gorgonsister · 2 days
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gorgonsister · 2 days
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gorgonsister · 2 days
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gorgonsister · 5 days
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Shiori Matsuura
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gorgonsister · 8 days
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To be magazine 2024 - maroske peech
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gorgonsister · 8 days
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Rahima Gambo, selection from A Walk, 2018-Ongoing
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gorgonsister · 13 days
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Abdur Rahman Muhammad (Ghanaian, b. 1992)
Green Shimmer, 2023
Oil on canvas
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gorgonsister · 15 days
ok i watched i saw the tv glow and safe today and my anxiety may have spiked watched safe. ok. so all today i’ve trying to decide whether or not to go on a run. i finally get out after the movie at like 10pm and i’m like ok it’s late let’s go its cool at least. but then you know it’s all these guys sitting outside in the dark and sirens. my anxiety spikes when this one guy snorts and spits as i run past (like a pig, a cop?) anyway i just turned back
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gorgonsister · 16 days
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Axel Salto . Actaeon . 1969 - 74. Stoneware with sung glaze
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gorgonsister · 18 days
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gorgonsister · 2 months
theres been bombs dropped on displaced families camps in congo so i wanna share some places to donate where u can help the congolese ppl
focus congo
friends of the congo
panzi foundation
if u cant donate just share and get it to someone who can!!
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gorgonsister · 2 months
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Musings from Anna Fusco
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gorgonsister · 2 months
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gorgonsister · 2 months
i’ve also been struggling with authority figures more than usual the last few months. the conditions of my life are not enough. it’s always a mother, a teacher, a boss who supposedly knows more than me. i can’t trust myself fully. i just want to escape.
this phd business is complete ass lol i am basically being forced to work with a professor i don’t want to work with or trust particularly by my former advisor. i keep trying to advocate for myself (since i’m the one whose career is on the line) but the faculty are only looking out for themselves
i could go on but i’m listening to disney tunes, kesha and my chemical romance instead. thank you nostalgia
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gorgonsister · 2 months
this phd business is complete ass lol i am basically being forced to work with a professor i don’t want to work with or trust particularly by my former advisor. i keep trying to advocate for myself (since i’m the one whose career is on the line) but the faculty are only looking out for themselves
i could go on but i’m listening to disney tunes, kesha and my chemical romance instead. thank you nostalgia
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gorgonsister · 2 months
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y-3 fall 2006
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gorgonsister · 2 months
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