Indie Atlas RP Blog from the Bioshock series. And just as friendly as Fon--Atlas can be! Would you kindly drop by? Crossovers • OC • AU • Multiverse Para & Multi-Para Preferred
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#:: the radio doesn't lie#:: off the air#{ Just seemed fitting for Rapture. }#{ And Atlas lying to himself about the state of the city... }#{ So he can keep his plan going. }
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The Web That We Weave
Fontaine was keeping a close eye on Andrew Ryan lately, using all of his connections to learn the man’s daily routine. With how much he had learned of Ryan’s habits and activities, he would be well on his way to imitating him if he so desired. And perhaps one day he would, but right now he had his hands full with his Atlas persona.
So instead he used his knowledge to lay a risky trap. For there in the private room of Ryan’s favorite night club sat Atlas, waiting for his rival to arrive. And when he did come, he was greeted not with guns, but with a broad charming smile. “Oh, so glad ya came, Mr. Ryan... Yer roight on time. Care ta join me for a couple o’ drinks?”
After all, what harm was there in sharing drinks with a fellow gentleman?
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Such a good girl, always willing to lend Atlas an ear, and a hand if needed. Her obedience was always something that made life down in Hell much easier for the man. However, this moment of appreciation would soon fade as water nearly sprayed Atlas in the face as he was inspecting the damage. There was no other way around it, he was going to have to get out.
“Good, good... I knew I could count on ya, luv.” Flinching a bit at the water, he pulls away to get to drier ground. “Look... I don’t know ‘ow well the buildin’ is holding up where yer at, but things ain’t lookin’ so great down ‘ere. Would ya kindly try ta find a bathysphere? Oi’m goin’ ta need ya to send it down ta me. I’ll give ya the details once ya foind one that’s still werkin’.”
The building groaned painfully as it shifted under the weight of the entire ocean. If Atlas’ plan didn't pan out soon, Jackie would lose him to his prison swallowing him up once and for all. Luckily, or unluckily, for her... Atlas wasn’t about to let the department store, or Andrew Ryan, get that satisfaction.
A Sinking Feeling
Jackie ducked out of sight from a splicer and unclipped the radio from her skirt. “I can hear you, Atlas. Everything’s under control on my end.” It should have worried her, how quickly she adjusted to taking down splicers. She didn’t have time to dwell on it.
“What do you need me to do?” There was no doubt in her mind that she’d do it. He was the only thing in the sunken city she could trust. As long as she listened to him, everything would turn out all right. It had to.
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A Sinking Feeling
Something wasn’t quite right. Perhaps it was the unsettling moaning echoing through the bowels of Rapture, or the water leaking into Atlas’ room that put him on edge. Something had to be done about it, and the man knew just who was going to do it.
“Jackie, lass... Can ya ‘ear me? ‘ow’s the situation where yer at? I moight need ya ta do me a favor...” Atlas spoke into his two-way radio while looking over the damage to his base.
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[ Never fear, Atlas is here. ]
#Hmmm... I wonder who abouts here is still alive#And would like a starter.#Like#Reply#or send an Ask for a starter?
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"Hmm.... Hmmmmm... HM."
The devil himself flashes a grin as he turns on his two way radio. "I don't see me name up there, luv... So glad ta hear I made it onto yer nice list." He pauses a moment before continuing, "So if this is yer naughty list, an' they get a rant... Then what do those of us who are noice get?"
He knew very well what she meant by Fontaine. But he was going to play up the Atlas card for as long as he could. Far too entertaining that way.
"A kiss, maybe?"
...The bastard really did find it too entertaining.
I got a lot of problems with you people. NOW, YOU’RE GONNA HEAR ABOUT IT.
YOU. FONTAINE. You lied to me and tried to kill me. YOU MADE ME HIJACK AN AIRPLANE. also you gave me a decent fake family but we’re not talking about that right now.
YOU. SUCHONG. Fuck you. Just. Fuck. You.
