Guide to All Dere Types in Anime (Renewed)
I may as well do this again without editing and reblogging my own post this time so challenge accepted. Here in an academy of anime, I’ll teach you how some characters react to love with the dere types. Which dere are you and which dere is your favorite? Credit to The Dere Types Wiki for the information.
A tsundere refers to an outwardly violent character who “runs hot and cold”, alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck). There are 2 types of tsundere; tsundere type A (harsh is their default mood, they’re rude until someone triggers their sweet side) and tsundere type B (sweet is their default mood, they’re friendly in public but they act mean towards their love interest).
They start out as nice and friendly, especially towards their love interest. That is until something or someone comes between them, then they become dark and obsessive over the one they love. Love makes them crazy, often violently so. They’re mentally destructive in nature through either over protectiveness, violence, brutality or all three combined.
Someone who is calm and collected on the outside, and they rarely panic. I believe there are 2 types of kuuderes; one who pretends to be emotionless, and one who’s actually emotionless. Either way, they turn out to be really caring - especially towards their love interest.
A dandere character is one who is quiet and asocial, possibly to the point of coming across as emotionless at times, when they’re really just shy or afraid to talk. They will become talkative and sweet when alone with the right person.
Derederes are extremely lovey-dovey, always chasing and fawning over the person they love. They’re not ashamed and have no problems with public displays of affection. They don’t hide their feelings, and no matter what may happen, they quickly revert to their cheerful self.
Characters who are clumsy and stupid when it comes to expressing their love. They’re either oblivious to romance or don’t know how to express it. They are for the most part very innocent and sweet, but their stupidity outshines their other attributes.
Boderes are usually shy around those they’re infatuated with, and get embarrassed easily. They don’t know how to handle their embarrassment and so they use their fists instead of their words, and lash out so they can hide their shyness. Though they don’t necessarily have a harsh exterior otherwise, and may feel bad about their outbursts of violence.
A byoukidere refers to a character who is usually very sweet and kind, but suffers from a physical disease, usually a fatal one. Due to this, they are weak and frail. They are very kind, helpful, and sweet in nature.
Darudere characters would rather sit around and show no emotion towards anyone, including their love interest. They are nonchalant to those whom they love, but they do express emotions, they just usually show no interest in those who like them.
They appear sweet and lovable on the outside, but are twisted or disturbed on the inside for various reasons. They initially act lovey-dovey but their hidden deranged side can strike at any moment. They can also possess the mind of a yandere, except they don’t act on those thoughts.
A hajidere is someone who is nervous and embarrassed around their crush. They get so shy around their love interest that they blush and have trouble confessing their feelings. On some occasions, they might even faint from being so bashful. Nonetheless, they can be social and outgoing with their peers.
A himedere is a female version of an oujidere. They act like a princess and want to be treated like royalty. They’re often arrogant and overly dramatic. They will however, soften over time with their love interest.
A hinedere is someone who has cynical world views. They have a nihilistic view of the world and often see the worst rather than the best. Though cold-hearted and arrogant, their soft side is shown after their love interest breaks through.
This describes someone with a god complex. They are arrogant and proud, and aren’t afraid to speak their minds and show everyone how right they are. Their pride makes them highly arrogant, overconfident and stubborn. They think they should get special attention and priority, but will eventually become loving once their exterior is broken.
A kanedere refers to someone who is attracted to others with money or status. They’re the anime/manga equivalent of a gold digger, and they can be snobbish towards poor people. They only show affection and care towards people with money and how much money they have, but a true love can break their habit.
A kekkondere is someone who wants to get married right away, despite having only just met. They immediately decide after they meet someone of interest that they’re the right person for them, and begin planning their marriage.
A mayadere refers to a character who is often a dangerous antagonist of a series, but switches sides after falling in love with another character. However, they might remain deadly and unpredictable.
A megadere is someone who is obsessed with their love interest. They’re like derederes but to the extreme. They fangirl/fanboy over their love interest whenever they can; sometimes to the point of stalking, and they might even steal their items. However, despite their obsessive nature, they will never commit violent acts or manipulate their love interest.
A nemuidere refers to a character that spends much of his/her time sleeping. Nemuidere characters tend to be very lazy and laconic in nature but they can also be intelligent and artistic, if only they weren’t such a sleepyhead. Unlike a darudere, they sometimes show interest towards the one they love. They can be motivated by their loved interest to become less sleepy.
A nyandere is a vague type of dere that’s just cat-related. While they don’t have to actually be a cat; they are picky, needy, and punctuate their sentences with a cute meow.
An oujidere is a male version of a himedere. They act like a prince and want to be treated like royalty. They’re often arrogant and overly dramatic. They will however, soften over time with their love interest.
An oujodere (also spelled as oujoudere or ojoudere) is a “lady-like” type of character, who’s prim and proper with a strict exterior. Unlike a himedere, an oujodere isn’t arrogant nor bossy, and they don’t want to be treated like royalty. Despite that they often come from a wealthy family, they are sweet and kind. They’re basically a calmer and more mature version of a deredere.
They love to manipulate and toy with peoples emotions, more so if they’re romantically or sexually interested in them. Sadodere characters are sadists who take pleasure in causing pain to people’s emotions. They are cruel by willing to cause pain to people without showing care or concern.
A shundere is someone who is depressed without a specific reason. They might gradually open up, especially towards their love interest. They’re chronically depressed and they have a tendency to ignore and avoid others. However, not all shunderes show their chronic sadness, meaning their depression isn’t always obvious. They might open up slightly if they find the right one.
They are people who like to tease their love interest. They’re mischievous at heart and like to flirt. Inside, they care a lot for their loved one and so they simply tease as their way of showing their affection towards someone they like. They do not manipulate or want to cause pain, unlike a sadodere.
A thugdere is someone who often mistreats other people including their love interest, by physically or emotionally harming them. They’re delinquents with a love interest. Their cruel nature is often a way of hiding their sweet and loving side, since they believe their sweet side makes them look weak or foolish. They’re like tsunderes except they’re more of a criminal type.
These people agree with pretty much everything their crush regardless of their true feelings. They do this to get closer to their crush, and they don’t want to offend by saying no in fear of losing them. This may cause them to be taken advantage of since they do pretty much whatever their love wants.
Describes someone who is depressed, but unlike shunderes who are depressed from a start, theirs come with a specific reason; such as being bullied, abused, or their loved one dying. This would cause them to isolate themselves, worsening their mental state. But they might gradually open up in time when the right person shows up.
A yottadere is a character who is addicted to alcohol. They’re rarely seen without alcohol in their hands and so they’re often drunk. It is rare for them to be sober, but they might stop drinking if it means having their special someone.
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Lol, I think chapter 00 was a success. (I think). And I'm moving on to chapter 1. This is possibly a very very slow updates and stuff.
I'm waiting for a certain package for a better device.
Anyways OOC AND Y/n is currently Amnesiac here so yes we're playing the amnesia card for awhile.
You find yourself back in your former word, Teyvat. But why is there something as if you've missed something important elsewhere? You venture into the world and met someone who will become part of your life..
(I'm bad at this, I know lol but srs just read ig)
Warnings: OOC lol, Y/n being amnesiac, FLUFF, Comfort, MIGHT HAVE TYPOS OR WRONG GRAMMER KXSJOWEU9e8ej, also if you see a female pronouns or something then just ignore it its not like I'm lazy to edit- anyways it's because this book was formerly for a female reader but I changed my mind after awhile.
As your senses gradually returned, the pain in your head intensified, making it difficult to think clearly. The sound of dripping water echoed through the cave, creating a haunting melody in the silence. Confusion gripped your as you tried to recall the pieces of your fragmented memory.
"Yuna...? What...? Who owns that name..?" You mumbled, your voice barely audible in the damp cave. The name felt important, tied to something significant, yet the details remained just out of reach.
A surge of frustration washed over you as you attempted to sit up, only to be met with a searing jolt of pain in your head. Your attempts to remember were met with a disorienting haze, as if your memories were shrouded in mist, slipping away whenever you tried to grasp them.
"Where am I?" Your voice trembled, your eyes scanning the dimly lit cave in search of answers. The rocky walls seemed to close in on her, amplifying your sense of isolation.
You strained to recall any semblance of your past, but the memories remained elusive, slipping through your fingers like sand. The cave offered no clues, leaving you in a state of bewildered despair.
In the midst of your confusion, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that you had lost something immensely important, something that had once defined your existence. The ache of emptiness gnawed at you, and you clung to the hope that clarity would come, dispelling the shadows that clouded your mind.
Weak and disoriented, You attempted to gather your strength, your fingers tracing the damp, uneven surface of the cave floor. The chill in the air seeped into her bones, adding to your growing discomfort. Despite the pain and confusion, a flicker of determination kindled within you.
"I need to find out who I am," you whispered to yourself, your voice barely audible over the echoing drips of water. With trembling limbs, you slowly managed to sit up, your head still throbbing in protest.
Cautiously, you began to explore the cave, your hands tracing the rough walls as you moved forward. The meager light from an unseen source barely illuminated the path ahead. Your memory remained stubbornly elusive, leaving you with a profound sense of loss.
As you ventured deeper into the cave, fragments of memories teased the edges of your consciousness — a glimpse of a smile, a faint echo of laughter. Yet, they slipped away before you could grasp them, leaving you feeling both hopeful and frustrated.
The cave seemed endless, winding and twisting in a labyrinthine manner, as if mirroring the complexity of your forgotten past. Despite the uncertainty, You pressed on, driven by an inexplicable urge to uncover the truth about yourself and the enigmatic connection to the name "Yuna."
Time lost its meaning as you navigated the dark passages, your determination casting aside fear and uncertainty. With each step, you silently vowed to unravel the mystery of your identity, hoping that somewhere within the depths of the cave, you would find the answers you so desperately sought.
Emerging from the cave, You shielded your eyes from the sudden brightness, your gaze adjusting to the natural light filtering through the dense forest around you. The scent of earth and leaves filled the air, grounding you in the reality of the outdoors.
Confusion continued to cloud your thoughts as you looked around, the unfamiliar surroundings adding to her disorientation. The name "Y/n" echoed in your mind, resonating with a strange sense of familiarity. Was it your name? You clung to it like a lifeline, hoping that by embracing this fragment of your identity, the rest of your memories would fall into place.
"Where am I...?" You murmured to yourself, your voice barely rising above a whisper. You couldn't help but feel a strange mix of awe and unease at the natural beauty that surrounded you. The forest seemed both familiar and foreign, as if you had known it in another lifetime.
With each passing moment, your sense of self and identity remained elusive. The name "Yuna" echoed in your mind, a tantalizing clue that seemed to tease you, but you couldn't fully grasp its significance.
"Y/n? Maybe... is that my name?" You questioned yourself, your brow furrowed in deep thought. The weight of forgotten memories continued to press upon you, an enigma you were determined to unravel.
Lost in the heart of the forest, with no clear sense of direction or purpose, You felt like a wanderer in search of your true self. The journey ahead was uncertain, but you couldn't deny the nagging feeling that each step you took brought you closer to the answers you so desperately needed, maybe?
As you continued your journey through the forest, the name "Yuna" remained a constant enigma, just out of your grasp. You had learned to adapt to your surroundings, your instincts guiding you through the wild terrain as you ventured ever deeper into the unknown.
Days, weeks, possibly months or years, passed in solitude, and your world had been transformed into a serene and secluded existence. Yet, despite the tranquility of the forest, villages and cities she's visited, the yearning for answers about your past and identity never ceased.
One fateful day, the forest led her to the outskirts of a city. You heard someone call the place as Liyue Harbor. The sight of the bustling metropolis left you awestruck, the contrast between the solitude of the woods and the vibrant life of the city overwhelming. You ventured into the city, your heart pounding with both anticipation and trepidation.
The unfamiliar surroundings and the countless faces passing by were a stark reminder of your lost memories. You felt like an outsider, a stranger in a world that should have been familiar.
With a determined spirit, You approached a passerby and mustered the courage to speak, your voice trembling with uncertainty. "Hello. Where is the place where I can sell some items? I have some flowers and plants I want to sell."
The kind stranger provided you with directions, and you followed them to a marketplace bustling with activity. You set up your makeshift stall, the colorful array of flowers and plants catching the attention of curious shoppers.
Navigating the currency was a challenge, but your determination and the helpful advice of a fellow vendor allowed you to make your first successful sale. You earned 3000 mora, a small fortune that you knew you had to save diligently.
You had taken your first steps into a world filled with people and possibilities, yet you remained haunted by the shadows of your forgotten past.
As the dark clouds gathered overhead, threatening rain, you continued your journey along the road. You were determined to explore your surroundings despite the ominous weather, a persistent sense of curiosity driving you forward.
Amidst the gloomy backdrop of the impending storm, You suddenly came across a short indigo haired young boy walking aimlessly along the same road. His unusual appearance, with indigo hair and eyes, caught your attention. He seemed lost, disoriented, and something within you urged you to offer help.
"Hello, are you lost—?" You began to speak, but your words trailed off when the boy continued walking past you, seemingly ignoring your presence. Yet, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye.
Determined to understand what was happening, You followed after the boy. You approached him once more, your voice filled with genuine concern. "Hey, are you alright? Err... are you lost?"
