Seorang anak Palestina-Amerika tewas sedangkan ibunya terluka setelah tuan tanah menikam mereka karena mereka muslim, kata pihak berwenang
Translator: Yulia
Sumber: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/15/us/chicago-landlord-attack-muslim-boy-mother/index.html
CNN — Seorang tuan tanah (landlord1) di Chicago ditangkap dan didakwa atas pembunuhan dan kejahatan kebencian setelah pihak berwenang menyatakan telah menikam dan membunuh seorang anak laki-laki berusia 6 tahun dan menyebabkan luka serius pada ibunya, diduga karena penyewa umat muslim.
Joseph M. Czuba, 71 tahun, didakwa atas pembunuhan tingkat satu2, percobaan pembunuhan tingkat satu, dua kali kejahatan kebencian dan penganiayaan dengan senjata mematikan, menurut pernyataan kantor Sheriff3 wilayah Will di Illinois pada sebuah berita. Jaksa agung AS, Merrick Garland, pada hari minggu, juga menyatakan bahwa Departemen Pengadilan AS juga telah meluncurkan investigasi kejahatan kebencian federal dalam penyerangan ini.
Kantor sheriff mengatakan Czuba tidak membuat pernyataan kepada detektif, tetapi penyelidik menetapkan korban “menjadi target pelaku karena merupakan umat Muslim dan konflik antara Hamas dan Israel di Timur Tengah yang saat ini berlangsung.”
Keluarga tersebut adalah orang Palestina yang “datang ke Amerika untuk mencari apa yang kita semua cari — tempat mengungsi untuk hidup, belajar, dan beribadah dengan damai,” menurut White House4.
Presiden Joe Biden dan Ibu negara Jill Biden menyatakan bahwa mereka “terkejut dan terpukul” atas penyerangan tersebut dan memberikan bela sungkawa kepada keluarga tersebut pada sebuah pernyataan yang dikeluarkan White House pada hari Minggu.
Pihak berwenang telah dipanggil ke kediaman yang bersangkutan di area Plainfield Township yang tak tergabung, sekitar 40 mil sebelah barat daya dari Chicago, tak lama sebelum Sabtu tengah hari seorang wanita menelepon 9115 dan mengatakan bahwa pemilik rumah menyerangnya, menurut kantor Sheriff.
Ketika para deputi sampai, mereka menemukan Czuba duduk di tanah dekat jalan masuk rumah, menurut laporan. Kedua korban ditemukan di kamar tidur, masing-masing dengan “beberapa luka tikaman” dan kemudian dibawa ke rumah sakit.
Anak tersebut ditikam 26 kali dan akhirnya meninggal karena luka-lukanya, menurut kantor Sheriff.
Sementara wanita berusia 32 tahun yang ditikam lebih dari belasan kali saat ini sedang dirawat di rumah sakit dan diperkirakan akan selamat, tutur pihak berwenang.
Kantor Dewan Hubungan Amerika-Islam cabang Chicago (CAIR6) mengidentifikasi korban dalam siaran berita sebagai Hanaan Shahin, dan anak laki-lakinya, Wadea Al-Fayoume.
Keluarg Biden menyatakan bahwa “tindakan kebencian yang mengerikan ini tidak memiliki tempat di Amerika, dan bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai dasar kita: kebebasan dari rasa takut akan cara beribadah, kepercayaan, dan jati diri kita.”
“Sebagai warna Amerika, kita harus bersatu menolak Islamofobia serta bentuk kefanatikan dan kebencian,” menurut pernyataan dari White House. “Saya telah berulang kali menyatakan bahwa saya tidak akan diam di depan kebencian. Kita harus tegas. Tidak ada tempat di Amerika untuk kebencian terhadap siapapun.”
Menurut CAIR, keluarga tersebut sudah mendiami lantai dasar rumah tersebut selama dua tahun tanpa ada “masalah serius sebelumnya” dengan Czuba
Akan tetapi, dalam pesan teks kepada ayah anak dari rumah sakit setelah penyerangan, Shahin mengatakan bahwa pemilik rumah “mengetuk pintu mereka, dan ketika pintu dibukakan, dia mencoba mencekiknya dan melanjutkan serangan dengan pisau sambil berteriak, ‘kalian Muslim harus mati,’” menurut pernyataan CAIR.