YOU. TENENBAUM. I don’t care how sorry you are. Nothing can make up for what you did to me.
YOU. ANDREW RYAN. I’d try to explain all the ways that you’re a complete disappointment not only as a a father but also as a human being, but that would be like playing Mozart for a tree frog. wow that felt good to say
YOU. COHEN. I hate your work. Every criticism Anna Culpepper made was dead on. The only thing worse than your taste in art is your taste in men.
YOU. ELIZABETH. You told Atlas how to control me. What was up with that?!
YOU. JASMINE JOLENE. You sold a baby to a con man! YOU SOLD ME TO A CON MAN.
YOU. DR. STEINMAN. I actually don’t have any problems with you. The whole calling me ugly and trying to kill me thing wasn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things. You’re an okay guy.
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Like a good anchor...
Independent Roleplay & Ask Blog Crossovers • OC • AU Para & Multi-Para Preferred
...Chained to the bottom of the sea.
Ya moight say Oi've done a horrible thing. But really.. It's an investment, if anythin'. Think about it, luv. Ya can't always wait for some God ta deal ya the winnin' hand...
So sometimes you've got to make a real Ace all on yer own. And boy do I 'ave a good one up me sleeve.
#blog promo#self promo#promo#:: off the air#{ Yes this another account for me. }#{ Yes it is Jack. }#{ And yes I do RP him elsewhere. }#{ So please... Feel free to pester him! Or us! Or.. whatever! }
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Atlas let out a sigh as he looked back up to the ceiling. "Ah... Juss' what has this world come down to tha' even the radio hosts can foind ways outta doin' their jobs. Now if only I could pre-record meself..." His banter was slowly becoming more of a conversation with himself than it was a proper talk with Ronny.
It wasn't until the other man had accused him of being lonely that he actually started paying attention to the radio host again. Atlas sat up straight, giving the other man his full attention with an arched eyebrow. "Lonely? The hero o' Rapture lonely? Ah now, ya must be mistaken. What wit' me popularity, Oi'm never lonely."
He rolls his eyes, "A wee bit bored, o' course.. But never lonely. Course, wit' how you look, the same could be said about you, boyo. Unless... Don't tell me yer here fer an interview."
The radio host raises a brow and curls his lips into more of a grin, though only for a brief moment. “Even important people like me need a break, and don’t worry. With the machines I’ve been so wonderfully gifted with, I’m capable of pre-recording my voice to go on the Air at a set time. I don’t always have to be behind the microphone.”
Ronny unfolds his arms and leans up, taking a few steps further into the room as he glances around. “I haven’t disturbed your night, have I? You looked rather lonely from where I’m standing.” Just maybe they both required some company tonight.
#:: on the air#rapture at night#rapture-at-night#{ Look at these two.. Being civil for once. }#{ Atlas this is why you don't start conversations with a gun. }
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Atlas would have argued that his radio was perfectly fine, just for the sake of disagreeing with that smug radio star. ...But he did just kick the blasted thing to turn it off, so he really didn't have a foot to stand on in that argument.
"...Alroight, I see yer point there... But I think it's more a matter o' both bein' faulty." Atlas then motioned to Ronny in the doorway, "After all.. Yer here an' not at the station, where ya belong. Oi can't imagine the place can keep itself runnin' straight wit'out ya."
“Hah, you’re right. It is quite amusing, but I doubt it’s the station. Most likely your radio that needs replacing.” Ronny chuckles and flashes a playful smirk, leaning his weight on the door frame casually.
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rapture-at-night liked your post “Ain't That A Shame...”
"Oh Oi'm sure ya think it's real funny, now don't ya? Wit' tha' song skippin' loike it is.. I think someone's screwed up at the radio, if ya ask me."
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Ain't That A Shame...
You made me cry... When you said goodbye... Ain't that a shame... My tears fell like rain. Ain't that a shame... You're the one to blame!
