goliaththegiantpickle · 8 months
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
"No, I mean... I'm sick, I can't breathe," Goliath coughed, but not from whatever Jabez had, "and I keep coming to your fucking office and making appointments, and you literally just will not give me medicine. I need a prescription or... something. Like... this is the worst cold of my life. You have yet to ever do one actual doctor like... exam or test or anything, and I'm starting to wonder if you're even a real doctor."
‘ i can’t breathe without you, but i have to. ’ (From Goliath obv)
"Look, Goliath," Larry sighed out dramatically, "I appreciate you being a faithful patient. But I can't be around you all the time to help you breathe."
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" He asked, concerned. He moved closer to the gourd, just enough for the two of them to be touching, but not close enough to make Jerry uncomfortable. "I um... okay, I can wonder... um... oh! I heard a rumor you... you were a vampire. Um... so sometimes I wonder about that! I can keep wondering, you don't have to confirm it." He said, trying to cheer up Jerry despite his confusion.
‘ i hope sometimes you wonder about me. ’(from jerry)
Goliath looked over at the gourd, offering him a slightly confused smile. "What's there to wonder about? I can text you and ask if I'm confused about something, right?"
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
‘ i hope sometimes you wonder about me. ’(from jerry)
Goliath looked over at the gourd, offering him a slightly confused smile. "What's there to wonder about? I can text you and ask if I'm confused about something, right?"
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
(soc) fuck the police... am i right
Jabez nodded with a smirk. "Yeah. Fuck 'em."
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
Jabez, how are things dating a gay police officer in Victorian London?
"Oh, uh, fine, I guess. Don't gotta worry about being arrested for... well, don't have to worry about much, now. Being sick and all." He admitted, and said, "I love having him in my life, you know? He means a lot to me. I hope my ghost gets to haunt him when I die."
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
"You're the doctor! If there was a cure, wouldn't you know it?" Jabez exclaimed tearfully. "Wouldn't the little sick asparagus child be cured? There is no more time! I..." he felt weak on his... not feet, I guess, but he swayed nonetheless, and he quickly lowered himself to sit on the ground. He coughed again into the traditional handkerchief you were given at such a diagnosis. "Life had just begun."
“ i don’t think i’m gonna make it through the winter , babe . ” (from Jabez)
"But... why!?" Milward asked, visibly and audibly distraught. "You need to make it til September!"
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
"Isn't there just the one prisoner? Or did you catch a new one?" Goliath considered this, and said, "No, I... I'm sorry, Dwight, I... need to be honest with you. I can't keep hiding my... affliction."
“ i might change your contact to ‘ has a huge north pole . ’ ” (from constable dwight)
"What's a contact?" Jabez asked, given this was Victorian London. "Oh! Oh, you're making a cute joke about my... pickle... sorry. Uh... I bet you're on Santa's... naughty list." He said with an awkward wink.
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
"Well, you're my doctor, and I feel like you should know that," Jabez said, and he coughed. "I came to you because of a tickle in the back of my throat, and... I fear I've caught Victorian Coughing Disease. Like the little asparagus boy has. By the time I started coughing up pickle juice, I knew it was too late. I... I wanted to be in your play so badly, Milward, and... I have a wonderful boyfriend now... everything was falling into place, but -" he choked, and coughed heavily into a handkerchief. A tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry. I wish things were different."
“ i don’t think i’m gonna make it through the winter , babe . ” (from Jabez)
"But... why!?" Milward asked, visibly and audibly distraught. "You need to make it til September!"
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goliaththegiantpickle · 9 months
“ i might change your contact to ‘ has a huge north pole . ’ ” (from constable dwight)
"What's a contact?" Jabez asked, given this was Victorian London. "Oh! Oh, you're making a cute joke about my... pickle... sorry. Uh... I bet you're on Santa's... naughty list." He said with an awkward wink.
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goliaththegiantpickle · 10 months
(soc) How do you REALLY feel about the towers play?
"I think it sounds touching, great! A big hit! I mean, I thought, it might bomb if it's not handled well, but I'm pretty excited to be a part of the play, and not at all biased by the fact that I am being cast in a lead role with little experience as an actor but with a big dream that I hope won't crash and burn on stage."
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goliaththegiantpickle · 10 months
Are you ever worried that Constable Dwight isn't gay and he's only doing you to indict you?
"I... I wasn't until you... brought that up, I..." Jabez felt his stomach sink, and a wave of nausea hit him. "Excuse me. I... think I am worried now, and I need to think about this."
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goliaththegiantpickle · 10 months
"No, no - wait, is that legal? No, I just meant, it's going to be heartwrenching. You'll cry. I don't know all the details yet, but... I'm excited to be a part of something so big and important. Not to assume, but like, if he pulls it off, it could be a huge hit!"
"i took an oath to uphold the law." (from constable dwight/jerry)
"Oh, yeah, but like, you should still gamble, y'know? Ninepin's pretty nifty. I can't fit in the building, though. Lack of tall enough doors, y'know?"
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goliaththegiantpickle · 10 months
“I see. But uh, how are you going to put on a play without the theatre to begin with?”
"the nudity is entirely optional." (from millward / soc)
"I'm not standing up on that stage with my whole pickle hanging out." Goliath shook his head and said, "Be honest, you just don't have the budget for a costume my size."
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goliaththegiantpickle · 10 months
“It is pretty impressive. Though, I think the chickens make the eggs. I’m not really sure what he does in the factory, I’ve been really confused overall about that. Something about boyds? Or maybe that hasn’t happened yet.” Jabez considered. “Oh! I think he said September 11th. Such an unassuming day, but I really think it’s going to be remembered. I was a little hesitant at first, but when he explained the plot? Wow. Dwight, I don’t want to spoil it, but there won’t be a dry eye in the house!”
"i took an oath to uphold the law." (from constable dwight/jerry)
"Oh, yeah, but like, you should still gamble, y'know? Ninepin's pretty nifty. I can't fit in the building, though. Lack of tall enough doors, y'know?"
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goliaththegiantpickle · 10 months
Jabez grinned. Well, it didn’t hurt to have a cop on his side improving society for tall guys like him! “Well, it would be nice to be able to go into a building without practically crawling. I mean, I see my doctor in an alleyway! He’s casting me in a play, as a tower. It’s a drama.”
"i took an oath to uphold the law." (from constable dwight/jerry)
"Oh, yeah, but like, you should still gamble, y'know? Ninepin's pretty nifty. I can't fit in the building, though. Lack of tall enough doors, y'know?"
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goliaththegiantpickle · 10 months
“Wait, what did you mean?” Jabez NOT GOLIATH asked. “And uh, I guess, but don’t you still owe your uncle lots of money for burning down his theatre? Couldn’t you fundraise that?”
"the nudity is entirely optional." (from millward / soc)
"I'm not standing up on that stage with my whole pickle hanging out." Goliath shook his head and said, "Be honest, you just don't have the budget for a costume my size."
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