The boy remained silent, causing a knot of worry to tighten in your chest. You were determined to get answers and ensure the boy's well-being.
"Why are you following me?" The boy finally spoke, his tone laced with suspicion as he turned to face you.
You hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well... I just felt like... I'm worried about you? So, are you lost? You seem... really lost to me."
The boy's response was curt and guarded. "What does it matter to you?"
Despite his resistance, You couldn't ignore the feeling that there was more to this young boy's story than met the eye. With empathy in your eyes, you took a step closer and replied, "It matters because I believe in helping others when they need it. You don't have to be alone in whatever you're going through. If you're lost or in trouble, maybe I can help."
"I don't care," the boy retorted stubbornly, his defiance unwavering as he continued walking despite the rain beginning to fall around them.
Your worry deepened, your empathy for the young boy compelling you to take action. With a determined spirit, you swiftly wrapped your black cloak around him, shielding him from the rain. The gesture was instinctual, driven by a sense of care and protection that seemed to come naturally to you.
"I warned you," you said gently, your voice carrying a hint of concern as you made sure the boy was covered. Despite his resistance, you refused to leave him alone to face the rain.
"Let's go. I found a cave over there earlier," you said, your tone reassuring as you gently pulled the boy, leading him towards shelter. Your actions spoke louder than words, offering comfort and support to a young soul in need. Together, you both hurried towards the sanctuary of the cave, your silhouettes fading into the gray haze of the rain.
The rain poured down relentlessly, creating a rhythmic drumming sound against the earth. You and the young boy hurried towards the cave, your footsteps quickening as the raindrops intensified. With each step, you made sure the boy remained shielded under your cloak, somehow your protective instincts taking over. You two reached the shelter just in time, the sound of raindrops against the rocky entrance serving as a soothing backdrop to your arrival.
Your black cloak, which had become a makeshift shield from the rain, was now damp, but your focus remained on the boy beside you. You gently removed the cloak from him, ensuring that he was no longer exposed to the elements.
The boy's gaze shifted from her to the interior of the cave, his expression unreadable. He had been guarded and aloof since your encounter, but you couldn't help but feel a strong desire to help him, to understand his story.
"We're safe from the rain here," you said softly, your voice carrying a note of reassurance. "You don't have to be alone, you know. If you ever want to talk or if there's anything you need, I'm here."
The boy didn't immediately respond, but the tension in his posture seemed to ease slightly. His eyes, a striking shade of purple, held a mixture of emotions that you couldn't quite decipher.
As you went about preparing a fire inside the cave, the young boy observed your every move, his thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty and vulnerability. He had known betrayal and abandonment in his short life, leading him to question whether he could trust anyone again.
The flickering light of the soon-to-be fire cast shadows on his face, revealing the conflict in his eyes. He felt a chill deep within, not just from the cold rain but from the scars left by his past. Yet, he couldn't deny that this strange person had shown him kindness when he had least expected it.
"You must be cold. Just wait for a bit more, okay? I'll start the fire right away," Your gentle voice pulled him from his thoughts, offering a glimmer of warmth in the cave's dim interior.
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes meeting yours briefly before he nodded silently. Despite his guarded nature, there was a flicker of gratitude in his eyes, a glimmer of acknowledgment for your kindness.
As the flames flickered to life, casting a warm glow within the cave, the boy found himself drawn closer to the fire's comforting embrace. He had known little kindness in his existence, and your actions, though simple, resonated with a sense of compassion he hadn't experienced before.
Silence settled between them, broken only by the crackling of the firewood. The boy's guard began to waver, a fragile hope emerging that perhaps, in this moment, he had found someone he could trust. The journey ahead remained uncertain, but in the glow of the fire, there was a glimmer of connection — a spark of understanding that had the potential to light the way forward.
In the quiet of the cave, illuminated by the warm glow of the fire, You and the young boy found yourselves sharing a moment of fragile companionship. The crackling flames danced, casting shadows on the rocky walls as you both sat in contemplative silence. Despite the scars of his past betrayals, he found himself slowly opening up to the possibility of trust. Your actions spoke louder than words, your genuine kindness leaving an indelible mark on his wounded soul.
"You know," You began softly, breaking the stillness, "sometimes, the hardest battles we fight are the ones within ourselves. It's okay to be guarded, to feel lost. But you don't have to face it alone."
The boy looked at you, his expression a mixture of vulnerability and longing. He had been abandoned and betrayed, left to navigate the complexities of his existence on his own. Your words resonated with him, touching a chord deep within his wounded soul.
"I've lost my memories. I don't even know who I am," You confessed, your voice carrying the weight of your own struggles. "But I've come to believe that our past doesn't define us entirely. It's what we do now, how we choose to move forward, that shapes who we are."
"Oh.. you're... different," the boy murmured, his voice barely audible above the gentle roar of the flames. "I've never met anyone like you before."
You met his gaze with a soft smile, your eyes reflecting understanding and acceptance. "We all have our stories, our pain," you said, your words carrying a weight of empathy. "But it doesn't define who we are. You're not alone, and you don't have to face your struggles by yourself."
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the boy allowed himself to believe in the possibility of connection. The flickering firelight painted his face with soft hues, casting away the shadows that had haunted him for so long. In your presence, he found solace, a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, he could find a place where he belonged.
"You're right," the boy finally spoke, his voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. "Maybe... maybe I can trust you."
You nodded, her eyes reflecting the depth of your empathy. "Trust is something earned over time," you said gently. "I'm here to listen, whenever you're ready to share your story. No judgments, just a listening ear."
"You're right. We all have our stories, our pain," the boy said softly, his gaze fixed on the fire. "I just... I've been so afraid of trusting anyone. But you... you're different."
You reached out, your hand resting gently on the boy's shoulder, offering silent reassurance. "It's okay to be afraid," you said, your voice warm and comforting. "Trust takes time, and you don't have to rush it. Just know that I'm here, and I'll stand by your side, no matter what."
A fragile smile tugged at the corners of the boy's lips, a glimmer of hope reflecting in his eyes. For the last time, he allowed himself to believe in the possibility of a genuine connection, a friendship that might help heal the wounds of his past.
As you quietly prepared a simple chicken soup, you couldn't help but glance over at the young boy who had fallen asleep beside the crackling fire (who you absolutely didn't force to sleep-). His vulnerability in sleep tugged at your heartstrings, reminding you of the profound loneliness he must have endured.
Carefully, you added the ingredients to the pot, the savory aroma filling the cave. The rain continued to drum against the cave entrance, but inside, there was warmth and a sense of sanctuary.
Returning your attention to the young boy, You noticed that he appeared more at ease in his slumber. You gently draped her extra cloak over him, ensuring that he wouldn't be cold during his rest. He seemed lost, adrift in a world that had left him without an anchor.
As you watched over him, a sense of familiarity washed over you. It was a feeling you couldn't quite explain, but it resonated deeply within you. The instinct to care for the young boy felt like second nature, as if you had known this role before, in a time you couldn't remember.
The firelight cast a gentle glow over the cave, illuminating your shared moment of vulnerability and connection. You couldn't help but wonder if you had found a purpose in offering this lost boy a sense of belonging — a home where he could find solace and companionship.
With the chicken soup simmering on the fire and the boy resting peacefully beside you, You felt a profound sense of fulfillment. In caring for him, you had discovered a part of yourself you had long forgotten, and the possibility of giving him a place where he could finally find the home he had been searching for.
Your smile remained warm and comforting as the young boy woke up to the enticing aroma of the chicken soup. (He didn't actually sleep lmfao) "Oh, you're awake? Get up. Let's eat together," you said, her voice gentle and inviting. The boy hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching hers for any signs of deceit. Yet, there was something in your gaze, something genuine and caring, that made him decide to trust you, if only for this moment.
"Thanks," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. The young boy hesitated for a moment, his eyes reflecting a mix of wariness and hunger. Yet, something in your presence reassured him, nudging him to take a step forward and accept the offered meal.
He took the bowl of chicken soup, and his eyes widened in surprise when he noticed the generous serving of chicken meat within. It was a small gesture, but one that spoke volumes to him — a simple act of kindness that he hadn't felt in a long time.
The soup was delicious, the flavors rich and comforting. It was a stark contrast to the bitter taste of betrayal he had experienced in the past. As he ate, he felt a mixture of emotions welling up inside him — gratitude for the warm meal, sadness for the pain he had endured, and a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, he had found someone he could trust.
You watched him eat, your eyes reflecting understanding and compassion. You had sensed the boy's hesitance, his struggle to trust in a world that had been unkind to him. Yet, in that moment, they shared a simple meal that spoke volumes — a meal that held the promise of a new beginning.
"So, what's your name?" You asked with a smile, your hands skillfully slicing the loaf of bread you had taken from your bag.
The young boy hesitated for a moment, as if his name carried the weight of his past betrayals and abandonment. "I'm... Kunikuzushi," he replied, his voice soft but tinged with a hint of sadness.
"Kunikuzushi," Y/n repeated his name with a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting genuine interest and kindness. "That's a beautiful name. Where are you from?"
Kunikuzushi's memories resurfaced, and he couldn't help but recall the moment of abandonment that had left a lasting scar on his heart. He remembered the coldness in his creator's eyes, the moment he was left behind, unwanted and alone.
"I'm... not really from anywhere," he replied, his gaze distant. "I was abandoned in a place I don't know, by someone I thought cared about me." The pain of his abandonment lingered in his voice, a wound that had yet to heal. As he shared this painful part of his past, Kunikuzushi couldn't help but wonder if your presence might offer him the possibility of a different fate, a sense of belonging he had longed for but never truly experienced.
Your expression softened, your empathy shining through. "I'm sorry to hear that you've been through so much, Kunikuzushi. But know that you're not alone anymore. You have me now, and together, we can find a way forward."
In her words, Kunikuzushi sensed a glimmer of hope. For the first time, he dared to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for him to forge a new path, one where he wasn't defined by his past or the actions of others. With you by his side, he felt a sliver of optimism, a belief that perhaps he could find the belonging and acceptance he had been denied for so long.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, but his gratitude was profound. He never thought he'd find someone who could look past his past failures and betrayals, someone willing to offer him a chance at belonging.
Kunikuzushi felt a flicker of hope igniting within him, a tiny spark that dared to believe in the possibility of a better future.
Y/n continued slicing the bread, her movements calm and deliberate, a symbol of the stability she offered him. The cave, once a temporary refuge from the rain, now felt like a sanctuary where he could begin to heal
Kunikuzushi's skepticism was evident as he observed Y/n collecting various items along their journey. He couldn't fathom hour fascination with what he considered mere trinkets, and your artistic endeavors left much to be desired in his eyes. Yet, despite his doubts, he found himself following you, drawn to the enigmatic woman who had offered him kindness and acceptance.
"Why do you like collecting these... trinkets? You even draw as a hobby even though your art skills are bad," he voiced his confusion, his words straightforward and unfiltered.
You glanced at him, your eyes twinkling with a sense of adventure and determination. "That's because these 'trinkets are very beautiful, and we can sell them in Mondstadt. After all, we have to earn more if we want a house," you explained, your voice carrying a tone of excitement and optimism.
Kunikuzushi couldn't help but be perplexed by your unwavering spirit. Despite your apparent lack of knowledge and occasional naivety, there was something captivating about you. Perhaps it was your resilience, your ability to find beauty in the simplest of things, or the way you embraced life with open arms, even in the face of challenges. Or maybe you're just stupid..? He doesn't know.
He remained silent, his thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. In truth, he couldn't explain why he had chosen to follow her, but there was something about Y/n that made him believe in the possibility of finding a place to belong. As they continued their journey, he decided to trust in this inexplicable connection, hoping that perhaps, in her company, he might discover the answers he had been searching for.
You walked side by side, each step bringing you closer to Mondstadt, a city known for its beauty and charm, became their destination, and they eagerly set out to explore the land of freedom and songs. Unbeknownst to them, a certain God had once taken keen interest in you. The memories of your encounter lingered, though his intentions remained enigmatic. Watching you from afar, he felt a mixture of fascination and something deeper, something he couldn't quite put into words but he completely knows what he wanted from you.
However, for now, he chose to let you be. The mere knowledge of your continued existence was enough to provide him with an odd sense of reassurance.
Who is he?
TAGLIST: @khalinda-ev @yoriichi-second-wife
#yandere genshin#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#sagau#genshin impact#genshin impact sagau#sagau cult au#sagau x reader#yandere genshin au#yandere sagau#parent reader#y/n casually adopting kunikuzushi without him knowing#reverse harem#harem#genshin harem#genshin impact x reader#creator oc#fanfic#genshin fanfic#genshin impact fanfic#yandere#yandere genshin impact#incarnation#reincarnation#amnesiac reader#OC! Creator#gn!reader#female oc
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ok but … to the anon who thought of discarded creation reader x fake albedo,, it got me like asdfhgjgkd; its so cute?? this is more fluffy than smutty , but i imagine “albedo” showing reader sweet affection sometimes , in contrast to the sexual things that the real albedo did, showing that “albedo” cares for reader more than just sex. and when you do have sex with “albedo” , he cares for your sexual pleasure a lot too, kissing your neck and clit often ,, theyre just so cute help
Greatest Creation (3)
Albedo x Fem!Reader
Readers have been asking for it, so here goes... This is the third and final part.
