glmir · 4 years
me like if there has to be m/f ships in this show then bow/glimmer is cute, i guess, but also. glimmer’s a lesbian and bow’s gay and their friendship is peak mlm wlw solidarity.
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glmir · 4 years
i’m not guaranteeing anything im gonna wait till i finish this season and then decide if im fully bringing this blog back gfkngdkf but god i love glimmer
in the meantime y’all can find me @ @behld & @anchoir !!
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glmir · 4 years
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01 .   tell me something real     02 .   tell me something true       03 .   i just want to feel there’s              something left that i can do !
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glmir · 4 years
season five.............
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glmir · 5 years
💋 lov u sparkly gf.....i mean..........................sparkly princess ig
lov U jock gf…………………………   😘✨
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glmir · 5 years
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sparkly princess says lesbian rights,   more news at 11
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glmir · 5 years
*           aqora‌           ,
DANCE,          the     word     she     was     looking     for     was              ...               DANCE.                                                                  ❝         uhm                   what         ?         ❞               as  to  be  expected  of  her,     glimmer’s  remark  was  obviously  greeted  by  a  questioning           &.            …             rather  confused  adora,                            who’s  standing  in  front  of  her  board,                        filled  with  papers  and  whatnot  regarding  the  infamous  princess  ball                          up  there,    there  seemed  to  be  all  kinds  of  notes  and  messages               .           how  to  greet  the  host,                how  to  bow…              how  to  smile  politely  to  the  guests                                                               but  to  dance  ?                            that    was    out    of    the    question    !                         she’s  clearly  pondering  onto  the  mere  idea  of  having  herself                      …                     dance  at  a                 party.                                     she’s…    heard  of  it  before.                       once                perhaps  twice…                              (         that  was  a  lie,   she’s  never  really  heard  of  it  before,   except  for  that  one  time  she  had  first  arrived  in  bright  moon                        unaware  of  the  term  itself,                  but  merely  presented  to  a  group  of  people  that  were  just...               moving  across  a  field  to  the  beat  of  the  music.          )                                how  odd  was  that  ?                            ❝           oh,       no…       i  am                   not  doing  that.        no…       nope        !              ❞
a  little  thing  for  @glmir.
‘   adora!   ’            that trademark glimmer stubbornness,      hands on hips paired with sparkling grin            :            IT’S EASY!      and more importantly,      it is a time - honored princess prom tradition            . . .            glimmer usually dances with bow,      but she can save a dance for adora.            ONCE SHE TEACHER HER HOW,      THAT IS.            little twirl as she crosses the room to adora’s side,      always the dramatic flair.            ‘   you can’t go to princess prom and not dance!      it's      . . .      basically against the rules!            &            with all your research,      you wouldn’t want to be rude!   ’            sparkle in the eye!           glimmer takes adora’s hand            —            practically pleading,      ready to pull her into a waltz the moment she agrees.            ‘         it’s easy!      and it’s fun!   ’
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glmir · 5 years
*            aqora‌            ,
❝        i  don’t…     really  feel  like  talking  now.        ❞             she’s  unapologetic:        direct,   even               .            (            she’s  upset,   and  she’s  n̲o̲t̲  afraid  to  show  it.            )                                   it’s  been  a  few,        rough  couple  of  days                                    and  though  a  thunderous  wave  had  hit  her,                        as  well  as  many  of  the  others  that  made  up  what  she  referred  to  as  her  close  group  of  friends                …             it  had  also  been  quite  inevitable  for  her  to  clash  with  glimmer:                             an  awful         awful  thing,  ��really                   …                   for  she  found  no  sense,      or  taste  in  the  continuous  fights  she’d  have  with  the  princess.                                                                         especially  not  at  a  time  like  that                                           not  after  everything  they’d  been  through…               not  now.               with  the  queen  gone...           unrest  reigned  supreme.                   adora  would  quietly  pull  her  knees  a  bit  closer  to  her  chest,                      her  fingers  gently  stroking  the  sides  of  her  legs,         as  to  wrap  them  into  a  tightened  hug                 .            only  the  distant  moonstone  would  be  able  to  contrast  their  saddened  features,             against  the  darkness  that  was  in  the  room.         she’s  heard  glimmer  walk  in,        after  noticing  the  chatter  of  the  others  in  the  other  room  quiet  down,    by  the  time  the  door  had  been  shut.                              her  aura’s  unique                   special  to  her,   alone                                  she’d  swear  she  could  hear  the  faintest  sound  of  glitter  continuously…         furiously  clashing  against  one  another.                          it’s  sweet.     but  it  isn’t  something  she  welcomes  with  delight.                      not  now,     at  least.         not  after  their  previous  exchange.
it’s  true:             maybe,                if  it  wasn’t  for  her,              angella  would  still  be  there.
@glmir​         »          💛         .
there are some words you regret immediately upon saying      :      it is possible to be honest and to hurt at the same time,      &      glimmer’s done that to terrible effect!           (      SHE - RA ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH!      SHE - RA GOT MY MOTHER KILLED!      they’re her own words but they leave a taste in her mouth like rotted fruit.   )            it doesn’t help that some part of her meant it      —      when she sees adora,            when she sees she - ra,            she pictures her mother’s face lifeless      &      martyred for a cause that is looking desperate these days,      and there’s a frustrated anger behind her grief,      begging to be let out!
