giuli328 · 2 months
if the world was ending i, too would like to have a sad silly little pathetic wet himbo male wife adorkable pet boy toy following me around, getting me my meds and pizza and doing magic tricks to cheer me up
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giuli328 · 3 months
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strongest punch of the century. he showed that tree!
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giuli328 · 3 months
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Agnosis | Eddie Munson Fanfiction
chapter five: fallen angels
wc: 687
synopsis and masterlist
previous chapter
Eddie became aware of his tarnished reputation when he was five years old. It was 1971 and Al was late to drop him off for his first day of kindergarten. Eddie was already embarrassed of his father's behavior. He knew the looks people gave him and the arguments he'd get into with Elizabeth meant he must've been doing something wrong. All the time.
But Eddie hadn't gotten those looks. He was just a kid. But, he was a Munson kid. So that changed pretty quickly.
Al dropped Eddie off outside the elementary school. The biggest help he gave him was waiting until he walked into the school, and then he was on his own.
When he finally found his classroom he walked in nervously with flushed cheeks, shy about being late.
"Oh hi there. Are you in my class?" his teacher smiles.
"I think so" he says quietly.
"What's your name?"
"Um, Eddie."
"Eddie" she checks her attendance sheet. "Do you know your last name?"
"Munson" he says, hoping he's in the right class.
Her smile falters when she hears his last name. "Oh. Take your seat, and next time be on time."
Eddie was confused by her sudden reaction. She was kind at first. Did he do something wrong?
Once Eddie did start getting dropped off on time, he'd notice the other parents watching and whispering.
At recess he sat on the swing-set next to a boy who sat alone. He was excited at the prospect of making a new friend, especially since he seemed like he was on his own too.
"Hi I'm Eddie" he smiles at the boy excitedly, his small dimples poking out.
"Hi, um my parents told me not to talk to you." he says with a pout.
"Oh. Why?" Eddie says, his smile almost gone.
"I dunno. They said your dad's a bad guy and that means you are too."
"But I'm not a bad guy." Eddie says with a sad expression.
"I don't want to get in trouble. Sorry." he walks away.
Later on, Eddie's drawing in his room and Elizabeth comes in.
"Hey baby what are you drawing?" Liz says.
Eddie perks his little head up to look at his mother lovingly. "A dragon" he answers.
"That's a scary dragon! Gonna take it to school and show your friends?" she asks sweetly.
Eddie pouts.
"What's wrong?" she notices his expression.
"I don't have friends, mama" he says sadly. "The other kids stay away from me because dad's a bad guy. They think I am too."
Liz sighs. "Dad's not a bad guy, baby. He just...doesn't make the best choices. Don't worry about what those other kids think. You're the most kind-hearted boy I know."
Eddie smiles. "Mama can you keep reading our story for me?"
Liz smiles. "Of course! Go get comfy."
Eddie climbs onto his bed excitedly and gets comfortable as Liz grabs The Hobbit from his bedside table and sits next to him.
Over the years, Eddie took his mom's advice to ignore what people thought of him. He played into the troublemaker reputation he had by being overtly eccentric and nonconformist. It attracted others who felt like outcasts and he made sure his friends never felt defective like he did. Still, his treatment over the years sometimes crept its way into the way he thought about himself.
Once he moved in with Wayne, he'd give him the same reassurance he got from his mom. Wayne knew how much people hated Eddie in their small town, and it only drove him to make sure he loved Eddie more than that. Eddie knew it.
The way people treat Eddie in LA makes him feel tolerated. Liked, even. It's so different from what he's used to that it felt unreal, like it's all play pretend. It makes him feel like an imposter whenever he thinks about it for too long. He wonders if he'd still be dealing with this mindset if he had moved out of Hawkins as a kid. He wonders if he'll always feel trapped in Hawkins, even when he's hundreds of miles away.
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giuli328 · 3 months
"Watching A Quiet Place Day One because of the plot"
The plot:
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giuli328 · 3 months
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Agnosis | Eddie Munson Fanfiction
chapter four: wasted years
wc: 896
synopsis and masterlist here
previous chapter
next chapter
Eddie is over the moon. He only has one more song to write for his album before he can release it. He's already been writing little bundles of lyrics that come to him after dates. Sometimes during, like right now.
