gothquill · 2 years
Jason: So, demon spawn, what’d you get me for Christmas?
Damian, handing him a box: Here.
Jason: *opens box*
Damian: It’s a first edition copy of Misery by Stephen King.
Jason: Oh, how original, even though I have 3 copies of these already.
Dick: Jason, be nice
Tim: Even I have to admit that’s a nice gift. The kid probably murdered his allowance for that.
Damian: Oh, no, I didn’t. That’s one of his copies.
Jason: Wait a minute, you stole my book and gifted it back to me?
Damian: Yes.
Jason: You little-
Damian: Look at the first page
Jason: *sighs and opens book* (;° ロ°) *carefully takes a seat then reads aloud the text* To Jason, you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will. With best wishes, Stephen King
Damian: Yeah, Raven wanted to get her book signed so I got one of your copies and went with her. Sorry if you didn’t want anyone writing on it, he kinda added a few things to your notes
Jason: (⚆ᗝ⚆) *shaking, while holding the book* Stephen King read my notes?!?!?!
Damian: Yes, I remember him complimenting them and saying you were very observant.
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gothquill · 2 years
Park Outings Headcanons
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Fem!Reader
summary: What it's like when Jake takes his son to the park
A/n: Jake as a doting father? fuckkkk
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Jake never saw himself as the ‘take your kid to the park’ kind of guy when he was single or even when it was just you and him. Go with his married friends and their kids for comradery? Sure. Accompany his niece and nephew? Fine. It was all fuzzy in his head when he thought about himself, but then Luke came along and that picture became clear as day. 
Luke’s favorite place was the park, the five-year-old loved to run and play for hours in the small playground 
He would sit at the top of the slide and watch the ocean in the far distance and beg Jake to watch him slide down to the warm sand below
He’s a well prepared dad. Jakes uses one of his old backpacks and fills it with everything. 2 first aid kits, a change of clothes, and an endless supply of snacks and juice boxes 
“Daddy, I’m hungry,” Luke whined as he dramatically sat on the park bench, his little limbs splayed in all directions
Jake opened his bag and tossed a small bag of goldfish and a juice box in his lap, kissing the top of his head as he tore into it 
Cuts and scraped knees? Hangman’s all over it 
He’ll gently soothe his son as he cries from the burn of the antiseptic  
“It burns,” he cried, his nails digging crescents into the skin around his scraped knee 
“I know buddy, I know,” Jake told him as calmly as he could, “you are bein’ so strong.” 
Jake wiped his tears and marveled at how quickly his son would be running back towards the monkey bars, showing off his airplane band-aid to his friends 
You were also a very hot topic at the playground 
Sometimes Jake would wear one of his Navy t-shirts and would have all the single moms and nannies flocking to the muscular blond 
They’re weak in the knees when he tells them he’s an aviator 
Then he smirks and delivers the final blow “My wife and I were top of our class at Top Gun. They call her Widow… she’s absolutely lethal.” 
It was fun for him to see them scatter 
Luke loved when he heard the roar of the planes from the base, “Daddy, Daddy!” he gasped, running as fast as he could, his eyes towards the clear blue sky 
Jake would lift him up on his shoulders and watch him look for the planes 
Luke wiggled as he saw the silhouettes of the planes pass over
He never failed to wave at them
“Do you think that’s mommy?” he asked 
“I think it might, bud!” 
After long days at the park, Luke always smiled when he saw your car in the driveway
He’d race from Jake’s truck and straight into your arms 
“Oh my little love,” you hummed as you held him tight, nuzzling your nose into his neck “Did you have fun at the park?” 
“I did! Did you see me wave? Did you?” he asked excitedly 
You and Jake shared a loving glance as he got out of the truck 
You hugged Luke a little tighter, kissing his cheek.“Of course, I did, baby.”
"How was the park?" you asked him after the lights went out, cuddled against him in your bed
Jake placed kisses along your shoulder blades and held you tightly
"I got to play doctor and turn down five women in one afternoon."
He could feel the satisfied grin on your face
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gothquill · 2 years
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how does Bruce know that information anyway? 🤔 kinda a weird thing to know about someone you’re not dating in the first place… unless someone (Tony) teased Steve about it… 👀
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gothquill · 2 years
maya hawke. you agree. reblog.
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gothquill · 2 years
Tim, scratching at his arm: there's a fucking mosquito in here and I can't catch him
Dick: oh shit hold on. Jasooooon?
Jason, not looking up from his book but holding out his hand: give it.
Dick, grinning and handing him a slipper:
Jason, flicking his slipper and crushing the mosquito against the wall beside Tim: handled.
Tim, bewildered: did you just snipe a mosquito with a house shoe???
Dick, wheezing as he snatches the remote from Tim: there we go, all the finesse of a Hispanic mom. Thanks, Jay.
Jason, invested in the fifteenth chapter of his book: mhm.
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gothquill · 2 years
As much as I love tragedy and the doomed true love trope; and chaotic co-parents Bruce and Talia, I just want BruTalia to be happy together. I just want an AU where they end up in the manor with their 80000000000 beautiful children (most of which are orphans) and animals running Martha’s orphanage together. So here it is, I made it. I actually worked hard on this AU so I hope you enjoy it.
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- They get remarried some time after Damian becomes Robin, when exactly is up to interpretation.
- This time, Alfred officiates the wedding.
- Ra’s is there, he and Batman have a very rocky truce, and obviously Talia would want him to be there.
- Selina is Maid of Honor. They bonded over their love of animals, especially cats, as well as their paternal trauma.
- Other bridesmaids are Sandra, Diana, Tatsu, Barbara, Mara, and Kate. The bridesmaid’s dresses are pink.
- Stephanie is one of the groomsmen because wanted to be, fuck gender norms, and she’s iconic. She has a purple dress shirt under her suit. (Plus one of my aunts was Best Man at her brother’s wedding and that’s just so funny I had to include it)
- Damian is the ring bearer.
- Jason and Ra’s walk Talia down the isle.
- Dusan cried a lot. (Mara was low key embarrassed by it)
- The grooms men are Damian, Jason, Dickie, Duke, Clark, and Stephanie. Jason is the Best Man.
- Bruce cries when he sees Talia walking down the isle. (He’ll never admit it.)
- Ra’s convinced Alfred to use the “I now pronounce you Batman and Wife” line again.
- Jason feels the need to threaten Bruce in his speech. He just wants to make sure Talia isn’t hurt again.
