goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
She rolled her eyes at his tone, “Im almost done,” She spoke before a teasing grin came to her face, “Awww Zigster, I think your pretty cool too,” She giggled as she typed the last sentence of her paper. “And complete,” She cheered as she printed it. “Lets go enjoy ourselves a very lit Friday night,” A twinkle of mischief in her eyes.
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“I am pretty awesome after all. But detention overall is horrid,”
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“Probably the same amount of times till they realize I skip mine every other week,” 
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“You’d probably be the only person I could even tolerate if I actually ended up going.”
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
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#drunk children
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
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Friendship goals
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“Unfortunately, if i do not get this assignment done then I wont pass the class,” While they were early in the year she skipped to many classes and assignments already. She was not excited about doing the work, but quicker she got it done the better. “I have like two paragraphs if you wanna wait it out for me. I got bud and wraps in my bag, we can take a walk after?”
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“Depends on the day,” Lia shrugged as she went back to her computer, she had been working on her English assignment when Zig came in.
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        ❝    ugh, you’re no help.    ”      he groaned, taking a seat next to her and peering over at the screen.      ❝    it’s after school on a friday and you’re here doing homework ?  something ain’t right here.    ”
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“But it can be one day,” She knew he didnt enjoy all of the attention, but thats why she joked about it. “I suppose I could rip myself from my netflix to cheer on my favorite grade 10,” She laughed, nudging his arm jokingly. 
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
"You race?" She couldn't help the smirk that came to her lips, "Hot," Was all she said the smirk growing more mischievous. "Dont have to ask me twice," Lia loved intimate settings, so being in a car was better than the open for her. Plus a hotbox, with a hot guy, she was more than willing. She opened the passenger door, sitting in the seat, taking a glance around, noticing all the little things around it.
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“Im glad,” She watched and listened as he walked towards to door, tilting her head ever so slightly in interest. She smirked to herself when she noticed him checking her out, “Obviously,” She laughed, walking out the door following him to his car. “Nice wheels,” She spoke once she saw the car, she knew enough to get her by, but not enough for car guys to be happy. 
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Jay always appreciated compliments on his car. He was proud of her, even if she had come from mostly dirty money. “Thanks. Why don’t you come watch me race some time?” he asked, corners of his lips quirking into a smirk. He reached into his pocket to unlock his Challenger and then nodded toward it. “I’ll give you what you want but how about we hotbox this car first?” he suggested with a grin, twirling his keys around his finger and moving to open the driver’s side door. 
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“Probably the same amount of times till they realize I skip mine every other week,” 
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How many Saturday detentions are these teachers going to give me before they realize that I’m never going to show up? Like come on.
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
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Vintage Disneyland pocket knife, circa 1950s
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“Im glad,” She watched and listened as he walked towards to door, tilting her head ever so slightly in interest. She smirked to herself when she noticed him checking her out, “Obviously,” She laughed, walking out the door following him to his car. “Nice wheels,” She spoke once she saw the car, she knew enough to get her by, but not enough for car guys to be happy. 
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“Yeah....I prefer non sanctioned hangouts,” 
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She couldnt help but nod with a chuckle, “Makes sense, at least you ended up liking it,”
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“ yeah, i’m happy about that fact. i don’t think it’s for everybody though, “ he shrugged, “ everybody has their own thing. “
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“We’ll take him to the boiler room, or I’m sure the Hollingsworth house has plenty of open rooms,”
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“The person who invented them may already be dead,” She chuckled, “But the other teachers sound good! Start with Perino?”
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“You raise a good point,” He commented, with a quick nod. “Perino– perfect starting point. We’ll need to formulate a strategy to lure him to a quiet area, yet be wary not to raise any suspicion.” 
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
“The person who invented them may already be dead,” She chuckled, “But the other teachers sound good! Start with Perino?”
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“We can waterboard them?” She turned to him with a sarcastic smile
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“Excellent suggestion. Not only will we waterboard whoever invented it, but also all of the teachers who still torture the students with pop quizzes. We must restore justice to Degrassi.” 
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goldsworthy-lia · 5 years
Lia couldnt help the chuckle that left her mouth, “Its all good Cam,” She smiled softly at the boy, “So how ya doin? Whats happening in the life of a hockey star?” Feeling as though, he had a lot more that he didnt talk about, she decided to just talk about easy things for him.
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