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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                        Indie Greek Myth RP account for Apollo        the god of healing, prophesy, the sun, and much more. 
x. Multi-fandom x. OC friendly  x. Semi-selective x. Para/multi-para/one-liner x. single-ship.  x. NSFW-RP Blog
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                        Indie Greek Myth RP account for Apollo        the god of healing, prophesy, the sun, and much more. 
x. Multi-fandom x. OC friendly  x. Semi-selective x. Para/multi-para/one-liner x. single-ship.  x. NSFW-RP Blog
                                  Rules | Bio | Verses | Ask 
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                        Indie Greek Myth RP account for Apollo        the god of healing, prophesy, the sun, and much more. 
x. Multi-fandom x. OC friendly  x. Semi-selective x. Para/multi-para/one-liner x. single-ship.  x. NSFW-RP Blog
                                  Rules | Bio | Verses | Ask 
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                        Indie Greek Myth RP account for Apollo        the god of healing, prophesy, the sun, and much more. 
x. Multi-fandom x. OC friendly  x. Semi-selective x. Para/multi-para/one-liner x. single-ship.  x. NSFW-RP Blog
                                  Rules | Bio | Verses | Ask 
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                        Indie Greek Myth RP account for Apollo        the god of healing, prophesy, the sun, and much more. 
x. Multi-fandom x. OC friendly  x. Semi-selective x. Para/multi-para/one-liner x. single-ship.  x. NSFW-RP Blog
                                  Rules | Bio | Verses | Ask 
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
The god released another noise, and turned his head. "Yeah, right there. That's good." He hummed content with the massage and hoped the primordial wouldn't think to leave just yet. He wanted more attention, not to mention he was going to enjoy the body weight over him. "Keep doing that, my muscles hurt. I feel sore." 
{ ➴ } ; —-
        The noises the other was making made Eros smile proudly of what he could do, but as soon as he moved, he thought the Olympian have had enough of him, so slowly, he was lifting himself to stand from on top of him until he heard his voice. “Mh?” He tapped with the tip of his fingers Apollo’s waist. “Here?” He then pressed them, moving them in circular motion.
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                        ❚ Approaching the door, Apollo didn't quite hear what Eros had said at first but he put the pieces together from the sounds of his words. "Depends on the fruit." He wasn't going to be too picky, it didn't mean he wasn't going to make faces but if the other was going to offer him something to eat, the Olympian was certainly going to eat it. It provided the younger god with time to stall around his house and see what was different aside from the way they interacted. 
                           "I'll eat your fruit." He wasn't sure if that was what Eros had meant when he asked him what he wanted to do - but he just stuck to it. And aside from that the house looked oddly different. Or perhaps, he just felt so out of place within it that the walls seemed foreign to him. "Have you started to move?" He was wondering if the primordial had began to fill his new house with the things that were once in this one and perhaps he noticed the vacancy. Not that he had been to Eros's house so many times that he would have it memorized but he at least tried . 
Tired Hands ❚ Apollo&Eros
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{ ➴ } ; —-
        That comment didn’t make feel any better or confident about it, so he just shrugged. He was not going to talk about it and make it a huge deal. Apollo had just came back but things felt different and he wasn’t sure if it was alright. He wasn’t sure if Apollo was just taking it out on someone just because he had been for so long away. And if he was doing it, Eros was not going to be the one to take it. He already has a lot of shit to go through to still be a martyr and let that happen to him. Besides, one time he tried to make Apollo take it out on him, it didn’t go that well.
        Eros walked toward the door, holding it open for a moment, waiting to see if the other was going to stay or leave but then again thought it was something he wouldn’t have done with anyone else, and not wanting to make the other feel so special, the Primordial entered his home, going straight to the sink to wash his dirty hands, but he heard what the other had said, which made him smile a little. Good thing was that he was giving Apollo his back so he wouldn’t see his face. “I have some fruits but… I think you don’t like them?” He paused for a moment, drying his hands with a towel. “What do you want to do?”
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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Sakae - Jewellery Creations (via)
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
At the second time, Apollo hissed however not out of anger, out of pleasure. His body slid, a little more comfortably over the mattress and his fingers tapped against the fabric. "That's good, thank you." He lifted his body slightly, letting his body gently push up against the primordial as he adjusted to his less tense body. "Can you rub right there? It's a bit sore around there." He meant where Eros's fingers were already leading him to. Around his waist. 
