glassesandperfume · 9 years
The Tsundere-est of Moms
Well, the decor was certainly to her taste. The large, plush beds and the state of the art kitchen were far more pleasing that her own dorm; though either were better than any accommodation she had lived in before. 
However, there was one eye sore. The infant. It’s curled locks a pale, dull version of her own crimson and its plump hands clutched around the blanket it was swaddling. The child was quiet, for now, and Karin had tried her best to ignore it. She paced from room to room, settling every now and then to read or to watch TV yet she found herself always circling back to the table and peeking in on the little stranger. A grimace pulled at her lips.
The sound of the door was a welcome distraction from the bundle and her gaze rose to meet her.... teammate. 
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Yet the sight did nothing but deepen her frown. That girl. The loud, obnoxious one from town. And now one she was forced to rear a child with. “Great...” 
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
question time!!
white: are you a virgin?
grey: favourite type of weather?
pale-blue: can you swim?
blue: what do you think of the last person you spoke to?
navy-blue: what's your latest text message?
purple: describe yourself in three words
lilac: favourite mythical creature?
pastel-pink: if you had to dye you hair, what colour would you dye it?
pink: self-confident or insecure?
fuschia: favourite subject at school?
red: calm or agressive?
crimson: describe what made you hate the person you dislike
brown: what languages do you speak?
sunset-orange: do you have any psychic abilities?
orange: favourite video game (pc games)?
yellow: favourite time of day? why?
yellow-green: how do you feel right now?
green: favourite flower?
dark-green: favourite god and goddess?
black: do you believe in life after death?
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
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ooc; apologies for my lack of activity on here! I know I have a few replies to do but many of my threads are now extreeemmeeely old so I shall be hunting for opens to reply to or if anyone would like to start anything new just like this or sent me and ask and I’ll get something started!
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
“Well...” Karin didn’t know what to say... They were alone though, maybe now was her chance to spend some time with him just the two of them... 
And while her mind dizzied with the possibility of a room alone with Sasuke, - that had an actual bed! -  she couldn’t help but panic at the change in him. He was almost the boy she had met, the boy that had saved her. And his mother?! A woman she knew should be dead?!
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Karin bit her lip, kicking herself for letting this opportunity pass her by... “No reason, a-all teammates check on each other!”
A sculpted brow rose. The prison warden wasn’t usually so clumsy- wasn’t usually so caught off  guard, the redness in her face a giveaway as he watched her slender fingers adjust the thinly red framed spectacles hiding her eyes.
“By climbing the tree. Outside my mother’s house.” The raven couldn’t help from pointing out the lack of logic- why hadn’t she just used the front door?
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And what’s more her comment just made more questions arise in the forefront of his mind. She was acting strange just as most from their world did when encountering him. “Why wouldn’t I be Karin.”
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
Touch Meme
Send a symbol to have your Muse touch my Muse in a certain way and see how they react!
➟ Pull on their hair/clothing ➡ Smack dat ass ➢Grope them ➣ Slap their hand away ➤ Punch/Slap/Assault them ➥ Rub their back ➧ Massage their shoulders ➨ Put their hand between mine’s legs ➚Tickle them ➙ Pinch them ➛Poke them ➜ Play with mine’s hair ➝ Feel mine’s heartbeat
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
Send a symbol below and I’ll describe what my Muse wears in specific scenarios!
♔ -  pajamas / bedtime outfit ♕ - beach / swimsuit ♖ - spring outfit ♗ - summer outfit ♘- fall outfit ♟- winter outfit ♙ - date night ♚ - casual / everyday ♛ - formal outfit ♜ - gym / exercise / training outfit ♝- crisis / war / battle armor  ♞ - you specify another situation!
Outfit Headcanons
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
This was one of the reasons why she hated Summer. It was always full of sweaty people and their smelly pits.
Not that the girl next to her smelled, but still…
“Then get away from me, sheesh! I’m just trying to get to that store over there! I dropped my baby!”
The garishly dressed girl gave her an annoyed look, which Karin was more than willing to return. 
She crossed her arms across her chest, narrowing her eyes as a sneer settled upon her lips. 
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“Lemme get this straight, you just dropped your baby and your first stop is the store?” Karin snorted. “I guess your as crazy as your outfit suggests.”
