gods-of-harmony 2 months
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Also for funsies here's my sona who is totally a normal unicorn yes not secretly a bug no sir
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gods-of-harmony 2 months
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I'm sure I'll figure out a solid design for her someday
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Also say hi to the sun
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gods-of-harmony 2 months
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I'm sure I'll figure out a solid design for her someday
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Also say hi to the sun
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gods-of-harmony 3 months
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gods-of-harmony 3 months
Wip pinned post
Pls send asks it helps me stay motivated to work on this.
Basic concept: After the tree of harmony died and the elements were destroyed, the mane 6 became the new conduits for the elements. Over time, the magic changed them, and they changed it. They slowly morphed into gods, part of the very nature of their world. Now the planet seems to govern itself, with the ancients quietly running it invisible to most.
Currently available for asks: Certain ponies of the Past.
Just give it a shot, see who or what responds. You can also make requests for me to draw certain characters.
#Flicker Mist- Mod talks/text posts (it's my ponysona ehe)
#Gods of Harmony- Feels pretty self explanatory, if you draw anything for this au please use this tag and also @ me plspplsplspls
Some Inspirations: @/skyscrapergods (HIGHLY recommend this blog excellent takes on diff species n godhood n oughgh good eats), classic Greek mythos, a little bit of TMA, my own lack of ability to cope with beloved characters dying of age
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gods-of-harmony 3 months
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Twilight! Still figuring out how I want her to look- she was, after all, the only one whose body was prepared for godhood.
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gods-of-harmony 3 months
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If a god asks to race, well,
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gods-of-harmony 3 months
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Pinkie Pie Godhood except this time with A Frilly Bow
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gods-of-harmony 4 months
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Twilight! Still figuring out how I want her to look- she was, after all, the only one whose body was prepared for godhood.
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gods-of-harmony 4 months
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If a god asks to race, well,
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gods-of-harmony 4 months
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Pinkie Pie Godhood except this time with A Frilly Bow
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gods-of-harmony 4 months
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Decided I didn't go ham enough with Rarity's design, still think I could go harder.
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gods-of-harmony 4 months
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Decided I didn't go ham enough with Rarity's design, still think I could go harder.
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gods-of-harmony 5 months
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Have some doodles from the other night as well
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gods-of-harmony 5 months
How are y'all doin'? Like- how are you guys adjusting so far? For example; What are the best and worst perks of becoming- well- Gods?
-A worried watcher
(A question mostly out of worry for the physical and mental health for theses mares-)
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AJ: I am a bit concerned about the others, but I'm real busy right now on the farm. I can walk n' talk though, if ya want.
(You can also try to reach the others, if you want! ID under the readmore.)
ID: An older Applejack with a braided bun in her mane, wearing a collared shirt. She's responding to the ask in speech bubbles:
I mean, "gods" is a bit strong, ain't it?
It's strange, though..
Twilight's been real cagey since this all started... (n' Pinkie's been hiccupping fireworks but that may just be a pinkie thing)
I'm sure she's figurin' it out...!
In the meantime, my grays're all but gone, 'n my joints don't ache hardly ever, anymore.
I'll take the blessings.
(Past!AJ is available for asks!)
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gods-of-harmony 5 months
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Rarity, goddess of compassion, charity, and fortune. Brings forth change to help ensure a sense of balance, provides life and light to those in need. Be warned, however, if you allow greed to fester- the earth will split open and swallow you whole.
Or: The Very Tall Unicorn That Hunts Millionaires For Sport
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These sketches r older but I still like em so here u go
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gods-of-harmony 5 months
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We love a nonbinary king. The lesbian of all time. Became a sentient storm and often hangs out over the sea, but can stretch their consciousness to any current weather. Forms a smaller version of himself out of rain and lightning to socialize, and frequently uses this extension of self to take naps on her big orange wife.
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