I am
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they/he/she | experienced shifter.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 3 months ago
btw, if you say you're a system, or if you say you're plural, I will believe you. no matter what. it doesnt matter how many alters you have, amounts of amnesia you have, how good or bad your communication is, whatever. if you say you are plural, then in my eyes, you are plural, and I will love you no matter what.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
And suddenly the words "I want to permashift" come out of my mouth which isn't weird because as a child I always wanted to escape
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
The amount of people who are shifting rn is crazy like i love that for you shehhshshs ALSO THIS IS A REMINDER THAT EVEN YOU CAN SHIFT. YOU'VE ALREADY SHIFTED YK.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
you heard of the "refer to your dr self in first person instead of talking like it's somebody else."
now may I present to you: "referring to your cr self in third person" to detach from this reality.
I'm not involved in this bitch's life anymore, I'm leaving.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
Why Are Shifting and Manifesting the Same Thing?
If you experience derealization or are psychologically vulnerable, please skip this. I will not offer comfort in my DMs.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------Glossary 6D = Multiverse 5D = Matrix of Information 4D = Assumptions 3D = Reality
What we call "reality" is essentially an information stream from the 5D, representing possibilities within the 6D (the multiverse). The multiverse is an infinite collection of information and possibilities, with each reality defined by the options it contains.
→ We perceive this information stream through our senses—sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.
→ Our interpretation of this information shapes our reality and is influenced by personal filters like fears, beliefs, and experiences, which we call assumptions (4D).
Since information is non-physical, our consciousness can switch between these streams of information.
Shifting is the act of choosing a different information stream.
You can shift to various realities based on your desires. There are countless multiverses, each with different concepts and infinite possibilities. The multiverse consists of information that you interact with on higher planes, which you then manifest into physical reality.
Your mind creates these planes, and your consciousness determines what you choose to experience. In the physical plane, the 4D is accessible through your imagination, which is a tool for manifestation. By approving or rejecting certain information and staying firm in your assumptions, you guide this process.
When you make an assumption in the 4D, information is drawn from the 5D and manifests in the 3D, determining your position within a specific multiverse (6D).
- All of your circumstances are information. - Your Current Reality (CR) is just a stream of information. - Your Desired Reality (DR) is just a stream of information.
→ When you manifest, you change your assumptions to alter one or more circumstances—essentially, one or more possibilities or pieces of information. → When you shift reality, you change your assumptions to alter an entire set of circumstances that make up a reality—essentially, the totality of information or the majority of it.
In both cases, you gain access to the matrix of information, allowing you to change your circumstances in :
Another reality
Another set of realities within the multiverse
Another multiverse
We are constantly shifting due to the ongoing flow of information between the 5D and 3D. What causes unconscious and constant shifts is our self-concept—how we see ourselves.
Therefore, you can use manifestation techniques to shift and shifting techniques to manifest. In any case, you are never staying in the same reality.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------The idea that reality is fundamentally a flow of information is supported by thinkers across fields like theoretical physics, cognitive science, and technology. Key contributors include:
Philosophers and Physicists:
John Wheeler: Proposed "It from bit," meaning reality is composed of information, not matter.
Max Tegmark: Describes a mathematical and informational universe.
David Deutsch: Connects quantum mechanics with informational processes.
Carlo Rovelli: Views reality relationally, where information is central.
Nick Bostrom: Suggests the universe may be a computer simulation, based on data.
Organizations and Projects:
CIA (Gateway & Stargate Projects): Explored altered states and remote viewing, suggesting reality is influenced by non-conventional information.
Blue Brain Project: Simulating the brain to show consciousness as information processing.
Wolfram Physics Project: Proposes the universe follows computational rules.
Information Theorists:
Gregory Chaitin: Sees the universe as a complex computer program.
Claude Shannon: Founded information theory, making information a measurable reality component.
Other Thinkers:
Donald Hoffman: Argues our perception hides objective reality, which is informational.
These thinkers and projects emphasize that information is the key to understanding the structure of the universe and reality itself.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
"You're delusional. Shifting doesn't exist" How I'm gon be when im in bed with your faves while you're crying that they don't exist:
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
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You are in control. You have always been. You can shift and you will shift.
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Stop looking for answers outside yourself.
You already have all it takes to wake up in your DR.
You are the key to shifting because you are all you need to shift.
There's nothing left for you to do.
Stop overthinking it. Stop overcomplicating it.
Let go of control. It's okay. You got this.
Shifting is inevitable.
Accept it; YOU WILL SHIFT.
I believe in you, happy shifting <3
xoxo, Hydra
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Not gonna lie, this was mainly for me. But hopefully, someone else needed to hear it too.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
I literally cannot oversell this at this point. I mean it's just that easy. All you have to do is accept that it is already yours rn. LIKE RN. I mean that's it. And it's that simple. And there isn't any catch to it. This isn't an eye for an eye kind of a thing.