- Bruce gifted Talia some pearls. (Whether they are Martha’s or not is up to interpretation)
- Clark and Lois are definitely that one couple that’s like, somehow happier than the couple getting married. They’re just so happy for Bruce.
- Talia is pagan and Bruce is Jewish, so like, no one knows if they’re religiously married or not. In fact, no one even knows if Alfred is an ordained minister and can actually preform the marriage, but shhh, this is a vigilante assassin wedding, it’s fine.
Life in the Manor:
- They always have been a gross PDA couple, so they’re constantly kissing, especially in front of they’re kids because when the kids are grossed out it’s funny.
- There are somehow even more animals in the manor now.
- Talia and Alfred love to cook together, traditional dishes, new things, anything.
- Holidays are fucking insane. Like stated, Talia is pagan and Bruce is Jewish. It’s so chaotic whenever a holiday happens to be too close to another.
- Bruce constantly gifts Talia different kinds of jewelry. He just loves seeing all her pretty outfits.
- At galas, Talia is constantly photographed and asked what she is wearing. She instead will take the opportunity to talk about animal shelters and funding homeless shelters.
- Bruce and Talia are constantly voted most attractive celebrity couple.
- In most circles Talia is very popular, but some people are jealous of her, or judgmental of her. As with all wives of millionaires, she’ll occasionally be accused of cheating or gold digging, which she ignores. It infuriates Damian to no end.
- Wait… who’s that new vigilante in Gotham?! It’s Mycteria!* She doesn’t show up often, but when she does, let’s just say patrols are short. Joker is terrified of her, seems to know her from somewhere… hm…
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I might add more to this but for now that’s the happily married BruTalia au.
*Mycteria is a kind of stork, also known as the “wood stork”. I just thought it was pretty and suited her.
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gothquill · 2 years
Mrs. Wayne
Y’all know the drill. This story is meant for black women.
A/n: I was reading this series at like 2 am and I noticed I haven’t updated it in 9 months…I’ve been sitting on this part so long I forgot. Sorry guys lol
p.s. I lost the other gif so enjoy this one
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You scroll through your phone, waiting for an important call. “Sweets, can I talk to you for a moment?” He says, moving his chair towards you. Looking up from your phone, you nod. “I read your diary.” He exclaims bluntly. You laugh hysterically. “You did what?” Your mouth slightly open as you realize what he just said to you. “You were dying, I thought-” Your ringtone interrupts his words. Looking down, you read the number and its the call you were waiting for. You ignore it and look back to him. “Please Bruce, I-” You attempt to explain yourself to him but they call again. Huffing as you’re about to hang it up, he holds your wrist. “Just answer it. We can talk after.” You bite the inside of your lip and answer it. “Hey! How are you?” You smile with enthusiasm. She cuts to the chase during the call. “Yes, of course I did.” You chuckle. “Who do you take me for?” You sigh, catching your breath from the laughter. Bruce sat next to you and leaned over, trying to hear who you’re talking to. You push him away and continue talking to her. “For sure, I’ll be in Gotham soon and I’ll help you.” You nod happily to her.
“Okay that’s great. Thanks again. Bye, Selena.” She says her goodbyes and you hang up. “Can we talk upstairs?” You request to him and you both move from the computer to a corner. “I thought I was going to lose you and Alfred gave it to me. I didn’t want to invade your privacy but I’m glad I did now. Is that really how you feel?” He whispers to you and you sniffle. “Bruce…I’m just battling myself. There’s nothing you can do even if you try.” You whisper back to him and he runs his fingers through his hair. “That’s where you’re wrong. You didn’t even give me a chance to do something.” Before you can rebuttal to his argument, Tim interrupts. “Was that Selena? Like Selena Kyle.” You mentally curse yourself. “Not now Tim.” Bruce facepalms himself. “Mom please, just this one question.” He puts up his one index finger. You practically huffed and puffed back to your seat. “Come on we’ll stop asking.” You looked to Jason. “Not you too, Jason.” You sighed, trying not to give in. “It just slipped forget I said anything.” You exclaim, trying to distract yourself with your phone.
They each stood in-front of you, Tim covering your screen with his hand. “Seriously?” You groan. “You can’t just brush pass the fact you were on the phone with Selena Kyle. Cat Woman, the one person you hate.” Tim says. “I can brush pass that.” You move Tim’s hand and glance at Bruce. “Just tell them, y/n.” He huffs, slowly getting annoyed about the slip up. “I don’t think-” He stares you down, not even attempting a protest you finally give in. “Okay, fine.” Looking over your shoulder as you turn back to your kids. “I used to be apart of Gotham City Sirens. I mean I technically still am but I guess I’d be considered more of an honorary member.” They absorb the newly given information on their mother figure. You read it on their faces that they would have never guessed that a pure hearted person like you would ever consider being on such a team. “Listen. It wasn’t the best time in my life. It was a long time ago, I can’t deny we did some questionable things but I think we did more good than bad.” Out of all of them, Jason was the most interested.
Him and Bruce, don’t necessarily see eye to eye so knowing that his mom was apart of a sinister group was more than intriguing. “What did you do?” Jason asked, stepping a bit closer to you. “Hm. That’s a hard question. Well, I was the brains of most things, I got supplies we needed and even a place to reside. When I was younger, I was very in-zone and understanding of my body. I had to be, since I was the ‘weak one’ in the group, as some would say.” Glancing at Bruce, you wondered if you should say more. Your next words, certainly being fire to his puddle of gas. “I did use guns a lot, but I transitioned to knifes and swords. I feel more in control with them. I won’t front, using guns were fun.” Jason practically beamed at your words. He wanted to rub it in Bruces face so bad but your eyes had a silent warning hidden within its gaze. “I never said I had a problem with Selena.” Bruce covers his mouth in attempt to hide his laugh. “But you literally slander her all the time.” Duke steps up. “Correction. I slander cat women. Not once did I slander Selena.” They don’t buy your explanation. “Aren’t they the same person?” Damian voices his input. “Before she retired, yes. But this new cat women makes my blood boil. I don’t know who she is but it seems Selena got herself a replacement.