She's sitting on the countertop of Eddie's kitchen, watching him work on songwriting as he sits on the kitchen floor, focusing intently on his notepad and guitar. They originally came in here to make cookies, which are baking in the oven. She murmured some cheesy joke about how sweet he is and Eddie ran to his room to grab his writing tools. He said her joke inspired a lyric, she hoped it wasn't word for word. It'd make for a really dumb song.
She hops off the countertop to grab the cookies out of the oven when they're ready. They look a little wonky but then again so does any food Eddie tries to make. He blames it on his oven. She puts a few on a plate and goes to sit next to him on the floor.
"Want one?" she asks sweetly.
He looks up from his notepad to smile at her. "Yes please."
She feeds him a bite of hers and he softly bites her fingertips as he looks at her with his big eyes. She blushes slightly and pulls her hand away as she rolls her eyes playfully. He chuckles and goes back to his notepad.
"Okay how's this?" Eddie says as he plays the first verse of his song for her in his room.
The sound of the song is Eddie's usual thrash metal, but the lyrics might be the sweetest thing she's ever heard. She may be a little biased, since it is about her after all. He uses his nerdy D&D references to spill out the way she makes him feel, like he's under a level-9 spell.
"Wait a minute, is this song about me?" she teases, as if she didn't know.
He chuckles and throws a pillow at her.
"Yes, smartass. How is it?" he smiles, but he's also nervous to hear her thoughts on it.
"I love it. Can I try something with the guitar on it though?" she says as she sits closer to him.
He takes the guitar strap off his shoulder and hands his guitar to her. She starts playing it the way he was, but changes a few notes here and there. He's just staring at her with a smile, he loves watching her work. He listens to the changed notes and writes them into his notepad.
"Yeah I like that more" he says.
"Are you sure? I'm not the one with the record deal here, you can tell me if you hate it" she says, handing him back his guitar.
"You're so talented, baby. The record deal means nothing, you have me beat in that department completely. It's a wonder why you haven't been signed yet" he reassures her.
As pathetic as it was, after she heard "baby" he could've said anything and she would've felt just as comforted.
Eddie has officially finished recording his album. He decides to splurge on a long distance call to Wayne to tell him about the record, but for the most part, he rambles about her.
Wayne falters his usual old man demeanor to tell Eddie he's proud of him. He misses him but he's so happy for him.
"Yeah...um have you heard from the band at all?" Eddie asks, curious how Corroded Coffin is doing.
"I...I don't want you to worry about them Ed. They'll be fine" Wayne says.
"Are they not doing fine now?" Eddie asks with a bit of worry.
"All I know is they haven't been to The Hideout since you left. And..." Wayne pauses.
"And what?" Eddie says.
"Well I ran into Gareth at the supermarket. He says they ended that Hellfire Club of yours. They were struggling to keep it up without you." Wayne says.
Eddie feels his heart sink knowing he was the cause for his friends' struggles. His imposter guilt was creeping back up again. What is he doing here? How could he abandon them to be some Hollywood hotshot? The album isn't even released yet, what if people hate it? Would it all be for nothing? Or what if they love it and he can't top it with another? Is he ever going back to Hawkins? Will he have friends to come home to if he does?
"Ed?" Wayne breaks him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Sorry."
"Shouldn't have told you anything. Really, you shouldn't worry. You're doing great out there. They're just adjusting to change, that's all."
"Yeah, I know. I'm the reason there's change in the first place though."
"Change can be good."
"Or bad."
"Only at first."
"I miss them, miss you. Maybe this isn't meant to be permanent for me ya know? I could just do my record and come home."
"Ed, I think you are home. Seems like LA is treating you a lot better than this shit town ever has. Enjoy it."
Eddie feels slightly reassured by Wayne.
"Thanks old man"
"When you're famous and you make a stop in Indiana on your world tour, I'd like to meet that girlfriend you babble about so much" Wayne grins.
Eddie chuckles and grins. "You'd love her."