The radio tirelessly kept playing, despite the ungodly late hour of the night. But at least it served its purpose as filling up the nearly empty rebel's base with some noise. The only one there besides the noisy source of the music was Atlas himself, lounging at his makeshift desk with his feet lazily kicked up on top of its surface. His feet absently moved to the beat of the song, despite the fact that the man would never admit to enjoying the music. His gaze stared blankly up at the ceiling, his two way radio resting on his chest.
Atlas was bored.
His men were gone, off with their families for the holidays. If only Andrew Ryan realized just how much a holiday could kill a rebellion, he would have swept in to arrest Atlas long ago. Luckily for the man, whether by the kindness of Ryan's soul (yea right) or by the luck of the Irish... Atlas was alone.
And again, he was bored.
He let out a groan as he leaned back further in his chair, which responded with an equally irritated sounding creak. Atlas' men had tried to encourage him to "go home" and "enjoy the holidays as best as he could", you know... Despite his "family" being killed in a horrible accident. Scoffing, Fontaine figured that bullshit story was the one thing allowing him to sulk around his base. After all, holidays are always the hardest on a man who just "experienced" a great loss, right?
Letting out a sigh, his gaze fell to the radio. Or perhaps the holidays were worst on a rebel who couldn't afford to push the war further without his men. What a bore.
Ain't that a shame... You're the one to blame!
The fake just rolled his eyes at the song playing. Sure, it was all his fault. Of course it was. Yea right.
Skzzt-- Ain't that a shame... You're the one to blam--You're the one to bla-- You're the one to blame! You're the one to blame! You're the one to blame! You're the one to blame!
"Oh for the love of..." Atlas gave the troublesome noise box a kick with his foot, knocking it over and effectively turning it off. "Goddamn radio..." He then immediately took up his two way radio and flicked it on, "Is anyone out there? 'ello? Anyone?"
At this point, Atlas would take talking to anyone just to drown out the silence and boredom. Because there was no way he was going to listen to an accusatory radio stuck on a skip.
#:: on the air#{ Hello everyone! I'm alive again. }#{ Thank goodness. }#{ I missed you all! Honest! }
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OOC: Checking In

[ *Gargles* Classes, I swear. Took a practical today, really hoping for the best with it. Meanwhile trying to get over being afraid to post things here. ]
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Sinking Posts
[ Alright... I know a lot of my OOC posts on here lately have been apologies or bad jokes... Which are both not funny, but really, I feel an update must be done about the posting situation here at GoodbyeFontaine.
As you can tell, I haven't been doing much in the way of posts, and anything I have done is short. Honestly, school is really draining my desire to write big things. What time I have I don't feel like putting into just writing giant stuff.
But that doesn't mean I don't want to RP. I would love to, and want to do more with you people.
So if you want to do some short threads (not necessarily with face claims) awesome! I don't care who you are or if we have another thread or not. I'm up for anything. And if we do have another thread, if it's okay to pause it for now (if it's a longer post one), I'd really appreciate it.
I'll try to post some starter memes and some more opens in the near future to help get this jumpstarted. But feel free to like this post or throw random stuff at Atlas to get an RP going too.
I love you all. I realize the irony in writing a semi-lengthy post here. Anyway, thanks for being as understanding as you are. ]
#:: off the air#:: the writing on the wall#{ Probably going to repost this earlier in the day tomorrow too }#{ Just as a heads up }#{ Also.. I'd love to try some Halloween stuff.. }
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Of course she wasn't going to leave him alone. And of course when she'd come to offer her "support" would he get sprayed with some water.
"...Besides bein' a figment... I think yer just pullin' me leg now. There's plenty o' water in these pipes." He gives the shower head a sour look, then gives the same look to Moira. "..So yea. I can figure it out."
Moira followed after with that self serving little smile on her lips. He really was too easy some of the time. It didn’t make her love him any less. The woman leaned against the door-frame, watching the man work.
"Aside from gettin’ no hot water at all, th’ pressure’s lower’n ever. Dunno what ya can do t’ it. But I’m sure a handyman like ya can figure it out right?"
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