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, mentions of oral, mentions of sex, Sub!Reader, Fluff Smut, :)
Summary: Albedo sees you and the "Albedo"'s growing relationship, he hates to admit that he kinda misses that imperfection he abandoned in favor of creating a perfect version of you.
The first time that "Albedo" took you in, you imagined him to be just like your previous master: cold, only sees you as a hole to fuck, and very rough. It affected the boy that you acted as if he would hurt you and throw you out in the cold if you so merely just look at him the wrong way.
You desperately tried to be on your best behavior, exactly how you acted when you were with the real Albedo.
"Albedo" was angry, just like their master, the alchemist seem to only see both you and him as worthless outcomes of an experiment, not real and emotionally driven humans.
You are such a sweet girl, in the eyes of Subject 2, you are perfect, you are amazing, and yet just like him, your creator only focused on your "flaws".
From those days where you would go down on your knees whenever he even just looked at you and try to be so angelic that it's exhausting, both of you are here now, in each other's arms within his cave in the mountains.
You both made the place quite cozy! A little bit of stolen things from treasure hoarders, a fireplace, some lights from his powers.
You think that it's pretty sad that his master didn't even give him a proper name, just a cold "Subject 2".
"How about, instead of calling you Albedo, I'll just call you Al?" You were snuggling his chest on the mattress that you stole from the camp earlier.
"Why does that matter?" He had asked back, looking down on your face and smiling a bit at seeing how you rub your face against his chest.
"Cause, that way, you can have your own name..." You answered, before gasping a bit, "Ooh, unless you have any ideas for a name for yourself."
"I think Al is good." His smile only widened when he saw your own lips curve upwards.
Unlike Albedo, Al didn't do things like harshly grab you by the arm and pushed you down to any surface just to dick you down, then leave you all alone dripping and tired.
No, Al would make sure that you were in a comfortable position, taking you however pace you want to go, slow, fast, soft, rough, whatever you want, just being inside that pussy of yours is enough. He also did things to service you, like eating you out, just because he cares about you and about what you feel. And also aftercare, he doesn't ever want to leave you right after a session, he cleans you to make sure you're comfortable, and he wraps a thick and warm blanket around your cold body, despite your immunity to the cold.
You fell for him... you definitely did.
It took some getting use to, being in a new environment with a new person treating you very differently from another that you got used to. Yet it seems as though, you start to feel thankful that Albedo had buried you into the snow, shoved you into a door full of other possibilities with a man that can reciprocate the love you give.
It felt good... being treated like you mattered, like what you wanted was being given to you.
You can't believe that you're saying being abandoned is the best thing that's happened to you...
It's just you and him, in the snowy mountains, wrapped in each other's arms despite the cold never being a bother, yet the warmth you felt was blazing in a heart you didn't know you had.
And as the similar blue eyes worn by your creator pierced through the snowstorm and looked down on the two of you, his body tense and filled with an unexplainable frustration.
"It shouldn't be like this." He said through gritted teeth, no one but the sky to hear him.
It really shouldn't have been like that, because looking at you and him, you were smiling so brightly running back to Al after you gathered some pebbles and sticks for the snowman you were both making just outside your cave.
"What should we name out snowman guard?" You looked at your master lover, who was putting the details of the face on the snowman.
"I haven't the slightest idea what a good name for a snowman guard would be though." The man beside you chuckled, before rubbing off some snow that got on your face.
Around you, Al no longer felt as if he needed to steal another person's identity to be someone meaningful, he could just be him, and that was more than enough for you.
You know, he took up knitting recently, he got some guide books he found in campsites, gathered materials from many different sources, and he learned how to make warm clothes for you and him, one step closer to just being himself, finding out what he actually likes.
You held onto his wrist, leaning onto his touch. "Me neither." You said as a gentle whisper, "We should call him snowman guard for now and think of a name later."
Your life, despite living in the harsh climate of Dragonspine, seems so... domestic. And Albedo didn't like the growing feeling of envy stirring in his chest.
He created a perfect you, lying within the confines of his camp, always obidient, soft, never complaining, never getting into his other business, would do anything for him.
But as Albedo went back to his camp and looked in the eyes of a creation that looked exactly like you...
"Welcome back, Master." She sounded dull, no trace of excitement to see her master back, unlike you.
Her It's eyes was void of an imperfection that was actually what made you perfect.
Love... Emotion...
It was imperfect because it brought trouble, it's complicated, but it also brought the one feeling that both Albedos have always wanted...
To be loved.
But it would be wrong to take you back now, both for his morals and his pride.
You smiled as you eased your hips down on his, you've never thought to be on top, to be the one in control.
Not only did your entire being scream submissive energy, but it was also how you embarrassingly run out of energy early on your session and have to rely on him to do the rest of the work by grabbing your butt and bouncing you on his cock as you lay on top of him with your face tucked snug on the crook of his neck.
Al would always find it so cute, especially after, when you get up again with a new found determination and try to go for a second round, only to end up stopping and asking for his help again since the first orgasm tired you out.
This time was a bit different though, your face was nuzzling on his bare chest, enjoying the warmth transferring on your cheeks, your hips were set on a slow but hard pace, making sure you both feel every inch of each other.
"I love you... I love you." You repeated those words many times, whether it be at intimate times like these, or lighthearted bonding times like building a snowman guard outside the cave, or exploring together, or cooking meals together.
He couldn't help but groan at the feeling of your pussy spasming around him, which led to the inevitable warm liquid spreading around his cock, before you halt your movement.
You looked up at him and pouted, trying to continue to make him cum with you, but you could only lift up your hips once before pathetically lying on him exhausted once again.
His deep chuckle sent shivers through your body, holding you carefully before flipping both of you over.
"I love you... So... Much... More." He said with such a loving gaze, matching his thrust with the words he spoke. You moaned in delight, raising your head up with your remaining strength to steal a kiss from his lips.
He deepened the kiss, his hips setting a bit of a faster pace before you felt a naughty smile form on his lips during the kiss.
As you parted, you held onto him as pleasure took over your entire body.
Truly, being abandoned was one of the best things that has happened to you. Second to being able to spend the rest of your life with the man making love to you right now.
Ayyyeee, seven months late :D
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OKAY but like
Imagine a Tired!Healer!Reader X Traveler Twin.
Like imagine Aether suddenly came to you all wounded and possibly almost halfway to dying and just straight up says "I SAVED A NATION AGAIN, HEAL ME" 😭
That would be hilarious and like- Traveler do often get in trouble or STRAIGHT UP GOES FOR IT NOW like Traveler did a fighting stance and it literally says "LET'S FIGHT" straight at furina - AT A LITERAL GOD (Like same goes with Ei lol. Bro literally went back to fighting her again for the 2nd time and ALMOST died if it wasn't for Yae. Well, that's my opinion but you get the gist).
Or it can also go with Childe, Bennett, Diluc or even Cyno.
Okay like first -
CHILDE IS A MF BLOOD THIRSTY BATTLE IDIOT so this is expected and IM SURE THERE ISNT ANY DAY he comes home without a SCRATCH OR WOUNDS FROM A FIGHT (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ like I swear man CALM DOWN-
Bennett is uhmm.. (;´д`)ゞ.. unlucky so I wouldn't be surprise if this boi needs medical attention 24/7. I'm actually more shock he hasn't lost any of his limbs yet 😬
Diluc is BATMAN at night and WORKS in daylight too ~( TロT)σ. I'm sure this man comes home with WOUNDS but also feels very sleepy and tired from overworking. If the acting Grandmaster works ALOT in the office. This MAN here WORKS in and out of Mondstadt like some kind of dark superhero (bro needs to know what break means) (*╯^╰)
And Cyno??? UHM EVERYONE?? I think I don't need to explain much about this man 🤨 we have no discussion. It's his JOB - its JUSTICE okay?? and bro (#´Å`) probably thinks more with his instincts and not his head. Like- THIS MAN LITERALLY ATTACKED THE TRAVELER AND ALHAITAM AT THE ENTRANCE OF AARU VILLAGE- (ノ`´)ノミ┻┻ I LOVE YOU CYNO BUT WTF WKQOEW8Sldkapq937ey1 *flips*
And yes, Tired!Healer!Reader would be tired asf having these types of people around. I would think reader would scold them or simply complain about HOW TF are they not DEAD YET AFTER ALL THIS TIME?????
#genshin impact x reader#genshin drabbles#genshin imagines#genshin impact#traveler#cyno#genshin cyno#genshin diluc#genshin bennett#genshin childe#aether#lumine#just some random thoughts#NOT ACCURATE LOL JUST MY OPINION
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Or not idk lol
- Will post the chapter 1 of My Daughter, The Divine One tomorrow lolol.
In a world where Y/n, the Royal Princess of Khaenri'ah, was once revered as the holy saintess, but her nation was plunged into destruction when all Seven Archons from the neighboring Seven Nations unleashed a devastating attack, reducing the Godless Nation to rubble. This catastrophic event left her people cursed, transforming most into grotesque monsters, while those of pure blood are burdened with immortality.
500 Years later, Y/n awakens with a burning desire for vengeance. She embarks on a perilous quest to avenge her fallen people, confront the Seven Archons responsible for their suffering, and break the curse that has plagued her homeland.
But what if she meets the heroic traveler and his companion and possibly changed her ways of vengeance?
And what can she do with these.. obsessive people following after her? Can Y/n truly save her nation from it's curse?
GENRE: Fanfiction, Romance, Reverse Harem, Fantasy, Gore, Blood, Yandere, Drama, Mystery, Many SIMPINGS lolol (More Trigger Warning later)
> Y/n will go to the Alias of 'Ai' (Love).
CHAPTER 0: Let's sleep for now, Princess.
"Please!! Take me back there, Lumine! To Father and everyone! I need to go back!" Y/n screamed, desperation etched into her voice as she fought to return to the ravaged nation of Khaenri'ah. The sudden attack by the Seven Archons had thrown the nation into chaos, and none knew the reason behind this brutal assault. What was clear to Y/n was that a sinister curse had taken hold of the people, driving them into darkness. She believed her powers could save them, but her father, The King, had issued orders for her to be taken away from the nation, entrusting the outlander Lumine with her safety.
"We can't, your highness! This is his majesty's orders, and as your friend, I'm not letting you go back! I desperately want to save everyone, but the one I need to ensure is safe first is YOU!" Lumine insisted with determination, pushing Y/n into a peculiar glass cage and locking it from the outside. As Y/n's pleas echoed in the dim space, her vision grew hazy.
Trapped inside the glass cage, Y/n pounded on the walls, her cries echoing in the empty space. "Lumine, please! I have to find out why this happened. I have to save them all!" Her voice trembled with a mix of fear and determination, but Lumine's eyes were filled with a resolute determination of her own.
"I know, Y/n." Lumine said, her voice gentle yet firm. "But I promised your father to protect you, and I intend to keep that promise. We'll find a way to save our people, but you must be safe first."
"Lumine, you don't understand! I can't just stay here while my people suffer. I have to do something!" Her voice echoed through the confinement, desperate to break through.
Lumine sighed sadly. "I know, Y/n, I know. But your safety is paramount. Your powers are extraordinary, but even they might not be enough against the Seven Archons. Your father wants you to live, to fight another day. We'll find a way to lift the curse together, but for now, you must rest."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she realized the weight of Lumine's words. Reluctantly, she slumped against the glass, her anger transforming into a deep sense of determination. "I won't rest for long, Lumine. I promise. I'll find a way to break this curse, and I'll bring our nation back from the ashes. No matter what it takes."
With a heavy heart, Lumine nodded, her eyes reflecting the same determination. "I believe in you, Y/n. When the time is right, we'll face this darkness together. But for now, please sleep. You'll need all the strength you can muster for the battles ahead."
With those words, Lumine activated the tranquilizing mechanism, causing Y/n to gradually succumb to drowsiness. As the world blurred and faded, Y/n's final thought was of her homeland, her people, and the burning desire to break free from her confinement and bring an end to the curse that plagued Khaenri'ah. The darkness of slumber enveloped her, but deep within, her resolve burned brighter than ever before.
TAGLIST: -------
#Genshin impact#genshin#Genshin Impact x Reader#x female reader#female y/n#yandere#harem#reverse harem#fanfic#story dump#I might write this but idk yet#khaenri'ah#reader insert#teyvat#abyss princess lumine#Traveler Aether#Princess of Khaenri'ah#genshin harem#yandere harem#yandere genshin impact#genshin impact#abyss order
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Diluc & Drunk Creator Reader
Creator reader waking up in the world of genshin, thinking it's a dream, and proceeds to get drunk in Angel's Share because wow this dream is crazy and they can't find any of their favorite characters anyway (they're probably busy). Might as well drink the day away.
Drunk creator reader accidentally injuring themselves, maybe hitting a table or breaking a glass, now there's drops of gold blood on the tavern floor and the equally drunk patrons are panicking because the creator is sitting with them drunk??
Diluc arriving for his shift so confused and trying to calm the commotion but he can't understand a thing because everyone's too drunk to explain. He sees the gold blood and he sees you and you see him and you just-
Straight up start bawling because it's Diluc Ragnvindr in the flesh. You're crying and practically clinging to him, demanding why isn't he coming home??? And he's mortified bc wtf
"I gave you all my primogems, I have all your talent and ascension materials, I wouldn't mind losing 50/50 to you every time I pull but WHY AREN'T YOU COMING HOME TO ME!!!"