{ ➴ } ; —-
         When he heard the bones pop, Eros grinned and placed his hands on Apollo’s ribs from the back, fingers touching his sides before he pressed down, using his own wight to help him, as he heard how more bones popped. It was fun for him and he loved it. “It is good?” He was now smiling, moving his hands down to keep his fingers busy with the muscles that were close to the waistband. “Tell me when you want me to stop.”
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                   ❚ "I'm sure you know how to do other things. But that's alright to be shy." By how persistently the other avoided the topic of doing anything in front of the Olympian, Apollo began to understand just how mortifying it would be - not to mention intimidating  - to do something like that in front of himself. Sometimes even Asclepius had trouble working with Apollo staring down from over his shoulder to make sure all was accurate. 
                   Glancing up at Eros, the sun god didn't know if he should worry much about how he was dismissing him. But then again, it was Eros, the one that had everyone against him and then thought it was something natural to do. Sucking on the inside of his cheek, the sun god wasn't sure if he should take the offer to come inside. It could have been a reluctant invitation, more out of polite courtesy, and he might have said the last bit so it would stay in his mind longer and increase the likelihood of that option being taken. Thinking it over in his mind, Apollo internally groaned at the ridiculousness of that idea then gave Eros a light shrug. "I guess I'm coming with you." He also didn't want to sound too desperate to follow him. "I came here to see you, after all." He pointed out, that he had come to visit the god not the flowers. 
Tired Hands ❚ Apollo&Eros
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{ ➴ } ; —-
         Eros smiled, amused by the words of the other god. “I don’t know how to rap. That would be ridiculous and I would only make a fool of myself.” He chuckled lightly as he ended up with what he was doing to another plant. It was true, he didn’t know how to do that, and he wasn’t sure of what words to use. He’d have needed a song he knew, but he didn’t hear much about those things. He liked more soft things, slow. Or only instruments and he was not going to sound like one just for the other god. It was better just to say that maybe next time.
           When Apollo spoke again, he was wiping his hands on his jeans and standing up. “You don’t have to promise things,” Eros sighed and shoved his hands in his back pockets, breathing in the clean air again. “I don’t mind. You can say whatever you want, what makes you feel better, or what you think.” Because after all, he wasn’t surprised. He was an Olympian, he was young, he was Apollo. He wouldn’t expect any less from the god. “I’ll wash my hands, and go back inisde. Wanna come or you’ll stay here?”
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
Laying down, Apollo could feel a few of his bones pop at the contact. Letting out a light gasp, the Olympian moved his arms up and rested his fingers under his cheek. "You're really good at this, I hope you know that." He tried to glance back at the male and then closed his eyes enjoying the sound of the lotion on his skin and Eros's warm hands. It was a sort of touch he wasn't accustomed to but he enjoyed it immensely, more so the placement of Eros's body. If he just pressed a little more, maybe it would feel even better. Biting his own lip, the sun god licked his lips and kept his eyes shut tight. 
{ ➴ } ; —-
        “Just in case,” he shrugged as he pulled away from the other, giving him room to stand up and move. He followed him and once he was resting on his stomach, Eros brought the lotion with him and left it next to them, then he climbed Apollo and sat on his hips, as he took again the bottle of lotion and poured more on his hands before he continued massaging him, now focusing on the ribs and arms too.
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                    Being doubted wasn't exactly something he enjoyed but he could understand why the god felt that way. Apollo was never the kindest of gods to Eros and he could already foresee that in any sort of relationship between the two there was going to be major struggle and hardship. Not exactly the prospect for a healthy interaction. Either way, Apollo observed Eros not surprised that he wasn't the sort to give second chances to others. Maybe he had given one too many and had been taken advantage of. Even being a god of honesty didn't salvage him from being seen as somewhat dishonest.                                       "I like all kinds of music. I don't tend to have a preference. You could rap to me and I am sure I would be interested." He smiled very briefly and then mused on the silence between the two of them. It dug deep and increased the air with, this time, unwanted tension. Taking it as touching upon a sensitive subject matter, Apollo drank the water again wanting to pass time but not wanting to leave. "That was uncalled for." He stated, not really looking at Eros in the face. "It wont happen again." He doubted it wouldn't happen again, Apollo had a habit of saying unwarranted things without any awareness that he was being rude, but at least he would be cautious enough to look out for it.  Doing such things irritated the sun god, he always had to be restraining himself around Eros but it wasn't as though he saw it as pointless and not worth it - he just saw it as unrecognized and under appreciated. 
