Thunderbird Things #1
“I’m going on an adventure” is your catchphrase, even when going to pick up groceries. Doesn’t matter where you’re going, it’s going to be one heck of an adventure.
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Thunderbird: I’m back!
Pukwudgie: Are you hurt?
Horned Serpent: Tell me everything you learned!
Wampus: What epic battles did you encounter? What foes did you best in combat?
Thunderbird: I just went to the grocery store.
Pukwudgie, Wampus, & Horned Serpent: you said you were going on another adventure.
Thunderbird: Every day is a new big adventure.
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“We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has been changed, and that changes everything.”
— — Jonah Lehrer (via wordsnquotes)
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Thunderbird ✈️ 🌎
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Gryffindor Thunderbird Aesthetic
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Ilvermorny houses in alternative colors
Thunderbird // Purple
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Ilvermorny/Hogwarts Combos
I’ve seen a couple of these posts, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. Go through the potential combinations of Ilvermorny and Hogwarts houses and write a bit about what they represent to me. Not based on any data or polling, just on what seems to make sense to me:
Thunderbird Gryffindor: Thunderbird house is said to favour adventurers, and this is perhaps the most literal interpretation. Thundergryffins tend to be explorers and thrill seekers. Their bravery is not necessarily geared to some righteous cause (though this combo does not preclude that) they simply want their life filled with excitement. As such they can be easily bored which can make them irascible if they are deprived of stimulation. But they are bound to make interesting the lives of any who calls them friend.
Thunderbird Hufflepuff: Thunderpuffs focus on is on experiencing things with friends. These people are not ones for solitude, they will go stir crazy left on their own for a couple of days. It seems they’re always on lunches out, at parties, on trips. It’s not so much the activity that matters so much as the company. They just love people and want to experience as much of mankind as possible.
Thunderbird Ravenclaw: This is my house combination. Thunderclaws are the creatives and innovators. Luna and her parents would all find themselves in this category. If Thunderbirds are adventurers, Thunderclaws prefer to adventure via stories - sitting curled up with a good book as their mind takes them to far off worlds beyond anything that can be experienced in reality. They are dreamers and idealists and can often get their heads lost in the clouds. It can be painful for them when their dreams do not match up with reality and perhaps the oft-found obsession with fiction is an escape.
Thunderbird Slytherin: Thunderins are definitely more on the ambitious side of Slytherin house. They aspire to achieve greatness. For them their adventure is the road to success, and the luxuries that success brings. They definitely appreciate the finer things in life and their ambition tends to be towards living the high life rather than being some lofty goal. Nonetheless Thunderins are often some of the most driven and passionate folk you will ever meet.
Wumpus Gryffindor:  Unshakeable in their convictions and unmatched in their tenacity, Wumpindors are soldiers through and through. Their causes may be righteous or not, but like the beast from which House Wumpus gets its name, Wumpindors are nigh unstoppable. This combo has a dark reputation and Wumpindors may tend towards anger and aggression. They can be quick to see force as the best option in a crisis. They are ultimately fighters - Not merely people who will fight, but people for whom fighting is their way of life and their first resort.
Wumpus Hufflepuff: If you think of the quintessential social justice warrior, that is a Wumpuff. I do not use the term SJW in an inherently negative term as many do. Rather, Hufflepuffs are concerned with honour and fairplay and as such Wumpuffs cannot stand seeing injustice in the world and seek to eradicate it. They will fight fiercely to protect their friends, but their protective instincts apply to the whole world. This can result in them lashing out at people who they see as part of the problem but at their hearts they simply wish to fight for a better world.
Wumpus Ravenclaw: Wumpenclaws are the practical Ravenclaws. These people have ideas and they want them implemented damn it! They are excellent planners and incredibly organised. This combo favours strategists, business leaders and entrepreneurs.
Wumpus Slytherin: Ruthlessness incarnate, Wumperins have lofty ambitions and will do absolutely anything to achieve them. This is probably the combo with the darkest reputation. I would put Voldemort himself in this category. But do not let you think this is an inherently bad combo, any more than Slytherin itself is. If a Wumperin’s ambition is a benign one their passion for achieving their goals is bound to result in success. And if their cause is righteous, a Wumperin can spark a revolution.
Pukwudgie Gryffindor: Anyone would be fortunate to call a Pukindor a friend, for they are perhaps the fiercest allies one could have. Their loyalty and the bonds of friendship that they form are unbreakable. When their friends are down and out they will be the ones to light a fire beneath them, and then rain hell down on whoever did their friend wrong.
