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When you wanna love it
Fuck I wanna love RWBY but god damn I am sure monkeys with typewriters can write a more consistent plot. and that final was so bad that I am convinced all the budget went into genlock and Blake and yang’s fight scene
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When you wanna love it
Fuck I wanna love RWBY but god damn I am sure monkeys with typewriters can write a more consistent plot. and that final was so bad that I am convinced all the budget went into genlock and Blake and yang’s fight scene
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So like
I get its animation but I think I never seen more softer and caring eyes as nora
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I hope.
Everyone with family that has and has had cancer. You are not alone. cancer can be a slow killer or something that turns your entire life upside down in an instant. One moment someone you love is happy and healthy then all the sudden they are nothing but a husk of former selfs. I would like to talk about my experience. I know this is all kinda of cringy and stuff but I find peace in talking to others that dont know me. Growing up I was spoiled as well as my sisters. WE didnt have alot of money but my mum spent every cent to make us happy. She was far from perfect but she loved her children like no other, I think its what lead to alot of her fail relationships. Seeing my mother fade away. She started with so much hope and it broke me . I still remember my last moment she talked to me was when I tried to cheer her up by puting a old show she liked on the tv. I said I would like to watch it with her and all she did was smile and have and say yep. The last words she said to me was that brcause I was a coward and hid in my room. SO I fguesss what this all mean is. Stand by you r family til the end \. because in the end you might leave making them feel alone and dark in the last few hours of there lifes. Dont make the same mistake as i did.Be there for them
I am sure there are many stories like mine I just hope it helps
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This hurts me
Sometimes I listen too Stefan Karl Stefansons last song. It really hurt to see someone who was filled with amazing energy be snuffed out by something so cruel. Hearing his family in the background breaks my heart.
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My thoughts on Crows alcoholism
Hello everyone. This is gonna be a little different then normal I think, but i want to talk about it anyway. When I watched RWBY like many I saw Crows alcoholism played for laughs like in a lot of media. The last few episodes has really shown the effect it can have. I have a lot of problems with drinking and some of it I can see in crow. Crow had a purpose in his life, he thought he was making a difference, however despite that he was still drinking. At the time I cant help but feel that his drinking was part of his “personality” That if he didnt drink, he would not be that funny uncle or whatever. But now he has lost his purpos, and let me tell you. When you depend on drinking and have no purpose. its a hell of a downward spiral. I know my thoughts are all over the place here. but i hope I got somthing across
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Last thing for the day
Jaune be the person Pyrrha knows you can be.
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You member?
You member when Jaune was a sweet happy boi. I member
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Lets get this of the way. Jaune did react very harshly towards oscar that not okay. but can I just say that he is very burden by grief and that grief is connected to ozpin. I have been very angry before a lot like you all have been. Jaune needed a target to direct his rage. and oscar was the perfect target. Its not right but very very human.
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Good shit
Dispite what has happened this episode, I gotta say Miles fucking nailed that anger.
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Angry JNR (Spoiler?)
angry JNR was a lot more terrifying then RWBY. Like ren was the picture of calm but god damn there was Something behind it that made his blood boil...... They all really miss her aye? I hope it works it self out.
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This Is gonna be a rough week
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This shit waters my crops and brings me salvation
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its your boi
Man the last few chapters of rwby have been nuts. All of team rwby being productive of rwby makes sense. but i find it hard to believe that ozpin has not been confronted about all his shady shit before. but maybe hew has considering his betrayals. But lets face facts Ozpin is justified in his actions, no doubt but its shits me when some peeps say he did only one or two thing's wrong. You legit are making young adults fight a fucking unkillable god a go .whoops my bad let me hide inside this dudes mind . Alot of peeps try to justfy PTSD for this but maybe after a few hundreds or thousands of years you would learn not run away.
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SO, like bear with me
A fanfiction where pyrrha spirit lives in jaunes new armour and gets into spooky shenanigans
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Hello, drunk RWBY thoughts again (SPOILERS, DON’T LOOK)
I enjoyed this episode quite a fair bit, however it seemed kinda stag-net to me. While I enjoyed crow looking around for other huntsman and stuff. it felt kinda. I dunno, kinda slow? I am glad yang didn’t fall for her mother mentality (sorry not massive fan of ravens personality. But that also makes her a good character.) and i also enjoyed the fact the Raven gave enough of a fuck to try. The moment when yang defended her farther. *feelsgudman* Seeing some of team rwby back together was great. however we are already at ep 5 and I cant help but feel this is another set up season, kind of like vol 4. ( Which I liked but felt mostly like filler)
I hope team JNR is not left to far behind in the story because of all this reunion. Then again that same can be said that team RWBY was left behind by all the RNJR scenes in volume 4.
Final thoughts.
While something major happened cant help but feel it didn't have a lot of impact. The reunion felt like it was mostly put in the put impact into the episode. But what do i know? I am most likely wrong. I still liked the episode but it felt kinda weak. I think it needed a little more time for the emotional impact. (What I mean is that more interaction between yang,Weiss and RWBY instead of a few short minutes of them just hugging.) Hey feel free to disagree and discuss away.
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