MxG's "artblog"
17 posts
A tidy spot for all my own creative efforts - from finished images and written works to brainstorms, sketches, and ramblings. Reblogs come from my main account @mxgoldenwood (because sometimes I forget this one and post stuff over there)
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goldenwood-art · 6 months ago
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My Week 1 illustration for this year's Stranglethorn Vale Bonfire Bash; the prompt was "Hidden Treasure!" I challenged myself to stick to a limited color palette with this piece, and I was really pleased with the end result.
Featuring Maxxi Shadowsnap and Bihfi, along with my guy Declair!
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goldenwood-art · 6 months ago
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"Tav(Silk(Pax))" for @anonymousalchemist from Like A Bird, Like A Stone. because we love a guy who is just fine---no really he's fine---
(it's SUCH a lovely fic and I cannot recommend it enough!)
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goldenwood-art · 8 months ago
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Basquiat for @gorgongorgeous from their series "ace of cups, king of swords, the chariot" - among other several excellent works featuring the same!
the series linked features a fantastic draconic sorcerer-bard tiefling (pictured above) along with a really lovely, insightful view of Astarion's character, and I love getting to see how they come together!
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goldenwood-art · 8 months ago
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a handsome Tav for @mataglap from their wonderful fic more than any words !!
if you love a good paladin struggling with his oath kinda story (and are, like me, ride-or-die for Ilmater and his followers) it's a wonderful fic that I can't recommend enough!
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goldenwood-art · 1 year ago
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Saw this post at the exact right time to make it my practice sketch for the day 😊 because I'm trying to push myself to do more art again but I can NOT escape the bg3 brainworms.....
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goldenwood-art · 1 year ago
I CAN NOT stop thinking about Astarion with cleric-of-Ilmater Tav, so a few thoughts that have crossed my mind….
First… what could possibly be a more powerful religious experience for a follower of Ilmater than giving up your own blood, so that a friend in need won’t go hungry? The way Astarion’s first bite is narrated, it would almost certainly be a transcendent, divine experience.
Following on from this, though… the more Tav and Astarion spend time around each other, the more I think they would both gain from their relationship.
Yes, Astarion is annoyed by his companions playing the hero and he doesn’t like it when Tav promises to help people just because they’re sworn to relieve suffering wherever they can. He’s selfish and jaded and nobody ever did that for him (before now) so why are these strangers so special?
But on the flip side, there comes a point when Astarion has a point!! Tav doesn’t need to open their veins for every stranger in need. Maybe they shouldn’t sell their soul to help someone who would as soon kill them as look at them. You can’t fill up anyone else’s glass when your own is empty, and all that. I can easily imagine Astarion’s annoyance with Tav’s heroics shifting gradually from “ugh, what makes these people so special that they deserve help for nothing?” to “darling, you’re killing yourself slowly— and for what?” as he finds himself becoming more genuinely attached to Tav.
When you have people who care about you, your suffering becomes theirs. Cleric-of-Ilmater Tav may not see this at first, but they could come to understand it. By all means, help where you can. But don’t make your loved ones watch as you bind yourself onto the rack for someone whose gratitude can never cancel out the vicarious suffering of your (found) family watching you suffer. If anyone would speak up and talk some sense into Tav about this, it would be Astarion.
Just as Tav can set a good example for Astarion, reminding him that he has some goodness and maybe a little heroics of his own, buried under all the bitterness and trauma…. I believe Astarion would have a thing or two to teach cleric-of-Ilmater Tav about when it’s fine to help, and when they’re hurting themself for no good reason.
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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Character Pinups from Jan-April 2019
Taking it back a little ways to share some more throwback art of these characters as I drew them a couple of years ago! Some of them will be appearing in that NaNoWriMo project I mentioned.
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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I absolutely couldn’t NOT do this. Ryker & Declan (OC)
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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Sketches from September 2022
Some character sketches of mine, featuring Alanna, Declan, Erin, Felix, Les, and Trent. (Trent actually belongs to my wife but she is not on here so please just know that she's very talented and I love her.)
A little exercise in fashion, body language, and architectural styles as I develop these babes for my NaNoWriMo project coming up soon.
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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Erann Goldenwood (for STVBB2022)
I got back into the art game this year after a bit of a hiatus and I am SO GLAD that I did because otherwise I never would've made this piece.
Chamomile is all about rest and relaxation, peace, and energy in adversity.
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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Erann Goldenwood: fashion/reference sheet (November 2020)
I enjoy few activities as much as I enjoy creating digital paper-dolls of my characters and then making little outfits for them 🥰
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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Erann Goldenwood (September 2020)
"A question always worth asking: if your faith is all that defines you, what will you be left with when it fails?" A line from a scene that I never got to do with Erann, but very thematically relevant to his story.
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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Erann for the Stranglethorn Vale Bonfire Bash, 2019
I didn't manage to do much that first year (or most of the years that followed) but I love the art community I discovered through WoW and STVBB holds a special place in my heart. This might be my favorite piece that I've ever done for the bash!
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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Erann Goldenwood (April 2019)
Some old wow OC art I did to celebrate getting heritage armor ✨
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
Same kind of questions to you!
Who would you consider your favorite oc right now/ Who is your favorite of all time!
What scenario do you enjoy depicting them in the most (in art or writing, etc.)
Does this oc enjoy this scenario?
1 - My favorite OC of all time is an easy one! That would be Erin (aka Erann/Erran) who has splintered off into so many different versions of himself it's sometimes tough to keep track of them all! As for my favorite right now, that's gotta be Declan - the modern/paranormal "AU" version of my nightborne Declair. I have spent an absurd amount of time rotating this little fucker around in my brain over the past few months while I try to figure him out.
(Erin sketch first, followed by Declan:)
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2 - I'm still deciding on my favorite situation to put Declan in, but for Erin - honestly I love writing him into dangerous corners and forcing him to find a way out! He's always been my number one character for ignoring his intuition and walking into bad situations, giving the benefit of the doubt to all the wrong people, etc., and something about that just appeals to me: the resilience of always managing to come away (relatively) unharmed but also having learned absolutely nothing from it. He always means well, too, is probably the best/worst part. I know eventually he has to learn, but I do enjoy the trouble he gets himself into in the meantime.
3 - Oh no. He ALWAYS regrets it in the moment when the danger becomes apparent. :') Every version of him, every time. He would much rather be comfy and having fun at a nice, safe party than… say, trying to talk his friends out of committing crimes. But he loves his friends even when they're criminals, so what can you do?
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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goldenwood-art · 2 years ago
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I drew him SO many outfits last year - but I don't think I shared any of these (other than the beach bash look)
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