And he's just so lost and he doesn't know how to respond to that because what do you mean the divine creator wants him to come home???
And the whole Mondstadt gang arrives and there's Jean and Kaeya trying to help your drunk self and Barbara's healing your wound and Venti is crying with you and you're sobbing on the counter about how Diluc's being so stubborn and how Diluc-wanters are cursed to never be Diluc-havers and Diluc just stares at you, frozen.
And Jean just goes, "How could you not come home to their holiness!" to Diluc as she pats your back.
And poor Diluc is just so confused as the rest comforts you as if he's the bad guy who broke up with you.
Fast forward to a terrible hangover in the morning, you wake up in the Dawn Winery and Diluc's standing right in front of you, light blush on his cheeks, offering you a glass of water and pain meds and he sheepishly goes:
"I apologize. I'm not quite sure how to come home to you, so I hope you don't mind that I brought you to mine instead,"
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Getting Isekai’d with your parent/parents in CULT AU / SAGAU
Warnings: Toxic/abusive parent child relationships mentioned, stereotypical parent child relationships, yandere, disturbing content, description of blood!
Summary: Multiple scenarios in which your parents or parent gets isekai’d with you to Teyvat! GN READER!
In which the reader is isekai’d with their mom:
The acolytes would love her, especially since she is related to you.
Oh? She mentioned a favorite perfume, or a preferred dish?
Cue your residence being overflown with gifts not only for you, but also for your mother.
Surely gaining her favor would be beneficial to gaining the Creator’s, right?
Mothers typically know a lot about their children, so it wouldn’t be strange for the acolytes to ask her many questions about your life as a child, your preferences, your favorite acolyte, your typical sleeping position-
I’d also watch out for what she might tell them about your childhood, as the acolytes painstakingly record and revere pretty much anything related to your existence.
You got your ears pierced when you were 5?
It is now a religious tradition for a child’s ears to be pierced on their 5th birthday in honor of the Creator.
In general, your mother is not worshiped as a deity, but is highly respected by all in Teyvat. This is mainly due to your relationship and closeness with her.
Disrespecting or upsetting her is unimaginable, as it would be upsetting to you.
In which the reader is isekai’d with their dad:
“You’re not good enough for my child, stay away from them.”
The second the acolytes hear this line, they were about to fall to the floor in devestation, if it wasn’t for your hasty reassurance.
“Dad! You can’t just say that, they are all nice people-” you protested, nervously scanning over the upset faces of the crowd. “Don’t mind him, this is just something he says often!”
After that fiasco, many of your worshipers attempted to prove themselves to your father, much to his annoyance.
“Sir, I can assure you that they would be well cared for! The finest of any kind of item would be theirs the second they asked, and I would do my very best to ensure their happiness!” The ginger pleaded, doing his very best to impress the man before him. “I also consider myself a family man, just ask anyone around about how much I value my dear siblings-“
“…and how much did you say that you make a year?” Your dad asked, gruffly staring Childe down.
His dull eyes seemed to light up, sensing an opportunity to sway the man’s favor. He leaned in close to his ear, whispering his… impressive salary. The older man nodded, as he patted the ginger on the back.
“You can take them out to dinner next week. They mentioned wanting to visit Wanmin restaurant to me the other day.”
⚠️ Dark content starts below this line!!! ⚠️
In which the reader is isekai’d with abusive parents:
The Cult AU is the absolute worst AU for those people to be in.
Your followers do not tolerate any disrespect or negativity directed at you, from anybody.
And if they became aware of they way your parents treat you?
Let’s just say that they’ll never bother you again! :D
Of course if you don’t want them… permanently erased from your life, the acolytes will respect your decision. But that doesn’t mean they will be happy about it.
Perhaps if they changed the way they treated you, and genuinely apologized for the suffering you went through because of them, then maybe they would be forgiven by your worshipers.
However, if they did not repent for their sins against you, then their life in Teyvat, (If your mercy allowed them to keep it), would be awful.
Angry glares from anyone they meet, the inability to purchase items from merchants, the constant harassment from your followers…
It would simply be a shame if they weren’t able to live with it.
And if you felt upset over their inevitable death, whether it be by themselves or some unpredictable accident it always coming for them, you could always seek comfort in the arms of your acolytes.
Hold one of them as you sob into their shoulders, as they become the reason for your comfort.
Let your sweet, innocent followers take care of everything, cook all your meals, brush your hair and maintain your body, let them offer themselves to you fully-
You shouldn’t have to lift a single finger. You deserved their utmost adoration and devotion.
Now that they are gone, you can finally be worshiped and loved in the way you always should have been.
They must’ve tainted your mind, made you think you were unworthy.
They must’ve been the reason your expression contorts into one of unease when your acolytes offer sacrifices and perform rituals in your name.
They must be the reason you felt an underlying sense of wrongness, starting with the very first interaction you had with your once beloved characters.
You are no god, you are unsafe, and these “people” are insane.
“We will now commence the offering, in honor of The Divine One. As they created a perfect world for us, we will maintain an obedient and thankful following for them. Let these corpses of those who have committed grave sins against Their Grace serve as a reminder for all.”
The once white altar was stained a dark red, as a large pool formed beneath the two mutilated corpses were haphazardly placed upon the smooth rock.
Your throat constricted, as you fought back bile. The oh-so-familiar faces of your parents burned into your eyes.
The priest raised his arms, beginning a prayer with the worshipers. You could feel the eyes of the people around you searing into your skull. Your head began pounding, as their words became more morbid and deranged.
“Oh Creator, we dedicate the bodies of these sinners to you. As your servants we humbly offer this gift to you, as thanks for all you have done and continue to do. With earnest hope, we wish this simple gift to you brings you joy.”
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I'm saying this rn but this.. this blog is a literal mess. It's my first time posting this kinda uh.. yup. So I'm a little annoyed by it but I'm bored so I went through.. uh with it anyway..
I had an alternate version of this in Wattpad called 'Rose Thorns' lol. I'm still thinking of who will be the love interest for Y/n because this sht is similar to the usual SAGAU plot idk if I'm right though (correct me if I'm wrong lol).
Again, this is a mess. Idk if I posted this correctly.. but I tried anyway..
Sypnosis :
You are Tsukuyomi Y/n with a lovely daughter named Yuna. You've always dreamed of becoming a mother and decided to have one through artificial method (lol idk if that's real yet but I remembered a manga with that Soo YUp AND THIS IS FICTION so I had the power of making the impossible real here in this story LOL and yes you are rich in Earth cuz i said so ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)). You paid someone handsomely to give you the means to have a child without any sort of y'know lol- and finally had Yuna after so long of waiting.
You are deeply devoted to Yuna's well-being and promised to protect her no matter what.
But tragedy struck when you got involved in a car accident that claimed your life, leaving your daughter Yuna without her only guardian. Your own death left you feeling desolate and remorseful for not being able to watch your 5-year-old daughter grow up.
However, your journey took an unexpected turn when you found yourelf in a mysterious and unfamiliar world. You retained only hazy memories of your past life but resolved to forge ahead. Even in this strange new world, you couldn't let go of your fervent prayers for Yuna's safety.
You went on a journey in this new world called Teyvat. But what if your daughter follows you there - all grown up, so mature and with so many mysteries?
Warnings: Grammatical Errors, Lazy Writing, Possibly alot of errors again lol, MANY TYPOS idK, VERY OOC (I'mma not lie here), Y/n being the Cupid LATER lol, Yandere!Harem??? Obsessive Acolytes/Believers to the Divine One, MANY SIMPINGS ˛(ˊʙˋ)੭˒˒
In the supposedly peaceful and beautiful world - Y/n, a beautiful God(dess) in a white robe and veil, had been engaged in a fierce battle to protect your city from marauding Gods. Your barrier stood resolute, deflecting attacks and safeguarding your people, but the more you fought, the more you felt your energy wane.
"Your majesty! Please, it's enough!" A voice was heard from behind. But despite the pleas of your beloved subjects to cease the battle, You remained unyielding, your bowstring singing as you sent arrow after arrow towards your foes. The Archon War had erupted unexpectedly, shattering the harmony among divine beings who were once friends. You couldn't comprehend why you were now locked in a merciless struggle for your nations' survival.
"You must be getting tired. How about resting now?" taunted by your enemy God, reveling in your weakening state. Undeterred, You glared back, refusing to back down. Your resolve was unbreakable; You were determined to defend your land until your very last breath.
"I will not! I will never back down until my last breath!" You yelled.
"Let's see about that, Goddess Y/n!" They said, as they were ready to launched another attack.
But just as you braced yourself for another attack, a familiar voice broke through the haze of battle.
"Ma/Pa.. ma/pa.."
Startled, You gasped, your battle-weary eyes fluttering open. You found yourself in a small, warm room, and your attention was drawn to a tiny, innocent face—the face of your adorable daughter, Yuna.
"Mama/Papa! You're awake, right?!" Yuna's tiny hands shook you, urging you back to consciousness.
"Mama/Papa, it's time to wake up!" You blinked, the memories of your celestial battle fading into the background as you're fully awake now.
"Oh, Mama/Papa's awake now, dear Yuna," you whispered, your exhaustion momentarily forgotten as you lifted your daughter into your arms.
Yuna's innocent eyes widened with concern. "Mama/Papa, you were making scared noises in your sleep. Did you have a bad dream?"
You smiled, brushing a gentle hand over Yuna's cheek. "It was just a bad dream, my love. Mama/Papa's fine now." You marveled at the contrast between the dream's fierce goddess persona and the reality of your role as a loving parent. How could such a powerful being in your dream world be the same person who cuddled with your daughter each morning?
"Let's focus on happier things," You suggested, ruffling Yuna's hair playfully.
"Hehe, okay! Let's eat breakfast now, Mama/Papa! I'm hungry!" Yuna's enthusiasm was infectious, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of your daughter's radiant joy. You dismissed the surreal images of your divine battle as a dream or perhaps the result of watching too many fantasy movies recently.
"What would you like to eat today, my little sunshine?" You asked.
Yuna's face lit up with excitement. "Pancakes, Mama/Papa! With strawberries!"
You chuckled, the remnants of the dream slipping further away with each giggle. "Pancakes it is, sweetheart. Let's make them together."
With a tender smile, You kissed Yuna's forehead. "And also good morning, my precious. I love you."
Yuna giggled, her laughter echoing through the room like music. "I love you too, Mama/Papa!"
Together, you both ventured into the kitchen, the aroma of pancakes filling the air as you expertly flipped them on the griddle. Yuna stood on a chair, her eyes wide with fascination as she watched her parent cook.
What had seemed like a fierce, otherworldly struggle faded into the background as you dismissed it as a fleeting nightmare. Perhaps it was the result of watching too many fantasy movies, you thought, trying to rationalize the vivid dream.
"Yeah, it must be a dream," You reassured yourself, embracing the reality of your daughter's laughter and the aroma of breakfast wafting from the kitchen.
"Mama/Papa, are you a superhero?" Yuna asked suddenly, her innocent curiosity sparking a twinkle in her eyes.
You paused, caught off guard by the question. You knelt down to Yuna's eye level, your expression tender. "Well, I might not be a superhero, but I'll always protect you, my dear. You mean everything to me."
Yuna beamed, her small hand reaching out to grasp yours. "I love you, Mama/Papa!"
"I love you too, my precious Yuna," You whispered, your heart swelling with an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.
You prepared a hearty meal for yourself and for your precious daughter, Yuna, savoring the simple pleasures of your shared moments. As you both sat down to eat, Yuna's innocent chatter filled the room, momentarily pushing away the lingering thoughts of that dream you had earlier.
"Mama/Papa, what's your favorite story?" Yuna asked between bites of the pancakes.
You smiled, reminiscing about the stories you used to hear as a child. "My favorite story is about a brave god(dess) who protected their people from all the dangers of the world. They were strong, just like me, and they never gave up, no matter how tough things got."
Yuna's eyes widened with admiration. "Wow, Mama/Papa, you're like that god(dess), right?"
You chuckled, ruffling Yuna's hair affectionately. "I try to be, sweetheart. I'll always protect you and keep you safe, no matter what."
You only wished the best for your daughter.
That's all you need..
Those dreams probably meant nothing, right?
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, with You and Yuna sharing your lives in blissful harmony. You had put the strange dreams behind you, attributing them to a mere figment of your imagination, yet the memories of your battles as a god(dess) lingered, casting a subtle shadow over your peaceful existence.
It also arose so many questions..
Why do you have that dream?
What does it mean?
Is it a past life?
Why are you remembering it?
You're already happy with youe daughter. You don't want to be burden with a problem you don't even know about.
That was all just a dream anyways..
But one evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you found herself lost in thought on the porch of their cozy home. Yuna, now a bit older but just as radiant, skipped over, her eyes filled with curiosity.
"Mama/Papa, why do you sometimes look so sad?" Yuna asked, her voice tinged with concern.
You smiled gently, your fingers tracing the patterns of the wooden porch. "Oh, my sweet Yuna, it's just Mama/Papa's thoughts wandering. Sometimes, grown-ups think about many things at once."
"But you can tell me, Mama. I'm a big girl now!" Yuna insisted, her determination mirroring her parent's.
