you, you’ve done so much for this little girl before she’s even been born. I have no idea how the fuck you women do it and us men will never know. But I’m proud of you.” He wiped away my tears and smiled at me, I smiled back. I felt her shift really awkwardly making my stomach feel more heavy than it already was.
“Can you help me up?” I asked, he nodded and slowly helped me up.
“You alright?” I looked down at my stomach before answering him feeling some sort of weird pain, they felt different than the false labor pains. “Yeah, I’m just going to go and lay down for a little.”
I tried to actually get some rest but I couldn't get comfortable. The slight pains I was having were getting worse. I would get up and see if they were false labor pains but I knew that they weren't. When I told Norman what was going on he looked extremely excited about what was going to happen. He kissed me with such passion that made me feel comforted.
As time went on I somehow was able to remain calm for the first couple of hours. Then it all changed when I got to the seventh hour mark. I relied on Norman to keep me calm, he was pretty good at keeping me calm by just talking to me. He didnt let me say that I couldn't do anything, because lets face it I had to. There wasn't really any way for me to back out now.
“Y/N, I think we should go now.” He said calmly rubbing my arm. I nodded and he helped me up from the bed. We slowly made it down to the car, Norman helped me into the car then quickly ran over to the drivers side. He looked over at me and weakly smiled I smiled back at him, realizing that I downplayed how much would change. We were going to have a human that was a mix of us. It wasn’t going to be just me and Norman, it was going to be another person with us.
The car ride was very uncomfortable being forced to sit for about half an hour was hard. Norman would try to help by talking me through them.
Once we made it to the hospital I felt a wave of nervousness. Norman was right by my side as an orderly pushed me to the delivery room. A nurse helped me to undress as Norman did the paperwork. Once he was done he walked over to me leaning on the bed. A nurse suggested that I might want to try the birthing pool. I agreed to try it and was waiting for them to tell me it was ready.
“Norm” He looked at me. “I can't- I can't do this. I cant be a mom, I cant do this. I can't remember if we fed EITD, or if I gave her a bath. How the fuck am I going to take care of a child? Who needs me for everything!”
“Y/N calm down. Don't worry, I’m scared too, fuck I don't remember what to do with a newborn. It was almost seventeen years ago since I had to take care of one myself. We’ll learn how to do this together. You’ll forget but so will I. You’ll be a great mom.” The nurse came out of the bathroom and told me that it was ok to get in. Norman helped me get out of the hospital gown that they made me wear. After about a half an hour I felt pressure.
“Norm… I think I need to push.” Norman looked at me and rushed out of the room to get the nurse and doctor.
They came in the bathroom and realized that I couldn't move to the bed.
“Y/N we are going to need you to push. Your crowning and I need you to push.” I nodding thinking to myself no shit I can feel that I'm crowning. I pushed and squeezed Norman's hand for dear life. “Good stop pushing cords around the neck.” I looked panicked at Norman.
“Is she ok?” The doctor nodded her head.
“Ok, now it's not one big push and she’ll be here.” THe doctor smiled at me and I did what she asked. I screamed out in pain as I felt my baby leaving my body. I then heard an ear piercing cry, looking down I saw my baby. The doctor laid her onto my chest looking down I saw that she had Y/R/C and norman's eyes. I smiled and looked up and Norman who had tears in his eyes.
“You did so good Y/N.” He kissed me on the cheek then the lips. He reached down for her hand and stroked it.
I looked over to see Norman in the rocking chair holding our daughter. It warmed my heart so much to see him with not a thought in the world but just thinking about her. He looked over at me and stood up and brought her over to me. Then sitting down next to me, and kissing me on the cheek.
“She still needs a name Y/N.”
“I like the name Neala.”
“Neala Reedus.” He repeated and thought for a second then looked at her. “You like that name?” She cooed and opened her eyes.
“I think she does.”
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Not really an ask, but I hope you do more to the merle story.
What would you want to see more from the merle story? If anyone has ideas let me know. I would love to do more. Just need more ideas.
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He’s no one don’t worry about it
Hey, could you write a fic where the reader gets pregnant with Daryl's baby and announces it to the group but doesn't tell them who the father is. Daryl thinks it's because she's ashamed it's his but really she just didn't want him to feel obligated?
I felt the other side of the bed shift. I rolled around not caring that my breasts were exposed, to see a naked Daryl putting his clothes back on. That were scattered from the night before. He saw that I was awake now and gave me a small smile before he left. I knew that Daryl was the type who would have sex and not cuddle after. He didn’t seem to care about sleeping over for the night as of late. Which seemed to be out of character for him, but I didn’t mind having someone sleeping next to me.
