gluanya86 · 4 years
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Federico Bernardeschi scores the 2nd goal against Sampdoria 27/07/2020
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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illegal Federico
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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sei comunque il migliore per me
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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Federico Bernardeschi is art about art
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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... in bianco e nero
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gluanya86 · 5 years
Fede invite her to her home for the first time and maybe (just maybe 👀) she's been scared o dogs and he wants her to meet his dogs and he's so gentle with her fuck
She’s never been the biggest dog fan, indeed she prefers cats over dogs because when she was six years old she got scared with one when the dog tried to be friendly with her but she felt like he wanted to attack her, so since that day she tried to be as far away of dogs as possible. He knew that. it was one of the first questions he made when they had their first date and she explained her experience with them with him, and he understood the reason behind her fear for dogs, it was normal when something like that happens when you’re a kid. She wanted to meet them because she knows they’re a huge part of his life. “Are you sure you wanna meet them? You don’t have to if you don’t feel prepared yet, you know that, right? I’m not gonna change my mind about you because of this.” He assures her caressing the soft skin of the inside of her wrist. “I do. I wanna meet your dogs Fede, at the end they’re a part of your life as well. I want you to be able to be with them and with me at the same time here. I wanna do this.” She says intertwining her fingers with his, looking at him with a smile on her face, he leans to kiss her nose.“If you feel like it’s too much, say it and we’ll leave. Don’t push too much if you don’t feel comfortable with the situation.” She nods as she sees how his hand reach for his keys in his back pocket and that’s when she starts to feel nervous. 
He opens the door slightly and stops there looking at her to make sure she’s okay and see how she reacts.“Give me a minute, they’ve been here alone so they’re over-excited and that might scare you so I’ll try to calm them a bit before you meet them, okay? Stay here.” He kisses her before entering his house and just as he imagined both of them run towards him clearly excited to see him back home jumping around him, their way of asking him to play with them. “Shhh, shhh, daddy’s home. And you’re about to meet a truly special someone so please, behave. I really want her to like you two because I really like her.” He speaks to them as if they could understand what he’s saying and in a way they do because suddenly they stop running around him and stay calm lying on the floor “Good girl…good boy.” He caresses them before returning to the front door to meet her “Are you ready? They’re relaxed now and I told them to behave.” He smiles making her chuckle shaking her head as her hand looks for his and he squeezes it as they walk into his house. Fede walks her to his living room where his dogs are lying on the carpet looking up at him when he walks in again. “The one on the right is Wendy and the other one is Spike. I bet they’re enchanted to meet you too.” He kisses her shoulder squeezing her hand again as a way of letting her know that he’s there with her. “I…can I pet them? Is there a right way to do it?” She asks shyly making him smile and he kneels in front of his dogs ready to show her how to pet his babies in the way they love to be petted.“Wendy loves when you pet her behind her ears and Spike when you pet his back.” Fede tells her petting the back of his dog as he watches her reaching her hand to touch Wendy where he told her to “If she licks you means that she likes you so don’t worry, it’s a good sing.” Her hand shakes slightly when she’s close to pet her behind her ears but when she feels his hand on her back going up and down looking at her as she were the only thing that existed for him at that very moment. As soon as her hand caresses the soft hair behind her eyes she feels less tensed than before, she smiles when she hears the sound that Wendy makes.“You do the same when I kiss your neck.” She jokes as she looks at him and he’s already smiling at her leaning to kiss her.“You’re right…you know what they say: dogs look like their owners.” He confesses making her laugh and she feels like her other hand it’s now wet and she sees Wendy licking her hand “See? I told you she’d love you…runs in the family.” She’s about to say something but a bark interrupts her and she looks down at the dog with a smile on her face, she stopped petting her and apparently, she’s not happy with it.“I think I kinda like her too…”
They’re lying on the sofa with Spike and Wendy resting on the carpet keeping them company, his hand stroking her hair as she’s lying on his chest as they enjoy a film alongside a glass of red wine. Her finger traces the tattoos on his arm enjoying the feeling of his finger stroking her hair and his kisses every now and then. He wants to tell her that what she did today meant the world for him, she wanted to face her fears just because of him and no one ever did that for him. She didn’t think twice about meeting his dogs when he dropped the topic the other day while having dinner with her. She said yes almost immediately and he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.“I’m so proud of you.” He whispers making her look up at him with a shy smile on her face and his thumb caress her cheek “God, I couldn’t love you more.”
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
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gluanya86 · 5 years
Bellissimo Fede
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Tanti auguri, amore mio, ti meriti essere felice.
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