You sighed, realizing that your daughter was growing up and deserved to know the truth, or at least part of it. "Alright, my love. Mama/Papa had some strange dreams lately, dreams of battles and wars. It felt like I was someone else, someone powerful but burdened by the weight of protecting others."
Yuna's eyes widened in awe. "Like a superhero?"
You nodded, a bittersweet smile playing on your lips. "Yes, something like that. But these dreams were so vivid, as if they were memories from another life. It's all very confusing, Yuna."
Yuna reached out and held her parent's hand, her grip surprisingly strong for a child her age. "Mama/Papa, I think those dreams are trying to tell you something. Maybe you're meant to do something important."
You looked at your daughter, marveling at the wisdom hidden behind those innocent eyes. "You're right, Yuna. Perhaps there's a reason I'm having these dreams. I just wish I knew what it meant."
You couldn't help but hug your daughter. Just how caring and smart is this girl? This daughter of yours is too perfect to be yours. She's far too wise..
Even you can't come out with such an advice. But your 5 years old daughter could.
"You're so mature, aren't you, my love?" You said, as you kisses your daughter's chubby cheek who giggled in return. "Hehe! Because I am a big girl!"
"Yes, you are a big girl, love."
Though you couldn't exactly shake the feeling of being a powerful god(dess) in that otherworldly battle, your memories of an archon war still vivid, despite the comforting reality of your daughter's presence.
"Mama/Papa, can I ask you something?" Yuna's innocent voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Of course, my sweet," You replied, setting your daughter to your side to give your full attention to your daughter.
Yuna looked up at you with those big, curious eyes. "What were you fighting in your dream, mama/papa? Were you super strong?"
You hesitated, unsure of how to explain the complexities of your dream world to a 5-year-old. "Well, it was just a dream, dear. In the dream, Mama/Papa had to protect something very important, just like how I always protect you."
Yuna nodded thoughtfully. "Like a superhero, right?"
You smiled, relieved at the simplicity of Yuna's understanding. "Yes, like a superhero."
"Cool! I wanna be a superhero too!"
"Study first-"
"But mama/papa!!"
"Just kidding~!"
But as the day went on, you couldn't shake the feeling that your dream held a deeper significance. The memories of the archon war and the title of "God(dess) Y/n" haunted your thoughts, refusing to be dismissed as mere fantasy.
That night, after tucking Yuna into bed and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, you found herself unable to sleep. You decided to indulge your curiosity and did something you hadn't done in a long time-you opened your laptop and began searching for information about archons and the concept of divine beings.
But you found no information about all the things you remembers in your dream.
Is it just.. a dream?
Lost in thought, you murmured, "God(dess) Y/n... Archon War... it all feels so distant yet so real."
Yuna, ever perceptive, approached her parent out of nowhere, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Mama/Papa, is something bothering you?"
"Ahh!" You almost fell down your chair when you saw your daughter standing next to you. Gosh! She's scary sometimes!
"Gosh, you scared Mama/Papa, love." You said, as you sighed in relieved that it was only your daughter. Yuna shrugged her shoulder before climbing into your lap and sitting comfortably.
"Why aren't you sleeping, baby? Didn't Mama/Papa tucked you in already?"
"Can't sleep yet.." She respond, as she hugged her doll tighter before looking back to you.
"So.. what's bothering you, Mama/Papa?" She asked curiously.
You smiled, your heart swelling with affection for your sweet daughter's concern. "It's nothing, sweetheart. Just an old dream Mama had like i told you before-"
But as you spoke, a sudden jolt surged through you, a flash of memories and emotions that felt too vivid to be merely a dream. You saw yourself clad in divine armor, battling against other gods. Faces once blurred became clear in your mind's eye.
"The Archon War.." You whispered, the words heavy with realization. "It's like.. a reality.. I'm not sure.. but I felt like I've known about it like a long time ago.."
Yuna's eyes widened with wonder. "Mama/Papa, what's an Archon war??"
You shake your head, your mind racing to comprehend the implications of your rediscovered identity. "I don't know, sweetie.. but there was a war. But why? Why were we fighting? Why was i fighting? What am I protecting..?" You questioned, confusing the little girl even more.
"Ehh.. really, Mama/Papa? Maybe you died and got reincarnated? I saw a movie about that!" Yuna explained.
"Reincarnated? Wait- how did you know that big word?" You asked. Yuna giggled as she snuggled into her doll. "Hehe! I heard it from watching marvel!"
"Right.. Hawkman.."
"Hehe! I like Ironman and Hawkman!" Yuna said excitedly, as she raised her doll up like it was flying.
You sighed. "Maybe I made her watch so many movies.."
Still.. how can this be?
Why are you remembering all this memories now?
You already have a life with your daughter..
Why now?
As you navigated the bustling city streets, your thoughts were consumed by the anticipation of seeing Yuna's face light up with joy upon receiving the special treats you had bought today. The aroma of fresh donuts filled the car, tempting your senses as you carefully maneuvered through the traffic.
Your dedication to your daughter, Yuna, was unwavering. You juggled a demanding career as a high-profile fashion designer for a prestigious modeling company while ensuring that your daughter's upbringing was filled with love, happiness, and positive role models. Your decision to distance yourself from your previously abusive and greedy household was a testament to your commitment to providing Yuna with a safe and nurturing environment.
As you drove home, the box of delectable donuts sat securely on the passenger seat, tempting your senses with their sweet aroma. You couldn't help but smile, thinking about the joy these treats would bring to your little girl.
"I bet my baby would like the donuts I bought today," You mused aloud, your excitement palpable. "It's definitely the best ones I've tasted! I'm sure she'll like them."
With each turn of the wheel, your anticipation grew. The thought of Yuna's radiant smile and the delighted squeals of a child about to receive a cherished surprise filled your heart with warmth. There was nothing you wouldn't do to ensure Yuna's happiness and well-being.
She is your precious girl after all.
Who wouldn't want the best for their child?
"My precious baby... I so missed you, my Yuna. Mama will be spoiling you a lot this weekend for sure. Hmm... maybe I'll take her to the water park this Saturday?" Your thoughts were filled with excitement as you drove home, your anticipation growing with each passing moment.
However, in the midst of your joyful reverie, you failed to notice the fast-approaching truck until it was too late. The deafening impact sent shockwaves through your car, causing it to veer off the road and collide with the oncoming vehicle. The world around you blurred into chaos, and time seemed to slow as the accident unfolded.
The world around you spun into chaos as the impact of the collision reverberated through your body. Glass shattered, metal twisted, and the sound of screeching brakes filled the air. Darkness enveloped you, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
When you finally regained her senses, you found yourself trapped in the wreckage of your car. Pain radiated through your body, and as you tried to move, you realized your injuries were severe. Panic welled up within you as the realization of what had just happened sunk in.
Your thoughts immediately turned to your daughter, Yuna. Fear clutched at your heart as you desperately called out to your little girl, but there was no response. Panic and anguish swirled within you as you fought against the pain and the wreckage that held you captive. I must go back to her! I still haven't given the donuts to my precious baby!
Pain shot through your body as you clung to consciousness, your first thought being of your precious Yuna. Panic continued to surged within you as you struggled to assess the situation.
Summoning every ounce of strength, you managed to unbuckle yourself and crawl out of the mangled car. Your vision was blurred, and your limbs felt heavy, but you had to go home to Yuna.
Your legs wobbled, panic turned to dread as you thought about Yuna waiting at home with the nanny, unaware of the accident. You had to get home, had to make sure your daughter was safe.
In the midst of the chaos, your thoughts were solely with Yuna. "I hope my Yuna is safe," you thought, your heart pounding with fear and concern. The seconds stretched like hours as you struggled to regain your bearings, your mind racing with worry for your daughter.
In the distance, you could hear voices shouting, the wailing of sirens approaching.
Your car's front end was crumpled, and the truck involved in the accident was equally damaged. The scene was chaotic, with concerned onlookers and emergency responders swarming around.
"M-my daughter," Y/n's voice laced with desperation. "Please, you have to help me. I need to get home to her."
The emergency responders arrived swiftly, their skilled hands working efficiently to extract you from the wreckage. All the while, your thoughts remained fixated on Yuna, your love for your daughter propelling you forward.
In the ambulance, amidst the blaring sirens and the medical team's urgent voices, you clung to consciousness. Your mind was a whirlwind of fear and determination. You couldn't let go, not when your little daughter syill needed you.
"It's gonna be okay, ma'am! Don't lose your consciousness! We're almost there!"
"We have to immediately take first aid!"
(Idk about this.. uh things so bear with it lol)
At the hospital, doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to stabilize you. Hours passed in a haze of pain and worry, but through it all, one thought persisted - your precious daughter, Yuna. You needed to be there for her, to protect her, just as you had always vowed to do.
As you lay there, pain coursing through your body, you felt a profound sense of urgency. The world around your became hazy, youe vision blurred. You knew your time was slipping away, like sand through an hourglass. The paramedics rushed to your side, their voices a distant echo in your ears.
In the midst of the chaos, you fought to find your voice, to speak your final words before surrendering to the abyss. With a tremor in your weakened voice, you whispered to yourself, aware that youe daughter, Yuna, remained oblivious to the tragedy that had befallen you.
"Yuna," you choked out, each word infused with a mixture of anguish and love. "My sweet, beloved daughter, I hope you can hear these words, even if only in your heart.."
As you felt the grip of life slipping away, you found yourself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The pain and confusion consumed you, but amidst it all, you clung to your final thoughts, desperate to convey your love and remorse to your beloved daughter, Yuna.
Barely able to speak, your voice reduced to a mere whisper, your mind screamed with unspoken words. You yearned to tell Yuna how sorry you are, how deeply ashamed you felt for leaving your behind in this world, alone and unaware of the impending tragedy.
Blood pooled in your throat, choking your words and stealing your breath, but your thoughts raced with determination. With every ounce of strength you still possessed, you wished for your daughter's growth, for her to thrive in a world that you had only begun to understand.
In the midst of your pain, your love for Yuna burned brighter than ever. You wanted your daughter to know that your absence was never a choice, but a cruel twist of fate. Tears welled in your eyes, mixing with the blood that stained your lips, as you silently begged for forgiveness.
As the medical team continued to do their work on helping her, their urgent movements a blur around your fading consciousness, You held onto the image of Yuna in your mind. You whispered your final words, a desperate plea, hoping that somehow, in the vastness of the universe, your daughter would feel your love and hear your apologies.
In those fleeting moments, Your thoughts transcended the physical realm. You poured your heart and soul into a silent scream, a profound expression of love and regret that resonated in the depths of your being.
Through the pain and struggle, You fought to string together more coherent thoughts, desperate to convey your feelings, hopes, and apologies to your beloved daughter.
"My sweet Yuna, forgive me... I never wanted to leave you, my baby," you whispered in your mind, your voice quivering with a mix of love and anguish.
"I won't witness your first heartbreak... but remember, my darling, you are stronger than you know. You will rise above the pain and find love again."
"Yuna, my precious baby, don't let my absence hold you back. Embrace life's opportunities, explore the world, and chase your dreams with unwavering determination."
Her thoughts grow strained and weak, you continued, your words a fragile thread connecting you to your daughter's future. "I wanted to guide you, to be there for you... but circumstances have robbed us of that chance. You must find your own way, my love."
The tears flowed freely as your thoughts turned to the milestones you would miss. "I won't see you find your lifelong friends, those who will stand by your side through laughter and tears. But know that true friendships will enrich your life in ways I could never imagine."
"Yuna, my heart aches at the thought of not witnessing your wedding day. But when that time comes, know that I am with you in spirit, overflowing with love and pride as you embark on a new chapter of your life."
Your voice grew fainter, but your determination pushed you to utter one last plea in your head. "Promise me, my sweet Yuna, that you will live a life filled with joy, passion, and purpose. Seek happiness, embrace love, and never forget the strength within you."
As the darkness closed in, your final thoughts were consumed by your daughter's welfare. "Please, someone... protect and cherish my Yuna. Be the support and guiding light that I can no longer be. Love her as fiercely as I do."
With your strength waning, you held onto the hope that your whispered words would find their way to Yuna's heart. You longed for your daughter to know the depth of your love, the remorse you felt for leaving too soon, and the unwavering belief in Yuna's ability to navigate life's challenges.
And as your consciousness slowly faded, your final thoughts were a fervent wish for your daughter's growth, happiness, and the fulfillment of all her dreams.
"I love you, my Yuna.."
In your final moments, your thoughts were consumed by your undying love for Yuna, a love that transcended the boundaries of life and death. As your eyes fluttered closed, your last thoughts were of your daughter's smiling face, a beacon of light that guided you into the unknown.
You couldn't fight your dead..
Not again..
You failed again..
You failed protecting someone again..
And in that fleeting moment, as the world faded to darkness, you found solace in the knowledge that your love for Yuna would endure, an eternal flame that would continue to burn brightly, even in your absence.
'I'm so sorry, Yuna..'
Yuna played contentedly with her dolls, her imagination leading her on adventures only a child's mind could conjure. Her nanny and also Y/n's best friend, Kate, sat nearby, keeping a watchful eye on the little girl as she indulged in her imaginative play. Yuna was a charming but particular child, especially when it came to her food preferences. Yet, her undeniable cuteness made her nannies' hearts melt, rendering any minor inconveniences inconsequential.