Jaksa agung mengatakan bahwa Departemen Pengadilan “akan mengerahkan segala kewewenangan hukum yang dimiliki untuk mengadili mereka yang melakukan tindak kebencian ilegal.”
“Insiden ini akan meningkatkan ketakutan komunitas Muslim, Arab, dan Palestina di negara kita terkait kekerasan berdasar kebencian,” kata Garland. “Pengadilan berfokus untuk melindungi keselamatan dan hak sipil setiap individu di negara ini.”
Setelah pembunuhan Wadea, Kepolisian Negara Bagian Illinois mengimbau warga untuk waspada, namun memastikan bahwa “Tidak ada informasi tentang ancaman massa yang kredibel dan membutuhkan aksi di Illinois.”
Pada hari Sabtu, militer Israel mengatakan pasukannya sedang bersiap-siap untuk mengahadapi tahap berikutnya di perang sebagai tanggapan dari serangan pada 7 Oktober oleh kelompok militan Islam Hamas yang menguasai Gaza. Setidaknya 1,400 orang tewas dalam serangan Hamas, tutur Angkatan Pertahanan Israel (IDF7) kepada CNN8 pada hari Minggu
Sebagai balasan, Israel melakukan serangan udara ke Gaza yang telah menewaskan lebih dari 2,600 orang, menurut kementerian kesehatan Palestina. Kondisi di sana telah memburuk menjadi "bencana total," kata tenaga bantuan kemanusiaan, sementara puluhan ribu warga Palestina mencoba melarikan diri ke selatan.
Gubernur Illinois, JB Pritzker, menyatakan, "Mengambil nyawa seorang anak berusia enam tahun atas nama kebencian adalah tindak kejahatan luar biasa."
"Setiap warga Illinois - termasuk tetangga kita yang beragama Muslim, Yahudi, dan Palestina - berhak hidup tanpa ancaman kejahatan semacam ini," kata gubernur. "Hari ini, MK dan saya bergabung dengan saudara-saudara Muslim dan Palestina kita dalam duka atas kematian tragis ini dan berdoa atas pemulihan ibu Wadea pulih."
"Semoga kenangan Wadea Al-Fayoume menjadi berkat."
Anak tersebut baru saja merayakan ulang tahunnya
Wadea baru saja merayakan ulang tahunnya sebelum kematiannya, kata Ahmed Rehab, direktur eksekutif CAIR-Chicago, dalam konferensi pers pada hari Minggu.
"Dia adalah seorang anak berusia 6 tahun, dia mencintai segalanya," kata Rehab tentang anak itu, mengingat bagaimana ayah Wadea menggambarkannya.
"Dia mencintai semua orang, dia mencintai mainannya, dia mencintai segala sesuatu yang berbola, basket, sepak bola, dia suka mewarnai, dia suka berputar-putar, dia mencintai orang tuanya, dia mencintai keluarganya dan teman-temannya, dia mencintai hidup dan dia menantikan kehidupan yang panjang, sehat, dan makmur," tambahnya selama konferensi pers.
"Dia tidak tahu tentang masalah-masalah besar ini yang terjadi di dunia, tetapi dia dipaksa untuk membayarnya," tambah Rehab.
Ibu dan ayah Wadea pindah ke Amerika Serikat masing-masing 12 dan 9 tahun yang lalu, dan anak mereka lahir di sini, kata Rehab. Mereka berasal dari sebuah desa di Tepi Barat, katanya.
Dalam sebuah pernyataan di X, sebelumnya Twitter, CAIR National menulis bahwa mereka "terkejut dan terenyuh" mendengar kematian anak tersebut, dan mengatakan, "Retorika Islamofobia dan rasisme anti-Palestina yang disebarkan oleh politisi, media, dan platform media sosial harus dihentikan."