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giuli328 · 3 months
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Agnosis | Eddie Munson Fanfiction
chapter three: take me to the top
wc: 1,028
synopsis and masterlist here
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next chapter
Paige convinced Eddie to come into work with her today. She thinks it's time for him to sign his contract and she keeps pestering him to do it. He agrees to come in with her if he can speak to her higher ups to negotiate the terms of the deal.
"Three months instead of six." Eddie says with as stern of a tone that he can muster. It still comes out sounding a little like he's asking if that would be okay.
"Three months?" Paige says.
"Three months and then I can decide whether I want to sign a longer deal or not. Kind of like a test run. I already have most of the record written I just have to record and we can get right to distribution and advertising. We can do that in three months" Eddie says.
"What about a tour?" Paige says.
"That'll happen with the next contract." He pauses. "If I decide to sign the next one, that is."
"I don't understand you Ed. You come across the country for this deal I got you and you're not even sure if you really want it" Paige says.
"Three months and you'll sign?" Paige's boss interrupts.
Eddie turns away from Paige and faces him, surprised that his offer worked. "Yes."
A week later, Eddie is back at WR Records, finally signing the contract. He's practically beaming as they go over recording schedules and photoshoot sessions. There's only one person he's thinking of calling about all this.
So he gets back to his trailer, and he does.
"Hello?" she says.
"Hi" he smiles at the sound of her voice. "What are you up to?"
"Just watching a video. You?" she says.
"I kinda just signed a record deal at WR Records." he says with a smirk.
She jumps up in her seat. "Holy shit! What?! Eddie that's huge!"
"I know! So I was wondering, do you want to go out to celebrate with me?" he asks sweetly. "Please?"
She can hear his playful pout over the phone and giggles. "Yeah! What are we doing?"
Eddie holds the door open to the arcade for her. "And then I have a recording appointment on Friday" he finishes catching her up on everything, including the events in Hawkins that led up to now. She listened to it all, feeling empathetic to some of it, especially the bits including his dad. But she was ultimately proud of and excited for him.
"I'm gonna get quarters from the counter. I'll be right back." Eddie smiles and walks away as she scans the game selection.
"Where do we start?" he asks as he comes back.
"Air Hockey?" she smiles.
They're currently on their fifth game. They're tied 2-2 and whoever wins this has the game. Eddie is so competitive that it's almost nerve wracking to play with him. His eyes watch hers and quickly detect what move she plans on making next. They flicker from her eyes to her hands quickly as his ringed fingers grip the striker tightly and sees the puck come towards him. He bites his lip slightly in focus as he takes a final strike and makes it to her goal.
"Ha!" he jumps up.
"Shit!" she says.
He laughs mischievously. "Alright, skee-ball next" he says as he makes his way around the table and holds his hand out.
She holds his hand with a bit of a flustered smile and they make their way to the skee-ball machines. "I kinda suck at skee-ball" she admits as he puts quarters in.
"Oh yeah? I could give you pointers" he smiles and looks at her for confirmation before putting quarters into the second machine.
"Okay yeah" she says.
He puts his quarters back in his pocket and walks over to the ready one. He makes a shot and it goes right into the 100 pointer. "Just so you trust my teaching credentials" he teases. She rolls her eyes and he chuckles.
"Is it alright if I guide you?" Eddie asks with a smile as he stands behind her and his hands hover near her waist.
"Yeah" she says a bit shyly, feeling kinda flustered about it.
He fixes her stance and she swears his hands are gonna burn a hole through her hips as her cheeks flush. She can feel his breathing against her ear as he fixes her arm and guides her aim. "Okay now aim for the 40" he says softly.
She makes her shot and it goes in. They both jump and cheer. Eddie takes the machine next to her and they play together.
After a few hours of playing different games, ocasional touching, laughing, and talking, they start to walk towards the exit of the arcade.
She notices a photo booth.
"Let's get our photos taken!" she drags him in and he laughs.
Eddie puts quarters in and they get ready to take four photos. They can't help but notice how awfully close they are in such a tight space.
"3...2...1" they smile, Eddie has his arm around her.
They keep looking at each other like they're planning something for one of the pictures, the tension between them is rising.
"3...2...1" they have scary faces on for this one as if they're screaming.