Pukwudgie Hufflepuff: In my mind Puffs and Puks have a lot of similarities, so a Puklepuff represents the idea of the quintessential Hufflepuff. These people are the gentlest souls you will ever meet, kind, nurturing and supportive. The Cinammon Rolls of the world. They may well be great cooks or simply have a great love of food - or indeed of anything which brings people together.
Pukwudgie Ravenclaws: Pukenclaws are people who use their ideas and intellect to help others. Pukwudgies are known for being healers and it is in this combination that that becomes most literal - Pukenclaws are often Doctors, nurses, vets or surgeons. In their day to day life they are adept at finding the easiest solutions to problems - the masters of “lifehacks”.
Pukwudgie Slytherin: I’ve often said that Slytherins are the type of people to low-key ruin the lives of anyone who wrongs their friends. People often overlook that Slytherins are incredibly loyal to one another and it is in the Pukerin combo that this quality shines through. The focus here is less on ambition and more on cunning and ruthlessness - more specifically the cunning and ruthlessness required for the Pukerins family (be that literal and/or metaphorical) to survive. And when they or their loved ones are wronged, they are not above enacting a terrible, yet subtle vengeance.
Horned Serpent Gryffindors: Serpendors are people with an area (or areas) of expertise and they know it. They are self-assured in what they are good at (and know what they are bad at) and this surety results in unmatched confidence and competence in that area. That classic Gryffindor bravery comes through in their ideas and their execution. They are independent and efficient. Hermione would be a proud Serpendor, as would McGonagall.
Horned Serpent Hufflepuffs: An unusual combination, as the warmth and heart of Hufflepuff may seem at odds with the detached analysis of Horned Serpent. However funnily enough I think that Isolt Sayre herself falls into this combo. Serpenpuffs know people. They are excellent judges of character and know what makes people tick. They may find promising careers in psychology. They are well meaning but they may feel the need to coddle their friends and family (just as Isolt refused to tell her children of Gormlaith even into their teenage years) and they can at times be aloof and irascible. If you are friends with a Serpenpuff you can probably expect a couple of fallings out (just as Isolt did with William), but in the end they care for their loved ones deeply.
Horned Serpent Ravenclaws: These two houses share many similarities, and of the four Ilvermorny Houses, Horned Serpent is the one with the most direct Hogwarts counterpart here. As such Serpentclaws represent the “stereotypical” Ravenclaw. Aloof, cool and analytical, these are the academics. Their work is done in papers and in the lab, but the implications can be world changing. They need to be mentally stimulated at all times and as such prefer the company of other intellectuals.
Horned Serpent Slytherins: Slytherserpents have a focus on the cunning aspect of Slytherin house. They are always the ones with the plan and that plan is more often than not at least a little underhanded. While other Slytherins may let their ambitions outmatch their abilities, Slytherserpents never have this problem. They do not achieve their ends through brute force and ruthlessness (as Wumperins do) but through subtle tricks and manipulations.
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Thunderbird aesthetic
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The Thunderbird appears in many Native American legends and is said to be larger than a condor. 
Some said that the Thunderbird accompanied thunderstorms and that lightning flashed from its eyes. It was said to feed on killer whales. Some called it Piasa, or ‘devourer of man’ and believed the bird required sacrifices or it would attack a whole community.
The Ojibway of Lake Superior said that a Thunderbird fought with Mishipishu, a snake like monster of the lake. In more recent time, the Sioux Medicine Man, John (Fire) Lame Deer told of the Thunderbird and said that the he believed that they had gone to the furthest parts of the earth, unhappy with the dirty and impure civilization of the whites. 
Sightings of the thunderbird go back centuries and fossil records have shown that birds with wing spans between 12 and 18 ft existed alongside early man.
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Random forest scenes 
animations by Mikael Gustafsson  
Really great art and animation, would love to see this turned into a game.  You can see more on the artist’s Instagram or Dribble.
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Gryffindor & Thunderbird {Gryffinbird} - aesthetic #2
Gryffindor: bravery, nerve, chivalry, daring
Thunderbird: represents the soul. favours adventurers.
