
181022 Taehyung’s Tweet
(dreams come true!!) JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT(Andy Warhol)& EGON SCHIELE(Gustav Klim)#FONDATIONLouisVuitton
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180506 baekhyunee_exo: 올해에도 어김없이 축하를 많이많이받는 생일이군요!! 고마워요! >< 우리엑소엘!!❤️큥일축하 다 봤다!!ㅎㅎ연습하면서 덕분에 많이 힘나요!#고마워요#행복한큥일#오늘은맛난거많이먹어야징 This year it’s another birthday where I certainly receive many birthday wishes!! >< Thank you! Our EXO-L’s!! I saw all the kyoong day wishes!! Hehe Thanks to you I have lots of energy while practicing! #ThankYou #AHappyKyoongday #TodayIShouldEatLotsOfYummyThings
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I did dis
Stepping into the void of the empty canvas of your future, what stroke will you make to begin your masterpiece?
piercing my septum
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[161106 Gimpo Fansign]
To Namjoon ❤
Q: Is there anything you want to say to international ARMYs the most?
A: All Love. Respect. Wish you happiness.
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