Given since the video of me crushing her under my feet was over 5 years ago, I could assume she’s probably out doing who knows what.” Even Bruce becomes a little confused, replaying your words in his head he finally understands what you’re trying to say. “The past is in the past.” You shrug. “Who knew you were so cool.” Tim says. “Total cool points.” Dick says. Looking past, your kids you see your eldest walking in. “What’s up, dick.” You smile, stiffly. “Apologies on the intrusion.” Cory says and you wave her off. “No worries.” The air is pretty stiff, the tension Bruce brought with him everywhere was almost annoying. “Cool points? I think I deserve a little more than that for all the stuff I did.” You break the tension. “Yeah, a court date.” You side eye Bruce. “Don’t be a hypocrite.” They all chuckle at your banter. “Why don’t you tell us a story, just to prove the stuff you did.” Tim says as he bated you. “A story?” You say, practically to yourself. There were so much stories that it was so difficult to choose. Dick, Cory, Tim, Duke, Damian, Casey and Jason, waited for your response. “Ok, if its a story you want then its a story you’ll get.” You smirk, thinking of the perfect story. Bruce already knew which story you were going to tell by the look in your eye, so he turns and pretends to be busy. “As you all must know, Gotham was a very corrupt city. Still is but a while back things were much, much worse.” Your compelling introduction, begins the story.
Hitching the rope on the sturdy railing, you slide down quietly unhooking yourself from the rope. You break the glass to the tellers area, officially starting the timer for yourself. The police are on their way. Logging into the computer you wire money from the accounts needed and send them to burner accounts of your own. Erasing everything you did on the computer as if you were never there, you quickly hook yourself on the rope and allow it to pull you up. Your heart was beating rapidly. “Okay this isn’t that bad.” You mutter to yourself, breathing a sigh of relief that immediately gets stuck in your throat. The mechanism cranks, clacks then stops. Yanking on the rope, you grip on it in despair, knowing its jammed. In the desperate moment you still stay alert, hearing a sound from the corner of the bank. Drawing your gun, you point it at the spot you hear the noise. “Come out.” You say, seemingly to no one. Footsteps follow after a pause of silence. “Only point a gun if you’re ready to shoot.” He said as he emerged from the darkness. You just kept pointing the gun at him, knowing that its on safety.
“Thanks but I don’t need a tutorial.” You say with heavy sarcasm. “Clearly. Why don’t you leave. You’re halfway gone anyway.” He says and you take the gun off safety. Attempting to get the machine working again as you yank the rope, it still didn’t budge. Hearing the police sirens come closer, you finally stop pointing the gun at him and shoot the rope. Your intentions were purposeful. You knew what you were doing and it didn’t come across as wrong at any point. Not when you did it or when you were falling almost 20 feet. You did plan to catch yourself, right? But there wasn’t much choice when your being placed on a roof. It must’ve happened so fast that you couldn’t comprehend. His arms rapped around you and you pushed yourself off him. “What the fuck.” You raise your voice at him. Reaching for the gun in your holster but grabbing onto nothing. He stood there waving the gun in-front of you, then disarming it and throwing it aside. “Trying to kill yourself, wouldn’t have solved your problems.” He says and you scoff. “I was going to catch myself.” You exclaim, the statement coming out as a question.
As if you were still confused on what was happening and what you were saying. “If you must know something about me, I can handle myself. I don’t need you or anyone else trying to play hero to me. As you can see, this city is too far from saving.” You advance to him a little and hold down your hood a little. “Nothing is too far from saving, not even a criminal like you.” You chuckle at his response. “Criminal? I’m doing this city a favor.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “And your companions?” He eggs you on with the annoying question. “I said I not them. Maybe criminal status fits them more.” Looking down, you see the police walking around. Opening your cloak in the slightest, you pull out a small hook and rope. “When I catch you again, you’re not getting away so easily.” He sternly warns you. “Is that a promise?” You smirk as you latch the hook on the railing. “Until we meet again, big bat.” You grip the rope and slide down it.
“Yeah, getting caught by Batman on my first solo mission wasn’t a good look with my team.” You say. “So what happened after that?” Tim asks and you scratch your mind for the events that happened after. “I, started practicing knife throwing because of how easily he took the gun and took it apart. I had a backup but he probably would’ve done the same thing. But I went home that day and thought about what he said to me. It was kind of odd, when I got the chance to think about it. I wanted to tell someone but who was I supposed to tell that Batman said I wasn’t far from saving. Most people don’t get more than a word and a good beat down. So I thought about it for a long while and by this time the team was ready to cut me off. I did another solo mission to the International Charity Museum of Gotham.” Dick becomes intrigued. “What happened at the museum?” You clap your hands and fold them in your lap. “I went as myself, no hood, no disguise, nothing and that was probably my biggest mistake of the night.”
Taking a deep breath before stepping into the museum, you straighten your posture. The body tracing black dress made you stand out but blend in at the same time. You decided to wear a black wig, why not pop out a bit. You remembered why you came to the Museum in the first place as you looked at a few paintings. Moving closer to your destination, you hear forced giggles and klink of champagne glasses. Rolling your eyes as you peek over a corner, seeing three girls and Bruce Wayne. “Not totally random.” You utter to yourself. Back tracking, you recall that interaction with him at your old job, ‘He definitely won’t remember that.’ You sigh to yourself but turn back where you came and hide in the women’s bathroom. Unknown to you, the quick clacks of your heels made you aware to him. “Better safe than sorry.” You huff, fixing your hair. Waiting another minute or two, you calmly exit the bathroom and adjust your dress. Making it look like you actually used the restroom. “I haven’t seen you around here.” You look to your left and there he was. “I’m guessing no woman escapes your acknowledgment.”
You give a tight smile and continue your journey. “You’re quite correct in that sense, especially one that I’ve seen before.” Your eyes widen but you relax. “Ah really? I think I would’ve remembered crossing paths with someone such as yourself.” You smirk, secretly wanting him to leave you alone. While walking next to you, your hand accidentally wonders to your thigh as if you had a gun concealed there and grabbed onto nothing. You cover it by itching your side. “This is nice but I must be going now.” You say to him but he stops you before you could slip away. “I’ll see you at toast, then.” He flirts and you see right through his charm. “Is that a promise?” You flirt back and go your own way. Leaving him in the middle of the hallway. Getting so close to the corridor that you can taste it. But it falls out your grasp as you’re pulled to a corner and shoved into a maintenance closet. It happened so swiftly that you didn’t know who pulled on you until you were face to face. “Not only do I recognize you from that coffee shop but the roof top too.” He claims. “What roof top?” Confusion clouds your expression. “I said when I catch you again, you weren’t getting away so easily and I meant it.” He leans in your ear and you shiver. There’s no way you can bullshit your way out of this one.