Requested by Anonymous (Well, you requested 1 but I got carried away :P)
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Гостиная Thunderbird
Скажи буревестнику, какая спальня тебе досталась, и он назовет тебе тысяча и один способ выбраться из нее незамеченным. Каждый миллиметр и каждым кирпичик доставшейся им башни Буревестники знают как состав своих волшебных палочек. Чуть ли не основания школы на окошко в потолке гостиной, ведущей на маленький чердак, с которого можно без проблем выбраться на крышу, наложено заклинание против взлома, но то ли заклинание плохо наложили, то ли кто-то его снял, но буревестники просто жить не смогут без своей покатой крыши и пары попыток с нее навернуться. Где-то век назад окошко пробовали просто заколотить досками, но Буревестники наловчились отрывать его так, чтобы было незаметно следов взлома. Единственная проблема - их гостиная видна с фасада, а не с задней части, как гостиная пакваджи, а потому вылезать можно строго по ночам. Если конечно не хочешь вылететь из школы. Главным украшением гостиной, помимо гор мусора(важных экспериментов!), завядших цветов (я почти его оживил!) и комков пергамента(там важный чертеж!), а также спящих после ночных вылазок Буревестников являются огромные часы, которые бьют десять раз за десять минут до начала каждого урока. Их повесили где-то в 19 веке, когда стало ясно, что иного способа достучаться до учеников этого факультета нет - иных сигналов к началу уроков они просто не слышат, а часы эти звенят так громко, что ��аже окна трясутся. Буревестники часто ночуют в гостиной, при чем иногда целыми группками, в обнимку или друг на дружке. Стесняться своих у них вообще не принято, хочешь прилечь рядом - пожалуйста. вот тебе подушка. Подушек здесь вообще очень много, ими усыпано все, что не занято мусором и"рабочими поверхностями" в лице листов фанеры. У самого входа в гостиную далекие предшественники нынешних Буревестников спрятали особый механизм, целью которого является предупреждение о посещении гостиной кем-либо из преподавательского состава. Никто не знает точно, как он работает, но работает безотказно - еще ни одного внезапного визита Буревестники не завалили. Попасть в спальню Буревестников может любой желающий - они ведь вечно теряют карточки с паролем, который нужно назвать портрету пастуха, что висит на входе. Однако чего никто не знает, так это того, что ни в коем случае нельзя наступать на маленький черный камешек прямо за портретом, иначе тебя тут же выкинет обратно в коридор, а оттуда прямая дорога кубарем по лестнице. А, ну и конечно не стоит забыть об одном из трех рычагов, который нужно нажать, чтобы крутая "тропинка", ведущая вверх, превратилась в лестницу. Рычаг надо жать всегда фиолетовый, каким бы по счету он внезапно не стал, в противном случае тебя из коридора также выкинет.
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Факультет Thunderbird
У студентов факультета Гром-птицы, которых иногда называют просто Птицами в жизни все бы было хорошо, если бы не постоянные нарушения дисциплины. Они словно бы наизусть знают весь устав школы, а также тысячу и один способ, как его нарушить, доводя преподавателей до белого каления. Многие из них пропускают неинтересные им занятия, забывают делать домашние задание, а свободное время проводят за территорией школы, то охотясь на редких животных, то пытаясь отыскать легендарное дерево, выросшее из палочки Слизерина. На факультете есть легенда, что давным-давно расположение этого дерева не было тайной ни для кого из студентов, но после того, как студент Пакваджи попытался сварить из листьев дерева целительный отвар, а получил яд, всех учеников подвергли особому Обливейт, действие которого пройдет, если кому-нибудь удастся отыскать дерево самостоятельно. И, так как остальным студентам дела до этой несправедливости нет, бремя поисков Птицы неизменно берут на себя. Если посреди ночи будешь патрулировать школу и наткнешься на студента - будь уверен, что это Птица, проснувшаяся посреди ночи от очередной гениальной идеи, требующей немедленной проверки и реализации. Конечно это может быть и Вампус. решивший перекусить, но те обычно ведут себя более осторожно и незаметно, в то время как Буревестник, поглощенный своей идеей, может ненароком и всю школу перебудить. За всю историю школы факультетное соревнование они выигрывали лишь трижды, но исключительно из-за того, что огромное количество баллов с них списывают за нарушение дисциплины и внутреннего устава школы. Впрочем, Птицы и не особо переживают по этому поводу, уверенные, что их главное предназначение отнюдь не в этом. Сложно ответить на вопрос, нравится ли им посещать клубы - многие из них довольно непостоянны и мечтательны, загораются идеей очень быстро, но и интерес утрачивают  иногда даже слишком быстро. Парни Буревестника - главные разбиватели сердец в школе, старшекурсницы даже проводят воспитательные беседы с младшими ученицами, убеждая их никогда не встречаться с Птицей...Но разве перед такими мечтателями и романтиками можно устоять, пускай и понимаешь, что долго это не продлится? На обряде посвящения всех первокурсников заставляют пить неопознанную жидкость, заколдованную  таким образом, чтобы по консистенции она напоминала то слизь, то слюни, то грязь - для каждого года старшекурсники применяют всю свою фантазию. Запах у жидкости тоже премерзкий, но стоит ее попробовать - почувствуешь обыкновенный ягодный сок. Ягоды, к слову, Буревестники собирают сами, для чего выбирается группа из пяти человек, "опаздывающих" на школьное посвящение.