Kate focused on the news broadcast playing on the television, its volume low so as not to disturb Yuna's playtime. But then, an unexpected news report abruptly seized her attention.
"A twenty-six-year-old woman/man was caught in a car accident," the news anchor announced solemnly. "The authorities have confirmed their identity. Tsukuyomi Y/n. She/He is a famous fashion designer for the Famous El Vera Company, who lives with their daughter, Tsukuyomi Yuna, in the..."
Kate's breath caught in her throat as she listened to the news report. Time seemed to stand still as the weight of the information sank in. Her eyes darted to Yuna, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, her innocent laughter filling the room.
She quickly turned off the television, not wanting Yuna to overhear the devastating news. Panic welled up within Kate as she contemplated how to handle the situation delicately. She knew she had to inform Yuna about her parent's accident, but how could she break such heart-wrenching news to a young child?
Taking a deep breath, Kate approached Yuna gently, crouching down to her eye level. She mustered a warm smile, masking the anguish she felt inside.
"Hey, sweetie," Kate began, her voice trembling ever so slightly. "I have something important to tell you about your mom/dad."
Yuna looked up, her big, innocent eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it, Nanny?"
"Well, darling, your mommy/daddy was in a car accident," Kate said softly, her heart breaking at the thought of shattering Yuna's world. "They're hurt, and they're in the hospital right now, getting the help they needs."
Tears welled up in Yuna's eyes as she clutched her doll tightly, her heart aching with a profound sense of loss. In that moment, the world seemed to crumble around her, and the reality of her mother/father's absence began to sink in.
"But... but Mama/Papa promised they'd come back, right?" Yuna choked out, her voice breaking as she struggled to hold back tears. "They said they'd bring me donuts today... they can't be... they can't..."
Kate fought back tears, mustering all the strength she had. "Yuna! I'm sure the doctors are doing everything they can to help them! But it's important for you to know that they loves you very much, and they want you to be strong and brave while they recover."
A flicker of fear crossed Yuna's face, and she clutched her doll tightly. "Can I see mommy/daddy?"
Kate's heart sank. She knew the truth had to be told, no matter how painful it was. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, but right now, your mommy/daddy needs to rest and get better. The doctors won't let visitors in. But you can send them your love and thoughts, and they'll feel them, I promise."
Tears welled up in Yuna's eyes, and she buried her face in the safety of Kate's arms. "I want my mommy/daddy, Kate. I miss her/him."
Kate enveloped Yuna in a warm embrace, her own eyes filling with tears. "I know, sweetheart. I know it's incredibly hard. Your Mama/Papa loved you very much, and they'll always be in your heart."
As Yuna clung to her, seeking comfort, Kate whispered a silent prayer for strength and guidance. She knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but she was determined to be there for Yuna, to support her, and to help her navigate the difficult journey of healing and acceptance. She was only a little girl and she had lost her only parent. Isn't Y/n's family full of abusive people? Yuna will be in danger for sure..
Kate hold Yuna tightly in her arms, as she embrace the little girl and whispering comforting words to her.
'I promise to protect your daughter for you, Y/n..'
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#yandere genshin au#sagau#yandere genshin#sagau x reader#genshin impact sagau#genshin impact#genshin harem#fanfiction#parent reader#reverse harem#OC! Creator#genshin cult au#reincarnation#incarnation#genshin fanfic#yandere sagau#genshin sagau
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I.. discovered things on how to post in 3 minutes on my own for some reason.. ┳━┳ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Yup, I am so dumb omfg ━((*′д`)爻(′д`*))━!!!!
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Yup, I am so dumb omfg ━((*′д`)爻(′д`*))━!!!!
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I have a new idea for a SAGAU Plot.
Sorta, probably if it's the same though??
But like YOU, the reader, had a child back in Earth but you suddenly died and shit and got reincarnated or transported in Teyvat but you lost your past memories.
Then imagine, your CHILD came to Teyvat but now they're all grown up and they're actually the Incarnation of the Divine One (the Creator lol). But some entity is impersonating them and you suddenly recognize your child but they're now with the Abyss Order or the Fatui seeking vengeance against Celestia or the Archons.
Your child also has some sort of gaming system that allows them to take control of the Entire World but obviously had to level up lol
Lol alternative plot: if you have the same face as your child because you are the parent but then you got hunted down by the Imposter Creator and the acolytes.
Alright- maybe I'll write this lol
#genshin impact#genshin impact sagau#sagau x reader#yandere sagau#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#god reader
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𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝐴 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑊ℎ𝑜…
A/N: Not gonna lie, my eyes might have shed a tear or so at the "like a parent who..." parts, I got emotional...
Pairings: Archons x Creator!Parentalfigure!Reader



Everyone often thought as the hunted down, true Creator of Teyvat, you would punish people for their crimes against them.
The people, almost everyone in every nation except some (those who were favoured by you later on), hunted you and tortured you beyond comprehension. Especially the Archons who were decieved by the False One, so easily they fell prey to "Their" clutches when they prided themselves to be the closest, most loyal to You, their Creator.
Yet, they were also the ones who committed the worst sin.
They never expected to see you in their land once again, happy and cheerfully eating while gazing at the horizon. Not when a harsh punishment to them and their people was expected from You, not when they got ready to beg for forgiveness for their people, for you to have mercy on them even if they didn't show the same one to you.
And perhaps, your anger and wrath was better than your kindness, for their heart and very existence clenched painfully inside them, threatened to swallow them whole with the cold and relentless darkness seeping inside them as they were harshly slapped back with what they had done to Their True Creator and how They were treating Their Creations.
With kindness and love, tenderness they once felt in the Heavenly Grounds as they all sat around You and talked, ate together, basked in your love as each of them tried to make You smile and give affection to each of them, pat their heads softly and just be there for them...
Unlike the False One who only demands, is harsh and devoid of the warmth you had.
And even then... They are unable to notice the True One they always loved and will always do.
Out of anything Venti thought to see today, seeing you in the Angel's Share drinking the dandelion wine he made people to produce in your name (since it was a favourite of yours back when everything was fine and enjoyed a drink at the balcony of your Holy Chamber with him seated next to you) and inviting him over for one wasn't on the list. He didn't expect to be sitting next to your holy body, looking dumbfounded yet also still smiling with tears in his big eyes as you told him that you wouldn't neither abandon nor punish him or his people.
And he certainly didn't expect to be hugged by you after so so long, after being deprived off of the feeling of home, clutching on your robes thightly with a promise to never let go and doubt you again and wailing like a baby as you comforted him with his face buried in your neck, babbling about how he was so guilty, how he thought he lost You for eternity...
Like a parent whose child wanted to get away from their strict parent, thinking the outside world was better, that their parent was just overexaggerating. Like a parent comforting their child who was lost on the way after they realized how right their parent was, yet found themselves again by the parent who gave them another sense of freedom to soar.
Out of any place, Zhongli never expected to see you in his private residence drinking some tea and preparing some snacks to bring for him to eat. He never thought he would see the day you wore such casual clothes, hair messily up in bun as your holy hands were covered with flour. As the eldest, he was able to see your every form and every new hobby you would get. Knitting? Braiding hair? Sewing? Sword fighting? Bird watching? Playing with the kids and dragging him to play the prince that saved the princess? You name it and he would start to list all the day to you, when you first started to do them as you laughed and patted his horn affectionately- he would never tell this to anyone, but you as the Divine Creator, were the only one he was fine with them being touched. Not that he had a choice to him, at least. He knows if you heard that, you would have his head-
But as much as he was seen as a war hero, someone that saved and protected people... He failed to protect the one being he swore his existence to, who died and suffered at his hands, begging to be spared as if he was the Deity that gave him life, as if he was more mighty than You.
What kind of a devotee, of a god he was? How could he do such a mistake-
But, the one who he thought was mad at him, at them, and were punishing them with their absence was right there. Bringing him his tea just the way he liked it, some food he loved eating with Them centuries ago as you pointed to the empty seat and sat down yourself right in front of him as he couldn't help but stare at you with a slacked jaw, at how easily you smiled at him just like you used to, praising him for his excellent choice of tea and spices.
Like a parent seeing the inner struggle of their child and being silently there for them, tell them that no matter what, they would be there in the end and protect them from their own harsh mind.
Out of any place, Ei never thought she would see you offering her dango as you stared at your statue, the statue where she put all the visions she got after the Vision Hunting, with a frown. It used to be such a joy for her to look at it, thinking she was doing the right thing just as Makoto and her Creator would have wanted. The day she first lost her Creator, with absolutely no one knowing what happened to Them, was so full of despair. She didn't know what to do, her twin didn't know what to do, all they had ever known was you and all they knew about ruling and capturing the hearts of your people was from you. She felt... abandoned, a feeling she would later inflict on her own son unknowingly, but she still had her sister with herself so that must at least mean that you would be back to help them out, right?
She wasn't expecting to loose her friends and her dear sister, at all.
That was the turning point in her destiny, one that led to madness and obsession. She might have given her people order, and discipline in a land where they can protect and be there for their loved ones, where they could reach eternity together and give visions to strike down anyone who dared to take it from them but...
Now, as she looked back at her past and the statue, the one on whose name she committed crimes for... She only remembered her fight with the Traveller and how you had come to protect them, with the same face as the "sinner" she once killed, and showed her the true way.
That statue was only the painful and disturbing reminder of who she was, and how she had killed the Creator she worshipped above anything because she was deceived and blinded, and how They still came to show her the right path, how you gently caressed and helped the Traveller, someone out of this world...
And now, those same gentle hands that once were outstretched towards her for help, for her to listen to Them but she refused as You choked on the air and golden blood... They were rubbing her face, patting her purple hair as You pressed her face to your neck where your pulse was beating under the skin, alive and comforting her like a parent whose child were hard to deal with, rebellious yet just as worthy of love, confused at the world ahead of them and turning to look at their parent for guidance only to see them pushing from their back to a brighter future, where they stand for eternity just so that their child could look back to see how far they would come.
They never expected to be the witness of such unconditional and pure love, forgiving them so... easily.
Why, they all asked with tears in their eyes and bowing down in front of your relaxed form so deeply their foreheads touched the ground, shoulders stiff yet body shaking because of the sobs that wrecked their bodies. How can you forgive us so easily?
A soft smile from you as you helped them up and wiped their faces clean with a fleeting touch, like a parent calming their baby down from the overwhelming first emotions they would feel.
"What kind of a Creator would I be, if I didn't forgive?"
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YOU, the one who (formerly before it was destroyed) rule Khaenri'ah was found by the traveler caged in some Mysterious Domain.
And YOU were actually the beloved of Teyvat - not a creator or anything, but just basically loved by Teyvat just because YOU existed and that's why Khaenri'ah can prosper even without a God guiding them is because of YOU. But Khaenri'ah got destroyed but you were OP than the Archons so you were sealed instead.
Imagine how you know so much about teyvat because you've been in a slumber for 500 years and managed to uncover many secrets and mysteries in Teyvat during that time.
If this was also SAGAU IMPOSTER AU but the Reader isn't the Creator anyways but was LOVED by Teyvat and the Creator treated you as like a child or a romantic love interest (if you want wink wonk).
SO the enemies and the like would protect you by instincts if you were hunted down because you have the same face as the creator. BUT THE STATUES AND STUFF that the acolytes thought supposed to belong to the creator was actually for YOU.
Right - like they thought YOU stole the face of the creator but the creator actually just LOVED you enough to make your face as their statues out of their familial or romantic love for you.
Okay- I think I have enough sagau for today.
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Are they still not running out of fried eggs?😭😭
Protector of Teyvat (a troll hell-bent on reviving everyone just for fun) P—3
Isekai’d reader who is hell-bent on reviving everyone using your cheat code as the protector of Teyvat. With great power comes great benefits! Teyvat population stonks
Note: asmoday is the unknown god, reader also grants gnosis and visions, isekai, slight sagau in the future chapters, op reader
Summary: You are just a regular human being living your best life on Earth, collecting husbandos and waifus in Genshin Impact when all of a sudden you were isekai'd to Teyvat, but not as a traveler, a creator, or an NPC. You are a very close friend of both Celestia and the Unknown God, who is known as the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. You also hold a very important position of the highest order because unbeknownst to the general populace, you are the Protector of Teyvat from the outside forces.
And so imagine the Archon's faces when their dead friends suddenly came back to life just so they can accompany you together with Aether and Paimon on a journey to spit on the Celestia's face
Timeline in Teyvat when you got transmigrated: Before any wars happened. Zhongli is probably sucking on a dragon pacifier or something if that even exists.
Warning: curse words, slight ooc, lore flying over the ocean and going for a swim, author removed the lore from the irminsul so act like you know nothing of it, i'm putting the lore in the cheese grater
“As what I am trying to say, Lady Y/N… is quite… a peculiar person.”
Jean sighed and scratched her temples, beginning to feel stressed. "Stop going in circles and get to the point, Kaeya."
About half an hour has passed since Kaeya first started talking, and it does not seem like he is going to get straight to the point any time soon.
Paimon flew closer to you, who was visibly bored as you sat on a chair, whispering into your ears.
“Paimon thinks you broke him...”
You folded your arms and looked at the man who had been struggling to explain for about ten minutes with a quiet chuckle. His eyes met yours, and he instantly averted his gaze, an embarrassed expression on his face.