She decides to go for it. She pulls his cheek so that he's facing her and they smile at each other as she leans in to kiss him. He immediately reciprocates and kisses her back softly.
"3...2...1" they slowly break the kiss and they're both smiling like idiots. Eddie has a bit of lipstick on his mouth and she wipes it off gently with a giggle.
"3...2...1" she kisses his cheek and he has a big giddy smile on his face.
As they step out and wait for the pictures to print, they realize that only one strip came out.
"Guess we're just gonna have to do another one. Maybe we should recreate that third picture four more times, just to make sure we captured it" Eddie says with a smile as he pulls her back into the booth.
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giuli328 · 3 months
eddie munson as robbie hart from the wedding singer (1998)
i just rewatched the wedding singer for the first time since before 2022 and oh my god eddie munson as robbie hart! he’s so similar to him personality wise im so tempted to write him into the movie as a fanfic.
corroded coffin isn’t successful so eddie becomes a wedding singer and meets reader who’s waitressing one of the weddings he’s working. eddie eventually agrees to help reader plan her wedding with another guy but quickly realizes he wants to be the one to marry her instead.
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giuli328 · 3 months
Me: writes almost exclusively fanfic about Eddie Munson
Also me, rewatching ST4 for the first time in a while: omg I forgot how pretty he is 🥰
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giuli328 · 3 months
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Agnosis | Eddie Munson Fanfiction
chapter two: i speed at night
synopsis and masterlist here
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Two weeks had passed since Eddie met her. He felt like he was losing it, more than usual. For the past 13 nights, he spent his time at The Roxy, not wanting to waste any time at The Whisky A Go Go or The Viper Room, because if he was at The Roxy, there'd be a higher chance he'd run into her. At least that was his mindset about it. It was starting to feel hopeless though, and he cursed himself for not asking for her number when he had the chance.
After a couple hours and no sight of her, Eddie steps out of The Roxy to smoke. As soon as he pulls out his lighter, he sees some guy get thrown out of the nearby venue. He chuckles to himself at the sight of some loser getting told off by whatever girl he was trying to harass. That is, until he recognizes the voice. He follows the noise and quickly puts the unlit cigarette back into the pocket of his jacket.
He watches as she finishes yelling at the drunken idiot outside and heads back into the venue unbothered. He follows in afterwards, cursing himself for not thinking of checking the other venues. Of course she wouldn't just be going to The Roxy. What was he thinking? She's probably played every venue on the strip.
He follows her through the smoky crowd of people in the dim colorful lighting. He loses her pretty quickly, but continues forward looking for her. He makes it near the bar and there's a sudden tap on his shoulder from behind him.
"Are you following me now?" she says jokingly.
"Dunno what you're talking about. You're the one who tapped my shoulder sneakily. I didn't even know you'd be here" he smiles.
"Oh really? So you're just in here alone to see the Cyndi Lauper cover-band then?" she chuckles.
Eddie glances towards the stage, he hadn't noticed them until now. He laughs and glances back at her with a playful guilty expression.
"I thought that was you outside. So you're stalking me?" she jokes.
"No. The opposite really, I haven't been able to track you down. I've been looking around The Roxy like an idiot when you've been here instead" he says, hoping he's not coming off too strong.
"You've been looking for me?" she says in a slight surprised tone. There's a bit of a twinkle in her eyes when she talks to him. He thinks he'll melt away if she keeps looking at him like that.
"Yeah. I mean I've kinda been beating myself up over not asking for your number the last time we talked. I can't stop thinking about you" Eddie admits with his signature smile.
"You must use that line a lot" she chuckles.
"I've never been interested enough in someone to think about them nonstop for two weeks" he says in a more genuine tone.
She thinks it's sweet. "Do you have a pen?" she smiles.
Eddie smiles and immediately starts scrambling trying to find a pen. "Wait right there" he says as he excitedly runs to the bar to ask for a pen and a napkin, then hurries back and hands them to her.
She chuckles as she writes down her number and hands it to him. As he carefully folds it and puts it into his pocket, he asks "are you hungry?"
"I could eat" she says.