The only thing that I knew that would change our relationship would be that i'm pregnant with Daryl's baby. I knew that this was going to be a big blow to him and the group. I wasn't too happy with the whole idea of being pregnant during this time. But there wasn't much that I could do to really change it. I had a feeling that Daryl wouldn’t be too happy with the whole fact that he got a girl pregnant. I also knew that he wasn't going to be happy that I’ve kept it a secret from the group and him for about three months. I knew that I had to break it to the group soon due to the fact I was showing a little, enough for them to think that I’ve gained weight. Somehow I had to do it…
Carol was having some sort of dinner planned for the group. I didn’t really think that it was the right time to let it out but I kept telling myself that for three months. The smell of the food hit my nose which made me feel like I wanted to throw up but I knew that it would look weird if I left. I walked in Carol's house to see that everyone else was there and I was the last one arrive. Everyone was just talking to each other, probably waiting for me. Carol walked over to me and gave me a hug.
“Glad that you were able to come,” She smiled at me and put her hand on my shoulder. “Now let's eat!”
Everyone was eating and having a good time. I felt myself get warmer and warmer due to the intense feeling to let everyone know.
“I have something that I want to tell you all” I stood up. Everyone turned and it was utter silence. I cleared my throat before saying anything else. “I- uh- I’m pregnant.” I said all jumbled together. Daryl stopped eating and looking right at me like a deer in the headlights.
“How long have you known?” Rick asked me looking a little concerned.
“I just found out… I think I’m probably around three or four months.”
“Who's the father?” It took me a second to decide if I wanted everyone to know if Daryl was the father or not. He wasn't the type of person who anyone could see settling down to have a family. I also didn't want to force him to feel like he was obligated to be with me.
“He’s no one, dont worry about it.” Daryl got up and slammed the door on his way out. No one knew that we were sleeping together. And we made sure of it. For the rest of the night the group was either yelling at me or trying to figure out what to do. Some people thought that it was selfish of me to get pregnant, I couldn't blame them, I would feel the same if it was someone else.
For the next three months Daryl made sure to stay clear of me. I would see him from my window going back to his place, he looked heart broken. Maybe he wanted to know that the baby was his. Maybe he wanted me to say it was him. Part of me wanting him to know it was his. He would sleep next to me like he used to. Maybe he would be affectionate to me. Maybe he would touch my growing belly. But I could only guess what he would do.
I hated going to bed alone, I loved knowing that there was someone next to me. It was nice to know that you weren't alone.
I was sitting on my porch reading a book when I saw Daryl walking the street. I was tired of not seeing him. Or having him around. I knew that in three months time maybe someone could tell it was his.
“Daryl!” I yelled he turned and knew it was me and kept walking. I stood up from my chair and tried to catch up to him. I tried to run over to him but with a big stomach in the way it was hard. “Stop! Can we please talk at leased?”
“Leave me alone”
“No! Please just let me talk to you!”
“Your pregnant with some other guy's kid! I fucked some pregnant chick!” I sighed a little knowing that he felt betrayed. I put my hand on my bump feeling it move a little.
“Daryl just give me five minutes… or at leased come inside.” He licked his lips and nodded. I walked back to my place with Daryl behind me.
When we entered I sat on the sofa while he sat next to me. I tried to get comfortable by leaning back making shirt come up exposing a good bit of skin. I cleared my throat knowing that Daryl was looking at it.
“What is it you want Y/N?”
“I wanted to say i'm sorry. I’m sorry I didn't tell y- everyone that you are the father.” He looked at me with shock in his eyes. He stood up and ran his hands through his hair.
“Fuck! You- you could have told me! Why the fuck would you keep this from me? At least you could have told me!’
“To do what? Exactly what you're doing to me now?” I rubbed my bump. “Not talk to me or acknowledge that I am even alive?”
“I didn't mean it like that.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I just would have liked to have known that I was the father… why didn't you tell me?”
“I didn't want you to think that you were obligated to be with me… I mean no offence Daryl but you don't seem like the type of guy to be a family man.” He just looked at the wall at this point. “I mean do you really want to deal with a pregnant me? Or raise a kid?” For what seemed to be an hour there was silence.
“If you would have told me Y/N then I would have helped you…”
“I’m sorry Daryl.” I started to cry, feeling terrible that I did this to him. “I shouldn’t have done this to you. I just thought that it-” He leaned in to kiss me. I looked at him with disbelief, that after all this he would kiss me. Leaning in further his stomach went against mine, he stopped looking down at it.
“I’m sorry.” I smiled at him and took his hand to place on my bump. He smiled a little bit as he felt our baby move around.
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You sure know how to make a man happy
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You are so amazing!!! These smuts are killer!!! Can you please write one about Norman Reedus fucking a big tits lady? Hot and heavy pounding!!!
Laying next to each other in the bed that Norman and I shared was soothing. He was on his laptop doing something and I was watching something on TV. Feeling Norman shift on his side of his bed, I then felt him start to kiss my neck. Chuckling a little as I felt him kiss my neck.
“Come on Y/N” Feeling his warm breath against my neck made chills go down my spine. I then felt him put his hands between my thighs. He started to move his hands up further and further until reaching my lips. Playing with my clit I started to moan a little, feeling his fingers start to go inside of me. My moans got louder and louder. “Roll on your side.” I did as he said.