            –––––––            so she had.      let it out.      and the instant pang of regret,      and the tears in adora’s eyes,      and the hand reached out but untouching,      and      —
she’s tried to give adora some time but she can’t hold herself back      :      glimmer has never been the patient type,      and queendom does not change a girl so quickly.                 (   even that!      the thought of the crown!      even that brings bitterness to her heart,      crushed backwards in favor of an apology      —      ADORA IS HER FRIEND,      and glimmer’s made a mistake,      but,      but,      but            —   —   —            this will all be fine.      it has to be!   )
she enters the room softly.      she doesn’t say hello,      doesn’t say anything until she’s sitting next to adora      :      PERCHING ON THE EDGE,      as far from adora as she could be.      glimmer’s not good at distance.      she wants to reach out      —      but the fear that her touch would be unwelcome keeps her.      two sides of her are at war      :      one that blames adora,      still,      stubbornly grief - filled and angry,            and another that wants more than anything for everything to be okay!            these fights need to stop      —      they need to be friends again!            –––––––      if that’s even possible.
shake of the head.            ‘   adora,      we need to talk.   ’            she looks down at her lap,      at her hands,      the hands of a too - young queen!,      rather than at her friend.            a moment passes,      then            :                  ‘   i’m sorry.      i      —      i shouldn’t have said that,      i didn’t mean to.   ’                 (        ––––––      not i didn’t mean it      :      merely that some thoughts should remain unspoken.   )
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glmir · 5 years
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glmir · 5 years
i love all my friends equally: adora, bow, adora, bow, adora, bow, ador
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glmir · 5 years
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etheria’s last hope
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glmir · 5 years
*      @catpra​​  : what do you do? what do you DO?! i hate you! damn you!
‘   what do i do?      what do you do?   ’            hands balled into fists,      the princess feels half - ready to explode,      a stubborn anger gnawing at her heart!            ‘   ooooh,      i’m catra,      all i do all day is try to sabotage people trying to save etheria because i’m sooooo evil and all i care about is myself!      i don’t care if you hate me!      i hate you more!   ’
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glmir · 5 years
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we live with the dead people in the land of the dead.
eurydice was a great musician. orpheus was his wife.
she can’t speak your language anymore. she talks in the language of dead people now.
it’s a very quiet language.
listen to her the way you would listen to your own daughter if she died too young and tried to speak to you across long distances.
there was a roar, and a coldness.
how strange. i don’t remember.
it was horrible to see his face when i died.
i forgot his name. i forgot all the names.
what happiness it would be to cry.
i was not lonely, only alone with myself begging myself not to leave my own body, but i was leaving.
how do you say good-bye to yourself?
oh! i’m waiting for someone to meet me, i think.
father is not a word that dead people understand.
i wanted to remember your name.
i heard your name inside the rain — somewhere between the drops — i saw falling letters.
time poured into my head. the days of the week. hours, months…
i miss you. no — that’s not enough.
it takes time to build a room out of string.
i love you. i’m going to find you.
i play the saddest music now that you’re gone.
you. it says: i love you.
i don’t think that’s a good idea. it will make you sad.
i want to know. i’d rather be sad.
you said, gravity is very compelling.
who am i? it scares me. please come back.
it means dead in a very abrupt way. not the way i died, which was slowly. but all at once, in cowboy boots.
it was hard for me to kill the poor little ducks, but you get caught up in the fervor of it.
if i ever have to die, it’s in a duck pond.
there was something i always wanted to ask you. it was — how to do something — or — a story — or someone’s name — i forget.
i should have realized that women envied me.
this is what it is to love an artist: the moon is always rising above your house.
the mind is a slide ruler. it can fit around anything. words can mean anything.
show me your body. it only means one thing. only one thing at a time.
what is that noise?
dead people can’t sing!
i can do chin-ups inside your bones. close your eyes.
what do you do? what do you DO?! i hate you! damn you!
practice is a word invented by cowards. the animals don’t have a word for practice.
i say: store it up.
i’m going the way of death.
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glmir · 5 years
she's... never been good with cakes. she never even had one back at the fright zone before ! but still- there's an attempt on her part to make this day perfect. so, there she is, an adora covered in senseless amounts of flour and sugar- handing over a little, but still... probably, eatable cake. it has a single candle on it... that's all she could find ! ❝ happy birthday glimmer ! i... added some sparkles in it- so that it's the cake just for you... you- can eat glitters, right ? ❞ 💋
‘   oh!   ’            look at her      :      surprise and joy in equal measure,      bouncing onto tiptoes as she shimmers and grins!            ‘   adora!      it’s so sparkly!      i love it!   ’            glimmer didn’t know adora even knew how to bake a cake      —      and she’s honestly not sure about the edibility of glitter,      but that’s the furthest thing from her mind right now.      ever - loving heart seems to shine from her small frame!      plate is quickly set down on the closest available surface      :      glimmer’ll dig in in just a moment,      but first she needs to leap forward and wrap adora in the tightest hug in the history of etheria.            ‘   thank you thank you thank you!   ’
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glmir · 5 years
aaaa i didnt realize glimmer had a canon bday but it was dec 1st apparently ...   icb i missed it
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glmir · 5 years
*      deifrm‌      !
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❛     i  know  i  am  still  a  prisoner     ,          but  thanks  for  letting  me  stay.     this  place  is  beautiful.     different.     ❜          at  least  the  vines  have  been  taken  off     /     no  longer  restrained     /     though  scorpia  did  admit  to  perfuma  that  she  quite  misses  the  flower.     and  considering  scorpia  has  no  where  else  to  go  at  the  moment     ,          she  is  glad  to  feel  accepted here.          /     @glmir​
different is one word for it      :      glimmer’d been startled enough by the dark gloom of the fright zone      (   all its metal and clouds!      no sun to be seen!   )      her first time there,      and she can only imagine it’d be the same in reverse.      scorpia may be a prisoner,      but bright moon treats its guests with kindness.            ‘   of course.      we weren’t going to send you back there      —      i’m glad you like it here.   ’
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glmir · 5 years
come plot on disco @ horrible goose#3569
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