gk-01 · 22 days
I was a train
And run over my siblings
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gk-01 · 1 year
"This never happens to me" -mosquito
“It’s not my first time. I swear” -mosquito
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gk-01 · 1 year
When God need more plot for France:
a story about humans overtrowing the guverment ?
I've got plenty of those tucked away. I would check out my story archive that's pinned to the top of my page. Should be one or two in there about revolutions and overthrowing governments.
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gk-01 · 2 years
God: hey i didn't ask to be born so now im your problem
Humans: *creates the idea of god*
Humans: *has problems*
Humans: god! How could you do this to me?!
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gk-01 · 2 years
I would love to be a snail in examen weeks
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