You look at him in disbelief. “You’re Batman?” You speak lowly. “And you’re a criminal, here to steal.” He states, ignoring the obvious question. You look up to him and run your tongue over your top row of teeth. “And you’re Bruce Wayne. What will you do to me? Hm?” You declare, feeling a little cocky. He can’t admit that you have him between a rock and a hard place but it isn’t like he hasn’t been in situations like this before. “I am going to steal tonight but I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination.” You back up against the door, your hand resting on the handle. “I’ll catch you.” He exclaims and you smile. “I’m counting on it.” You quickly open and close the door, slickly leaving the room. Opening the door to the exhibit, you speedily walk to the incased artwork and go under your dress for a knife. Breaking off the sign that provides information for the piece and throwing it to the side. A small box was hidden behind the sign and you take it. Looking towards the window, you get a bright idea. Going over to it, you knock on it determining the thickness of the glass.
Using the knife, you trace a circle in the window and knocking it once more to make it more fragile. Taking some steps back, you run up and jump through the window. Shielding your face and holding the box close, you land on a mattress you placed there earlier. Collecting yourself, you get up and take some trash off a pile covered by a tarp. Yanking off the plastic, it reveals your motorcycle. Putting the box away in the seat compartment, you place the helmet on your head and start the engine. Your back wheel rolling in some dirty water before revving away. Weaving through the traffic, you break off from the busy roads and go through the abandoned underground tunnel. Arriving back to the warehouse you call base, once you’re sure no one followed. You parked the bike, threw the helmet to the side and took out the box. Going inside through the back door, you’re met with all of them standing side by side. Harley, Ivy and Selena. You hold up the box and smile. “Hold this.” You say to Selena while you go in the near hallway to change out of the fancy clothes and into your bodysuit and cloak. “So where are we going to break open that box?” You ask as you finish up. The hood of your cloak off as you walk back towards them.
“Y’all ready? Where’s Harle-” Your speech slurred as you get hit in the skull. Your hands craddle your head as you fall to the ground. Your eyes slowly blink open as your head pounds. The rough gravel hurt underneath your palms and as your vision gets clearer, you unwillingly watched the warehouse you worked for burn along with your bike. You stand using your hands for the extra boost and watch as they burn. It seemed unbearable but you still looked, couldn’t take your eyes off of it in fact. You needed to remember the going away present they gave you. Once the last piece of metal burned, you walk away. For now leaving that part of your life behind. Putting on your hood as you move closer in the city. Stumbling here and there. Abeling yourself to climb onto the roof of a building, sitting down to observe as the city works. You choke back tears, inevitably letting them fall down your face. Letting your head hang low as your hands gripped onto the ledge you sat on.
Was it possible for someone to feel so much pain and resentment for, not only themselves but the world as well. “what? did you come to see the pity party first hand?” You manage to say with your voice breaking. “I came for information.” He strictly says and you sigh. Moving off the ledge and on the roof, you pace yourself towards him. “I have it.” You say, pushing back the hood and reaching in the cloak for a flash drive. “I took it because I knew this would happen.” You hand it to him and he hesitantly takes it. “Thats it?” You nod to him. “Bank Routing Numbers, Records, Information in that little flash drive.” He hums, ready to leave but he delays for a moment. “How’d you get like this?” You chuckle to him. “Nothing more than time.” You turn away from him and look out towards Gotham again. “Come on.” You look over and sigh. Taking steady steps to approach him.
“There’s way more stories after that but that’s where I’m going to end for now.” They nod and hum to you. Satisfied with the stories you told. “Now, if you all will excuse Bruce and I.” Bruce walks with you to the elevator and you wait for the elevator to reach the manor. “I saved you?” Bruce asked as you both exit the elevator. “I don’t really remember it that way. You had blood running down your forehead.” You stop him in the hallway. “I was going to jump off the ledge, bruce.” You tell him. “I went from having an okay job and apartment to having nothing but a life a crime to turn to in a blink of an eye. And losing that was the tipping point for me. The last thing I had was gone. From that day on I thought I was a burden to you. Hell, I still think I’m a burden to you.” He steps closer to you. “You helped me more than I did you.” He clarifies and you shake your head.
“That doesn’t matter Bruce. We both lost in some way. You had someone. I had people getting taken away, over and over and over again. Who’s to say that one day that won’t happen to you or one of the kids?” You sigh, gathering yourself. “I finally have everything, I dreamt of having. You’d think I’d enjoy it. Live in the moment. But all I can think about is losing this moment.” You cry out the remainder of your words. “So day in and day out, I think you deserve something, someone better. Because you’ve been beat down and I know what that feeling is like.” He hugs you. “Who do you think I deserve? Describe it to me.” He lets go of you to look you in the eye. “I think you deserve someone outstanding, understanding of you and your habits, beautiful, smart and most important of all not broken. I’m broken Bruce, no matter what you do to fix it. I’ll unfortunately be the same.” He frustratingly sighs. “No amount of fancy clothes, hair or makeup can cover that. I just…I don’t know if I can be your wife.”
“Now, stop. You allowed me to put that ring on your finger so you’re marrying me. I don’t care if you’re “broken”. Have you met me?” You huff to his words. “Those words you used to describe someone I deserve, describes you perfectly.” He guides you to the staircase, sitting you down and taking a seat next to you. “You surprise me everyday with how outstanding you are. You understand me so well. Don’t even get me started on how beautiful you are.” He caresses your cheek while wiping a tear. “You outsmart me so much and if you’re broken then we’re broken. Now, when we get married and after that. Don’t you recall that before we were dating or anything of the sorts, you didn’t have fancy clothes, hair or makeup. You rarely wore anything more than a sweatsuit and your natural hair.” You frowned a little touching on your hair. “And I couldn’t have liked it more. Fell in love with you the same way.” He smiles to you. “When I proposed, you were fresh out the bed.” You chuckle at the memory. “Don’t tell me you forgot.” He teases. “Remind me.” You breathe in.
It was a peaceful morning at least before Alfred ran to you in a rush. “Y/n.” You twisted and turned in the comfort of the mattress. “Miss Y/n!” You lift up from your sleep. “I’m up! I’m up. What’s wrong?” You shove the covers off you, wide awake. “Its Master Wayne, he’s downstairs.” That’s all he had to say for you to jump out the bed and rush down the stairs. “Bruce! Bruce.” You shouted his name, searching for him. “Bruce! Where are you.” You raise your voice, Alfred close behind. “Maybe check outside.” He says and you hum. Sprinting to the patio door in the kitchen. “Bruce-” Your words get stuck in your throat, seeing Bruce on his knee with a small box in his hand. You shrink down to a stooping position, covering your face. Looking at him once more, you shriek. Alfred brings you back to your feet and whispers to you “You have to give the man an answer”. You immediately say yes. “Yes! Yes!” You jump up still looking at Bruce, holding your hand out to him once you stand still.