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Ilvermorny Headcanons
- There are more witches than wizards, it’s very common that in a pair of siblings the girl would have magical abilities and the boy would not - Due to history there aren’t many white southern wizards or witches - Wifi - Wizard memes - Really weird food combos that students from around the continent introduce - Students can do some crazy shit to alcohol and weed - Some students study to be a specific type of elemental wizard or witch, for instance, storm, fire, earth, wind, water, electricity wizard/witches - Healing spells could be referred to as the dark arts - Wizard fairs/amusement parks - Halloween is lit, and some students will dress up in regular clothes like a no-maj or as a stereotypical witch - Lit parties in general - One Math, English, No-maj history, and Science course are required to graduate, and don’t need to be taken in a particular year - Quidditch can get really violent - Magical baseball, football, and volleyball - There’s multiple ways to travel to ilvermorny; trains, trams, sky trams, vans, airplane, bus, sometimes older students car pool there etc… - Pigeons and crows can be used instead of owls and are sometimes kept as pets, with the occasional hawk - Besides birds, toads, and cats students can also bring rodents or fish. And only service dogs or dogs with special permission - Wand making is a very common practice since there are so many witches and wizards in North America - School wide debates on what celebrities or historical figures are wizards or witches - School newspaper/news - There’s a Starbucks, wizardbucks, inside the school and it always has pumpkin spice latte on the menu - There are a few shops within school grounds, a small convenient store, ilvermorny merchandise store, wizardbucks, music shop, smoke shop (only for last year students, in the 90s all the last year students signed an official and magical petition to get one), and your daily wizard supply store (wand tools, books. broom tools, cauldrons, potion bottles, etc..) - There are so many students they’ve had up to five quidditch teams for each house - Lots of online shopping - Lots of wizard music (wizard beats) - There’s a drive-in movie theater behind the school - Off school grounds, a few miles into the nearest town there’s a secret club/bar just for witches and wizards - Assemblies are crazy - Arranged concerts - As of 2017 the attitude towards no-majs has changed drastically, not exactly ideal, but much closer - It’s not uncommon for a wizard or witch to go into a no-maj job/career - There is a four year required class on the real history of natives to North America - A persons culture is always taken into consideration and very seriously when it comes to dress code, ceremonies, or anything needed - Each year has two advisors and each house has a counselor - The school is under extreme protection due to the occasional no-maj finding out about them and threatening to burn the school down. Although they are not killed for this, just their memory is - Some students like to use crystals - There’s a gym and a pool (hidden swimming pool) in the school - Inside the library there’s an entire section dedicated to maps - There have been peaceful protests - There’s about ten greenhouses - The kitchen takes up an entire floor in the school - None of the common rooms look alike, and the dorms within are all different - Students are taught home ec without using magic at first
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Thunderbird Headcanons
-Thunderbirds being electric, eclectic, energetic people
-Thunderbirds constantly seeking obstacles and challenges to overcome
-The common room is just full to the brim with half-finished projects, inventions, and charred bits of furniture where projects backfired entirely
-Thunderbirds doing the most ridiculous, impossible things just for the challenge of doing it
-Like annually throwing a piano off the tallest spire in the castle, ala MIT
-Thunderbirds being notorious for setting off incredible, albeit slightly illegal fireworks during every conceivable holiday.
-Thunderbirds having a major rivalry with Wumpus, but in a friendly way, that helps them both grow
-Thunderbirds having enough house spirit to kill a horse
-Thunderbirds being kind of terrible at schoolwork, but are terrific at teaching themselves really weird but incredibly useful things.