They're sitting in a cozy booth at a nearby pizza place. Eddie told her to order her favorite and he's eating it gladly. He's never been much of a picky eater, especially when he was as hungry as he is now. He's enjoying the pizza so much that there's pizza sauce all over the corners of his mouth. He's hopeless. So, she can't stop herself when she helps the poor guy out and gently wipes the corners clean with a smile. He feels like his heart's gonna explode and he really hopes the warmth in his face isn't as noticeable as it feels.
It is.
She smiles and breaks the comfortable silence. "You can totally say no. But do you think you could give me a ride home?" she asks sweetly.
"Yeah! Yeah I could do that" he answers a bit too eagerly, he realizes. He almost stands up before he realizes they haven't even finished eating yet.
On the ride back to her place, Eddie can't help but steal wanting glances towards her. She would be giving him the same glares if she wasn't gripping the side of her seat, staring at the road in panic. Dio's The Last in Line is in the tape player of Eddie's van and she chuckles at the irony of the song that's currently playing, "I Speed at Night".
"What's so funny?" he asks with a smile, looking at the road.
"The song. It's fitting. I have no idea how you got your license" she chuckles.
"Oh I don't have a license" he says with a straight face.
"What?!" she exclaims.
He bursts out laughing. "I'm joking. I'm sorry. I do have my license." He didn't mention the part where he wouldn't have gotten it if Wayne didn't force him to go in exchange for the van. He thought it was the most boring twenty minutes he'd ever spent behind the wheel.
"Jerk" she punches his shoulder playfully as she lets out a chuckle of relief.
He smiles at her warmly, and she notices that for the rest of the drive, his driving is careful.
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giuli328 · 3 months
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Agnosis | Eddie Munson Fanfiction
chapter one: welcome to the jungle
wc: 969
synopsis & masterlist here
next chapter
Eddie finally unpacked his last box. It only took him about two months, and if he was being honest, the only reason he finally did it was to find the Paranoid cassette tape that was hidden at the bottom of the box.
He was still finding it difficult to actually believe that Paige Warner got him a record deal with WR Music along with a room in her LA apartment. Maybe it was because he hadn't actually signed the deal yet. The contract was sitting on his nightstand under a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of Coke. The thing was, once he signed it, he'd be in. And that meant he'd have deadlines to make and a very public reputation. His reputation that used to be "small town freak who worshiped the devil and followed in his criminal father's footsteps". The Munson name felt like a curse to him. Even though no one here thought of him that way, he couldn't help but feel like an imposter.
In the two months he'd been here, he'd been to the venues on the Sunset Strip so many times that they knew him there. He wouldn't admit it, but it made him feel so cool whenever they'd acknowledge him by name. He wondered if this is what his favorite rockstars felt whenever they were in the area. He daydreamed about signing autographs and performing on stage. The only playing he did while he was here was writing and practicing in his room. He missed Corroded Coffin and playing Wednesdays at The Hideout, but he'd be lying if he said he wished he was back in Hawkins. In Los Angeles, he was somebody. He felt like he belonged there, even if his own self doubt was trying to convince him that he didn't.
"Hey Eddie." the bartender at The Roxy greets him.
"Hey, who's playing tonight?" Eddie asks.
"The headliner's new tonight. A band called Agnosis. Their sound is like Fleetwood Mac but slightly heavier. They're rock, not metal though, sorry kid." the bartender chuckles.
"That's alright. I'll do that myself up there one day." he chuckles.
Eddie orders a drink and finds a spot to watch the show. As the stage hands set up and the lighting turns into purely stage lighting, the crowd begins to fill up. There's a makeshift band logo on the drums that reads the band name.
"What does Agnosis even mean?" Eddie thinks to himself.
Suddenly the band starts playing. The crowd begins to cheer as the drums come in first, then guitar, and finally out comes the lead singer with a big entrance. Eddie takes note of the crowd's reaction when she comes out. They beam at her and he can tell that she has stardom written all over her. He also happens to think she's really pretty. As her eyes scan the crowd, he almost blushes when she looks in his direction.
As the band plays through their set, Eddie could almost swear that she sings directly at him a few times, he even catches her smiling at him from time to time. Or maybe it's just the fact that it's so crowded and Eddie hasn't been able to focus on anything but her for the past twenty minutes. He'd rather it be the first option though.