“Wrong hand.” He says and you awkwardly smile, giving him your left hand. He laughs as he slides the diamond on your ring finger. You never gave the ring a second glance, jumping into his arms. Holding onto his neck tightly as you kiss him. Letting yourself and him breathe, you smile. “We’re engaged!” You jump in his arms, rapping your legs around his waist and kissing him again. “I would ask if you like the ring but-” You lean back and look at your hand. “I love it.” You smile. Realizing you’re in pajamas, you jump off him. “How come you’re in a suit and I’m in cartoon pajamas.” You state and he chuckles. “The element of surprise.” He shrugs and you push him in the shoulder. “My morning breath stinks and I still have eye boogers.” You groan, walking inside and he helplessly follows. “You look so pretty.” He compliments you and you bite the inside of your cheek. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Do you want to know the real reason why I proposed to you like that?” He asks and you nod. “I was thinking to take you out to your favorite restaurant and all that but I knew that I didn’t need that for you to say yes. I just needed you alone, even if you were in pajamas.” You hug him, resting your head on his shoulder. “If you ever feel this way again, I want you to let me know. That’s one thing we have to get straight before we get married.” You smile to his words. “We’re going to be talking a lot more.” You warn him. “Good.” He brings you closer to him. “Did I really look pretty that morning?” You question him. “Yes, you looked gorgeous, so pretty.” He appreciates you. “Besides only me, you and Alfred know that I proposed to you in your pajamas.” He says, assuring you. “That’s true, thank you, bruce.”
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gothquill · 2 years
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gothquill · 2 years
How would baki characters ( you choose *wink wink*) react if their S/O is playing some brutal contact game (Soccer, football, handball, basketball) and one of the enemy team porposely hurt them down?
I'm sorry I didn't put as many characters as usual! I've been feeling burnt out recently and just not feeling inspired, but I do love these asks you guys are giving me!
Reacting to their S/O getting hurt in a sport:
It takes a lot to get Baki angry, he's a generally relax and chill person, but seeing his S/O play their sport always gets him excited, he's their number 1 fan!
But he doesn't like seeing his S/O get hurt, he knows it's part of the sport but he can't help but worry about them, he knows that he's physically stronger and can take more damage than the average person, so he knows damage when he sees it
Seeing his S/O get pushed violently gets him riled up, he doesn't want to cause a scene right there though so he'll just shout and ask if they're okay
Once the game is over and his S/O has been checked out by the doctor, Baki disappears for a while, he goes to teach the other player a lesson
He's not the most vengeful when it comes to petty things but he'll catch the player in an alleyway and just push them, similar to how his S/O was pushed
Unfortunately for the player, Baki is extremely strong and pushes them hard enough to break bricks, he doesn't kill them but he lets them go with a warning about learning to control their strength when they play (they learn their lesson of course)
When he goes back to his S/O they'll ask where he was, and he'll just say he was dealing with something, when they're home he'll run his S/O a bath and rub any bruises they have, he's used to getting injured but seeing his S/O get hurt is something he'll never get used to
He's generally very proud of his athletic S/O, he finds it attractive but he doesn't want them to get hurt
He doesn't watch all of their games but he does attend those that he can, if he can't come to it he'll have one of his men watch to make sure nothing bad happens
Unfortunately one of the few times he goes to see them play they get completely body-slammed to the ground, and the opposing player smiles as they keep running
This really gets on Kaoru's nerves, he understands that things do happen by accident on the field but he can tell when someone has malicious intent behind their actions, he's gotten good at reading people as a yakuza
Unlike Baki, he wouldn't deal with it behind his S/O's back, after the game he'll be with his S/O when they see the other player, you can't usually tell that he's angry from his face, but if you look closely you can see him flexing or squeezing his fists tighter
Once they make eye contact the player almost shits their pants, they didn't realize that the person they hit was a yakuza's lover, they might be strong but nobody wants to mess with a crime syndicate
Just by looking at them, Kaoru is able to make them apologize to his S/O, his S/O might forgive the player but he definitely wouldn't, he'd continue to use his intimidating and scary aura to make his message clear, of course when his S/O turns to look at him he turns it off immediately
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gothquill · 2 years
I have to ask how would Oliver and Maria’s baby handle being raised in a prison. Seeing as I Doubt Oliver would give his child to someone else and Maria being unable to move.
Oliva's baby being raised in prison:
Calling Oliva a prisoner is an overstatement, he practically lives in luxury and can leave whenever he wants, so it's not really a prison
But his child would grow up around the inmates, being Oliva's child means that nobody would mess with them, and in American prisons, inmates who've committed crimes against children don't do well (in essence they get fucked up or killed)
I like to think that the inmates would be really friendly with the child, they might let them play card games or watch prison fights, whatever they do in prison
Oliva would be a very protective father though, the only person he loves more than Maria is his child, as he should. Maria isn't offended by this of course, Maria feels the same way, any parent would
His child might end up being a little rascal though, running around and messing with the guards would gain them a reputation, both Oliva and the prisoners love watching the child mess with the guards, there's nothing the guards can do about it
Because of how they are living in the prison, the child might end up being the gang leader of the kids in school, recess is no different from the prison yard, and they know how to command respect
If there was any discipline it would be Maria that enforces it, even though she can't move much both Oliva and their child hate when she gets angry (any mom that's angry is a woman on a warpath, don't mess with her)
I don't know if the child would be large like their parents, Oliva gained his muscle over time, and Maria has a medical condition, but Oliva is only 5'11" so I don't think their child would be very tall (we support short kings on this blog don't worry, and 5'11" isn't really short but compared to the Baki characters it is)
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gothquill · 2 years
Hello! How are you doing? I hope good!
Can i have some headcanons of pickle having a very small and chubby s/o?
Aw this is a cute one! I barely see anything on everyone's favorite caveman so I'm happy to answer this one!
Pickle having a small and chubby S/O:
He'd find his S/O to be extremely adorable! He loves the fact that he can easily pick them up and take them anywhere he wants, although it does annoy his S/O from time to time
He also adores how soft they are, he finds that every feature of their body is perfect for grabbing and cuddling with. Pickle is very physically affectionate like that, he kinda views his S/O as a cute animal sometimes
Naps are one of his favorite things to do with his S/O, they might not even be tired but he'll pull them into a bear hug and lay down with them, lord knows that they won't be able to push him off so they just let him do his thing
Even though he doesn't understand modern languages he is able to read human expressions, so he generally knows what his S/O likes and doesn't like, if they don't like cuddling then he'll be a little heart broken (but who wouldn't wanna cuddle with him?)