-Thunderbirds also having a knack for looking into really strange esoteric things that people have mostly forgotten
-On The Road and Into The Wild are Thunderbird required reading
-Thunderbirds getting caught up in projects and pulling an all nighter after forgetting about their homework entirely
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A Complete Guide to Ilvermorny
Created by myself and my lovely fellow analyst.
What Ilvermorny Means
This section focuses on the bare bones of each house. Later I expand in great depth on the specific combinations.
Wampus: Pragmatism. The Wampus wants real world results. It wants things that can assist these results. It will take real, immediate action to achieve these results. Oriented towards events, the exterior world, and action. Searches for advantage in everything. Searches for ways to win. Competition, winning, the real world. Proof. Logic. Action. Horned Serpent: Theories. The world aligns with their system of thought. Why is the world this way? What if it isn’t? The horned serpent considers everything. They scrutinize and analyze. They make the world fit their mind and make their mind for the world. Oriented toward the internal world. Thinking about things for their own sake. No objective but understanding. Pukwudgie: Pukwudgies are what they are. They want to be themselves in all respects, extroverting themselves on the outer world. They are in tune with their own emotions and will follow their gut instincts and feelings wherever they might lead. They have a strong emotional attachment to those they value, and will stay extremely loyal to those select few. Pukwudgies are social without Boeing to society. Thunderbird: Change. The grand concept of the soul. The thunderbird wants change for its internal world. It wishes to be free in its thoughts and it’s desires, pretty much regardless of the outside world. The thunderbird seeks betterment for itself in subjective ways. It does not want to win, it wants to be happy.
Hogwarts/Ilvermorny Combinations
This section focuses on each individual house combination.
The Hero (Gryffindor)
The Traveler (Ravenclaw)
The Loyalist (Hufflepuff)
The Charmer (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Pukwudgie: These people are the typical thrill seeking freedom fighters of Gryffindor. The social nature of Pukwudgie combines with the glory seeking bravado of Gryffindor to make a person who sees themselves as a hero, and is eager to act accordingly. Gryffindor Pukwudgies are often more attuned to their own wants and the wants of their friends then anything grander. They prefer not to look at the big picture, and instead focus on small situations where they can apply themselves with vigor and individuality. Gryffindor and Pukwudgie are both individualistic and emotional houses, and this manifests particularly strongly in this combination. The Gryffindor is action oriented and the Pukwudgie is social, creating someone who is outspoken and willing to stick to their emotional decisions to the bitter end.
Ravenclaw/Pukwudgie: The Ravenclaw Pukwudgie is primarily concerned with the exploration of the world. The Ravenclaw is insatiably curious, and the Pukwudgie sees the world externally, without becoming preoccupied with the structure of the world or what they can and cannot do. The two houses in combination seek to fully enjoy life, seeking out new knowledge and experiences without very much of an end goal. These people seek to enjoy their life above all else, and will likely have a drive to see the world, try new and exciting things, and will not have patience for those who drag them down to a more boring world.
Hufflepuff/Pukwudgie: The Hufflepuff Pukwudgie is devoted to its friends and family. It will make sure they are happy and healthy above all else, and will define their lives by those they care about. They are more focused on themselves as individuals then the traditional Hufflepuff, who seeks to make things fair for the general world. These Hufflepuffs instead prefer to stay within the circle of those that they love and rarely stray from it. These Pukwudgies will be more selfless and able to dismiss their own emotions easier than most because of their acute awareness of the affect it has on others.
Slytherin/Pukwudgie: Slytherin Pukwudgies are naturals at making connections and thrive in the social world. Their ambition is driven from emotional need, and will often be less traditionally ambitious than the dreams of other Slytherins. They will want to succeed in a social or emotional way, more intangible than the power and wealth many Slytherins seek. They will seek prestige in their social circle, using their quick wits to charm their fellows. They are highly external people, loving the company and positivity of social gatherings and becoming highly adept at navigating such settings.
The Champion (Gryffindor) The Trickster (Ravenclaw) The Paragon (Hufflepuff) The Victor (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Wampus: Wampus Gryffindors are the most in tune with the real world of Gryffindors. They see the real world problems with constantly sticking to their morals and emotions, and will be willing to change their decisions and adapt to whatever will yield the greatest benefit. This combination is extremely action oriented, often becoming restless when there is no danger for them to face or situation to mend. These will be the most competitive of all Gryffindors, eager to jump on any casual opportunity to show others what they can do. This is the result of the glory seeking nature of Gryffindor combined with the Wampus drive to win. While this combination is highly impulsive and strong willed, it’s logical side and desire to succeed often makes it more detached than most Gryffindors until the opportunity for action arises. This combination will look for logical and analytical reasons why it won or did not win, and thus will often seem changeable, as it is reviewing new data and analyzing while it is taking action. It’s looking at the same time as it’s leaping.
