golfalphamike · 5 years
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“Hey, no fair! We both are.”
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golfalphamike · 5 years
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golfalphamike · 5 years
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golfalphamike · 6 years
Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to go through the starco tag and see the difference of fankids Vs actual starco content, searched by recent.
I found 26 (twenty six) Starco kids. They had absolutely nothing to do with Starco, and had neither Star or Marco involved at all.
I found 6 (six) pieces of actual Starco content.
I found 3 (three) pieces that involved Star, Marco, and a fankid.
That is absolute ridiculous. Twenty six pieces had absolutely nothing to do with Starco, but are in the Starco tag anyways for no good reason. There is no reason for them to be in the tag. Nobody likes when unrelated things are put in tags. The Starco tag is meant for the romantic pairing of Star and Marco, not for OCs that have no actual connection to Starco. The same goes for every other ship tag. Tomstar, Markapoo, Jarco, Tomkie, it doesn’t matter what tag.
Fankid artists, make as many fankids as you want but please do not put them in ship tags unless they have something directly related to that ship, like a family portrait. Only being their kid is not enough to justify being in the tag.
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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golfalphamike · 6 years
Unmute !
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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golfalphamike · 6 years
I kind of needed this today.
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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Don’t judge me
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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The current state of Starco
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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How to win every argument 👌
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golfalphamike · 6 years
Aww, no Higgs?
Season 3 is ending so fast…btw dat haircut.
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golfalphamike · 6 years
Please make a looping gif of the starco kiss!!
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You mean like this? Or the whole scene?
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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i love svtfoe and I appreciate everything that’s happening but consider: au where things are simpler
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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“And now, you can kiss the queen… without the risk of being thrown into a dungeon” XD
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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Today begins the STAR AND MARCO KISSES MASTERPOST. I pray this is going to be just the first one of many giffable moment.
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golfalphamike · 6 years
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Drew this awhile ago and didn’t know if I liked it or not but now I kind of do. Hahaha.
I miss the starco moments. D:
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