@taylorswift I've been a fan ever since your first album came out. I never had enough money no matter how hard i begged my parents, no matter how hard i had to work & no matter what i had to go see you. I never got the chance. I was blessed to have met the love of my life. We have a beautiful autistic daughter & son. My son sings your songs with me & loves them. My daughter doesn't talk, doesn't look at me & does not know about most things. I guess what I'm asking is I would love for you to be my daughters godmother & baptize her because you're my idol. I live in Los Angeles & we are baptizing January 18th at 10:30am. At this little church called Our Lady Queen of Angels. Which is fitting here because I would love for my little angel to be baptized by someone I love other than someone I hate. If you don't come, someone horrible is gonna baptize her & I swear I cry everyday knowing that it's her grandmother who wants to baptize her. She's so horrible to me, she's humiliated me, toyed with me & yelled at me so many times that lately ive lost the will to do anything these days. I pray to God that you reply or decide to show up & get back to me because I don't know what else to do. My life is a mess & sometimes I don't want it. I can't do anything with her here & I'm always locked away in my room without eating. Please help me taylor 🙏 you're my only hope you're the only person I can count on. Save me 😭
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Hate that shit!
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Antes, now I'm like finish the job already!
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Lol omg this is how I look at myself 😂😂😂😂
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Dramatic asf!😂
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For real though😂💁
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Cats everywhere 😂❤
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For real though even though we fight so much he has so much patience😍😙😙😙
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This is true 👌
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Me asf😂😂😂😂😂
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Bruh that's a good song 😂👌💕
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So true!!!!!😂
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My fatty😂❤
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