And even Lisa, who is standing next to Jean, has been staring at you for quite some time. Her gaze was strong despite the pleasant smile on her face.
“You flatter me, Captain Kaeya.”
Jean arched an eyebrow at you, seemingly perplexed.
“After all, I am just a normal human being trying to make a living.”
She blinked, trying to process everything that is going on. If you're only something like a traveling merchant, why is Kaeya acting as if he's forced to sing praises about you?
The entire room fell silent, and all eyes were fixed on you.
With a straight face, you answered calmly, "I sell visions and use fried eggs to resurrect the dead.”
The room fell into an awkward silence as Kaeya coughed so loudly that he flopped down on the ground and decided to become one with the floor.
"This is quite a change of events," Lisa said with a beautiful frown as she glanced at Kaeya, who was suffering in silence.
Jean shook her head in utter confusion as she pointed at Kaeya, "Just why is he acting like this...?"
“Oh!” Paimon exclaimed in realization of Jean's question. She rubbed the side of her head then stroke her chin, as if she didn't know how to explain everything.
“Uhm— uh… Paimon's not sure who this Crepus guy is, but when Y/N threw a fried egg somewhere, he poof out of the ground and insisted on going to his son instead of joining us to meet you here.”
"He even wanted Kaeya to come along, but this man had already left before we realized it!" Paimon yelled and pointed towards Kaeya.
Jean raised a brow in confusion, and Paimon spoke once again, "It’s not Paimon’s fault, I swear! He suddenly appeared, and Kaeya looked like he had seen a ghost... Paimon is guessing that he is someone important that Y/N randomly brought back to life to scold Kaeya for touching her."
“Oh, my archons…”
Lisa turned to stare at Jean, her eyes wide with confusion.
“If I know… Crepus is Master Diluc’s father.”
Lisa gasped, and Kaeya seemed to be dead with his face plastered to the ground.
“Oh?” You shrugged your shoulders, glancing out the window, unconcerned with what was going on around you.
Jean sighed, obviously disturbed. "How is this even possible? I'm sure even the archons can't—"
“Lady Y/N is not an archon…”
“I’m afraid I don’t quite follow, Kaeya.”
“Lady Y/N is someone who is much higher than the archons…”
Lisa appeared to be captivated with the new knowledge and immediately turned to gaze at you with amazement. You, on the other hand, paid no attention to her and continued to stare out the window absentmindedly.
Will Timmie make a great archon?
What if I give Timmie a Pyro Vision to roast his pigeons?
If I revive little floatie’s friend, will I have two little Venti?
But what if little floatie's friend starts to feel embarrassed when he sees the huge statue that looks like him standing in the middle of Mondstadt?
If I slap Dain with a fried egg to remove the curse, will he get mad? I’m pretty sure I’d lose my arm before my hand can even come close…
“Someone… higher than the archons?” Jean mumbled to herself.
Paimon huffed, placing her hands on her hips and said confidently, "She is the Protector after all!"
Lisa's eyes twinkled with delight and respect at the new revelation. Back in Akademiya, she unintentionally read a forbidden book about Teyvat's Protector. It was believed to have been authored by the first Dendro Archon, but the book has since been lost or stolen.
There are no other records of you save for that single book, which she is keeping so discreetly that she even went to Mondstadt to keep it safe, despite the fact that the book has reduced her lifespan in half. But unexpectedly, the book mysteriously vanished.
It was recorded that the God of Wisdom has only encountered you once, when they had ascended one of the seven seats, and there were no more chances of meeting you again because you've been protecting Teyvat in the shadows. You've been keeping Teyvat so safe that you have no time to even mingle with them.
"However, I have a sneaking suspicion that the Celestia is trying to keep her highness away from the seven archons, particularly the Anemo Archon,” — this was one of the numerous lines written by the God of Wisdom that Lisa will never forget having to read.
It was only a one-time meeting, but it was described that all the archons were overjoyed to catch a glimpse of you. There must not be any records preserved or knowledge of you because doing so will provoke the heavenly principles. It's most likely that this is the reason why Sumeru was dealt such a devastating blow back then. And with such a wealth of information, Lisa is left wondering why she is still alive.
And now that the two of you even have the chance to meet, she considers herself to be one of the fortunate people in Teyvat to have the opportunity to speak with you face to face.
Jean cast a quick glance in the direction of the librarian, who has all of a sudden adopted a new attitude towards you. Now that she's thinking about it, she's curious to find out what information the librarian has about you.
"...before we came to the headquarters, there were at least three or four citizens who had been granted with a vision.” Kaeya shuddered.
“Kaeya’s speaking the truth! Even Paimon has lost count already! At this point, the entire Mondstadt could be dubbed as the nation of vision holders!”
Paimon's voice jolted you out of your daze, prompting you to respond, "...I thought we'd keep that a secret."
“Oh— right! Paimon’s sorry!”
You laughed, softly waiving your hands as a sign that everything was fine. You looked at Jean, who was suddenly staring at you with such reverence that she seemed to want to grovel before you.
You smiled at her. “Anyways, are we done here?”
"Ah, yes," Jean said awkwardly, looking over at Aether, who was staring at you attentively, "About the storm terror attack."
"Y/N and the Anemo Archon supported me," Aether said with a blank expression and a shrug of his shoulders.
“Oh goodness… you’re traveling with the protector and even met the Anemo Archon?” Lisa asked, her mouth slightly wide in surprise.
“Anemo Archon, Anemo Archon, ah— my little floatie is just so adorable. Maybe I should travel the worlds with him after resigning…” You muttered to yourself.
Aether and the other people in the room have all of a sudden become alerted, and their attention is focused on you. Even Kaeya suddenly straightened his posture, only to see you staring peacefully outside the windows.
After resigning!? Travel alone with the Anemo Archon!? Jealous, jealous, jealous—
The voices of Celestia and Asmoday can be heard wailing somewhere in the distance in the sky. They are most likely devising a plot to put you behind bars at this very moment.
It shouldn't come as a surprise if the Anemo Archon suddenly have a club of haters.
You started humming a tune as you became aware of the peaceful atmosphere that was beginning to arise.
You snorted and mockingly said, "Oh? What exactly am I seeing? We've barely known each other for a day, and you're already obsessed with me?"
They all choked in embarrassment, turning away to hide their flushed cheeks.
You cocked your head to the side, amused, as they all began babbling silly reasons just to cover themselves up.
“W—well, it’s not everyday that you get to meet someone like— like—”
“Paimon thinks Y/N feels comfy to be around! Paimon’s not obsessed at all!”
Aether quickly agreed with a nod.
“Right, right, alright. If you people are still interested in discussing the stormterror attack, then I'll just leave you to it,” You gave them a soft smile as you floated right up from your seat and waved your hand before making the decision to vanish with a poof in order to bestow even more visions and cause more chaos.
"Don't look for me, I'm going to meet someone," They heard your voice echoing inside their thoughts, and it made them feel even greater animosity towards the person you are talking about.
“We don’t even want to talk about stormterror attack anymore!”
"…sigh. I wanted to listen more of her voice," Lisa grumbled, and Jean feels the same.
“She must’ve felt uncomfortable, she doesn’t want people talking about her after all.” Aether clicked his tongue in displeasure before running out the room with Paimon to find you.
"Just how am I going to explain everything to Diluc?" Kaeya chuckled bitterly as he slumped tiredly in the chair.
Thank the Gods you got away before they could get their paws on you. But it doesn't mean they won't pursue you.
“Woah! The birds are flocking to you!" Timmie talked happily, obviously amazed as he watched you almost completely covered in birds as you leaned on the parapet to watch the water race by.
"They're rather... heavy." You whispered, attempting to remain still while the birds that usually flew away at the sight of people treated you like a tree.
"Oh yeah! You're like God!"
You gave him a small grin as you looked down at him. "What makes you think that?"
“Well, I've heard stories about Lord Barbatos being so close to birds that he'd even fly alongside them! You're exactly like him!”
The birds chirped happily, rubbing their heads against your cheek as if they wanted to be complimented.
You snorted, trying to image Barbatos flying alongside the birds. You could say that your mind created a pretty humorous image.
Venti sat on top of the statue of the Anemo Archon, blushing profusely at what the wind had relayed to him. He's too sober enough to listen to your conversation, and he wishes he'd gone straight to the tavern to get drunk instead of stalking you.
But he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to see you.
"You seem to love pigeons a lot; do you wish to fly with them as well?"
“Yeah… I believe it would be cool, and maybe I'll be able to find daddy..."
You agreed with a little nod, calmly watching the river flow gently while Timmie stares in awe at how the sun rays were focused towards you, creating a lovely scene.
"Who knows, maybe you'll be reunited with your father soon," You spoke while remaining motionless in your position and gazing at the rushing river.
Timmie nodded, little relieved by your remarks. He has always waited, and he will never get tired of waiting.
“What is it?”
You ignored Timmie as you cast a glance at the gates, sensing that at least four or five individuals were approaching you.
"I'm afraid our little bonding has to come to an end here."
Timmie pouted and mumbled cutely, "But me and my pigeons like you."
You amusedly ruffled his hair as you giggled at his antics.
"How about you come to me when you're lonely?" You smiled as you took his hands in your own and placed a glowing Anemo vision in his palm.
And then maybe when someone tries to hurt your pigeons, you can airbend the shit out of their lungs.
Timmie gaped, his gaze drawn to the vision in his hands and your bright, smiling face. He began stammering, his brain attempting to absorb everything that was happening at the moment.
Oh my god— oh my god— was all he could think of.
“Lady Y/N!” Jean and the others said in unison.
"See you soon," you said quietly, ignoring the people who were approaching you at an incredible pace, giving Timmie one last pat on the head before disappearing to slap someone with a fried egg somewhere else.
Because seriously, why is everyone so clingy to you when it comes to you? Can't a protector have a little peace in their lives?
Timmie stood motionless, a vision in his hands while his mind went haywire.
Daddy, daddy, I think I just met a God!
Before they even had a chance to finish their sentence, a fried egg came flying at them at a high rate of speed, and the runny egg yolk came splattering into their face.
You mumbled something under your breath while opening your eyes with a weary expression and blinking several times in an effort to clear the haze from your vision. They just can't seem to give you some space, even if it's just for a moment, can they not? You're literally trying to get some sleep!
The abyss mage who had just been smacked by a fried egg started to emit light as though the curse was in the process of being broken. Something shattered inside of their soul as they shed the last bit of monstrosity that had clung onto them for hundreds of years.
You found a comfortable position on the grass and leaned back against the tree. And off to the side of your vision, you can make out a woman with blond hair who is dressed in white and blue.
You fixed your attention on her, and by the expression on her face, you could see how genuinely surprised she was by what she had witnessed. Her eyes gleamed with much interest and reverence as they locked onto yours.
You immediately felt an inside sigh of frustration when you realize that you’re going to have another traveler who will try to cling onto you.
Lumine suddenly stepped up, and her voice is just as endearing as that of her twin brother.
"It is an honor to meet our savior," she said. It was a display of respect, but you are too sharp to even believe those words. You are their savior, but that does not imply that they are obligated to treat you with the utmost respect.
You responded with a faint hum as you quickly pulled an abyss mage close to you to use as a pillow, unaware to the jealous stares that Lumine was giving you.
“Are you here to meet with your twin?”
“I am not… ready to face him,” Lumine whispered softly while her face distorted into an agonized expression, as if she were thinking back on the times she spent with her twin brother.
"Help him with Dvalin," you said, your cheek resting on the back of your hand. You almost laughed when you saw her slightly frown at you. They were the ones that made Dvalin act like that, thus they should be the ones to clean up their mess.
"I'm posing as your twin's guide right now, and if this storm terror problem isn't fixed by the end of the week, how am I meant to leave Mondstadt to search for and save the people of your nation?"
"I absolutely want to retire, sigh..." you mumbled, squeezing the abyss mage's cheeks in frustration.
"I suppose you have a point," Lumine answered, nodding her head in understanding. Maybe she can even take a break and check how her twin brother is doing in this world.
"Wonderful, you finally understand!" You replied enthusiastically, and your smile is so dazzling that Lumine feels like she's staring directly into the sun.
"Then, after cleaning up the mess that Celestia made, the two of you can leave Teyvat and continue on your journey."
“Perhaps after you've completed your journey in this world, I can go get some wine, retire, eh... maybe mingle with the humans and spend time with Venti, and...” You started rambling, not noticing how Lumine's face darkened at your words, suggesting that they should leave this world and continue their journey in another.
And Venti? That Barbatos? Lumine fumed whilst you are clueless that your little floatie had earned another hater.
And what if she refuses to leave? What if she desires to know more about you? What if Aether and her decide to bring you along with them on their journey across the worlds?
Far above in the clouds, the Celestia added another name to one of their most hated lists.
You coughed and paused, embarrassed to disclose your life plans after retiring. Lumine, on the other hand, appears to be listening attentively, as though unconcerned with the fact that you're essentially begging them to leave.
Sighing heavily, you decided to put your plan of slapping them with a fried egg in the back of your mind and work on properly removing their curse.
Lumine kept an eye on you, observing how sincere you've become in your treatment of her allies. As your look became more serious, your hand smoothly glided to touch them without even a trace of revulsion.
