golden-frost · 1 year
"Why did you stop writing this story"
Because my focus is a very heavy irregular boulder rolling down a uncharted hill and when it comes to a stop I got a snowball's chance in hell of shifting it at will.
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golden-frost · 1 year
I love how different forms of art are all obsessed with each other. A book tries to capture the feeling of music, a painting tries to depict a scene in a book, a song tries to paint a picture. And it's always insufficient. No single form of art can encapsulate another form of art and capture the essence of it – but it tries, and its attempts are impossibly compelling. All the forms of art are in love with each other and spend so much time trying to express what makes the other kinds of art so lovely.
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golden-frost · 1 year
Advice from an hereditary witch’s grandmother: things a crone has to say
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My witch of a grandmother gave me her beautiful encyclopedia on healing plants to celebrate Ostara!
I told her about my blog and she asked me to share some of her advice “for those lovely internet disciples of yours”.
No, Yeyé, that’s not how this works…
But hey! When the crone talks, you listen!
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“A jar of glass keeps away envious spirits and people who want to hurt you.”
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“Everything dead deserves to be honored.”
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“Strings of seeds bring prosperity.”
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“A stone in the windowsill is a soldier that keeps away thieves, but make sure it’s not a pretty rock cause they might steal it!”
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“When you trim a vine, keep some branches by the door so all the hard work you’ve done doesn’t disappear in a single day!”
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“When you’re old and can’t move so much anymore, keep a jar of seeds by the Gods so they can pick their offerings as they please.”
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“I keep lavender by the computer because it helps me remember how to open Facebook. Lavender is good for memory. Tell your friends of the internet.”
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“I keep the obsidian and the agathe geodes in front of the TV so there will be no bad news.”
So there you have it.
Advice from an authentic crone with over 70 years of Craft , Old Yeyé.
She wishes you all many blessings and love and hopes you are all well guided.
Happy new season from lucky Old Yeyé!
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-Semiramis the Magpie Witchling
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golden-frost · 1 year
“I love borders. August is the border between summer and autumn; it is the most beautiful month I know. Twilight is the border between day and night, and the shore is the border between sea and land. The border is longing: when both have fallen in love but still haven’t said anything. The border is to be on the way. It is the way that is the most important thing.”
— Tove Jansson
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golden-frost · 1 year
“I love borders. August is the border between summer and autumn; it is the most beautiful month I know. Twilight is the border between day and night, and the shore is the border between sea and land. The border is longing: when both have fallen in love but still haven’t said anything. The border is to be on the way. It is the way that is the most important thing.”
— Tove Jansson
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golden-frost · 1 year
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Cithaerias merolina the Glass Wing Butterfly | Danita Delimont
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golden-frost · 1 year
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Verwünschen by Alexander Rothaug (Austrian, 1870–1946)
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golden-frost · 1 year
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Betty Jiang (detail)
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golden-frost · 1 year
June will be filled with happiness.
June will be filled with blessings.
June will be filled with positivity.
June will be filled with progress.
June will be filled with kindness.
June will be filled with opportunity.
June will be filled with love.
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golden-frost · 1 year
“…a heady sea air that awakens her most dormant age-old slumbers.”
— Clarice Lispector, from Complete Stories; “The Waters of the World” (via luthienne)
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golden-frost · 2 years
RB if you think CD drives in computers are not obsolete, but in fact still necessary, despite being artificially phased out
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golden-frost · 2 years
No amount of pain made anybody stronger. Strength is built, not fuckin carved.
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golden-frost · 2 years
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This map is the most up to date version as of 3-4-2023 and takes into account all recent movement on anti-trans legislation
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golden-frost · 2 years
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Yearning for light
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golden-frost · 2 years
Baneful Spellwork positive post
There are so many valid, reasonable, understandable things that would warrant a practitioner casting a baneful spell against someone else.
Your biggest ally in a baneful working: GIVE YOUR SUBJECT AN "OUT"
a change in behavior, a sincere apology, returned items. Whatever your reason is for your working, give them a way to break it themselves.
Pavlov that fucker into righting their own wrongs. "If you're honest, genuine, & kind, things will start to go your way again. If you continue in your malice, your life will fall apart."
In my personal practice, I don't follow any bastardized karmic retribution, or a rule of three. I believe that the Universe is a perfect balance of positive & negative forces, and it isn't fond of anything throwing that balance too far off kilter.
Without a "breaker" built in, your spell will eventually start to backfire. And it will backfire in the direction it came from.
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golden-frost · 2 years
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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golden-frost · 2 years
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♡ | jordan_decoster
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