giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
Guys there is no way that I just made this up someone please help me. There was this demon slayer fanfic on Wattpad where the reader and two of her friends got transported into the kny world and got separated, the reader was dropped into a lake I think during the teleportation and Tanjiro saved her and wtv. They trained together and the reader went to final selection before tanjiro, she also met her friend who’s name was Cole who also got transported into the universe with her but she didn’t know it was him because he was wearing a mask and couldn’t speak I think I don’t remember. Later on in the book Cole taught tanjiro a bunch of stuff that boys do and he wrote it down in a journal or whatever, the reader taught him about sexualities and all that stuff and taught him about dating, he asks to date her and they do date. They also met her other friend who was a lesbian and had a crush on kanao I think her name was Hazel. Cole was also blonde and funny and really liked hitting on women, there was also this other gay boy who was a demon slayer and friends with Cole, he was an outcast at his orphanage because he was gay and he was in love with a boy there, the reader tried to help him find the boy he was inlove with. Also the reader had a teenage swordsmith who was the cutest and shyest ever, the book was chaotic and amazing someone please help me find it or at least find the @ of the person who wrote it 😞
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
I love giyuu hes so πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–
I know righttt 🀭😍
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
Can someone teach me how to decorate the fanfics I write? πŸ™
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
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How he looks giving me backshots…
Im sorry i will kms now.
Anyways fr can you guys tell I love Giyuu?
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
Giyuu Tomioka X Pregnant! Reader
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Giyuu never once in his life expected to have a wife much less a child on the way, so when you told him you were expecting he thought it was a big fat prank and stood there waiting for the sike.
You: β€œI’m expecting!”
Him: β€œβ€¦β€
You: β€œare you not excited?”
Him: β€œOh…you were being serious. My apologies I was waiting for you to say β€˜April fools’ or something of the sort.”
You: β€œit’s the middle of July Giyuu…”
He would not show much excitement on the outside but on the inside he was extremely happy, worried, but happy. He spent most of his time searching for items to buy for his unborn child over the months you were pregnant. on his missions, whenever he would pass markets or any little shopping area, he would stop there on his way back home and pick up anything he thought was cute for the baby.
You told him in your second trimester that if the baby was a boy you could name him and if it was a girl he could name her. He made sure you had regular visits to shinobu’s estate and if you were not feeling up to it he would make her walk all the way from her estate to his so you could have your checkup there. He was completely enamored by you during your pregnancy, even more so than when you had just fallen in love with each other. He adored the changes in your body, like the swell of your breasts with milk and the slight widening of your hips. He especially liked when you would call on him to massage your breasts whenever they were feeling tender, he does not enjoy your pain but he does love touching tits.
He made sure that your futon was extra comfortable at night and even acquired more comfortable pillows and bedding for it, he was barely asleep during the night always listening to your breathing and monitoring the rise in your chest as you slept, he made sure that you were most comfortable and stayed to himself during the night unless you wanted him to cuddle or spoon you, to which he gladly obliged.
He spoiled you rotten during your pregnancy and always made sure that your needs and all your wants were met. You wanted a food combination that was only acquirable by walking three miles downhill to the nearest market? He’s walking three miles down hill to the nearest market with a pouch filled with gold coins, making sure to pick up extra things for both you and the baby.
In your third trimester Giyuu was a little bit on edge. He realized that the final battle was coming up sooner than he had expected and he was starting to worry and get scared that he might not be there to raise your child with you. So late at night after he’s made sure that you were comfortable in bed he would get up and go outside shirtless to train his ass off by himself, his old crow nested in a tree watching his every move while trying to stay awake. He would take a quick shower and slip back in bed at the crack of dawn before you woke up to make it looked like he slept the whole night, he would get three hours of sleep a night tops.
One night you finally catch him in the act.
β€œDinner was great as always honey.” He kissed your forehead as he slipped into bed with you at 9 pm, you hummed in response and closed your eyes, pretending to sleep.
Ten minutes or so later, Giyuu slowed lifted himself from the futon and took up his blade, he tiptoed outside of the estate and went into the back yard to start training again. You got up after three minutes of his absence and tiptoed your way to the backyard. There he was, swinging his sword at the air as sweat dripped down his body. You stood at the door with you hands crossed under your breasts as you stared at him, he doesn’t seem to notice you.
He had dropped his guard around you and overtime he just stopped being on edge whenever he knew you were around, so he hadn’t noticed you because of how comfortable he was around you, you weren’t a threat.
However after a few minutes of standing there, your feet began to hurt and you cleared your throat to get his attention. He stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened a bit, he slowly turned to face you with a look on his face that could only be described as pure guilt, you know when you catch a child doing something they’re aren’t supposed to be doing and they make that face? Yeah that was Giyuu, he placed his blade on the ground beside his and rubbed his left elbow with his right palm, avoiding your gaze.
β€œGiyuu…you’re overworking yourself. We talked about this…” your voice was soft, like butter. He looked up into your eyes and sighed, β€œI know but-β€œ
You cut him off, β€œaht aht. No buts. I don’t want you working anymore than you need to. You train enough during the day okay? Please just…come back to bed.” You yawn and rub your eyes, clearly tired. He walks up to you and tucks your hair behind your ear, before brushing his nose against yours, he places a haste kiss your lips and smiles. β€œOkay.” You smile back at him and nod, β€œokay then.” You try to pull him inside but he stays still, you turn and give him a weird look. β€œI’m sweaty.” He says, you roll your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck, β€œI can handle a little sweat Giyuu, plus your going to be covered with a lot more than just sweat next week when we do that water birth.” You sigh at the thought of doing a water birth, it kind of weirds you out, but you’re gonna do it to make Giyuu happy since he suggested it.
He chuckles and nods β€œI guess you’re right. Let’s head to bed then.” You chuckle along with him and kiss his lips once more, β€œyeah let’s do that, and no more sneaking out okay?” He smiles lovingly at you while staring into your beautiful eyes, β€œOkay.” He hugs you and rubs his hand over your belly you look down at his hands and smile, he hesitates for a moment before speaking.
β€œIf…if the baby is a girl, I would like to name her something similar to my sister, to honor her.” You nod and look up at him waiting for him to finish. β€œIf she is a girl, I would like her name to be Tsuyuri.” You smiled softly at him and nodded, his look softened and he smiled back at you before kissing you three times quickly on your lips. He lifted you bridal style and you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck as he carried you towards your shared futon.
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Lemme know if you want a part two😊🀍
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
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My idea of heaven is ; when I die I’d like to have a harem with all my favorite anime men and we’d just live happily ever after yk? Just fucking and staring into the sunset or whatever kinda romantic shit.
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
Yo can you guys see my ask thing?
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
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He just noticed how fat my ass is 😊
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giyuuslittleslave Β· 2 months
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I js found this gif and thought it was funny 🀭
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