Kementerian Luar Negeri Palestina mengatakan bahwa mereka "mengutuk dengan tegas tindakan rasisme dan kebencian yang menyebabkan kematian anak Palestina berusia 6 tahun dan luka serius ibunya."
"Kementerian juga mengutuk kampanye hasutan, serangan, pernyataan rasisme, dan posisi provokatif yang ditujukan kepada warga Palestina dan beberapa kedutaan besar serta duta besar Palestina di beberapa negara," katanya dalam sebuah pernyataan, dan menambahkan untuk "mengajak semua negara untuk melawan tindakan ini dan menuntut pertanggungjawaban para pelakunya dan pihak di baliknya." Czuba telah dibawa ke Fasilitas Penahanan Orang Dewasa Daerah Will dan menunggu kehadiran awal di pengadilan, menurut kantor sheriff. Belum jelas apakah ia memiliki pengacara.
1Landlord adalah tuan rumah atau tuan tanah yang menyewakan rumah atau tanahnya kepada orang lain.
2Pembunuhan tingkat 1 adalah dakwaan atas pembunuhan berencana, pembunuhan atas orang rentan, dan pembunuhan tak disengaja saat melakukan kejahatan serius lain dengan sengaja.
3Sheriff adalah petugas hukum daerah yang dipilih rakyat dengan kewajiban judisial.
4White House adalah istana kepresidenan Amerika Serikat.
5911 adalah nomor telpon darurat Amerika Serikat.
6CAIR – singkatan Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
7IDF – singkatan dari Israel Defense Forces.8CNN (Cable News Network) adalah saluran berita kabel asal Amerika Serikat.
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Zulhas Officially Implements Ministry of Trade Regulation “Permendag 31/2023”
Translated by Yulia
Source: https://www.kemendag.go.id/berita/pojok-media/zulhas-resmi-berlakukan-permendag-312023
The government has finally implemented Permendag 31/2023, a revision of Permendag 50/2020.
JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag), Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas), announced that the Ministry of Trade regulation (Permendag) number 50 of 2020 regarding Provisions for Business Licensing, Advertising, Guidance, and Supervision of Business Actors in E-Commerce Field has officially been revised and regulated into Permendag number 31 of 2023 regarding Provisions for Business Licensing, Advertising, Guidance, and Supervision of Business Actors in E-Commerce Field.
“The regulation have come into effect yesterday, but we have to announce it first. We will mail it tomorrow,” Zulhas mentioned during a press conference in Kemendag’s1 office on Wednesday (27/9).
Permendag 31/2023’s revision stemmed from many reasons, including the need to standardize the goods in the E-Commerce (PMSE2) platform, noticeable indication of unhealthy trade by foreign business actors, the weak competitiveness of local UMKM3 and domestic products, the lack of fair competition in the PMSE ecosystem, and the emergence of new business models that have the potential to disrupt the PMSE ecosystem.
The purpose of Permendag 31/2023’s establishment was to create a healthy PMSE environment by understanding the dynamic technological advancement, support UMKM’s and local PMSE’s business actors development, and increase local consumer protection.
According to Zulhas, the rise of digital technology in Indonesian marketplace has a different impact compared to the Chinese counterpart. “In China, offline merchants are not restrained by the digital platform. They have even developed a new market by 50%. Therefore it is a win-win solution. But for us, some might have been assisted, but more are dying,” Zulhas explained.
Main Points of Permendag 31/2023
There are six important points regulated by Permendag 31/2023, namely:
First, regarding the definition of business model run by PMSE such as online marketplace or social commerce to facilitate guidance and supervision.
In article 1 clause 13 of Permendag 31/2023, marketplace is a provider where part or all of its transaction processes are under electronic system such as commercial websites or applications that act as a forum for merchants to be able to place offers for goods and/or services.
Whereas article 1 clause 17 clarified that Social-Commerce is a social media administrator who provides features, menu, and/or certain facilities that may enable merchants to place offer for goods and/or services.