Tired Hands ❚ Apollo&Eros
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{ ➴ } ; —-
         ”Maybe you say that, but… I don’t know.” He shrugged again. And he really didn’t know, because one thing is that you don’t laugh at someone in their face, but another is to go and tell your friends so everyone could laugh. And even if that was not something that would hurt the Primordial, he was not in the mood to have it either. It was a game of children and he was getting tired of all that. Little by little. “Besides, I don’t know what type of music, or more like, songs, you’d like.”
             At his answer, Eros turned to look at him, blinking. It was true, but what he could say about this? He knows the Olympian and he knows he likes to be right and to make others regret their words or actions and no. He was just going to remain silent, because it was not necessary to tell him that he might be right. Then, if he says that, Apollo would continue and try something and nah. But his eyes soon looked down at the plants again when the other spoke again. There it was. That Apollo who would just try to provoke him, to turn things to something violent and rude. He was not going to fall. Not this time. So he only sighed and continued paying attention to his plants, there was no need to say a word. If Apollo feels uncomfortable, he can leave. Eros is not holding him there against his will.
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
The fact that he felt his heart skip a small beat made the god feel both good and angry at the same time. Now he didn't know if he was telling him he felt love for him or if he was speaking about himself as love. The first would have been gratifying but the latter would have been as useful as him saying the sun burns when it's hot. "Thanks, I don't think anyone will come by to hit me any time soon. But I will make sure to give you a call." He smiled and wiped his jaw with his palm. "Sure, I'll lay down." He turned his head slightly to look over to Eros as he waited for him to move his hands slightly. Getting up on his feet, the Olympian looked for the nearest soft surface to stretch over. Already he began to feel good, it had been a while since he felt something comfortable against his body. 
{ ➴ } ; —- 
        “Love cares, love protects. Of course I will.” He huffed. “Besides, I am older than you, kid. I know what I’m doing, and most gods avoid me when I’m in a good mood. Imagine how they will react when they see me pissed.” This time the god hummed, as he massaged the muscles of the Olympian’s back, taking his time and trying to unknot some muscles he felt too tense. “Do you want to lie down? I think it would work better and I will be able to have the lotion close to me.”
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                    ❚ The fact that Eros was so demanding of him, and so difficult to grasp might have added to his appeal. Staring at the primordial deity with admiration, Apollo detested how malleable he became when he was interested in another being. He almost felt a bit disgusting and a little pathetic but no amount of self awareness was going to make him stop. It was uncontrollable at this point. "I wouldn't laugh." He then cleared his throat and looked down at the flowers again. For some reason they seemed quite a bit interesting. 
                     Damn Eros, Apollo chided to himself. If anything he had said could have been translated to anything it was his lack of need for the Olympian romantically. Not what he wanted to hear. "Everyone need's love, don't they? That's why there is more than just you doing the job?" Taking another sip of the water to occupy his mouth, the sun god stared off into the distance from where they were trying to get a good look at the grounds. "If you think plants aren't annoying as fuck then I guess it wouldn't be much of a wonder what you think of the rest of the creatures that actually talk." 
Tired Hands ❚ Apollo&Eros
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{ ➴ } ; —-
        Eros smiled cheekily. “It’s good to see someone like you doing that. I mean, now you’ll have to stop thinking about yourself so much and actually do something better. Like paying attention to the people around you.” Eros paused, thinking about what he was asking for. He didn’t feel okay around him. How would you sing when the one with the best voice and tone, was right in front of you? No one, with common sense, would do that. Unless they were playing and having fun like that. “I would but,” he shrugged. “I am no good with that. I just do it… When no one that is able to laugh is around me.”
        For a moment, Eros looked confused, but then all made sense again. “I have a home and I don’t need love, I am love.” He smiled at the Olympian. He was actually just keeping his distance, even if he liked the other, he didn’t want to push anything, and since the other has been away for so long, he has forgotten if they had even come to a truce or even request something for the other. It has been confusing for Eros, because he was not sure of the intentions of the other one, even if the Primordial had bitten his chest already. But still. How he could trust someone like him? Not to mention they were fucking like bunnies and they never said things clear. “I’m just helping others. Others who don’t complain and are annoying as fuck, obviously.” 
