gorguggrapenips · 1 day
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gorguggrapenips · 4 days
He is truly me
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✨Vox Phantasma ✨
Hocus-pocus, brother.
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gorguggrapenips · 4 days
wendell’s sweet little voice coming out of ify’s completely jacked body is crazy and i will never get over it
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gorguggrapenips · 5 days
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first anticapitalist bit of the season!!!
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gorguggrapenips · 5 days
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anyway go watch pissing out cancer on dropout
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gorguggrapenips · 5 days
lowkey ally being the most experienced d20 player at the table is kinda cool. pointing out the driving skill on ify’s sheet and doing the quick math for Jacob’s explosions is neat as hell, especially since they started as the least experienced at the table.
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gorguggrapenips · 5 days
i just think all stand-up specials should include a little tangent where the comedian explains the evolution of ants
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gorguggrapenips · 5 days
Izzy: god I love action movies
Brennan My-Love-For-My-Wife-Is-Legendary Lee Mulligan: Sam we are making an action movie d20 campaign starring my wife. It's not a suggestion Sam.
It's literally what happened btw
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gorguggrapenips · 6 days
I am so firmly anti fabian/aelwyn it's not even funny PLEASE don't let them get together
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gorguggrapenips · 6 days
Fun fact where I live, fast food restaurants like Starbucks have to give free waters out because it’s considered a human necessity and a lot of homeless need that kind of thing in the summer
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gorguggrapenips · 6 days
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gorguggrapenips · 6 days
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gorguggrapenips · 8 days
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Reblong to give someone an ice cream sanditch.
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gorguggrapenips · 8 days
Casually watching The Good Place and suddenly…
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gorguggrapenips · 9 days
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All of dropout cast probably
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gorguggrapenips · 9 days
The bit with Ankarna after the fight where she’s asking them if they want her sword but no they don’t want or need her sword but they need her and Justice isn’t always angry and violent but Justice can be a soft and sweet embrace and a whisper of “it’s okay, you were hurt in the past and your feelings are justified, your pain is justified, I am justifying them and you don’t need a sword but a shelter and I am that shelter” you know I’m going kind of crazy
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gorguggrapenips · 10 days
I just finished watching Ally's Screenrant interview and as my last Junior Year related post I just want to praise them and their character.
I have seen people saying that they think Kristen has not had any real development this season and that she did'nt earn anything she got .
I politely but firmly disagree
Kristen,who at the start of the season was tired after a summer spent adventuring and could not focus on being a good cleric for her goddess , has grown into the perfect prophet of doubt and new beginning and has absolutely earned the title of "most remarkable cleric this world has ever seen".
She realized how much Cassandra mattered to her only after losing her and she dedicated herself to fixing the mess she caused.
She applied herself accademically for the first time and thrived. She stopped avoiding her parents and had a real conversation with them. She offered Bobby Dawn her hand in a moment of desperation (after he lost Buddy) and tried to build a bridge beetwen the two creed.
And, most importantly, when put in front of her confused little brother she showed him the way.She was calm,patient and wise and made him realize the importance of doubt and of making your own decision and following your own path.
In that moment Kristen really became the Prophet that Cassandra deserved and that the world of Spyre needed.
And the thing that I love most is that she is still a fucking mess.
She is handling her breakup poorly,she is super petty, she still says unhinged shit sometimes; she is still her
And I think that's what good character development is: a character should still mantain some of their flaws and characteristics. They shouldn't become a blank slate filled with good intention and unproblematic traits at the end of their arc
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