giyu-simp · 1 year
What it's like dating them
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Kamaboko squad edition (genya and kanao)
Sweetest boy ever!
He does his best to make you happy even though he doesn't need to try so hard
I feel since you guys can't always be alone together he deeply cherish the time you spend with him
Even if its a simple hand hold or a kiss on a cheek
He will totally be there when you need his comfort
Hes like a big teddy bear
But i feel like with all the stress hes under, you will become his comfort character as well
It might take you a while to get him to open up, its not like he doesn't trust you more like he doesn’t want to be a burden
So be patient with him and he will slowly open up to you
He loves cuddles he finds them like a source of comfort
I feel like since he cant be with you all the time you guys will exchange letters
I feel hes very easily flustered especially if your the flirty type
His love language is quality time Receiving and giving
Overall very gentle and very loving relationship
Please be very very patient with him hes new to this whole thing
I feel like hes the type to be extremely protective of you
He'll always have to be touching you and not in like a perverted way, he just likes the feeling of your touch
Even something simple like pinkies interlocking
I feel there a sorta child like innocent to your relationship
Since he doesn't know much he gets super confused by things like kissing and hugging
The first time you guys kissed it was a kiss on the cheek and he was super confused and flustered
Just tell him it makes it stronger and he gets addicted to them
At first it was because he actually believed it made him stronger and now he just really enjoys your kisses
I feel he would give you random gifts
And these include acorns, cherry blossoms, leaves, and rocks
Basically whatever he finds on missions
I feel his love language is gift giving and acts of service for receiving
Overall sweet and child like relationships
Where do i begin
He is very touched starved and has like zero confidence
You need to give him constant reassurance that you love him and that you'll never leave him
Hes very clingy and whiny
He had a hard time believing that you were actually serious on dating him
He loves you too bits and make sure to tell you and show you that everyday
No matter how long you guys are together he will always get flustered by you
I feel like when he doesn't want to go on missions you'll give him a kiss of confidence
He will bend over backwards to make you happy its almost kinda scary
He will also give you small gifts mostly flower like cherry blossom and tiger lilies
He will mostly likely brag to the other (inosuke and tanjiro) thats hes in a relationship with you
It so bad inosuke had to literally shut him up
His love language is quality time giving and words of affirmation receiving
Overall super sweet and lovely dovey relationship
Shes super sweet
She will show her love through small things like head patts or nose boops
She loves cuddling
She loves when you give her piggyback rides
She also loves it when you can hum her a lullaby before she sleeps
When shes tired she will lay her head on your lap
She loves it when you run your fingers through her hair
She really enjoys when you style her hair or just flat out play with it
When shes in her small form she likes to curl up in your lay
Flat out just super sweet and cuddlely
If your ever sad she can tell and will do everything she can to make you feel better
Love language quality time both ways
Overall cute and wholesome relationship
Will act all tough and scary but when you get really close to him hes like a cuddly bear
Is afraid youll think less of him if he doesn't keep up the rough and tough behavior
You will definitely need to gently break down his walls
Hes a absolute sweetheart
He will get super flustered over the simplest of touches
i feel is also little bit touch starved and will crave your touch
But hes a flustered mess when you guys kiss or even cuddle
Is not a big fan of pda and prefers to do it when you guys are alone
If anything his limits it hand holding yet hes still a flustered mess
Is very protective of you
Totally gives scary dog privileges
Is very protective of you
Will fight anyone hands down for you if they so much as look at you the wrong way
His love language is acts of service for giving and quality time receiving
Overall very Fluffy ans cute relationship
She may be quite but she deeply loves you
She has never felt this kind of love so she really does try her best
She loves spending time with you
She doesn't mind how you guys spend your time together
You might spend time with her when you guys are helping aoi at the butterfly mansion
She is really shy so be patient
I feel she has a hard time showing affection
She really likes to hold your hand
She find it comforting
If she feels upset she will instantly try to grab your hand
She not really clingy but she loves to be near you
I feel she worries about you a lot for you
She might have you do monthly check-ups
She just doesn't want to lose you
She is a great listener
She will remember almost everything you say even the small things
She deeply enjoys when you talk
She could listen to you talk for hours
She thinks your voice is relaxing
I feel like she doesn't say that she wants affection more like kinda hints at it
She might stay a little closer to you or try to touch your hand more often
Her love language is quality time both ways
Overall so sweet and just so cute relationship
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giyu-simp · 1 year
Request page and rules
You are allowed nsfw but i have the right to not do it
No r*pe
No weird kinkys
No under age anything for nsfw
No insect
No like teacher x student
You can request anything but just know it has too be character x reader
Specify if headcanon or like a actual story
Uhh idk I'll add if i think of anything else
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