Article 21 clause 2 and 3 defined, PPMSE4 with business model of online marketplace and/or social commerce are forbidden to act as producers, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of distribution of goods. Whereas organisers of PMSE (PPMSE) with social-commerce business model are forbidden to facilitate payment transaction in its electronic system.
Second, establishing a minimum price of US$100 per unit for overseas' finished goods that are sold directly by merchants to Indonesia via cross-border E-Commerce platforms, which is regulated in article 19 clause 2.
Third, providing positive list, which is a list of overseas’ goods allowed to directly enter Indonesia from across the border via E-Commerce platform.
Fourth, establishing special conditions for foreign traders to trade in the domestic marketplace. Meaning that foreign traders have to be able to prove the legality of the business from the country of origin, compliant with mandatory and halal SNI standards, and include Indonesian language in labels on overseas’ products along with the origin of the goods.
Fifth, marketplace and social-commerce are forbidden to act as producers.
Sixth, PPMSE and its affiliates are forbidden to monopolize data. PPMSE have the obligation to make sure there will be no misuse of user’s data for use by PPMSE or its affiliates.
1Kemendag - Kemendag (Kementrian Perdagangan) is Indonesia’s Ministry of Trade.
2PMSE - Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik or E-Commerce.
3UMKM - Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah is indonesian for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
4PPMSE - Penyelenggara Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik or Provider of E-Commerce.
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Styling Chinese wedding hanfu
English added by me :)
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white lgbt westerners will make endless excuses for their ignorance, for their racist and sexist and homophobic behaviour because they were never taught anything in school, they’ve never seen a world map until they were 23 years old despite having access to the internet their entire lives, because they grew up in a conservative family and everyone has a nazi phase as a teenager so really what’s the big deal? but if someone living in the largest concentration camp ever built has a homophobic thought in their head that’s grounds for them and their entire people to be genocided. you people treat yourselves like adult infants who should be given endless amounts of second chances while baying for the blood of Palestinians. genuinely you make me sick. I want no part of your homonationalism, you are a fascist and your quirky little queer identity does not in any way take away from that
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A blogger from China built a miniature cat house inside his wife's pet store.
The animals have their own elevator, mini-TV, forge, bedroom and even a full bathroom with running water.
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Liberals wincing at the brutality of Hamas’ attack is even more smoothbrain when you consider that the Gaza Strip is objectively the worst concentration camp in the world.
It’s the 2nd most densely populated area in the entire world, 95% of water isn’t safe, they are only given 4 hours of electricity (imagine this with the population density and Mediterranean heat), medicine and basic foodstuffs like juice are embargoed. The average age in Gaza is 19 - the old and weak die quickly as their health care system cannot get supplies and doesn’t have stable electricity. More than half of youths under 18 expressed that they have no real desire to live and contemplate suicide regularly. 45% unemployment. Children get blown up playing soccer on the beach by advanced warships. It’s probably the most surveilled and spied upon place in the world. It’s a tiny strip of land 25 miles wide that is regularly subjected to bombing.
In 2018 mass peaceful demonstrations were organized, thousands and thousands of Palestinians marched along the border wall. Israel shot 2,000 of them with live ammunition, but only killed around 200 because they deliberately aim at legs to place even more strain on the depleted medical infrastructure and make an invalid that can’t contribute as well. 36,000 Palestinians were injured peacefully protesting.
Every year the IDF invades Al-Asqa mosque, gasses the worshippers and cracks heads open, and then they leave because there’s no point aside from violent harassment. And then there’s the constant news from other occupied areas of Palestinians being evicted, homes being bulldozed, the survivors fined and harassed. Palestinian olive trees, generational in their age, bulldozed by the occupiers.
Shooting civilians wantonly might be morally dubious in a situation like Hawaii, some place where an occupation makes you disadvantaged and a second class citizen. But Gaza is just flat out a death camp. Of course the commandos went berserk with rage, of course they brought bodies back to parade in the streets - everyone has been dehumanized for their entire lives. Treat people like animals and they might just act like animals once they get their hands on you.
