glorynohr-blog · 7 years
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[I’ve finally decided to reboot my ol’ blog here. I’ve deleted all my drafts and asks to start fresh, and I’m dropping most of my old threads for a nice, clean slate. So! Starter call AND plotting call here! Slap that heart button for something!]
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
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    Hey, hey!! Pearl here! Can I get some reblogs if you’re all for interacting with a rebooted dual oc blog for Xander’s first retainers??
    Please and thankies!!
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
After their successful conquest of the key parts of Hoshido, Xander is in charge of freeing any Nohrian prisoners that were held captive by Hoshido, and he decided to follow this small group of soldiers as they unlock each prisoner free from their jail room–the crown prince did not expect to see an old face, whom he thought was dead a while back,but there she was–alive. 
“Aulin.” her name came out so freely, as his vision blur realizing the emotions he had bottled up so long is finely being released. 
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“I will do no such thing.” his usual authoritative voice became softer, and straining on some words as he walked over to her than bringing her to an embrace–of course the height difference was noticeable now as he held her like a life line, “I…I thought you were dead.” now guilt was hitting him hard, “I should have stayed with you two.” 
Aulin was, by no means, a midget in size. While a respectable height, she cannot fail to notice how easily Xander towers over her. She was his senior, by many years; that much was true. And yet, she feels tiny and vulnerable in his embrace, her tears betraying a pent-up melancholy she had intended to keep bottled up. While in his service, she carefully concealed her personal affairs. That was not to say she hadn’t trusted Xander. Quite the contrary. She trusted him explicitly, but she had served him in his childhood; at the time, she had no business dragging a child into her woes.
Now, however, he had grown into a remarkable man---and the gates of tears crumbled upon realizing that. Pride and former woe mingled in those tears. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she was gladdened by the fact he hadn’t departed the room nor averted his eyes. 
“Milord, there’s no point in blaming yourself.”
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“I remember that day clearly. We...we told you to run. At the time, we thought we were to be killed.” Aulin’s voice didn’t waver at this. The memory was painful, but she steeled herself to keep from stuttering. “In that interim, you’ve grown strong. You survived.” 
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
Xander startled at the sound of knuckles knocking against his bedroom door. He was still on edge after having been attacked, a long, tender and fragile scar along his left breast left over from one of the maids taking care of the injury. It would take some time for the skin to heal completely, but at least there was no more blood or pain. Even so, the lack of a fresh wound didn’t make the fight any less real. 
Feeling the threat of tears burning behind his eyes, the anxiety that bubbled in his chest and threatened to spill out of his throat lessened ever so slightly when he heard the familiar voice of his retainer. Julius was safe. He was comforting and kept Xander away from danger. 
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❝ C-come in… ❞
Squeezing his stuffed rabbit closer to his chest as though she was an effective shield, he eyed the door from his bed, his nerves making him wonder if someone out for his blood would open the door instead of Julius. He didn’t know if he could fight off another sibling or mistress…
Julius had almost expected no answer. Sure, his liege was a quiet lad. And yet, he can’t deny what paranoia an in-fight would instill within all those who were involved. He made a mental note to fabricate a password for them to trade around, so that Lord Xander could rest assured that no enemy would break into his chambers. A second mental note was made to never betray the password to any who attempted to pry it from him. It was the least he could do. 
He opens the door to find the prince clutching his stuffed rabbit close. He’d given that thing a name at some point. Julius cast his mind to recall it and found that he could not. Oh, well. Rather, he regards his liege with a pitying sort of gaze. It was one of empathy, for he knew what the lad was suffering at the moment. Killing had shaken him up the same way, at first. 
“How are you holding up, milord?”
Julius holds up his hands to reveal nothing in them. That was to satisfy the maids who had eyed him as he entered. He strolls to his liege’s bedside, but keeps a respectful distance---mindful that the lad needed some space. 
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“I heard the news. Grim stuff. Wanna talk about it?”
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
@breidabliks-chosen II Starter Call
Remorselessly, Julius had trailed after the traveler, intending to pry his wealth and whatever else he had been carrying. It was the way of scavengers---those forced to make do with few funds and fewer comforts. He had since graduated from feelings and shame, and simply deigned to steal whenever whim had seized him. Today, a lone traveler---the perfect prey!---had caught his attention. 
Sheltered from sight by a tree, he silently counted to three. At zero, he would leap from behind. 
