glossblonde-blog 5 years
She is so beautiful! Line is awesome
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Im tired
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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路潞路.路潞 聽Naga Siren 潞路.路潞路
I had to save the mother of all mermaids for the last day of #mermay. It鈥檚 been a fun challenge! :)
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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Spectral maiden - death prophet
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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shadow fiend attempt 4 (hundred)
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
Phantom Lancer, I hate all of you.
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
SEA winners match - is interesting
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
Is Axe that good as Blizzy thinks?
Axe remains terrific. Possessing a marginally weaker Reverse Polarity, however, on a 10-second cooldown as a substitute for a 130-second one is a really excellent trade-off. Additionally, Axe can be quite powerful in lane and jungles quicker than many heroes in the sport.
He could always receive his Blink Dagger and degrees. He can always initiate on spell resistant goals. He could always deal significant amounts of harm.
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That does not make the hero unique, however. Magnus can reposition enemies, Centaur supplies disengagement tools, Brewmaster neutralizes a danger for a lengthy time period, Beastmaster provides excellent auras plus a huge vision benefit. Particularly in the later stages of this game where acquiring Culling Blade enthusiast is tougher.
Therefore, the protagonist is most likely in his best when you've got many insecure, high-reward heroes who demand space and therefore are only really good in particular situations, like hitting enemies that can not retaliate.
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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The mistress of the night
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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one of my fav characters :)
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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Prophet and her followers
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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Naga Siren
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
Respect the earth鈥haker.
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
Slark cannot kill techies?聽
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
Brewmaster is a new Phantom Assassin?
For example an offlaner he can gain access to more things, but we have seen his playstyle grow further from the Blink and much more towards auras.
This development looks pretty natural--Thunder Clap is a really strong slow and invisibly, but it isn't a tricky disable. Most cellular targets will have enough time to disengage, most take personalities will have enough time to press on their BKB and will normally have the capability to respond. Therefore, building a comparatively tanky Brewmaster with great auras who will frontline, draw focus and, if necessary, use his supreme in a struggle where the enemy participated themselves is what the majority of professional teams perform.
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For that to succeed you do not necessarily require Blink Dagger, thus the total price of this protagonist is a little reduced and his timings are not as crucial. This usually means he can be performed as a service and feel absolutely fine or, rather, remain solo in his lane after the first five minutes of this match, leeching XP and farming volcano when potential. This frees one of those sidelane supports and from the present meta it may be quite powerful.
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
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Irene as Crystal Maiden
photo by me
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glossblonde-blog 5 years
It was time to clear the underbrush.
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