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0a6d3b4316098219a709925beb1324e5/27b3855fddd05d9d-dc/s540x810/2bc9ac461b02f842a70f20b2f8f44c1fa81f3ed0.jpg)
seven journalists were killed in Gaza in the last 48 hours, wearing their distinctive Press jackets and all. Gaza is under total siege while being bombarded rn
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did you guys know that the mother fucking UN's humanitarian and legal experts have been saying israel's occupation of palestine territories is and has always been illegal, as it violates the FUCKING GENEVA CONVENTION? did you know it was britain that 'gave' the land that wasn't theirs to give to found the state of israel as a tactic to get more jews to join the british army in their already-active war against the ottoman empire? did you know that just between 2008 and 2022 the idf killed almost SEVEN THOUSAND palestinians, as opposed to the 308 israelis by palestinians in the same time period? did you know that israel itself admits to 'forcefully evacuating' palestinians from their homes over the course of their annexation of the country? did you know the british army helped them? did you know that any palestinian who didn't want to have their house taken from them and given to american immigrants being shipped in to populate britain's pet project was killed on their spot? did you know that back in 2018 palestinians did nothing but MARCH in protest of their occupation and in response, the idf is CONFIRMED to have killed almost 400 of them, including FIFTY FIVE CHILDREN? did you know palestinians are not allowed to build anything on the land they have left? did you know they aren't ALLOWED TO LEAVE?? did you know over HALF of christian evangelicals support israel solely because the bible says israel has to exist in order to bring about the second coming? did you know that in 2021, over 88% of us congress were evangelical christians? did you know israel is confirmed to have knowingly bombed palestinian hospitals and the idf had been caught targeting journalists? did you know israel is committing another war crime at this very moment by dropping white phosphorus on gaza civilians? did you know the israeli press was just confirmed to have completely fabricated an account of palestinian war crime right after their own got caught on film? did you know the defense minister of israel openly called all palestinians 'animals' to justify the deaths of their civilians? did you know holocaust survivors are presently speaking out against the israeli state's ethnic cleansing of arabs?
why, in the united states, is criticizing a settler colony's active attempts at extermination labeled antisemitic because of the religion the settlers happen to practice, but rooting for the complete eradication of a muslim country that was already there and is barely still there not islamophobia?? why is religion being used as a shield to justify genocide?
when a sudden act of politically charged violence occurs, like the hamas attack a few days ago, i ask WHY? i ask WHY until i get as far back as i can. i read accounts written by all sides. i try to find out why this is happening in the first place. half of these facts have come from the israeli government itself. all of them are easily found and easily confirmed by reputable sources. a lot of them are caught on film. all of these facts lead me to know that the state of israel was created by britain in order to gain an advantage in an unrelated war. i know the state of israel has caused unimaginable harm to the country it's slowly eating, and has suffered just a fraction in return. i know religion justifies none of it.
palestinians deserve to live in their own country. palestinians deserve to not be forced to give their homes to americans. palestinians deserve to live, to leave, to stay, to wave their own fucking flag. they do not deserve to have another country plopped on top of them and then have their settlers ask 'don't WE have a right to exist?' as their own right to exist is being extinguished.
fuck the idf, fuck israel, fuck manifest destiny, fuck all settlers who think they deserve someone else's home enough to kick them out of it. literally, in israel's case. indigenous americans, indigenous canadians, chicanos, pacific islanders, filipinos, mestizos, we should all be standing with palestine, because we KNOW how colonial violence goes and what it looks like. solidarity between all colonised peoples. free palestine.
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It’s not about terrorism - it’s about purging Palestinian culture from the planet. This is a genocide with all of the West in full complicity.
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Memoire 61 Omake
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0f4fd045e944ea8e3ad3c8eae84eacb6/cb85c15c06c9712f-f5/s540x810/c1396c6e42c49b6be3430f12d6c716669cabf218.jpg)
One more time I bring you this amazing Omake in english.
As last months, the edition and translation is mine so it isn't perfect.
Repost with credits.
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