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
The feeling of Eros's fingers on his skin was one of the most soothing experiences the god have ever recollected to have. He didn't know how to react, but he remained quiet hoping to have them there for a few moments longer. Hoping for a little more intimacy, Apollo felt his disappointment sink in when the other walked away. "You'll protect me?" He wanted to tease, but he was genuinely curious to what Eros intended to do with someone who harmed him. Was he the type to care enough to kill for him, or was this something else entirely. Feeling a little confused and trying to push away the idea that Eros was saying this because he actually loved him, Apollo snorted and crossed his arms over his own thighs. "Hero-god? That's new." He slid his teeth over his lower lip and looked ahead of himself, his back straightening up when he felt the cool lotion on his back. "Ah..." He actually bit down on his lip as he got used to the sensation and then relaxed. "Thanks, I like it." 
{ ➴ } ; —-
        With the help of the Olympian, Eros observed him, carefully touched his skin and he was just a bit disappointed, maybe because he wanted to take care of the sun god, but he felt good, relieved that the god didn’t have a trace of anything on his skin. “Well, next time someone touches you, harms you, you’ll need to tell me.” He sighed and moved away, “I know you’re a hero-thing-god, but I don’t care. And no, keep your pants.” He walked away and after a few moments he came back with a lotion, rubbing his hands and placing them on the bare back of the other male. “This will help you to relax and it will feel better.” He continued his massage. 
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
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                 ❚ "I have a feeling you just enjoy seeing me run around for you." Apollo grinned, had he been standing he was sure to have been nearly hovering over the primordial god. He enjoyed to be flirtatious while invading personal space - while he did like to tease with his overwhelming presence, Apollo enjoyed more knowing that Eros was attracted to him. Not so he could make fun of the god, but more so he could have some menial reassurance that he likely didn't need for his already massive ego. "You should sing for me sometime." 
                      Letting out a light chuckle at the level of self awareness the primordial had over his decisions, Apollo couldn't help but want to lean in and place his lips against Eros's skin. But they were't there yet and he hated the barrier they had between each other. He wasn't sure if Eros could feel the tension, on Apollo's side it was all sexual and even emotional, but Eros seemed far too casual to be giving any such a thing to Apollo. As far as he knew, he was the only with absurd heavy breathing and a feverish itch to touch his skin. None of that was outright and in the primordial's face, but Apollo felt as though it might as well have been. "Is that some sort of projection? Are you providing them with something you want?" He turned to look at Eros, meaning that in all seriousness and not trying to make the god uncomfortable. 
Tired Hands ❚ Apollo&Eros
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{ ➴ } ; —-
         ”Well, now you know you have an invite, but it might expire, you know. You need to renew things from time to time.” Eros laughed, because that was nice to hear, even if he didn’t believe it, and not because it wouldn’t be true, but because it came from the sun god, the arrogant Olympian. “Yes, of course. Who best to tell me something like this than the god of music, mh?”
          “Mm,” he twisted his mouth, finishing what he was doing with them. “I’m not sure. I guess a couple of weeks ago. It’s not easy, I think I chose the worst season to start with this, but I wanted to give them some love and a nice home. And in my other house … I don’t think they would survive. There is no sun there, and having them limited in a small pot thing, it would be cruel to them.”
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godwithalaurelcrown-blog · 10 years ago
For a moment, Apollo thought he had angered the immortal and was about to sigh at the end of their pleasant encounter. Maybe the joking was too much and Eros had thought he was making fun of him. Twisting his mouth and then looking forward, the sun god hadn't anticipated to feel Eros try to take off his clothes, without thinking - he complied and lifted his arms so the other could slip his shirt off. "Should I take my pants off too?" It was half a joke and half in earnest, he didn't know if the god wanted to search him completely and for the sake of Eros's need to know, he would have not fought him on it. 
{ ➴ } ; —-
         This time Eros didn’t say a word, he just huffed and walked to stand on his back again, since when he turned to look at him, his body turned too. Without asking for permission, the Primordial tried to remove Apollo’s clothes, looking frantically for something on his back, as if he was a dog worried and excited at the same time, looking for something important.
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