glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
pretending i don’t care when it’s actually killing me inside
(via 3amsouls)
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
                     ❝     these people are my family.                                        & if you hurt them in any way —- i will kill you.     ❞
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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teach me how to say goodbye.
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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“and bacon. you can’t forget the most important ingredient.” he replied to his cousin, givinh her a knowing nod, “yeah, i can get it. don’t need anyone finding out and you risking your job or anything.” it wasn’t as big of a deal for an architect to get caught with it. not like it would be for a detective. leo rolled his eyes when she said that love was in the air, turning around to grab a couple beers out of his fridge before turning back. “i’m not so sure about that. honestly, we’re both taking a big risk inviting them to our family dinner, don’t you think?”
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" alright, fine fine. we can't forget the bacon. " she laughed, shaking her head. she bit her lower lip, " it's not..it's not just about my job. can i tell you something? but you can't say anything to anyone because then i will, in fact, lose my job. he’ll more than likely make it his mission to ruin me. " she PROMISED she wouldn't tell, but the guilt that stemmed from the possibility of having gotten not only ONE but THREE people killed, was something she couldn't live with, despite the cold exterior she put forth. she let out a deep breath. he was right, but it couldn't be that bad...could it? " possibly, but what's the worst that could happen? the food will be burnt and i'll be too drunk to drive. it'll be fine. "
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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when it came to a majority of the staff, joseph was primarily cordial. sure, he’d gone through the process of hiring them and making sure they were best fit for the job, but he still didn’t really know them as people. the older straightened his shoulders as the younger quickly approached, a formal smile playing on his lips. “ busy day, ” he replied, “ how about yourself? finals season can be tough. ” dark brows knit together for a moment, lips pursing before answering her question with an inquiry of his own, “ is everything alright, gianna? ”
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" oh, i'm sure. i mean, being the principal is busy yet also rewarding right? at least sometimes? " she wasn't usually the shy or nervous type but it was completely different when it came to those of authority. not to mention her first ACTUAL job out of college. " i'm doing okay. " she answered with a smile and a nod of her head. " oh, uh, yeah. finals stress is a lot different as a teacher than it is a student. did you..did you start out as a teacher mr. estrada? " she didn't want to seem like she couldn't cut it, but her nerves were in overdrive.
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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       ❝ well, it’s a documentary. ❞ katherine says, looking up from the notes in front of her. she places them in front of her — a group of well-organized ideas and thoughts about where she wants the film to go. she offers her mother a smile, adding, ❝ about sheffield. ❞ she pauses, trying to figure out what to say next.  
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laurel looked over the papers that kath had passed in her direction, " well, you could always go the lore route. talk to the descendants of mary shaw, the dean at the university, maybe some students even. " she said, looking up at her daughter with a smile in place. " unless you wanted to go a more historic route. there's some nice historic buildings and whatnot around here. "
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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a deep pit settled in the blonde’s stomach as she sat in adam’s office, fingers interlaced in her lap. her figure was posed too formally for her liking, but the anxiety coursing through her veins prevented her from relaxing. “ n-no, ” murphy’s one word response was barely audible, and her low hanging head didn’t project it any further. “ there’s actually something i have to tell you. ” she always imagined that when she confronted him with the truth, it would be victorious; her words would be laced with the anger she felt for him abandoning her and her mother, no nervousness present. this wasn’t the case. she’d grown closer to him over the months she’d lived in sheffield and despite her best interest, she grew to care what he thought.
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her tone was concerning for him and it made him nervous, anxious. he let out a sigh, getting up from his chair to close his office door. he got the feeling that whatever she needed to tell him was serious. he sat back down in his chair, studying murphy for a bit. “ what’s wrong, murph? ”
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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“ i feel like i should be offended, but im not.” he laughed, shaking his head. he reached his hand down to grab a small handful, smiling as he pops a couple into his mouth. “ thats what i thought about barb though. whats the deal with you and whats-his-name? ” he nodded his head when she said that luke liked trains, knowing exactly what he can buy his favorite nephew.
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" you should definitely not be offended. " she responded with a grin. she sighed shaking her head, " you men are clueless. perhaps barb was a fluke and the lack of having a baby was in the cards for you guys so you could end up with someone like sylvia. jack? i don't know. i mean, he's my barista. he makes my coffee and gives me cute little coffee arts. and he enjoys discussing donuts with luke, which according to luke is very important for a growing boy. the discussion, not the donuts themselves. "
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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saying he’s not one to pry would be a blatant lie, but jamie senses when he’s not welcome ; but more or less ignores it, anyway. with a joyful whistle on lips that’s designed to conceal boredom, he makes his way into the older’s home: to see kevin, a bold move that he would’ve considered twice, if it wasn’t for the personality of a young rascal.  ❝ nah, i’m — good, actually. thanks for the offer, though. everything alright with you, sir? can i call you DALTON? dally?  ❞
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it wasn't that he didn't like the boy. that wasn't the case at all. dalton wasn't a fan of people in his house in general. he had become reclusive almost since the disappearance of his daughter. he chuckled, " no need to call me sir, jamie. dalton or DALLY will be just fine. don't tell kevin i said that though. as far she knows i hate nicknames. how are you? you're a uh--barista right? "
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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Ever since the passing of the younger’s mother, they’d grown closer. And maybe the catalyst of their relationship shouldn’t have been the death of his wife, but it was and he was always reminded of the fact. But years have passed and he needed to allow guilt to rinse off of him. Despite the difficulty to let an excessive amount of words be spoken, Carmen understood her father, and gratitude was noted. The mention of CUBAN FOOD, however, brought on another expression of contentedness. 
And with that, he rose out of his chair. Sleeves of his shirt rolled up and he pulled a pan out of the cabinet closest.  ❛  Never mad at you, mija.  ❜  The older reassures, extending an arm towards Carmen: offering her the cooking equipment.  ❛  Maybe if you mess up those empanadas. ❜  He continues, curl of lips making the teasing nature easy to spot.  ❛  No ‘ta worry, though, I’ll make sure you don’t.  ❜  Finishing, he reaches for the nearby apron. He hadn’t cooked in ages, though it seemed this was the perfect occasion.
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The death of her mother brought them closer. She never spoke of it, but in a way, she blamed herself for it; not being able to help one of the few people that mattered MOST; though being high as a kite when she had gotten home that evening didn’t help either. So maybe in a way, the younger tried to cling to her father, to prevent adding another name to the list. But he wasn’t around and though she tried (and failed) to hide it, she couldn’t shake the idea that one day, despite how hard she tried, mainly due to his reckless nature, her father’s name would be added to the list. 
“ Are we cooking together? ” She asked, lips tugged into a grin as she took the pan. “ Did you have more of a taste for beef or chicken? Because I was awesome and made both. ” She chewed on her lower lip as she pulled out the dough she had made earlier and the flour. She nodded her head listening to him, opening the canister. “ Well, lucky for me, I.. ” Her voice trailed off as she took some flour in her hand and patted his face with it, “ Learned from some of the best. ” She attempted to keep a straight face but her lips failed as her as they turned into a smile and she started laughing. “ Are you sure you still know how to cook? It’s been like..centuries. ”
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glcmandgrunge-blog · 7 years
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