Perhaps the unknown God isn’t going to be the one who will trap them in this world this time. Maybe you will be the new reason, and she will willingly stay just to uncover your mystery.
Aether, my twin brother, how about we postpone our journey for a while? Surely you felt the same way when you first met her?
sumimasorry for the late update, I was busy crying over my artifact substat and made a kazuscara ff instead
TAGLIST: @yunareinhart @valeriele3 @lunarapple @meikoo @pimacolada-lulu @guess-i-die @cr1sta11y @kinoshita-asuka @cathylove @lunavixia @sarahyumiko2 @ezendd @vv3ntii @butterflybotz @etherisy @sweetbills @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @kasseywithak @snowfoxnix @loreyxxx @vvyeislazzy @sunsethw4 @i-see-you-watchin-me @cherriiirose @ainiieey @almighty-raiden-shogunate @chin-chii @sukunasin @coffeetoffyy @my-white-canvas @mitsukashi @c00kie-cat @dilucragnidvr @yxksha @percea @blurry-values @ohnoivefallen @fuckingfaraway @dark-knight-hero @deemayaz @ayamvirus @multifandomvoyage @tanspostsblog @kasseywithak @d4y-dr3am3r @dxprived4-starboys @atsukawolfcat @plusea @fandangotales @time-shardz @a-random-bored-person @tinandabin @fantsyland @shizunxie @greengummyworm @elijahcrevan @kaoyamamegami
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bold users can't be tagged, idk why ;m;
well anyways, after this I'm going to hide, make fried eggs, and do my forgotten comms
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Cult!Genshin x reader
Sagau pt.4 Inazuma
Warnings: cult behavior, obsessive thoughts, religion, spoilers,
Pt. 1 Khaenri'ah 👇
Pt.2 Mondstadt 👇
Pt.3 Liyue 👇
The sounds of the ocean never cease to calm the young man as your presence also seems to make the sight of the serene waters better as the wind is blowing slowly-though his words and phrases in his haiku never could bring you any justice as you were just that divine
Though he frowns on why you weren't able to help in any suffering in these past centuries during the Vision Hunt decree
No matter now though. As his friend would finally be at peace knowing their Creator is helping the Traveler stop the tribulations and trials that the people of Inazuma are facing. Oh.. how he wishes for his friend to take sight of their Creator and take part in the freedom of the vision holders of the Nation of Eternity..
Now.. will you grace him an ear and listen to his haiku's...?
As Ayaka was still but a little girl...She'd listen to her mother speak of you in such a high manner-and she couldn't blame her mother or anyone who worshipped you in that matter... you were the Creator after all..
Upon your arrival on Teyvat she was surprised to say the least-but that wasn't a bad thing-! In fact she could say she's been dying to meet you-not only from prayers or from stories from her mother...but actually genuinely get to know you..and perhaps..even be graced to attend a festival only with you
During the decades-each and every priestess of the Island of Watatsumi had offered their mind and soul to their God-namely Orabxi even after he was slain-but even when that was the case they still worshipped him in spite of the Shogun-but of course aside from the fallen Deity…you were worshipped as well...
The warm welcome at Watatsumi was beyond warm..for they held a small welcoming party in your honor even during these trying times-and despite not understanding a single word any of them said-you felt loved and safe-well that is until you realized you hadn’t done the Inazuma quest before-
But for now..you seem content with the serenity of the situation before you go back to the cold and harsh realities of this archon quest-
Raiden Shogun
Makoto would sit in the outskirts of Inazuma as Ei went into battle..she'd smile as she does little prayers towards your personal shrine as the small pink kitsune snuggles into her arms with glee..but perhaps not everything is cut and dry..especially when now..she'll decide to go an risk her life in the front of the unfamiliar battlefield..yet..even in her dying breath..she still fondly mutters your name...
Ei...the loss of her friends..the loss of her sister...a poor archon indeed..though not the first archon who'd lost their companions' lives..she knows she'll definitely not be the last who'd endure the pain of loss..but she can't seem to grasp why it was necessary for it to happen-she couldn't grasp why you let it happen-you-a being who transcends even Celestia..why couldnt have you stopped the bleeding of their beings and her heart bled as she was forced to slay her beloved friends-and when she was forced to see Makoto die in her arms...why at all times you show yourself when you stop her in her own selfish pursuit of 'eternity' why until now... must you give her trials every step in the way? Yet..even as childish as she sounds..she doesn't blame you..after all...mortals aren't the only ones living under your judgement..
The shogun was tasked and programmed to eliminate any one who dares stop the pursuit of Eternity...however that somehow didn't apply to you..and even she had little to no control over her body she still wonders why she hadn't strike you the moment you went and ran towards the people of Inazuma to protect them..
What does 'he' think of you?
Kuzinushi would ask himself everytime..what did he think of you once he was discarded by the Shogun?What did he think of you once he witnessed the village he was already content in residing in-burned to the ground with only ash and flame all over the corpses of the villagers...
He despises you.. - Scaramouche would cackle in the realisation of his inner turmoil towards you his supposed creator..what was there to love in the first place anyway?!...
Ohh...our merciful Creator..what sorrows will you bring today...Scaramouche would say mockingly to the heavens as if daring you to strike him down-He'd spit on your name..he'd go as far to do it in front of his fellow harbingers and Snezhanya's archon..but alas why did he crave some sort of attention from you? Why did he seem to pray (despite being it only in his head-)Yet that didn't change the fact that there was a tiny silvee of hope every time he prayed while he felt the slight glimmer of your presence on the clouds of Teyvat-
Yet at the present time he'd watch you once you came to the island of Watatsumi..maybe he was relishing in the chaos? Or maybe intrigued on your oddly hopeless reactions-
The indigo haired puppet only could look at you in disbelief-or maybe it was amusement..even for him..it was hard to decipher which one he was truly feeling
Either way...now with your presence in Inazuma...shouldn't you praise and worship him for his plan to entrap protect you from the cruel role you were forced to play onto you?
You,Traveller and Paimon enter the domain as you try to process the grieving events that took place in Watatsumi Island-you failed to save anyone here-
As you felt your guilt and hatred for yourself for not preventing anything to happen-you feel yourself going into the spiral of utter despair as you come face to face with familiar looking silhouette reaching out to you as a grin spread into his lips...
Before blacking out into the shadows of the domain..
You suddenly wake up back at your room-phone in hand..but...nothing seemed to change...(!?)
It didn't seem a day even pass as you look at your familiar surroundings..time worked differently from the one in Teyvat..but something didn't feel right-
However..now you'll have to deal with things behind the screen as you help Aether's journey from the confines of your room-
While your physical body in Teyvat resides somewhere else for now...
As the Vision Hunt decree finally got abolished-The eldest Kamisato finally went out of his office before rumors of your arrival came as quick as your physical departure form Teyvat-
It was odd..though in a world where even normal human beings in Teyvat could have abilities graced upon Celestia-
Maybe it wasn't so weird at all..but it was quite worrying as for now he would only sense your presence through the Traveller..what could've cause your physical body to dissappear..? What could've caused you to separate from your physical body-
He should leave the questions to the Anemo-visioned detective..but even he can get impatient even after years of hard work and patience....

@w@:Sorri for the very late sagau posts I've lost money and PayPal and I am still trying to earn it back so pls be patient for the next part qwq
If u want to donate 💕
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A time to tell
► PAIRINGS. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
► GENRE. sagau, reverse isekai, domestic life/slice of lofe, explicit/sexual (18+ for the nsfw chapters) themes.
SYNOPSIS. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belong. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to where you were.
WARNINGS. eventual smut, harem, angst with comfort.
STATUS. on going//i will try to update as fast and best as i can but i do procrastinate a lot so..
EXTRA. i started this series because i needdd to feed my love for reverse isekai fics and i saw that there werent a lot so i was like !!! why not create my own? also, the chapters that had NSFW content in them will have the 🔞 logo beside the chapter name.
- reader is in college (has a part time job)
“y/n, we will be here for you for however you want us to be, we will leave even if you asked us to just please, please don’t leave us.”
chapter index
i. chapter one - the start of it all
◇─where you find yourself in a room with 23 handsome men, the thing is.. you know them from the popular game that you even played and spent hundreds of money on.. genshin impact!
ii. chapter two - the morning after
◇─the morning after everything had happened, you decided to do a little bonding session.. which was by watching your favourite movies with them of course!
iii. chapter three - tba
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fallacy (n.) : are flawed, deceptive, or false arguments that can be proven wrong with reasoning.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : As a veteran AR60 player of Genshin Impact, you pride yourself as someone who knows the ins and outs of Teyvat, even studiously completing Spiral Abyss every reset, and having 100% exploration to some, if not all, of the released regions so far. Everything is fun and enjoyable, especially since Sumeru just recently debuted so you still have a lot to do!
All that ends though, when a mysterious passerby pushes you off the building of your university while playing Genshin. But instead of meeting your inevitable end, you find yourself waking up in the very world you were addicted to!
It's supposed to be a fun dream, right? Something you could laugh at when you wake up? Right?! So, why is that you were back in AR1 with nothing but a dull blade in your inventory?!
…well, at least you still have those 700+ sunsettias and mints, Timmie's fowls…and surprisingly similar game mechanics you used to merely see on the screen before. But what should you do now? Flirt with the Genshin men??? Good lords...
"Welcome to Genshin Impact, Dreamer. Here, we can show you a happier ever after you've never had before…so, ready?"
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 : graphic depiction of violence; possible character death (on bad ends so choose your route wisely!); multiple endings (including good, bad, normal and secret ends); canon divergent, game mechanics, existential crisis, character study.
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : isekai/reverse isekai, choose your own adventure (cyoa) with branching narratives, romance, comedy, angst (depending on the routes), hurt with/without comfort (still depends on routes), action, mystery, found family.
𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐒 : albedo, tighnari, zhongli, cyno, xiao, diluc, venti, ayato, kaveh, kazuha and tartaglia. Possible more love interest as the story progresses.
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 : on-going
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 : that love is a fallacy.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 : alea iacta est. (the die is cast)
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈 : argumentum ad hominem.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈 : argumentum ad ignorantiam.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈: audentes fortuna iuvat. (fortune favours the bold)
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈.𝐈 : magister dixit.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈.𝐈𝐈 : argumentum petitio principii.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈.𝐈 : ignoratio elenchi.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈.𝐈𝐈: cum hoc ergo propter hoc.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈𝐈 : veritas liberabit vos. (the truth will set you free)
𝐈 | odi et amo ; ( gn!reader × scaramouche ) ; in which scaramouche reveals you the reason why he hates you so much. But in the silence that comes after his hatred is revealed, and from the unspoken words that never leave his lips, would it be too selfish to ask for something more than this?
reader here is gender neutral, so if I happened to have a pronoun slip by accident, please do correct me. I swear it was a honest mistake cause I don't really proofread my works :3
that being said, although reader should based off of you, as in you reading this, reader has their own background prior to their arrival in teyvat. Down below are some of the changes/characteristics I took the liberty to add to the reader's persona and history to fit in the story!
(i.) reader is a university student studying science or other related field (their specialisation differs in each route to make it interesting). though i did not specify their age, appearance and race (feel free to imagine them whichever), they were supposed to be in the middle of taking their college degree.
(ii.) reader has an adoptive older brother (who would be important in the storyline later on).
(iii.) reader is presented to be quite reckless, a bit ditzy, chaotic, an unhinge and lively character, rebellious, hardheaded, opinion oriented, and wouldn't bend to rules that they see as pointless no matter how the society dictates them to do so, but they were kind and carefree when you get to know them more. you'll see what I'm talking about in the first chapter 😂
before I forgot, although I'm a huge fan of the sagau presented in tumblr (the one with creator and cult themes; those are chef kiss btw), my take on the plot of sagau is very different. There's no divine creator here or cultish behaviours (i'm so sorry if that's what you're looking for 😷) my main focus here is all about the genshin characters' self awareness that they were in a game as they interacted with the isekai!reader, which is why I added the reverse isekai in the genre tags because it will be a huge turnover in the future chapters :>
also, the game mechanics I'm talking about above is what we see on the screen of genshin. Like the Paimon Menu, the inventory, the character archive, and so on! When reader is isekaid, it seems like they brought the whole screen with them? XD
I know stuff will probably be confusing for you and me later on because of the branching narratives happening in this hellhole of a plot, but please bare with me xD I will do my best to make it clear as possible.
This fanfic has four types of routes (or ends if you prefer it that way), There are good ends (romantic happy ending all the way!), bad ends (if you're unlucky that you fall in the dramatic hellhole then yes), normal ends (this could end in either being platonic, a cliffhanger or an open ending up to your interpretation lmao), and lastly, the secret ends (i'll keep whatever this is hidden for now because I planned something huge for this lol).
a "what if" routes are a series of one-shots, short stories or drabbles that was not really connected with the primary routes. It could be read as a standalone fics. Possibly just my word vomit and brainrotting lmao. They also don't have any branching narratives like the primary routes.
well! that is all, i guess! I'll add something later if I remember stuff I should be telling you beforehand but for now, i guess this would do xD also, if you wanted to be tagged for this, feel free to dm me or send an ask about it! Thank you for reading all the way and I hope you will have fun (and a good laughs!) while you were reading this trash of a fanfic lmao 🤣
Ps. I'll try to post the prologue tomorrow since its already half finished already <3
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