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
Sailor Moon Meme!
Send me a symbol for:
☾ - My muse’s favourite food.
♀ - What my muse wanted to be when they grew up.
♂ - Something my muse believes in.
☿ - My muse’s favourite book.
♃ - One of my muse’s talents.
♄ - A tragedy from my muse’s past.
♅ - A story from my muse’s love life.
♆ - One of my muse’s pet peeves.
♇ - A duty my muse feels they have.
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
The Uzumakis [Naruto & Karin]
Hmmm.... Karin let her eyes fall shut, clasping her hands together against her chest as she let herself bask in the glow for just a moment. 
But of course, it was only a moment. Despite the vast warmth of his chakra there was still that darkness, that evil core to the boy. Naruto. Karin flinched, such a harsh contrast to be contained within one guy. 
She took a moment to compose herself before approaching him. Would he even know who she was now? It was still a mystery to her how people’s memories seemed to contain so many holes here... Yet if there was someone who could explain the change in Sasuke, Karin was sure it would be Naruto. The one who had chased him throughout everything for all those years.
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She perched on one of the Ramen Stand’s stools, waiting for the boy to turn. She couldn’t quite bring herself to speak, that evil chakra still lurking at the edge of her mind.
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
Now that the greetings were out of the way Karin turned, picking up the chair and piling up the books she had already riffled through; none of them had seemed particularly useful. “I was looking for some information. Sasuke-san told me a little about this place but I still don’t have any idea of how to get home... And it doesn’t seem like any of these books are going to help.” 
With the mess tidied Karin sank back into the chair, checking her knee for any signs of injury. Thankfully there was nothing more than a graze which seemed to be clearing up already. Her gaze turned back to the boy, a small glint of hope in her eyes.
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“So, do you know anything about it?”
where did she go?
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
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Uzumaki Karin // Requested By Anonymous
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
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Emily Griffin, Love the One You’re With
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
“Yeah... We worked together, on a mission away from Konoha.” She figured it was best to go with the truth, without going into too many potentially upsetting details. From what she had seen the Sasuke here would be happy to welcome the juvenile version of his elder brother so there was no need to let slip what conflicts may come between them later.
“Oh? Good.” Her words were blunt but a sense of relief flooded through her. It would be painful to think of this small child alone here.. Even if the school was peaceful it would still be cruel for him to be left with no one to look out for him.
A pinched expression crossed her features at the mention of his wife, the Yamanaka girl. Just like Sakura she seemed to hold no grudge against Karin, treating her with nothing but kindness. It was unnerving, alien to her.  Karin handed the boy a menu. “Yes, I’ve believe we’ve met once or twice. She seems rather nosy...”
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“So, do you know what you want?”
uchiha & uzumaki.
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
"Aha, you do?" she laughed brightly. This girl was so shy, but she thought she had a pretty shade in her hair. "I think your hair is the prettiest." She touched a strand fondly. "Can I style it?"
Everyone here is so nice... 
Karin had been scared, terrified even, when she first arrived in this strange place but with each new meeting her spirits were lifted. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be stuck here after all.
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“Y- yes, of course you can!” 
0 notes
glassesandperfume · 9 years
It had been with an air of determination that the former avenger set out to find the little girl that had sent him the handmade gift- in truth he had been somewhat touched and a little bemused that even in her child form she would think of him. Seeking out that familiar chakra signature, Sasuke emerged from behind a few library shelves to find the redheaded girl soundly asleep on an empty table over folded arms. Crouching down beside her, he shook her gently awake. "Karin."
Karin stirred, her hand coming up to rub the sleep from her eyes before instinctively reaching for her glasses. Had she fallen asleep at the dinner table again? But no, as the mist of sleep cleared from her mind she remembered, she wasn’t in her kitchen or even in her village. And that voice was definitely not her father’s.
“Sa-sasuke-san?” She was confused, what was he doing here? Pretty much all chakra signatures had left the school, it had gotten rather late after all. “Oh, I’m sorry, am I not allowed to sleep here?
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
ov o [Pokes]
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glassesandperfume · 9 years
"Oh! I really like your hair! It's so pretty and long!"
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“You do? I do too... It’s just like my mothers.” [glances at her and grins] “But yours is so nice too!”
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