godblissamerica2204 · 5 years
what if tattoos just randomly appeared on our skin at key points in our lives and we had to figure out what they meant for ourselves
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godblissamerica2204 · 5 years
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Deep & Meaningful Quotes
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godblissamerica2204 · 5 years
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godblissamerica2204 · 5 years
My problem is that I don’t stay mad, so when people hurt me they don’t take it seriously bc I get over it so quick.
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
Take me back to the night we met… so I can turn and walk away.
-Makenzie Hipple
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it feels like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anybody else to feel like that.”
— Robin Williams
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
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No reason to front for yourself
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
I can feel it in my heart that we are not meant to be together, yet my soul screams that we are not meant to be apart.
-my contradicting body
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
How dare you walk into my life and break down the walls I carefully built, making me trust you when I trusted no one else. How dare you make me feel like someone finally cared about me. How dare you make me love you just to walk out of my life and completely destroy me.
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
“That was the problem: I loved you too much. I thought of you too much. The memories of you are shattering the life out of me.”
— Juansen Dizon, September Flashbacks
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godblissamerica2204 · 6 years
One of the most painful things:
to meet the right person
at the wrong time.
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