gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Ahhhh don’t be a little purrloin Anthony, we’ll be ok -she laughed but suddenly gasped as she swerved almost nearly hitting a car- See safe!
[When they nearly hit a car on the highway, Anthony squealed like a girl, hugging his Cottonee for dear life. The Pokemon made muffled, annoyed sounds and flapped its leafy limbs in frustration.]
Anthony! A big man like you scared? -she started laughing maniacally going faster on the pedal- So how far are we now?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Do you have a ditto?: Hmmm I wonder where Anthony is?
Wow; you're really gunning it with that pedal, aren't you! Remember, we've gotta merge!
[Anthony squeals, clutching the handle on the side of the car for dear life. There's so many cars! What if Lillian hits somebody?!]
Ahhhh don't be a little purrloin Anthony, we'll be ok -she laughed but suddenly gasped as she swerved almost nearly hitting a car- See safe!
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Gee, this really takes me back! We’re doing this the old way, before the days of GPS. It’ll just be you, me, the map, our Pokemon…and the Open Road! We’re going to stay on the Route 15 highway for 20 minutes and pass until we make it to the Intraregional Highway. From there, we keep west for a good 60 miles!
-She inserted the keys and started the ignition turning on the radio a familiar song played- Bein' out on the OPEN ROAD! So 60 miles huh? -she pushed down on the pedal and soon the two were on their way-
Hmmm I wonder where Anthony is?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Totally! I can’t wait to do our road trip in your RV, all the way to where we need to go! Ha ha ha! I just love adventure!
-she beeps the alarm on her rv and throws a map at Anthony- Ahhhh I cant wait! Lets go now!
Hmmm I wonder where Anthony is?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Tumblr media
Oh there you are! Are you ready to go?
Hmmm I wonder where Anthony is?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Hmmm I wonder where Anthony is?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Oh, this was Johnny Cash! He’s got a lot of good music to listen to, even though some of the stuff is kinda blue and puts me in a not so happy mood. But it sounds nice, yeah?
It really does! Even though I prefer music with an upbeat beat. Something electronically is nice like from the eighties! A little bow bow or unn tss unn tss you know?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
[He giggles a bit and pulls out his own cell phone to play his favorite: I’ve been everywhere. Of course, that was more of a Cash song than anything else, but it suited his life!]
-she paused hers to listen to his song- It sounds nice, who sings it again?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Hee hee! Um, maybe we should get a 90s playlist with stuff like Backstreet Boys, N-Sync, Britney Spears, and all that awesome stuff. Man, I remember those days, back when there was actually fun stuff to listen to on the radio.
Now it seem like it’s all rap.
Yay! Music! I agree I love music from back then though some around now are good. -she pulls out her cell phone and begins playing rockafella skank- 
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
I’m mostly a Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Grateful Dead kind of guy, but I’ll listen to anything! Oh, hey! Um, are you humming Bye Bye Bye? I remember that song!
Who are you talking about? I never heard of them. -she laughs when he mentions bye bye bye- yes I was! 
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Are you and Anthony going to get dirty in the RV?
Well we're gonna go hike and such so I assume we're going to get dirty. -she laugh slightly to herself-
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
And maybe I can talk to another buddy of mine, one out in Sinnoh. She’s kind of like a human iPod. I bet she’d be able to write out a great playlist for us to listen to on the way to Icirrus City.
Oh really? Whats her name? I love 90's pop -starts humming songs from n'sync- What kind of songs do you like?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
[He actually sounds interested in using the vehicle.]
I've never ridden in an RV before. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I'll help pay for the gas, and I'll navigate. I don't think it's possible for me to get lost, after all those years of traveling and reading maps!
Perfect, I can't wait. It's a trip! 
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
We can go Monday! That isn’t too late for you, is it?
The one coming up? Sure! I can’t wait -she smiles before take a sip of her smoothie-
[He’s sipping his smoothie, too, giving some to his Cottonee bit by bit as he enjoys both the snack and the company.]
I guess the big question would be whether or not you’d be okay camping out on the trip there. I’ve got the stuff to pitch a tent in my bag here. It’s certainly large enough for two!
Or you know we can just drive up in my RV -she laughs slightly not sure if she might have hurt his feelings- You can take over the couch and we can build a campfire outside.
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
We can go Monday! That isn't too late for you, is it?
The one coming up? Sure! I can't wait -she smiles before take a sip of her smoothie-
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Do you have a ditto?: hiker-anthony: Do you have a ditto?: hiker-anthony: Gosh…you’re pretty...
Now that's a Pokemon I can easily help you go catch! If you have time later this week, how about we make a trip out toward Icirrus City? I heard they can be found out that way. Maybe I can help you catch a Deerling, too, since they change with the seasons!
R-really? -her eyes went wide with excitement- you really are the greatest -she smiles at him not noticing how tight she was squeezing solosis till it let out a loud squeek-
Oh dear I'm sorry, so sorry -she leans forward and kisses her pokemon- So then when can we go?
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gotdittos-blog · 13 years
Do you have a ditto?: hiker-anthony: Gosh…you’re pretty wonderful, too.[And here he was, at...
Well, they all suit you! They really do! Ah ha ha! I started out with nothing but Rock and Ground types, until I got out here to Unova. I couldn't say no to Cottonee. He was too cute. That and my ex kept insisting that I'd shock everyone if I adopted a Grass Pokemon for once. He's a good pal.
[He pets his Pokemon and gives Cottonee a berry.]
But Ditto isn't green or psychic! It kind of looks a bit like melted putty.
Neither is Rotom but I also love pokemon that change their forms. I find the way they change their body chemistry absolutely fascinating. 
-she scoots and holds solosis close to her squishing him between her arms-
Hmmm ground types are nice I've always wanted a golett its sooo cute!
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