What happened occurred without stealth, thanks to an awry step on a twig. The resounding snap was impossible to miss. 
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“Uh, hey there. Just a local guy tryin’ to surprise ya. Greetings, traveler. To pass me by, give up some coins---preferably, all you’ve got.”
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
( Angst Me No More — Ask Meme )
“Are you sure?”
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Forgive me.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Have you ever been afraid like this?”
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“How could you do this?”
“Your problems are not of my concern.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“Nobody else seemed to notice.”
“I thought you were different.”
“Do you love me?”
“I understand.”
“Mind if I sleep here tonight?”
“How long has it been since you last slept?”
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Can I trust you?”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t go. Please.”
“I’m the same, you know.”
“Just go. Leave.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You lied to me.”
“I thought it would be easier to leave.”
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
@nohreign II Starter Call
Julius had heard the latest in news. It hadn’t been pleasant, in learning of the actions his liege had been forced to take in self-defense. These inane Concubine Wars had rendered these children killed or killers, and likely not by will. Ah, Julius remembered keenly when his own first kill had occurred. Similar to little lord Xander, he had been barely a teen; despite his wishes against it, the attacker’s life had been snuffed out. Then again, Julius had done this while living on the streets, where no consequence were doled nor felt. Prince Xander would never be so lucky. 
He approached the lad’s chambers, a startling disquiet accompanying him.  It was an eerie silence, likely spawned from anticipation. What lied behind that door was a child with the melancholy of murder. However, Julius would not cower because of that. He knocked on the door, once, twice. 
“Lord Xander?”
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“I’m takin’ a gamble when I say you’re in there. But I think you are. I’d like to talk. Recent things ‘n all. Mind if I come in?”
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
Meh, don’t mind him eyeing a passerby as though he’s going to pounce.
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What? An honest thief can honestly steal! And old habits never truly die. Where to hide for cover was the question. As he pondered a plan, Julius fails to notice another person approaching him. 
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
@gleefullnohrian II Starter Call
Alright, so sue him. Julius, while adept at lock-picking, hadn’t mastered the delicate technique of flower arrangement. He mostly avoided flowers, sticking to shadows that weren’t nearly as vibrant. Red, the color of enemies, and the black of mystery were his two hues of choice. He crumpled a flower in his hand, and offered up an apologetic smile to the young princess. Oops. He wasn’t cut out for this. 
“Ya make this look easy, milady.”
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“Huh. How many of these things have ya strung over there? It looks like an actual crown! Not, uh, a failure flop like mine.” He chuckled, placing the ruins flower upon the ground. “So, got any tips for me?”
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
@wielderofsiegfried II Starter Call
Hoshido’s prisons, while kinder than those of Nohr, hadn’t made for easy languishing. Convinced in her evidence-lacking notion of her liege being long dead, Aulin had lamented him during her prison sentence. It pained her to consider that he’d never survive to adulthood. Confirming the contrary had occurred brought her no small amount of leaping joy----and shock. She had remained nearly silent as the transaction had gone and passed. Hoshido had returned her to her liege. Who had survived, and towered above her as a regal commander and prince of Nohr. 
Once freed from prison, Aulin let her pent-up tears loose. They trailed down her cheeks, having been warranted so long ago. 
“A-avert your eyes, Lord Xander.”
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“I’ll regain my composure in a moment. I....just need to a moment...”
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glorynohr-blog · 7 years
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[I’ve finally decided to reboot my ol’ blog here. I’ve deleted all my drafts and asks to start fresh, and I’m dropping most of my old threads for a nice, clean slate. So! Starter call AND plotting call here! Slap that heart button for something!]
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glorynohr-blog · 8 years
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[Head canon: While Xander has no problem recognizing his retainers later in life (they aged rather well, all things considered), they cannot recognize him as an adult. You see, Julius and Aulin thought Xander had been killed during the Concubine Wars, and they never even considered that he’d survive to adulthood. When they first lay eyes on him, they’re convinced he’s one of the younger princes who usurped the throne from their “long-dead” liege. When he reveals his true identity to them....there’s a lot of tears, to say the least.]
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glorynohr-blog · 8 years
@bushimeiyo [continued from here]
WHILE THE PRISON they languished in was far from luxurious, it went without saying that beggars couldn’t be choosers. In that vein, Aulin and Julius were lucky to have emerged from their hostile encounter with Hoshido with their lives. Albeit prisoners, they were grateful to remain in one piece; Nohrian prisoners were treated far worse. 
