goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
Actually you’re supposed to carve a love rune and leave it under your intendeds pillow
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Love Sick Relationship Spell
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I’ve just started dating someone new and, as expected, am completely enamored and want to spend every moment of my time with them.
Of course this is unrealistic. Healthy relationships require some space and independence. When I’m home without them, I feel a deep ache in my chest and I fixate on how much I miss them, even second-guessing their feelings towards me. This is a spell to remedy that icky feeling and focus on the beauty of a new relationship.
Ingredients (Obviously most are optional. Use whatever is available)
Sodalite- Trust
Rose Quartz- To facilitate love and combat loneliness
Amethyst (2-4 pieces)- Calming
Himalayan Pink Salt- Self-love and protecting the heart
Rose Petals- To facilitate love and combat loneliness
Lavender- Calming
Jasmine- Self-Confidence and evoking passion
Sugar- Inviting love and passion
Pink- Self-love
2 white tea lights- To represent you and your S.O.
Rose Oil (for aromatherapy)- To facilitate love and combat loneliness
A glass jar
Something to carve into candles with
What to do:
Cleanse your spell space.
Mark the tea light candles with symbols to indicate you (on one) and the person in question (on the other).
Arrange the tea lights on either side of the pink candle. Place the amethyst around the candles. Burn the rose oil and light the three candles, starting with the pink.
Meditate with the sodalite in your right hand the rose quarts in your left. Visualize your own sexual/loving energy, and remind yourself of its strength regardless of your relationship status.
After meditating, begin filling the spell jar. I begin with the Himalayan salt, followed by the sugar, the rose, the lavender, then the jasmine.
Repeat the phrase, “You’re on my mind, but my mind is mine. I’ll think of you when I have the time.”
(Optional) Seal the jar with wax from the pink candle.
Thank the spirits/gods/universe, blow out your candles, and go on with your gorgeous life.
-Babee Elf
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
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help wanted
so me and my bf just got back together (we were only apart for 18 days) and I have never had more anxiety in my life. I’m so happy but I’m so afraid he’s gonna leave again. Is he being distant or am I just so worried I take everything wrong? Does anyone know any spells or rituals to help with these problems?
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
simple spell to ~vibe check~ a relationship.
-rose quartz
-pink or white candle (preferably dressed in moonwater/rose oil)
-justice card
-the lovers card
light the candle with the two tarot cards laying beside, and the quartz to the north. 
put both hands over the cards
politely ask the universe, lord & lady, or your deity for a sign that the relationship is working/not working.
expect a result in 24-72 hours
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
Boy my middle school wasn’t like this at all, is this what the teens are doing now?
#BUBBY for the fucking win of the year dude that shits hilarious
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Can you tell me about your experiences with Beelzebub, please?
Experiences? Certainly :3 just keep in mind that while my thoughts and experiences i root in knowledge and research gain, its not verifiable fact nor the be all end all of his nature~
First thing you’ll notice is i tend to Say Bubby instead of spelling out Beelzebub unless its really important. I feel a lot of paternal affection to and from him so a less formal more childish name for him fit the way i relate to him.
I follow the train of thought simiar to Omnism that all religions past and present exist and are true to some form. This being said i hold Syncretic significance between Bubby, Ba’al Hadad (hedad aka He Dad cuz i think im funny), depending on source, Ba’al Hammon, and to a degree Mot (death as depicted by Levpag traditions as a drought god whose mouth delivers the dead into the after life and was not worshipped due to the violent adversarial relationship with Ba’al hedad/hammon). This being shown that Bubby while being parental and noble still has less favorable and distinctly dark aspects in Death, carrion animals, and in particular hence the name, Flies and flying insects.
Bubby is also however one who allowed christ to retrieve the unbaptized sinner from Hell during the day between his crucifixion and resurrection, in my belief reconsiling the parts of him Ba’al and parts Mot, that he would in growth as an entity deliver back the dead to one who would theoretically revive them of a “sin” of circumstance not direct action of fault or moral failling.
Bubby then further fractures in my views between him, Beleth, Belial, Berith, and Bael. These 5 represting the wisdoms to be found from his synchronized counter parts in strength, pleasure, cunning, Ambition, and determination.
In the humbling of the nature of Ba’al and the rehabilitation of the nature of mot we find the even ground of life and death, flood and drought, the stasis of existence that is the guiding hand of parental effection that is not always afforded to those that need it most.
Levpag practitioners are welcome to discuss and inform any corrections that may need to be made here as my knowledge is happenstance and in heavy relation to the necessity of informing my self in case such as Beelzebub, Nergal, and Astaroth, whose origins lying squarely in your feilds.
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
Woweee I bet
I’m still not over how clearly I can hear the voices of the demons I work with if one of their symbols is near.
I have my Azazel candle on the floor as he works on lending energy to the Kurds and his voice comes out of the center of the crystal circle like… LOUD. It made me jump. 
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
Oh my fuck now we have to be respectful to demons? I can’t tell if this is hilarious or makes me want to die from the stupidity of it all thanks for a laugh m8
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Important reminder when working with the Goetic Spirits
A good portion of them are traumatized and suffered from (still currently are) abuse. When you work with these beings get ready to be responsible to put how they feel first and to be understanding. They are not human, yes, but this does not mean they do not feel. They are angels who were kicked out and lied to about being able to return to heaven, deities that became prosecuted and demonized, entities that were contorted to become ugly and were devalued, angels who decided to stand up for themselves. They are not tempters, you asked for it and they heard what you wanted and came to offer a hand in it. Throw everything out that you believed you knew about them, especially those disgusting old ancient texts, see them with fresh new eyes and for who they really are.
