goethefaustworld · 8 hours
the fact that we only have “herculean task” and “sisyphean task” feels so limiting. so here’s a few more tasks for your repertoire
icarian task: when you have a task you know you’re going to fail at anyways, so why not have some fun with it before it all comes crashing down
cassandrean task: when you have to deal with people you KNOW won’t listen to you, despite having accurate information, and having to watch them fumble about when you told them the solution from the start (most often witnessed in customer service)
feel free to chime in i ran out of ideas much faster than i anticipated
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goethefaustworld · 8 hours
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goethefaustworld · 8 hours
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goethefaustworld · 8 hours
Howl's Moving Castle is an absolute VIBE of a book. The main plot is this girl gets turned into an old woman and proceeds to move into a wizard's house without asking permission first and torment everyone there by cleaning it up and being nosy and rude. The old woman part just makes her even more confident cause the wizard only "eats the heart" of young girls, so she just makes his life miserable with zero remorse and the wizard has no choice but to fall in love with her
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goethefaustworld · 8 hours
I am a sexy bitch and no one ruins my 2014
repeat after me: i am a sexy bitch and no one ruins my 2014
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goethefaustworld · 9 hours
World Population : 7,810,521,683 
just in case somebody start feelin too important
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goethefaustworld · 9 hours
news article has a poll that asks when was the last time you used cash and i just. froze. i really don't remember when was the last time i used cash
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goethefaustworld · 9 hours
“Freaky Friday” was not in fact a real movie which existed BUT had recently entered production as a film because people kept referencing it any time body swapping came up so the movie industry was just like “well I guess we have to make that movie now” and there was already a niche internet fan-base for it.
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goethefaustworld · 9 hours
the problem with being creative is that you start to feel very guilty when you haven’t created anything in a while
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goethefaustworld · 9 hours
So annoying her...
Do you tell your mom about the wank you receive online for somewhat masochist reasons?
Or are you just trying to annoy her?
Just for fun mate.
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goethefaustworld · 11 hours
lowest stakes website for people to be mad at you on bc nobody can drive or make phone calls or come up with insults that dont read like slam poetry from a presbyterian
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goethefaustworld · 12 hours
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why do some gl author do this
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goethefaustworld · 12 hours
walked into a burger place to pick up my order and the girl behind the counter looked at my shirt funny so I look down and the shirt is a picture of a girl excited about eating a hamburger and fries. i'm such a fucking cartoon character right now. this is the shirt
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goethefaustworld · 13 hours
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Egg moment.
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goethefaustworld · 13 hours
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goethefaustworld · 13 hours
I hate living under the panopticon :( my tummy hurts :(
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goethefaustworld · 14 hours
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Now that finals are over, I can start posting again!
Here's another beast, and my first attempt at painting one of my sculptures. I also tried to put more details than I usually do, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!
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