gooeybea · 2 years
theres a lot of catharsis in calling myself and my lovers a fag.
Like, I never want to use it or hear it used in public situations, i think ill always feel icky when a stranger says it or if i say it around strangers, but theres a certain level of trust in using it around loved ones that can understand.
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gooeybea · 2 years
boys with hips. you agree. reblog
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gooeybea · 2 years
i graduated in 2012 and i was literally doing my own projects where id talk about people being gender neutral and my entire senior class was like “woahhh thats a thing??? crazy....” and i had totell them some peopleeven identified as the opposite gender, and all of that was news to ME even when i was researching it for my psych projects.
And hell, its ironic as fuck but without 4chan i never would have even learned as much as I did, and i learned all of it under the name “trap” and went from there.
its now 2022, a full fucking ten years later and i am in awe at how much progress had been made. i am so happy for the youth of today being able to decide who they want to be, and not being subject to the horrible brainwashing that made me think i HAD to behave like a man. the teachings that made me try and overcompensate for my lack of masculine feelings.
Do high school kids these days just have trans classmates now. Like I keep seeing zoomer posts casually referring to it. Fucking wild if true.
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gooeybea · 2 years
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Drift wood painted with the native color of the landscape
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gooeybea · 2 years
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gooeybea · 2 years
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What with bucket hats, bare midriffs, and flared jeans having been resurrected by some irresponsible necromancer with frosted tips, I figure there’s no better time to resurrect some of my favorite Y2K fonts. I typically only see the same three or four pop up in discussions on the subject, so maybe this will be helpful to nostalgic designers. Click though for links.
Keep reading
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gooeybea · 2 years
VIVIDLOPE’s steam page and demo are now up! go check them out
music by Baycun! https://baycun.bandcamp.com
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gooeybea · 2 years
hey congrats on being a dog, that rules
bark bark bark!!!! yeah!!!! im a dog!!! <333
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gooeybea · 2 years
When you're a therian dog it's all over once you learn the smell of their dick
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gooeybea · 2 years
Awruf? :3
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gooeybea · 2 years
Im like therian maybe okay shut up wuf
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gooeybea · 2 years
O right there are asks here!!!!!! I missed asks actually okay that's enabled now I hope I get soooo much anonymous hate mail :333
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gooeybea · 2 years
Ok I'm just gonna let myself be a dog on the internet here between art posts okay is that fair can I be a freak here
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gooeybea · 2 years
dog dog
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