Ravenclaw/Wampus: The Ravenclaw Wampus is the rarest of all sixteen combinations. Understandable as it is a paradoxical personality. Strong willed with malleable beliefs and goals, active with a tendency to hang back and consider all options, and intellectual but fierce. This combination deals in cleverness more than any other type of intellect. It prefers wit and strategy in its thoughts and conversations to a less immediately applicable, more studious knowledge. The introspective nature of Ravenclaw combines with Wampus in two principle ways, first with its competitiveness and its drive to succeed, which makes the Ravenclaw Wampus self critical and keenly aware of its own strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, the introspection combines with the strength of Wampus to create an impassive exterior. This Wampus will conceal its weaknesses behind a thick veil of intellect and prestige.
Hufflepuff/Wampus: The Hufflepuff Wampus has tangible goals that it wants to succeed in, and has a strong drive like other Wampuses, however, this will be offset by their affection for their companions and their wish for these people to succeed as much, if not more, than themself. This manifests as a person who is a strong and charismatic community leader. They will drive groups of people forward highly effectively with an infectious optimism and tireless determination. Both the Wampus and the Hufflepuff houses are hard working houses with great amounts of grit. As a result, the combination will take on massive amounts of work for greater projects with incredible drive. This is a self sacrificing combination with a strong sense of right and wrong, based primarily around justice and fairness. They will fight tirelessly to achieve this fairness in any place they can.
Slytherin/Wampus: The Slytherin and Wampus houses are defined by ambition. Slytherin values ambition deeply, and Wampus’ interaction with the world is based around fighting and winning. As a result, the Slytherin Wampus feels that it must achieve its goals at all costs, and overwhelmingly does so. This type is highly adaptable within the margins of its goals, as it sees many ways it can get what it wants, and has no issue buckling down to what work is necessary. While in true Slytherin nature, it is focused on the end goal at all times, the scrappiness and engagement with the present moment that Wampus brings leads this combination to be more playful than other Slytherins. These Slytherins are so constantly ambitious and secure in their desire that they feel comfortable dropping their seriousness whenever it appeals to them. At the same time, the Slytherin Wampus sees no point in becoming too preoccupied with the negative aspects of the here and now, and has a tendency to “wait out” annoyances, emotional problems, or pain.
The Revolutionary (Gryffindor) The Philosopher (Ravenclaw) The Optimist (Hufflepuff) The Candidate (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Thunderbird: Gryffindor Thunderbird has deeply internalized its moral beliefs. It is guided by its principals and ideals. The contrast in between Thunderbirds vibrant internal world and Gryffindors strong external tendencies make a combination that is powerfully focused on carrying its beliefs into the outside world. This combination makes no compromises. It is resilient against outside influence, and most powerful when faced with impossible odds. In the face of everyone telling it “no”, it plants it’s feet and screams “yes” in response. This Gryffindor is the least boastful an glory seeking of Gryffindors, as it cares very little for the the outside world. It deeply connects to those who share its beliefs however, and will stick to these long lived friendships through any situation, no matter how thick or thin.
Ravenclaw/Thunderbird: The Ravenclaw Thunderbird seeks enlightenment. Regardless of its religious views or what words they might use to describe what they seek, the Ravenclaw Thunderbird wishes to reach a state of complete happiness and knowledge. Both Ravenclaw and Thunderbird constantly seek out something, deep in their core. The Ravenclaw seeks many new ideas, whereas the Thunderbird seeks a single great ideal. In combination, these houses search for all ways they might achieve their final ideal (note: not their final GOAL, the ideal is generally something unattainable. The Ravenclaw Thunderbird considers it nobler to strive for the impossible.) This house will be as curious as the traditional Ravenclaw, but it’s deep held beliefs as a Thunderbird will lead it to dismiss more information than its more trusting and open minded fellows. Ultimately, their greatest priority is enlightenment and whatever else they may have chosen as a panultimate ideal.