But he does recognize that they vulnerable and weak, not in a bad way but in a way that makes him want to protect them from everything
Because of that his S/O will constantly have to deal with Pickle bringing them animals for food, if they're small then he brings them alive, but if they're really big he'll have killed them first
Hopefully his S/O knows how to prepare food immediately after it's been killed because it's a common occurrence, but once Pickle tastes the cuisine from the modern era he's blown away, he finds his S/O even more lovely because of their cooking skills (even if they can't cook if they give him instant ramen then he's hooked)
It might stun some people to see a ripped Neanderthal with a small and chubby S/O, but to Pickle his S/O is one of the prettiest people in the world, he actually really likes the differences in physique. He's so used to dealing with things that could kill him and are covered in muscle, so his S/O is a nice change in pace
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gothquill · 2 years
Just imagining a preteen Jon Kent who has only ever encountered the civilian batbros in relation to Damian one day hear his dad, who has never said worse than “shucks darn” in his presence, call Dick by his name:
Jon: Dad! That’s so mean, why would you call him that?!
Clark: because that’s his name?
Jon: his name is Grayson!
Clark: uh
Dick: that’s my last name, kiddo
Jon: What about Todd—
Dick: Jason
Jon: and drake—
Dick: Tim
Jon: where does the wayne fit in to all of this?
Dick: Bruce adopted us
Jon: you’re ADOPTED!? But you all look exactly the same
Dick: umm
Jon: your parents are dead?
Dick: yes
Jon: *visibly tearing up* that’s so sad
Dick: it’s okay! Don’t cry. Honestly, when I was little, finding out your dad was adopted really helped me—
Clark: *facepalms* honey, I’m an alien. You know this.
Jon: *lays on floor and sings the wizards of waverly place theme song to himself* everything is not what it seems
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gothquill · 2 years
Unknown Goodbyes
miles morales (itsv) x gn!reader, can be read as platonic or romantic.
Warnings: nothing major, lying? 442 words, haven’t written marvel in a year…
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“You alright?” Miles asks, leaning against the doorframe of your room. You barely glance at him, but you see his appearance is messier than usual, probably out being the friendly neighborhood spiderman like he always is.
You’re surprised he’s even here, you almost wish he wasn’t but, Miles has always been perceptive of your emotions, or at least you’d believed he was till now.
“I’m okay.” You answer, cowering under your duvet. Anything to avoid looking at him. “Just a little under the weather s’all.”
“You sure?”
“I’m okay, miles. You don’t have to worry about me.” You repeat though it’s a little harsher than you intended. “Sorry, Miles I didn’t—” you rubbed your face tiredly, sighing as you finally turned to look at him. “Did you need something?”
He shakes his head and sets down a mug you failed to notice before, and sits on the edge of your bed. “Just wanted to check on you. Pops said you haven’t been out of your bed in a minute.”
You hum, picking at the balls of lint that stuck to your sheets. “Is that the only thing?”
“I missed you,” he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck; a telltale sign that he was nervous. “I haven’t seen you in a while and I, you know.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled under your breath, “I missed you too.”
An empty silence follows after you spoke, his leg bouncing, your bed shaking from it. He’s nervous, it’s obvious. And whatever he’s keeping inside is eating him from within.
“I might not be around a lot anymore.” He says, looking at you from the corner of his eye. “Some things are happening right now and I don’t want you to get involved.”
You don’t know what you were expecting but it was definitely not something like that.
“That’s never been a problem before,” you say, words slow as you moved to sit beside him. “I– um, did something happen?”
He shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, “No, no. It’s not– nothing happened.” His tone makes it believable but you knew him like the back of your hand, he was lying. “I just want to keep you safe.”
At least that’s true.
“If you think that’s right, then fine.” You mumbled, raising your hands to his shoulders, pushing him to lay down. He looks at you with a bewildered expression, eyebrows pinched together and his mouth slightly agape. “Stay with me for tonight, please.”
“Okay,” he says, wrapping an arm around you to hold you close. “Um, I love you.”
“I know.” You muttered, burying your face in his chest. “I love you too.”
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gothquill · 2 years
It’s Amusing love | S.M
pairing(s): Miles Morales x gn!reader, Miles Morales x spider!reader, Peter Parker x gn!reader, Peter Parker x spider!reader
Summary: The bug boys being jealous of someone flirting with you and you can’t help but laugh at their struggles
request(s): Can I request a Miles Morales x reader where Miles is jealous because of this cocky buff random guy, and reader is just laughing about how Miles is so jealous.- the @ said unavailable :(-
Warning(s): Like two swear words -be proud of me👹🔪- (please let me know if I’m missed anything)
A/n: -GIF’s are not mine- I GOT MY FIRST ASK So I made this a late Valentine’s Day special so I added all the bug boys -minus Toby don’t hate me- If no one told you Happy Vday hun :)
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♡︎ Miles Morales:
Miles was just trying to go grab some pasta noodles for your night in and it was taking him a while.. he couldn’t remember if your said angel hair or penne
So he ended up grabbing both.. -along with a comic that you may or may not scold him about-
When he returned to the seasoning and spice isle he didn’t expect to see some frat boy that was definitely flirting with you
Maybe he was overthinking.. no he definitely heard you saying a number
He was so.. big like muscle wise and super tall and-
You found it adorable how Miles were terribly hiding behind a small rack of toys while some random boy came up and started to talk to you
First you turned him down without a thought but when the guy Jake or Josh? Whatever his name was couldn’t take no for an answer you gave him a number
That number being the deli shop seven minutes away from you’re house.
He ended up getting a phone call making your wish come true as he apologized and left the isle
Miles slowly made his way to you flushing a dusty rose as you continued to put your last couple seasonings in the cart
“Finally you ready to go” Miles couldn’t believe you just gave another man your number and continued on like it was nothing
“No.. your weren’t going to tell me about.. that” Miles nodded his head in the direction of where your ‘admirer’ walked off “He smells like old spice and he kept staring at you a-and”
You tried to hold it in you really did but you couldn’t help too burst into a fit of giggles at you’re boyfriend who was clearly jealous
“Why are we laughing h-how is this funny?” The look on your boyfriends face only made you laugh harder doubling over while clutching your stomach
“I’m honestly a bit hurt that you don’t know the difference between my number and a restaurant’s M”You finally stood straight wiping a nonexistent tear from under your eye looking over to a clearly embarrassed Miles
Miles just took a few steps over to yourself wrapping his arms around your torso hiding his very hot face in your neck towering over you slightly as you rubbed his back and left a couple kisses on his cheeks your chapstick leaving a faint residue
“I love you” The phrase would be Indeterminate to the human ear if your senses weren’t highlighted because Miles was pushing his face so hard into your neck you were afraid he might morph himself into you
But regardless you acknowledge him hum “I love you more M, now did you get the pasta”
Miles pulled himself back with a bashful look holding up two different pasta boxes “I forgot which ones you said” as you chuckled and grabbed the penne noodles from Mile’s warm hands as he threw the box of noodles in your cart while putting the Angel hair back on the a random shelf
“Miles is that another comic” uh oh.
