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Oh my god I thought . Well. Anyway
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Don't let the hoteps find out about the slave ants
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if you’re craving chocolate muffins after the olympic muffin man videos, jordan the stallion on tiktok has the recipe for you
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Constantia Pact-Treader Honorary Devil and veteran of the 88th Brimstone war 😈🔥
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Looking for Players for an SW5e Game!
Hi! I'm an experienced DM looking for players to join an SW5e game.
To begin with, what is SW5e?
SW5e is a Star Wars hack of DND 5e. It has the same base components as normal 5e, but with a Star Wars and generally futuristic twist. The classes have been adapted into the world of Star Wars and are more customizable than base game. Casting is split between two systems: force casting and tech casting. Force casters are the more traditional Star Wars casters (think force choke and jedi mind tricks) while tech casters "cast" using devices and gadgets.
If you're interested, click here for more information!
What's the deal with the game?
Currently, I am between two options set in the Star Wars universe.
Option 1
You are a part of a special forces unit working for the Empire. You could be some variety of stormtrooper, ISB operator, or even an inquisitor in training. While you are working for the Empire, this campaign doesn't necessarily have to be an evil campaign. It will be up to you and your party to decide whether you embrace the ideals of the Empire of if you will strive to challenge their grip on the universe.
Option 2
You are members of a powerful Sith's retinue in the Old Republic era. This campaign would focus more on tracking down ancient artifacts and furthering the goals of the individual that you work under. Think political assassinations and tomb raiding, all against the backdrop of intergalactic war. Like Star Wars Indiana Jones. There will be less debating over small issues like ethics and morality and more of a focus on exploration and intrigue.
Yo, who the eff is this?
I've been seriously playing DND since 2020 and have been DMing that entire time. I've dabbled with 3.5, Pathfinder 1st edition, 4e, and other indie games here and there as well as other TTRPGs. I'm a really big fan of homebrew and am an avid homebrewer myself. I like to run player driven games that focus on drama and hard hitting choices. I love to build arcs around each player's backstories to really give everyone their fair share in the spotlight. I'm looking for people who enjoy interacting with their fellow players and will collectively work together and with me to create a fun and interesting story. I genuinely believe that DND is a collaborative effort, so a love of roleplay and player interest and input are things that I really love having at my table.
Final notes!
I'm looking for around four to five players. Timing is currently flexible, although weekday nights are preferred. This campaign will be hosted online using Roll20 and discord. I do want to put a disclaimer that I already have a player in my group. She is my girlfriend, but she will not be receiving any special treatment and is already very well aware of that fact.
If you're interested, please fill out the google form linked here! I'll get back to you if I feel like you're a good match! Thanks so much for your interest and I'm looking forward to reading your submission.
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porcelain prince
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Gradually getting more bland and cookie cutter
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Fantasy restaurant. They serve pizza. No oven. Just a pyromancer and their apprentices. The pyromancer issues the dough in the air, the apprentices ready the toppings in the air with mage hand or similar magic. Once the dough spins out to size while tossing, the pyromancer casts burning hands and the apprentices let go of the toppings. The pizza comes down fully cooked and lands on a tenser's floating disc where it is served from.
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Pipe expanding machine
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Clone Wars era trip to a planet where men dawning lavish dresses is the norm so to follow cultural tradition Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex and Cody all have to get dressed up and go to this big event
Cody looks fucking fabulous and he knows it, there is a slit in the dress showing off those toned legs and Obi-Wan is struggling to remember the point of the mission
Rex is having great fun, if he spins the fabric flows about and it amuses him greatly, also a Prince just told him he has a sweet ass?!
Obi-Wan looks like some kind of God, the fabric shimmers in the light, noone can keep their eyes off him [this is also how they find out he has 3 tattoos] and the dress is backless so several photos of that man's shoulders as he reaches to grab something are now online also Rex has to keep smacking Cody because he's been staring at his general's arms for quite some fucking time now
Anakin keeps getting mistaken for a Princess and he's not amused, not at the dress or the royalty comparisons he just fucking hates the colour "Obi-Wan, why do I have to wear lavender? It doesn't work with my pales tones everyone knows I look better in black!" "Anakin there are currently 3 women eyeing you up, stop complaining"
On an unrelated note Rex has just been offered a small city for someone's hand in marriage, Obi-Wan and Cody have been given one room to share because everyone thinks they're a couple [they will be if Cody keeps looking like that for much longer] and some politician has already sent Padme pictures of Anakin
There' a poll on the Holonet after pictures are released publicly:
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Huge shout out to Critical Role; over the past few weeks they have silently removed all content involving BWFuckface from all of their platforms. As far as I can tell, they've removed all of Talks Machina, all of Undeadwood, every Between the Sheets, and his episode of Narrative telephone, from both the YT channel and the podcast.
They've done this without comment, without drama, and without much prompting. This silent monolithic support of Ashley and implicit condemnation of that asshole is exactly how companies should deal with these things.
Yes there's the odd moment or two from TM or BTS that gave an interesting insight into the CR characters and cast, but I will happily never see that content again in exchange for supporting AJ without giving an abuser any attention.
Fucking bravo, I'm so happy to be a fan of Critical Role.
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Caprese chicken kebabs
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US Navy gunboat USS Hunchback von Photograph Curator Über Flickr:  
US Navy gunboat USS Hunchback on the James River while commanded by Acting Master E.K. Valentine, 1864. Note the officers on the lower deck with the sailors performing nautical actions above. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. (5/15/2015).
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