Hufflepuff/Thunderbird: The Hufflepuff Thunderbird is probably the greatest source of Hufflepuff’s reputation of being offbeat. The Thunderbird devotion to its internal world mixes with the upbeat attitude of Hufflepuff to create a person who is extremely amiable and easygoing without feeling the need to fit in or act in a way they feel uncomfortable with. This Hufflepuff is more secure in their identity than other Hufflepuffs, and this Thunderbird is more secure in their present situation than other Thunderbirds. This makes a sweet spot of contentment where the Hufflepuff Thunderbird makes it’s home.
Slytherin/Thunderbird: Of the Slytherins, this combination is the deepest emotionally. It does not find the same advantage of repressing its emotions that the other houses do. Instead, this house propels itself through its ambitions with a deep emotional drive to thrive I whatever environment it is put in. The forceful confidence of Slytherin gives this Thunderbird a tendency to hurl themselves into happiness and freedom, acting however they might please. This gives them a forceful and individualistic charisma, but makes them enemies as they can come off as a bull in a china shop when surrounded by weaker personalities. This Slytherin plans ahead less than other Slytherins. It has it’s eventual goals in mind, but it trusts in its ability to improvise with all the cunning and determination it possesses once it comes into contact with an actual impediment.
Horned Serpent/Hogwarts
The Advocate (Gryffindor) The Visionary (Ravenclaw) The Psychologist (Hufflepuff) The Architect (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Horned Serpent: The Gryffindor Horned Serpent is the fiercest of the Horned Serpents and the most conservative and cautious of the Gryffindors. They have strong held ideas that they reenforce with a powerful will and as much mental energy as they can muster. However, these Gryffindors are aware of the consequences to their actions, and will act in a more refined way, only breaking rules or taking direct action when they see it as good to do so. They will not, however, hesitate to challenge any idea put forward, examining it from both moral and logical standpoints. This combination has a highly tuned moral framework that builds itself on sequences of logic in order to determine what is right. These Horned Serpents are less interested in discovery, experimentation, and hypothesizing than most of their brethren. The Gryffindor in them prefers to take what is established knowledge so that they can act in the moment and will not have to shift their belief system, which is dependent on information. This combination will project themselves as the most prominent mind in the room. They often do not project the pure and quiet intelligence of Ravenclaw combinations or the calculated charisma of Slytherin, but the use of Gryffindor’s indomitable will and Horned Serpents uncontainable mind forces the attention of those nearby. People are drawn to this combination, and it uses this ability to advocate its ideas.
Ravenclaw/Horned Serpent: This combinations mind is completely active. It thinks constantly, developing and discarding ideas and theories at a consummate rate. The quick mindedness of the Ravenclaw allows it to see multiple ideas and possible ways to see a situation at once. At the same time, the Horned Serpent focuses these many ideas, narrowing down those that are illogical and discardable. This combination is fully involved with its mind. Its intelligence propels it in everything it does, shaping its values, shifting its actions. What the Ravenclaw Horned Serpent does will always be to the benefit of knowledge and its own understanding. It will seek the analysis and dissection of the entire world, magnifying every notion as far as it reasonably can. This combination balances a scale in its own mind. On one hand, it enjoys the pure information of chaos, but on the other, the rationality of both houses wants stability. The Ravenclaw Horned Serpent makes its compromise through observation. It will sit still and accumulate knowledge until it sees there is something to be gained for their mind if they move. They will then throw themselves headlong into whatever pursuit they have deemed smart.
Hufflepuff/Horned Serpent: The Hufflepuff Horned Serpent seeks to understand people. It will study someone in all their intricacies, looking to their likes, dislikes, beliefs, motives, and everything else try can glean. This combination loves people as truly as most Hufflepuffs do, but is truly fascinated by them as a Horned Serpent. Hufflepuff’s patience combines with the theories of Horned Serpent to form principles over time. This combination will slowly accumulate similar ideas, slowly turn them over, combine them where they can be combined, and eventually form well fleshed out principles that it can share compassionately with those in need. This combination values wisdom above all else. It wishes to guide others in a subjective manner. Helping them with their minds and their ideas. The strong inclination to fairness that Hufflepuff brings overpowers the wish for personal understanding that Horned Serpent holds dearly. This combination will, as a result, share what it knows indiscriminately. It wishes the world to be better mentally and to be supplied with guiding wisdom that will keep it safe.