♡︎ Peter parker:
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Peter was rushing sprinting down the hallways of the school trying to get to you.His amazing s/o who he knew hated driving instead of swinging.
His same s/o who he begged to drive here at the fear of you having a crowd and would be late if you landed on the ground because you didn’t have a target to shoot a web at
His same s/o who’s been waiting in the school parking lot for thirty minutes because Mr. Lewis decided to hold a lecture about the class needing to to do better on futures test that he was sure to pass
Well thirty five if you count the thirty seconds he took to read you’re text’s from his Notification Center two minutes to sprint down the hallway to his locker and grab his duffel bag since he would be staying the weekend at your house and three minutes trying to get through hallway traffic
When he finally exited the double doors of the building and searched for your car that didn’t take long with how flashy it was because you had a pretty good amount of money
It did take you a while to fully convince Peter that it’s okay to ask you for things first it was small ask’s like lunch money or extra cash for his field trip because he didn’t want to bother aunt May but the it slowly started to transform into a couple pair of new converses and a watch that he had wanted for a good while -that he was also sure cost more than his life savings- but he mentioned it once and in three days what did he have
A new watch.
When Peter finally found you car he couldn’t stand the sight at who was next to your car talking to you through the a window he always had to try and ruin everything why couldn’t Flash just let him have this.
You were beyond annoyed you were just decently minding your business waiting for Peter before this random Flash kid came up to your door
You were just ready to go ‘this could have been prevented if I just swung’ is all you could think about as Flash bragged about his new book that was sure to make him ‘loads’
Finally Flash’s ride arrived to pick him up as they honked the horn alerting the boy of their presence
“Sorry I gotta go sweet cheeks talk to you later” you would like nothing more that to give him an idea of how sweet you are but restrained yourself as you were in a school parking lot and wouldn’t like to go to jail on a Friday afternoon
“Beat that Penis Parker” Flash bumped shoulders with Peter who was just trying to slowly make his way to your car causing him to become a dark shade of crimson and pick up his pace
When you hear your door open a look over to finally see your boyfriend you were overjoyed you might only show it and gifts and flirtatious touches but you do love him
“Hi baby, feel like I’ve been waiting for ever how was your day” It was fine before you decided to flirt with Flash y/n
We all know that Peter is a sensitive person and he was doing a decent job at holding himself together but when you asked him “what’s wrong” when he didn’t answer your questions well.. he couldn’t exactly pick up the pieces
“Are you going to leave me?” The question caught you off guard as Peter turned to look at you with teary eyes while he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt
“No Peter of course not why would you think that” you pulled Peter over your arm rest scooting back your seat as he cried himself into your chest you wanted him to take his time but you also wanted to know what was wrong with your baby
“I uh saw you t-talking to Flash” So that was what it was about the kid who’s name you’d forgotten that fast “oh baby no he just came up to my car, hell I didn’t even talk back to him” you reassured you’re boyfriend running your fingernails through his scalp
Peter couldn’t help but push himself into your airy and light touch feeling embarrassed that he jumped to conclusions
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have accused you, you can talk to whoever you want an-” You’d cut off peters rambling with a kiss that left him surprised and stiff for a small moment before he leaned into yourself
You were both.. a higher scale of the regular human race so you didn’t exactly need that much air
But you also knew if you didn’t stop you wouldn’t get out of this school parking lot and once again you did not want to go to jail on a Friday afternoon
So you made the first move and pulled away taking in a small breath of air as Peter whined at the loss of contact making you chuckle
“I got you something you reached behind your seat grabbing a decent sized gift bag with pink and red tissue paper sticking out from it and Peter couldn’t help but get excited you always -other than Aunt May- had the best gifts
Peter lifted himself from your chest sliding back over to the passenger seat eager to see what was his gift
You couldn’t help but giggle at your boyfriend as you sat the gift bag covered with glitter and hearts on his lap snatching the thin decorative paper out of the bag and gasped all he saw was the logo and immediately knew making you smile to yourself
It was that starwars 75309 Republic gunship along with some chocolate that he had never seen nor could pronounce the name even if he tried
“Oh my god thank you thank you thank you” Peter squealed like a school girl as he tackled you into a hug preparing kisses all over your face he couldn’t wait to build the ship with Ned
“If you think like that you’re going to love the house button” you chuckled pulling your seat belt over your shoulders as Peter calmed down doing the same the box never quite left his hands though..
God you loved your Peter
♡︎ (Tasm) Peter Parker
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Peter had been waiting for you a while now maybe fifteen minutes as he sat at the white clothed table set with glassware his leg bouncing up and down he was nervous and eager to see you
You finally arrived to the restaurant that you and Peter had decided for yourselves you parked you car In a parking space not far from peters, his own car was about three of four slots from your own
You walked up to the double glass doors gripping the metal handle pulling open the door as your shoes clicked against that hard wood floor
You searched for the table number 26 you were getting closer and closer 23.. 24.. 25..
Peter looked up at the feeling of a tap on his to see you god you were stunning dressed in your all black you looked like you belonged in a museum
“You look, you look great” You chuckled at peters bluntness as he stood up wrapping his arms around your torso swaying side to side pressing a kiss to your temple when you finally broke apart peter stepped over to your own chair pulling it out for you as you smiled up at him he could be such.. a dream at times
You both talked about work and school for a while before a waiter came to assist your table “Hello I’m Thomas I’ll be your waiter tonight can I get you started with some drinks” the chipper voice was also monotone most likely from repeating the phrase so often “I’ll take a sirrea mist” Peter decided closing his menu he already knew what he wanted if he could pronounce it..“Can I please get a sweet tea hold the lemon”
Peter didn’t exactly like the way the waiter looked down at you through the spirals of his note pad but restrained from saying anything he didn’t want to ruin the night with over thinking so he just let it slide for now at least..
