Im tired, so tired of fighting and yelling. I’m tired of simple things that set us off. I’m tired of explaining why something is important to me over and over again. I’m tired of you not listening and trying to play the victim I’m just tired of the fighting and the crying over the little things. If this is how we are over a haircut what’s going to happen to us in the future with kids or over a house. If this is us now will we fight more in the future or cease to exist. Is this love worth still holding onto or is it time to let go. This love is maddening and I don’t know how to get out.
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The thought that love was so simple plagues my mind. When I used to dream it up believing k would find mine one day. That day came but with it the understanding that love is not simple nor easy. No, love is so complicated and hard. Heartbreaking for reasons neither of us can do anything about. The thoughts of him having to move away by force. The people trying to pull us apart for only reason that we were happy. Crying and trying to hold on to each other while life keeps trying to knock us down and break. And I do break. I break down and cry for the reason that I feel lonely and sad but I can’t tell him for I know he feels guilty for making me feel this way because of reasons he can’t control. Love is so much more simple in my mind and I wish it was that way in real life too
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What do you want me to do?
I don’t know what to do? I try to please and that’s going to make the relationship crumble. I try to change it up and that’s going to make the relationship crumble too. So what am I suppose to do? I’m so confused but maybe that’s why all my relationship fail. Because I please to much and I bored them. Or I’m so unpredictable that they just don’t want to deal with me. I always knew I wasn’t made for a relationship yet I still try. I’m so fucking stupid for trying. Maybe I should just forever live alone and not try anymore. I’m sorry im boring or unpredictable. I’m sorry I ruined your view of me. I’m sorry
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Scary thoughts
I wish my scary thoughts were if someone would break into my house while I'm alone instead of I hope someone breaks in and kills me so I won't have to do it myself. I wish my scary thoughts were I hope I don't get hit by a car instead of i wish i would get by a car that way it would seem like i didn't want to die when I did. I wish my scary thoughts wouldn't come in the middle of the night where it might just make it possible where no one would find me until it's to late. I wish i had someone that i could share these scary thoughts with. Someone who actually understood instead of panicked about my way of dealing with them. Scary thoughts keep happening lately and the worst part is I'm actually hurting myself while I think of them. My scary thoughts now consist of I hope I have enough control and don't cut to deep. I hope I have enough control to only cut this much. My scary thoughts are I hope I don't continue until I can't stop and it's to late.
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3rd day~ my favorite little snack is anything with chocolate. Chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, chocolate bars. Mmm anything sweet is amazing too~
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Second day~ I have a decent amount of stuffies but I want lots more! I most of them are from build a bear 17 if I counted right, 3 are from presents or somewhere else and then I have 4 big ones I use for pillows~ A dinosaur, a hamster and 2 teddy bears!!
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10 Tips For Spanking A Little
1. Adjust the intensity of each spank at random, so they can’t prepare for the pain and don’t know what to expect.
2. If she’s giggling or laughing, you need to spank harder.
3. Take breaks and pull her hair, choke her, or put your finger in her mouth, or whisper something naughty into her ear to remind her that you own her.
4. Make sure she can’t see your hands. This again comes back to making sure they can’t mentally “prepare” for each spank before they get it.
5. Caress her ass and pussy occasionally.
6. Keep her in the same place and don’t allow her to walk about or wiggle around or stretch her legs.
7. Don’t smile or make jokes about the situation. You’re her Daddy so act like one.
8. Don’t let her lead the situation. It’s better to just spank, instead of asking things like “Should I spank harder?” or “Is that good?”.
9. Get a paddle or some other spanking tool to use sometimes. Hands are great but it’s nice to spice it up with something new once in a while.
10. After the spanking session is over, make sure to give her lots of hugs and after-care
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First day~ Ummmmmmm favorite Disney movies... I love Tangled, Frozen, Moana was amazing, Toy Story 1,2 and 3, Mulan, oh boy I love to many movies but this is the small fraction of the ones I can say word for word lol
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Baby animals to make me happy 😍💖
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Little space
When you need to go into little space but you are working and there is no way of doing that without penalty. I didn't mean to make daddy mad so now I can't even tell them because I don't want them to think this is their fault. If I don't go in soon I'm going to panic and cry uugggghhhh
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🌟Glow in the Dark Stickers🌟
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Breaking Age Regression Misconceptions
1.) It doesn’t matter what gender you are to regress
2.) It doesn’t matter what age you are to regress
3.) It doesn’t matter if you’re not physically small
4.) Your facial appearance doesn’t have anything to do with your regression
5.) Although many people in AgeRe have faced some type of trauma you are not less valid if you didn’t.
6.) You are still a valid age regressor if you regress voluntarily 7.) Half regressors are still regressors and should be treated just the same
8.) It’s okay to be a nonverbal regressor
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When your significant other is upset within you and you don't know how to act. Then you realize that you have become way to dependent on them and if they leave you it's going to be hell. Uuugggghhh why am I like this?
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My fp is driving and I don't want to distract them but it's been 7 hours since we talked ;-; I thought they would have a break or something and text me then but I guess not...
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When your fp doesn't text you back and you just wanna cry and hug your stuffies.
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