Slytherin/Horned Serpent: The Slytherin Horned Serpent wants to build. While it is receptive to the many ideas of the world, it prefers its own. It will be strongly oriented towards order, categories, and rules. These are where the Slytherin ambition and the structured minds of the Horned Serpents thrive. Within this structure, it will create more and more structure, expanding it and pushing the boundaries of the previous rules, before forming new rules and guidelines in a more refined manner. This combination is proud, trusting its own intellect and intuition above all else. Its logic being that they are tried and true indicators. This makes the Slytherin Horned Serpent stubborn minded until failure. At the point of failure, this combination will see no problem admitting that they were wrong and pursuing an entirely different approach. The ambition of Slytherin drives it forward towards a goal or a principle to understand, while the Horned Serpent studies and searches for the best way to achieve such an end.
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Hogwarts/Ilvermorny Combinations
This is not exactly the type of content I usually post but a lovely anon requested me to do this so… Here it is, anon.
Gryffindor/Thunderbird: The brave adventurers. They are the risk takers. They’re adventurous - want to explore and make a difference. They’re brave - not being afraid to do so. They’ll stand up for what they believe in, even if they have to stand alone. Thrilling, influential, independent and confident are some of the traits they inherit.
Slytherin/Thunderbird: The cunning adventurers. They usually plan before traveling. They have something that’s driving them forward - something connected to their soul. They won’t stop till they’ve reached their goal, no matter if it’s simple or complex. They’re driven, strong-willed and unpredictable.
Ravenclaw/Thunderbird: The curious adventurers. They have deep ancient souls. Their Ravenclaw mind is full of questions and the Thunderbird in them helps to find the answers. They have the ability to see the big picture. They’re philosophical, rational and collected.
Hufflepuff/Thunderbird: The dedicated adventurers. Easygoing is in their nature - being able to get along with whoever they want wherever they go. They have a soft spot for different cultures and their people. Sweet, calm and friendly is what they are.
Hogwarts/Horned Serpent
Gryffindor/Horned Serpent: The daring scholars. Their minds are extremely fierce - having a great amount of mental power. They won’t hesitate to examine an uncanny idea they’ve had up close. They’re conservative and cautious. Unafraid to go lengths just to learn.
Slytherin/Horned Serpent: The ambitious scholars. They have a goal to achieve a certain level of education. And they will do it, no matter the obstacles. They plan before doing - calculating all the movements and what will happen if they do it in a certain way. They’re clever, tactical and realists.
Ravenclaw/Horned Serpent: The witty scholars. Perhaps the most common among all the Hogwarts/Ilvermorny combos - as intelligence is very closely connected to the mind. Their minds are dynamic. They have the ability to see beyond as it is. They’re very quick-witted, insightful and perspective.
Hufflepuff/Horned Serpent: The kind scholars. They’re most likely to use their knowledge and intelligence to help people. To understand them better. To do something good. They tend to be extremely understanding and compassionate.
Gryffindor/Wampus: The courageous warriors. It is very common for a Gryffindor to get Wampus as their Ilvermorny house. Bravery is perhaps a warrior’s main quality. They are capable of dealing with real world problems. They’re prepared to face danger. This combo tends to be all action-packed, restless and physical.
Slytherin/Wampus: The resourceful warriors. They have everything planned before going to the battlefield. They’re driven by their ambition. They want to win - they’ll do anything to win. They know that in today’s world, winning is everything.
Ravenclaw/Wampus: The intelligent warriors. The rarest of all the 16 combos. But not impossible. Their fights are not always physical. They often win the battle by outsmarting the enemy. They represent the strategical and generalship aspect of wars rather than the physical aspect.
Hufflepuff/Wampus: The just warriors. Who won’t cheat their way through. They’re the optimistic one of the crew - knowing they’ll achieve victory if they try hard enough. They’re loyal to their companions and like fair-play and justice.
Gryffindor/Pukwudgie: The brave healers. Those who are willing to do anything to save people, refusing to accept that they can’t save everyone. They won’t give up, though. In the end that makes them the hero.
Slytherin/Pukwudgie: - the ambitious healers. The ambition of their heart is what’s driving them forward. Not resting till the task before them is done is what they do. They tend to be more emotional than other Slytherins but manage to use it as their advantage.
Ravenclaw/Pukwudgie: The wise healers. They’re smart, depend on their intellect and know exactly what to do to heal someone, something or themselves. They’re the perfect combination of the head and the heart.
Hufflepuff/Pukwudgie: The kind healers. The ultimate optimists. They’re work hard to heal who or what they want. Supportive, encouraging, sympathetic and selfless is what they are.
Ilvermorny houses are not Hogwarts houses’ counterparts. What you value is your Hogwarts house and who you are is your Ilvermorny house.
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