Oh, she knew that for certain. A former criminal, Aulin had been a frequenter to Nohr’s prisons; Hoshido’s looked rather benevolent in comparison. Still, guilt towards abandoning her liege, while not of her own volition, had gnawed heavily at her. While Hoshido’s prison conditions were kinder, the circumstances of her incarceration were not. If anything, she was worse off now, having been severed from her purpose. 
Perhaps that was why she forcibly wore her cat-like, mirthless grin. A manner of not betraying her sentiments.
“Oh, we’ve noticed.”
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“You’re not subtle at all, Lord Ryoma. The first question you spew is of our welfare. Is that all our interactions are to you? Business, simply checking in?” A small giggle, but not at all kind nor amused. “Ah, better than nothing. I grew weary of conversing to your guards and prison walls.”
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glorynohr-blog · 8 years
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[I’ll get up to making a post about my survival verse for these two at some point, but would any of my new followers care for a starter?]
[If yes, punch that heart button + I’ll write you a li’l something!]
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glorynohr-blog · 8 years
❝It’s… you’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave.❞ (( nohreign ))
Meme II Accepting!
OF ALL THINGS to admit, she hadn’t expected that. Had the lad’s mind spewed forth a dream of their parting, and had he, distressed, thought it would come to pass? To put stock in dreams was a fool’s errand, but a mistake many children justifiably made. A bemused little smirk caught on her lips, one that a mother softly chiding a child would have. It was neither teasing nor scornful; rather, it was inexplicably kind.
 “One’s instincts may be good, milord, but they can also be fooled.”
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“Yours are simply that. Mistaken. Do I look the type to up and leave without notice?”
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glorynohr-blog · 8 years
“I think I can handle it.” for julius maybe ??
Meme II Accepting! 
“NOW, NOW. We all now false confidence is the undoing of….huh. What was it they say? Some witty way of saying ‘everyone’?”
Despite how horribly he butchered that old adage, Julius presented forth a smile of unparalleled brightness. He was adept at killing anything, be they an adage or a person, really. It was about time that talent showed. 
Disarmingly happily, he tossed a small dagger into the air, and caught it with an effortless swing of his hand. A little demonstration. 
“You’re probably wrong, is the point I’m tryin’ to make. Surviving a few skirmishes gives ya the confidence ya can survive more. It’s pretty much the novice trap—and you’ll need to snap outta it if ya want my help.”
Deliberately, he plunged the little implement into the ground, edge-first. Again, demonstrating his point. 
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“Do we understand each other, girlie?”
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glorynohr-blog · 8 years
『 X 』Narrowing her eyes, her piercing glare hadn’t faltered for a second. It remained fixated on the man, emotionless — yet spiteful. Julius was no different than her, and she saw it. He could drop as many clever remarks as he pleased, it didn’t mask what he was well enough. A killer is a killer, no matter how they try to cover it up. The reflection she caught in his eyes was that, and that alone. It’s a look nobody can simply shroud without blinding themselves, and even then, it’s written into one’s entire being after their first taste of blood. 
This man, however, seemed insistent on prattling on. How annoying… 
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❝It doesn’t matter in what fashion you die in. If you laugh in my face during your final breath, it wouldn’t alter your existence ceasing.❞ Pausing, she resisted the urge to walk away — immediately noting her mistake in not doing so. ❝… Do you not have duties to attend to?❞
HE’S UNDER CROSS HAIRS of judgment---hers. Not that he’ll shirk from her gaze, knowing that. He’s all too accustomed to fellow assassins and would-be clients affixing him with a nonplussed stare, wondering how he’s the assassin they’ve all heard of. All the same, he simply deigns to meet it the way he always does: with an impeccable smile, made to mask his distaste for the judgments of others. To add insult to injury, he gave her a teasing tap on the shoulder. The message was clear. Who cares what you think?
“My duties aren’t going anywhere. Don’t sweat the details, hun.”
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“If ya did, well. that wouldn’t be much fun. Geeeeez. You’re a real-deal party pooper, as proven. See, I tell my kills a joke as I kill ‘em. Let them go out with a bang, y’know? Or didja forget fun’s a thing?”
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