goalstudio-blog · 8 years
Makes a girl feel so motivated
I have read this article this morning and I feel so motivated today. Don't know why, don't know how but one thing is for sure.... YOU NEED TO READ IT!
 Leave your comments below... Let's check if we can assist you reaching some of these goals.
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goalstudio-blog · 8 years
Darling, you are enough
Insecurities, jealousy, pretending, a lot of google searches and denying that you are busy losing the real you!
 I know... right? We can all relate to that in some way or another.
 The struggle is real and for some - very real. But the problem is not the thick layer of make up you put on every morning - to get rid of your insecurities.  Or the stalker that you've become by stalking his ex girlfriend on Facebook, Instagram and any social media platform for that matter - just to feed your jealousy. And it is definitely not   buying that red lipstick, croptop or taking that selfie that doesn't look anything like you...
 No, that is not the problem. The real problem is - you are losing the real you. You are losing the little girl that HAD morals, dreams and a smile that was genuine! You are losing the story behind your name, you are losing the dreams in your heart and the goals you had for yourself (NO I AM NOT TAKING ABOUT "Hair goals", "Future goals", "Relationship goals" or even "Winged eyeliner goals")
 Believe me, I love those goals as well. TOO MUCH... We all do! I want perfect hair, the perfect body, a perfect relationship and even perfect winged eyeliner. But the problem is, we are so focussed on the smaller things in life...
 "Be yourself, because nobody else can"
 Let's face the facts, there will ALWAYS be a girl who is prettier, thinner, fitter, better or one with a bigger thigh gap. Deal with it.........
Wow I sound like a motivational speaker who has all my ducks in a row. That is not the case. I am also a mess. But let's learn how to be ourselves again. Find the real you. Laugh when something is funny. Cry when you are sad. Open your mouth when you are being mistreated and never ever rely on ANYBODY for your own happiness. YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH to create your own happiness!
 Accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can and have the wisdom to know the difference.
  I hope you enjoyed this blog! I actually have a lot of things lined up for all the girls. (All I am saying is - Achievable goals coming soooooon.... hair goals, couple goals, girly goals everything from TOP to BOTTOM - literally... GET READY TO SHOP!!!) Keep an eye on my page and REMEMBER THIS "GoalS'tudio"
Feel free to leave your comments.
a real Girl
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