After their set, Eddie can't seem to get her out of his head, it's like her voice and person is permanently etched into his brain. So much so that he practically thinks he's hallucinating when he hears the familiar voice order a drink right next to him. He turns slowly to look at her, as if she'll disappear if he looks too quickly, and his mouth falls slightly agape when his eyes confirm that it is in fact, her. Suddenly he's nervous. He doesn't know if he should even say anything to her, but he knows he'll regret it if he doesn't. He'll also regret it if he comes off sounding like a total loser, but he thinks maybe he'd regret that a bit less.
"Hey" he blurts out with a smile.
"Hi" she looks back at him with a small smile and then looks back at her drink being made.
There's a little bit of silence as Eddie plans what he wants to say. He settles on "great show". He figures the less words he uses, the less likely he'll stumble over them.
She looks at him again and smiles. "Thats surprising. Usually there's a superiority complex there that prevents metalheads from admitting to enjoying anything but metal" she jokes.
Eddie laughs. "Oh I definitely do find metal superior to all. But there wouldn't be metal without rock. So you know, thank you."
She chuckles. "I highly doubt that I personally have absolutely anything to do with the pioneering of metal, since it was around before I even started playing. But I'll take it. You're welcome."
Eddie smiles at her warmly, enjoying the playful energy going on between them, and feeling a lot more comfortable with her than he thought he'd be.
"So if not just metal, what else?" she asks.
"Actually, my mom was the one that made me a music lover in the first place. And uh...she raised me on chicago blues, country, bluegrass, and rock. I still listen to her old Muddy Waters tapes sometimes, when I miss her." Eddie says.
She realizes by the end of his answer, that his mom passed, and her face becomes more sympathetic. "I'm sorry" she says softly.
"It's alright. I was six when it happened so uh...you know, time heals all wounds or whatever" he smiles reassuringly.
The bartender finally hands her the drink she ordered and she stands up. "What's your name?" she asks.
"Eddie. What's yours?" he says.
"Y/N" she answers.
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giuli328 · 3 months
Agnosis | Eddie Munson Fanfic
Author’s Note:
hi! giuli here! i'm gonna include the two versions of the synopsis below. to note, you do not have to read "Flight of Icarus" before reading this, i will provide previous context throughout the story. however if you have, you might get some slight references to it here and there. thanks for reading! :) the chapters are below. every chapter is named a song title, mostly metal.
Synopsis if you HAVE read Flight of Icarus:
In this story, Paige did end up getting Eddie to Los Angeles in 1984 and he became a semi-successful musician there without Corroded Coffin, scoring a deal with the record label WR Music. To not complicate things in the logistics of the fanfiction (since it's a romance), in this universe, Paige and Eddie never got into a relationship, they were just friends, and now roommates. Eddie meets someone new, who is the frontwoman of a rockband called Agnosis, playing a show at The Roxy on Sunset Blvd. They form a romantic connection while Eddie deals with his own journey of self-doubt on whether he should even be there, or if he's once again flying too close to the sun.
Synopsis if you HAVE NOT read Flight of Icarus:
In 1984, Eddie meets Paige Warner, who is a junior scout for the Los Angeles record label WR Music. They become friends and when Corroded Coffin is considered for the record label, only Eddie is chosen. He makes the difficult decision to leave Hawkins to move to LA with Paige and scores a deal with WR Music. Eddie meets someone new, who is the frontwoman of a rockband called Agnosis, playing a show at The Roxy on Sunset Blvd. They form a romantic connection while Eddie deals with his own journey of self-doubt on whether he should even be there, or if he's once again flying too close to the sun.
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chapter one: welcome to the jungle
chapter two: i speed at night
chapter three: take me to the top
chapter four: wasted years
chapter five: fallen angels
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giuli328 · 3 months
that guy from that show sure has done a number on me
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giuli328 · 5 months
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giuli328 · 8 months
i wrote this fanfic in 2022 and it got pretty successful, why i didn't think to post it on here until now? i don't know. but here you go! working on a new one soon based on the "flight of icarus" book hehe :)
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