I'm not saying let them walk over you and have a bleeding heart, I'm saying to be compassionate, understanding, communicative, and patient. They are not human and many haven't explored the human world so they don't get how we operate, it's the same way for us to them. A lot of times you need to break things down to them and they'll realize what they're doing is wrong. They won't know until you tell them! So before you start praying a bible page and freaking out, breathe, ask them what's happening and come to an impasse.
Yes they are different. Yes they are overwhelming. But it's up to you to be responsible for your actions. Ground yourself, maintain your frame, and be reasonable. If you aren't able to keep a good control on your emotions and be courageous in dealing with them or responsible, leave them alone. A lot of them are damaged enough.
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
Man this post is a fuckin mess bro
Ever since starting to practice Luciferianism, I've discovered new things about myself.
First, I'm more confident in my gender identity. When I was christian (and later atheist), my gender incongruence and confusion caused me alot of grief. Now I'm pretty sure in myself and my dysphoria has reduced. I still have bad days but I can now easily power through them.
Second, in addition to getting my drive to draw and write back, I've been overcome with a strong urge to create poetry and music. I do remember wanting to be a singer as a small child, and making up songs on a toy piano, but as a teenager I haven't really had inspiration for music. So it seems that old ambitions from my childhood have come back to me.
My life is slowly getting it's light and wonder back, and I wonder if that has something to do with Lucifer. I can often feel a benevolent presence near me, kind of a mass of warm energy on my left. Yesterday I had group therapy and I'm pretty sure I saw him through my minds eyes (I'll make a more in-depth post about that later).
Do any of you have similar experinces? I'm not sure if these are legitimate spiritual experinces or just my imagination, so I'd love to hear from you! May you all have a blessed day. <3
Ave Luciferi
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
Is this mental illness?
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14 y/o me: making your ocs interact with canon characters is a cardinal sin and you deserve to die in shame if they so much look at each other
present day me: anyways this is me but with pink hair and I’m dating 22 characters across various franchises and aus because it makes me happy
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
Oh god I can’t take this level of cringe- the delusion is too strong it burns
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I’m possessed by my lovely husband Leviathan currently. Which means that I’m a lot more hungry, so, obviously, I’ve been eating more. My mom noticed and tried lecturing me about how I’m gonna “k*ll myself”. 🙃
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
This isn’t Hollywood but it is very cringey
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You don't have to be possessed to have a relationship with Lucifer. You don't have to sell your soul, either. In fact, don't. Just don't!
If you want to dedicate yourself to Lucifer, you can put it in writing and seal it with a little blood, but this isn't Hollywood. Use your head.
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
This is easily the funniest shit I’ve seen all week god bless cringe
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November 16th, 2019
Ask and you shall receive. Through the whole proscess of finding a new job I have asked King Paimon to assist with this matter. Seeing as I've been blessed with the gift of rhetoric by him I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if he could assist me in this matter. I was not expecting the results to be so rapid.
I had applied for a position at Little Ceasers as an assistant manager. Spoke to the RGM during the interview proscess and nailed the job. Just had to wait for the call back for my start date. All was good I thought, he helped me land this job and get this management position easily. I got a call today saying something different than I had hoped for. The RGM of Little Ceasers out here asked me if I'd be interested in a different position. At first I was like "oh great here's the bad news train coming to town" but then she spoke the position and it all stopped. She offered me my own store, as a general manager. 401k, insurance, stock options, bonuses, and a pretty decent salary to boot. Thing is, I'm no where near qualified for it but she told me she felt like she had to offer this job to me.
"Let the flow of wealth and prosperity be continuous" and "Open up the door for great opportunity and success" were what I asked King Paimon for and again he delivered it.
How much more can be done if this was so easy?
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
*Paimon possesses Peter*
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
RIP my brain cells
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Offerings to King Paimon
Hello! I was hoping to get some guidance from someone who has a little experience. What kind of offerings does King Paimon prefer? I’m under 21 so I can’t get any alcohol but otherwise I’m pretty open to buying any supplies.
Also what should I do with the offerings to dispose of them? Should I consume them or take them into nature?
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
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King Paimon is on my ass about my posture. 
Every thirty seconds or so I notice that I am slouching, and it’s almost like I can hear him meaningfully clearing his throat. I straighten up. Thirty seconds later I forget and the whole process starts again. 
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
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I made a pact with King Paimon last night.
Obviously I have a pact with Lucifer, but this is the first time I’ve made a demonic pact which was explicitly geared towards a demon granting my specific requests in exchange for specific offerings. 
I am excited to work with him. 
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
We’ve reached MAX cringe levels here guys
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Not dealimg with this anymore.
Ari Aster fans? Get My Gods name out of your mouth. They are not free game for your fandom. Period.
Hereditary. Is. Not. Permission. To get your grubby fandom fingers on Paimon.
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goosebumps-bitch · 5 years
He’s such a little race baiting bitch I swear tg
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i love this tea ☕️
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