His finger go inside of me, that only made the pleasure more and more intense. His finger rubbing my clit as he hit my spot. My moans made him more and more aroused, I felt his growing erection against my back.
“Norman… oh my god fuck me!” Rolling me over he started to rip my nightgown from the top, exposing my breasts.
“There they are” He always loved my breasts. They were naturally a DDD which made him very content with sex. Sucking one breast and rubbing the nipple I started to moan. His hand couldn't cover the entire breast but for damn sure he tried. “Norman I want you to fuck me! I need you to fuck me!” My hands running through his hair. He looked at me and started to take off his pants his erection was the first thing that I noticed.
“You're going to get fucked and I swear you're not going to be able to walk tomorrow.” He grabbed my legs and pulled me into him. Entering me I grabbed onto the bed sheet.
“Fuck!” I felt my breasts jump up and down as he humped me. He leaned over me sucking my neck continuing to hump me and grab my breasts. As Norman did this I felt the most pleasure that I have ever had during our sex life.
“Y/N get on top.” I did as he said. Starting to hump him I played with his favorite toy of mine. He couldn't stop looking at them. I started to feel myself orgasim, he started to do so as well. His hand slammed against my ass, leaving a handprint for sure. I got off of him and rolled over next to him.
“Fuck Y/N that was….”
“You sure know how to make a man happy.”
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Hi, new follower here! Im loving the blog and I'd like to know if you're still interested in fabric ideas for your Norma Reedus series. Love your stories. Xx
Yes, I am. Guys I really have no idea what to write. Maybe Norman and the reader have a family or something. I dont know maybe the reader is pregnant. Send in some ideas.
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You are loved and appreciated❤️
You are too love
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Just wanted to know you were ok
Can you please make an imagine about the reader is 18 and she gets casts as Daryl Dixon’s love interest on TWD even though she and Norman Reedus are 28 years apart they eventually fall in love with each other off screen? Much appreciated!
A/N: Im changing the age to 21, I personally dont see Norman going for someone near his sons age. But its still a good age gap (26 years), sorry.
Damn how the hell did I get here? I didn't ever think that I would be this young and have this chance to be on this show. Being 18 some probably think that I'm lucky as hell to get here. Part of me wanted to decline the offer, now I don't know what I was thinking. I’ve been a fan of Normans for a while, and to be his character's ‘Love interest’ it was a fans dream.
As I walked onto the set I saw Norman, he seemed different that what I had originally thought. He had this kind look but this badass shell.
“Norman this is  Y/N” The director said motioning me, I awkwardly waved at him. He nodded his head. “So you are going to start out with the group in the field, Y/N you're going to stand a few feet away from them.” I nodded to the director and did what he said. We got a lot filmed today, everyone was very welcoming. Noman seemed like the person who would break the ice in any situation and I was right. He wasn't awkward around me, in fact it was as if we were friends.
Filming continued on screen out characters were becoming more and more close. Off screen Norman and I were becoming close as well. We would go on small dates but nothing more than simply that. I wasn't complaining, I knew that maybe he felt weird with the age gap. But he still made an attempt for us to be something.
Today we were filming a sex scene. My first sex scene, I was happy that it would be with Norman rather than with someone who I really didn't feel comfortable with. They let me wear nipple stickers but other than that I was butt ass naked. As they told us to start the scene we were both clothed resighting our line.
“Daryl I’m sorry that this happened…”
“Fuck you! You're the reason that we’re in this mess!”
“No your just a fucking ass who won't-” Norman crushed his lips onto mine. He lightly pushed me onto the bed. Getting on top of me and undressed me, it was quiet which made this scene a little awkward for me. But I knew that we needed to do this scene. We kept going with the scene, we were told that we needed to do a few shots that made it look real. Which wasn't that hard since they didn't want to over do it. Norman was ontop of me, dry humping me. After the scene was over I went to my trailer.
I heard the trailer's door open I didn't think much of it. Turning my head I see Norman sitting on the couch.
“Hey” He said softly.
“Hey, what do you want?” I laughed a little to myself as I finished putting my Vans on.
“Just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“Norman I knew that we were going to have to shoot the scene.” I sat down next him, he put his arm around me.
“I know just wanted to know if you were ok, I know how those first scenes are.” He rubbed his hands up and down my arm.
“Norman?” He looked down at me.
“What the fuck are we? We go on dates but have never said what we are. Are we friends that are close, or are we more?”
“I dunno..”
“Norman I’m not going to be in this game of are we or are we not.” He looked at me almost a little hurt. I didn't mean to hurt him but I knew that he needed to know what we were.
“Y/N...I love you. I know that I’ve left you questioning about us. I just wanted to know for sure that the age gap wasn't a huge deal to me. I saw it in your eyes that you didn't mind, but I just thought that maybe there was a deal that I would face about it. So I guess that that we official.” I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. He smiled into the kiss, then cupped my face with his hands. He looked me right in the face, he wasn't the person that I thought that I would be with. But I’m for damn sure that I was with him.
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