Accepting that you have something when you don't (in the 3d) can seem daunting at first but trust me it isn't. Everything in your life till now are a result of your assumptions in the past. You have never not been creating your life. This wasn't something you just started when you first learned about loass, nope. You've been doing this since the minute you started thinking consciously. Your thoughts have been shaped by your parents, family, society and other surroundings which is why every one of us lead such different lives. Now you may not have had control over which family/circumstances you were born into but you have total and complete control over changing each and every thing about it now. It's as simple as that.
It's complicated only if you say it is. It will become complicated only if you assume so. Every single time you tell me how it's not working for you why don't you fucking understand that you're the reason why it isn't working for you??! Why you're the only one making it complicated!!!! Every single time you dwell on your so called circumstances, you're the one reaffirming it. Telling yourself how this is true in your reality when you could be completely rejecting it as nonsense and instead choose to accept what you want as true in your life.
There is no shortcut to this and there is no magical formula to this as well. And it couldn't be more easier. You either have it or you don't. YOU DECIDE.
Love, SHRADS ❤️
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
Stop acting like you can't script you have the PERFECT life, PERFECT relationship, PERFECT friendships, etc, etc!!!!! You are LIMITLESS, there are INFINITE LIMITLESS realities. Knock your shit off.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
“Imagine if shifting was as easy as pressing the shift button on a keyboard…”
yeah… imagine…
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
Desire is a memory.
You're never desperate for anything, desperation is fulfillment in disguise. You know how good it'd feel to have it because you do. You're mistaking having for wanting. You have it in the 4D.
You want your desired life or reality because you've been there. You want to be beautiful because deep down thats what you know you are.
Desire is a memory. You want it because you have it. Trust the 4D.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
you could have your desires by now.
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just think about it. remember when you joined loablr- was it days? weeks? months? years??
imagine if after the first post you saw that "really made it click for you", you just stopped scrolling. you stopped looking for success stories, informative posts, etc etc, and you started applying the law. you would probably be living your dream life right now.
but instead, you stay on loablr and delude yourself into thinking you're "looking for the key to loa", when in reality, you're just lazy and you don't want to apply!
"b-but i can't manifest! i have intrusive thoughts and difficult circumstances and should i use states or a&p and do i have to believe it and which technique should i use and i-"
this post is calling out everyone who's said stuff like that. this post is a sign to LOG TF OUT OF TUMBLR AND GET YOUR DESIRES!! You know what to do and how to apply, so WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU DOING IT?!
and i don't want to hear anybody going "well, i got off tumblr and persisted for a week, but i still don't have my desires!" THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM- YOU KEEP LOOKING FOR YOUR DESIRES IN THE 3D.
When are you gonna realize that when people say "persist in the 4d and understand that the 3d is irrelevant", THEY MEAN IT! FOCUS ON THE 4D!! STOP SAYING "i'm persisting in the 4d but i still don't have my desires? where are they?" IF YOU WERE ACTUALLY PERSISTING IN THE 4D, YOU WOULDN'T BE LOOKING FOR RESULTS IN THE 3D- YOU WOULD BE SATISFIED WITH IMAGINATION.
again, get off of tumblr. don't say "ok well i'm just gonna scroll for a little bit longer 🤪" i'm serious, get off of tumblr. screenshot 1 or 2 posts that really make you understand the law, then apply it!
xoxo, your fav stargirl aaliyah
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
Suddenly everything is related to shifting
A show
A series
A tiktok
A feeling
A pin on Pinterest
A memory
A text
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
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it makes me sad seeing people ask if their dr is morally okay or if they’re “allowed” to script a certain thing. girl its YOUR dr. the reality already exists. go nuts.
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
the day you gave up..
the day you gave up on shifting was the day you lost a piece of yourself, of what you could become. you lost every experience you could’ve had. every person you could’ve loved or loved you.
the day you gave up on shifting you gave up on yourself and bettering your life, bettering your mentality.
you gave up on becoming anything or anyone you could ever dream of. you gave up on exceeding this realities limitations, limitations you had just gotten rid of.
you gave up on being happy… happy with the people you swore to do this for, happy with the situations you put yourself in instead of the one you were born in.
if you were thinking about giving up this is your sign not to, dont ever give up. one day you will achieve what you were meant to and the reason you discovered shifting in the first place, will be fulfilled. you are not bound to this reality so dont put your chains back on willingly.
can you tell i wrote this for myself ? 🙀
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glmishfftingrelities8 · 5 months ago
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in another universe, shifters aren’t ridiculed for finding a way to be in another universe
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