gogoyoyowawa · 11 days
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Nichijou Daihyakka - Keikan (Police Officer) (Pg 26)
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gogoyoyowawa · 11 days
Nichijou November Day 9, yes I know I mislabeled it as Day 8(I forgot you can’t post videos and photos together)
Rest of week 2 here
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gogoyoyowawa · 16 days
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What if there were more Pokémon in the form of virtual pets like Tamagotchi or Digimon?
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gogoyoyowawa · 18 days
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Taiyo High School uniform illustrations for Rival Schools, by Edayan. Notably, these outfits were used by Taiyo High custom characters made in the PS1 version’s Youth Diary mode (or the bonus Evolution Disc characters in the English version).
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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reiko nakane☆
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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character requests (special)
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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🎵🎶 Fever means it's hot, baby, four pops makes a chain 🎵🎶
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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She rlly is a superstar at tennis
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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rhythm gremlins
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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Assorted virtual singers aiuehfkjbas I love adding numbers and junk on their hands n shoulders. SO MUCH FUN RESEARCH IS INVOLVED
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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i like to think these are in chronological order
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
Extreme Bath Log Disk 2 – Track 2: Youthful Aspirations
Click here to listen to the track on youtube.
Click here for translations of previous tracks.
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Summary: Goku and Saito talked about their dreams and aspirations. Goku wished to travel to various places. Tokito did not say much about his own ambition, only providing the reasons why he would not join Goku on his travels. As for Saito, there was nothing he wanted to do more than take over the family business and ensure its continuing prosperity.
(Sounds of the Westminster Chimes and a door sliding open.)
Tokito: Goku! Shall we drop by the game arcade today?
Goku: Sure!
Boy 1: Then, see you later, Goku.
Boy 2: Just give it some thought, okay?
Goku: I will. See you!
(He and Tokito walk away amidst distant shouts, probably from other students at the training ground.)
Goku: Would it be fine if we stop by KFC after the game arcade? For some reason, I’m feeling extremely hungry today.
Tokito: You’re always hungry! Those guys just now – are they from the soccer club?
Goku: Yeah. They told me that one of the regulars is injured and can’t make it to next week’s match.
Tokito: Weren’t you asked to fill in by the track team too the other day?
Goku: Stuff like inter-school club matches are usually held on weekends, right? It’s tough for me to join those, since I have to help at the bathhouse during weekends.
Tokito: Is that why you’re not a member of any sports club despite being incredibly athletic?
Goku: Uhh... well, there’s that, more or less, but club activities are just not my cup of tea.
Tokito: Huh?
Goku: I really like being physically active and I kinda enjoy doing sports. Still, whatever sort of games I play, I somehow get the feeling, ‘this is not it.’
Tokito: Ah, now that you mention it, you sure don’t give the impression of being hooked on any kind of sports in particular.
Goku: I’m not smart, so I’m not good at keeping track of the scores and rules in a sports game. Even in martial arts, there are surprisingly tons of rules, right?
Tokito: Well, if there are no rules, you can’t call it sports.
Goku: Rather than liking sports, I just want to freely move my body as much as possible. That’s why I feel bad for those who practice sports seriously.
Tokito: If that’s the case, it’s sure tough [to identify what’s the best pastime for you]. Are there any physical activities with no rules? Dancing, maybe?
Goku: Somehow... how should I put it....
Tokito: What is it?
Goku: I want to go on a journey!
Tokito: Once in a while, you say the most unexpected thing.
Goku: Eh? Do I?
Tokito: Where do you want to travel to? Somewhere overseas?
Goku: No, it’s not like I have a specific destination in mind.
Tokito: So it’s something like backpacking?
Goku: Mmm, I guess I can imagine myself doing that sort of thing.
Tokito: You’re really carefree.
Goku: How should I say it.... Let me put it this way: I only live once, so I want to try traveling from place to place and to experience all sorts of things.
Tokito: Ah, that’s how it is.
Goku: Oh, but it’s not like I want to go on a journey of self-discovery or something like that. I’m not dissatisfied with my life as it is now and I’m very happy being together with my family. Perhaps, it’s precisely because I have a place to go home to that I feel like I can leave on a journey anytime with peace of mind.
Tokito: As expected, that’s a mindset you inherited from your dad, isn’t it?
Goku: I wonder if that’s the case.... Now that you mention it, I heard that grandpa did stuff such as go on pilgrimages and travel across Japan on a motorcycle in his youth. Maybe you’re right – it runs in the family.
Tokito: Is your grandfather Oizumi Yo? [An actor – the only hits I got searching for his name and the word motorcycle are some articles about a road accident he was in....] But, I do see the point. Traveling is nice, right?
Goku: Would you come along too?
Tokito: I can’t survive in an environment without internet connection and Amazon home delivery service, so I'll pass. In the first place, I can’t leave Kubo-chan behind.
Goku: That’s right. Anyway, if I’m to go overseas, I first have to be able to speak English to some extent, right? According to dad, it’s dangerous to travel abroad ** without being familiar with stuff such as the history or the current state of affairs [of the destination country].
Tokito: If you do your best, you’ll manage somehow. You’re smarter than you think, you know.
Goku: Also, I rather fancy being in wide-open space where there’s no people, like a prairie or a desert. I’d love to have a ride on a jeep, which happens to be dad’s favorite vehicle, across such a place.
Tokito (laughs): Your talk smacks of teen pretensions, but I get it. It sounds like an epic adventure, huh.
Goku: Eh? Hey, the guy walking in front of us–
Tokito: Why, it’s Mikawaya!
Goku: Oi, Saburo!
Saito (turns around and sighs in exasperation): I’m neither Mikawaya nor Sabu-chan! It’s Saito! Jeez, how many times must I tell you that before you finally remember?
Tokito: Oh, right! You’re in the same high school as us.
Saito: The classrooms for second-year and third-year students are located in different parts of the school, so we don’t run across each other that often at school.
Goku: Since we only see you during your delivery runs around the shopping district, the sight of you in the school uniform is kinda refreshing.
Saito: Eh? (giggles) Is that so?
Tokito: You’re in your third year, so you must be busy preparing for the university entrance exam.
Saito: Ah, that. No, I don’t have to worry about getting into a university, because I have no other plans for the future aside from taking over the family business.
Goku: Just as I thought.
Saito: I do know that university graduates are equipped with marketable skills. But, our shop’s perpetually short-handed. Moreover, in my case, there’s no point in eating ourselves out of house and home in order to fork out the fees for university. My goal is to discover ways to ensure that Saito Liquor Store continues to be a well-loved shop in this region. Or so I think....
Tokito: He’s quite realistic, isn’t he?
Goku: Yeah, he is.
Saito: Eh?
Tokito: You give the impression of being a man of the world.
Goku: Yeah, you sure do.
Saito: Hold on! What are you on about? Please don’t butter me up all of a sudden – it’s embarrassing!
Tokito: If you’re gonna be bashful about something, then don’t tell us about it!
Goku: We even took the trouble to praise you.
Saito: Ah, would you two please not pull the ladder out from under me right after putting me at the top of it?
Tokito: There’s one thing I’ve been curious about for a long time: Why do you use honorifics with us despite being our senior, Saito?
Goku: That’s right! Furthermore, you don’t seem to mind the two of us using casual speech when talking to you.
Saito: Well.... of course there’s the fact that your families are valued regular customers of our shop. But also–
Goku: But also?
Saito: For some reason or another, it doesn’t feel as if you two are younger than I’m.
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes or clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure of. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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gogoyoyowawa · 1 month
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i got mspaint back
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