You laughed and talked even slow danced your way through the night before your waiter finally came out with your food Peter with ravioli and salad you with salmon, asparagus, and mashed potatoes
“Everything Alright here” Peter was starting to get less and less found of the voice why did he check on this table so much “we’re fine thank you Thomas” Peter mumbled loud enough for the sound waves to travel through the air
But Thomas stayed and looked at you for your own answer which you simply nodded your head with a tight lipped smile before the waiter simply walked off for his next table
“Who knew the almighty Peter Parker could be jealous” Peter looked up from his intense starring of watch water droplets fall down his glass “He keeps checking you out im supposed to do that” Peter groaned putting his face in his hands
“We can go if you want I have a little surprise at home” you suggested hoping that your most of the time very naive boyfriend would get the hint
Peter did seem to get this time as he frantically shook his head raising his hand to get a check “Hello do you need anything Desert perhaps?” Thomas questioned ‘politely’
“No thank you just a check just ready to get in with my amazing boyfriend” Peter loved the way you teasingly looked through your lashes as he had once done Thomas just grumbled In response off to go get the check
Peter quickly signed it throwing down a 100 dollar bill dragging you through the door as your giggles filled the air
Oh and that surprise was a really good one
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gothquill · 2 years
*Hargreeves at Eliot's in the 60s*
Five: Care to explain?
*Y/N covered in blood*
Y/N: Uh...I started my period?
*horrified Diego pointing at the axe in her hand*
Five: As long as it was productive, I don't really care.
Y/N: I got you a briefcase~(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*。*♡
Five: I love you.
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gothquill · 2 years
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the look
miles morales x reader 𖤐
contains-pure fluff!!no pronouns used for reader,597 words
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“It’s still confusing” you cried out for the fifth time that night
Miles was put up with the task of trying to help you with your homework. You were both in different classes but when you showed him the work he said it was easy and he could help you on it. What he didn’t expect was after 5 times of explaining it to you it’d bring you both back to the beginning.
Despite having to explain it over and over again he did it with a smile, ignoring his tiredness because well…he liked you.
You flashed him a frown every time you didn’t understand it. “I’m sorry I don’t understand it miles your probably fed up with me” you yawned stretching your arms, “I should probably go and let you rest up it’s been a few hours”
“No! No! It’s alright you can stay it’s nice having you here” he said rather too quickly for his brain to process
“Oh so you like having me here” wiggling your eyebrows teasingly. He looked at you wide eyed but nodded slowly.
“Cute” you giggled
You’d only known miles for a year but found out quickly you had a lot in common. The more you spent time with him you developed a crush on the boy. From the small rambles he’d make about a new comic book he read to the drawings of you he kept in his sketch book that he still thinks you haven’t seen.
“Alright so back to the homework all you have to do is find the volume of these sides and times it by 6”
Your brain didn’t comprehend half his sentence as your eyelids got heavy with each boring math word that spilled from Miles lips.
A weight plopped onto miles shoulder making him look at his shoulder. There lied you unconscious in a deep sleep. “How does she fall asleep that fast” he said aloud in a chuckle.
— — —
The morning light shines through your windows hitting you like a laser. Your eyes opened slowly, trying to adjust to the bright light. What surprised you was you were in the comfort of your own room. Didn’t you fall asleep at Miles house or was that just a dream?
You quickly shook off the matter as you looked at your alarm clock to see you woke up later than you should’ve. Scrambling out of bed you opened your drawers and picked out your uniform and quickly put it on. By the time you were out the door it was certain you we’re going to miss the buss.
So making a run for it you did.
Your legs started to feel a burn after running what you’d think was a mile. Rushing into the school building Miles was first to greet you. A ‘good morning” was about to fly by your lips to him till you realized the look he was giving you.
The uncle aaron look
Why’d he have to do it when you looked like a wreck though you thought mentally clicking your tongue.
“Yes miles I’ll go out with you”
“Yes! Wait I didn’t even say anything how’d you know I was going to ask you out?”
“You gave me the look”
“What look?!” He asked rather confused by what you meant
Raising your eyebrows you smiled and went as far as putting your hand on his shoulder. Now he knew what you meant and his jaw hanged, “you did it just like uncle aaron”
“hey” making your voice deeper before you both erupted into a fit of laughter
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gothquill · 2 years
Dating Miles Morales.
Remake of this post from my main blog, I wanted to redeem myself.
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He bumps into you at visions academy a week after the fight with king pin, stumbling over his words when you begin talking to him.
After becoming friends with him, you’re seen by his and ganke’s side more often.
You fall asleep on his shoulder during a movie night, hugging his arm tightly and he feels like his heart is about to jump out of his chest. (And of course ganke teases him about it.)
He tells himself he’ll eventually tell you his feelings, silently hyping himself everytime he’s around you becomes he thinks this is the moment
He finally gained real courage to tell you on a cool autumn night, his hands are stuffed in his pockets, gaze set on you beside him while you tell a story.
He blurts, “I like you.” When you’re in the middle of a sentence, stopping you from completing your sentence.
Your eyes lock with his and he looks away almost immediately, sweating when your cold hand reaches up to turn his face towards you.
“I like you too.” You mutter, laughing at the bypasser yelling out a “whoop!”
He’s always touching you, whether it be holding your hand, his thigh pressed against yours, hand on the small of your back, or arms simply touching while you walk through the halls of visions academy.
If he ever bring you to meet his parents, he’s the nervous one while you’re beginning conversation after conversation with his mother. You even get his dad to give a compliment or two.
He will never let you be cold. If he hears the slightest chatter of your teeth, or sees goosebumps rise onto your arms, he is throwing his jacket at you. Or, he’s wrapping his arms around you and pressing you against his chest, who knows? Maybe it’s both.
If he ever tells you he’s spiderman, I assume it’d be during an unprecedented and risky time. Per se he’s injured and you’re the only one he can rely on (minus ganke)
Alternatively, if he manages to run out of date ideas or gift ideas he suggest he takes you swinging. And when you end up on a rooftop and not a playground, let’s just say you’re more than a little confused.
Speaking of dates, naps are his guilty pleasure! Being spiderman and all has its repercussions and he gets tired a little too quickly in the morning. So he’s either napping on your thighs, or his head falls into your chest unceremoniously at lunch.
Miles would be such a caring boyfriend to you and would always always respect your boundaries. If he ever crosses the line on accident he would apologize every waking moment.
Overall I 11/10 recommend dating miles morales :))
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