Research Report
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Cover letter - Glitch Productions
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Cover letter - Mercury filmworks
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Survey form
I created a survey to add primary research to my essay to further prove my points in my research report. the questions mainly revolve around the straw hat pirates as I would focus on the main cast when discussing my research in my report.
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Data analysis - survey
In general from what I noticed through the statistics is that a lot of people, both those who have watched One Piece and those who have not watch One Piece, do not really know the characters after Chopper. I believe this is because of how long the anime is and how long to takes to meet the rest of the crew.
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this is the pie chart from people who have not watched one piece
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this is the statistics from people who have watched one piece
Moreover, there was quite a few criticisms of the character designs of both robin and nami, which would be valuable research for my research report as many individuals based on online reactions do not like the body stereotypes that One piece encourages and sets.
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Primary research vs Secondary research
Primary research is research original research you have gathered data by yourself through methods such as surveys and interviews
Whereas secondary research data someone else has gathered and has shared such as reviews, and credible YouTube videos
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Research part 4 - Toxic Beauty Standards
Toxic beauty standards have always existed as there have always been expectations on appearances to the public eye. However, standards change as time passes and different standards are set according to trends.
Media does not help with these standards, they make it worse as there is a lack of representation when it comes to visuals outside the norm.
In East Asia, especially many idols are meant to conform to these expectations and standards that have been set by the entertainment industry.
Anime too has a huge impact on these standards, as the youth is majority of the time impacted by the standards set in anime, based on the media they constantly watch. The more a standard or stereotype is shown to them the more they become accustomed to it being the norm which can cause issues such as body dysmorphia as there is a lack of reliability if anime is attempting to keep up with the toxic beauty standards already set.
One Piece has this issue as many of the women in the series have an extremely exaggerated hourglass figure, not only does it make the designs boring and repetitive but it also enforces the toxic beauty standards that are already placed
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Final CV
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Research part 3 - Bechdel test
The Bechdel test is a theory or rather a set of questions asked after watching a movie or series to determine whether female characters have been portrayed poorly and are dependent on a male character in the series.
Are there at least two named women in the movie?
Do these women talk to each other?
Do these women talk to each other about something besides a man?
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Research part 2 - character design
Character design is the process of creating a character for animations, toys, books and live-action films. the character starts as a concept and further research is done to create visuals so it fits the description of the character.
There are many important aspects to character design, all of which help with the design of the character to make them visually appealing on screen and for viewers to get an idea of their personality of interest.
One of these aspects is shape language, the 3 primary shapes are squares, triangles and squares.
circles are associated with friendliness and joy
squares are associated with rigidness and reliability
triangles are associated with being cunning and mysterious
Some artists mess around with the symbolism behind the shapes and make villains appear more approachable to deceive the viewer and the characters in the story. An example is Leonard from Angry Birds
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ginuki-mga2023mi5016 · 2 months
Research - Character Design
colour theory
Colour is very important for any design aspect as every colour has a separate significance. colour theory is basically the study of how colours work together and affect the viewer's perception and emotions
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ginuki-mga2023mi5016 · 2 months
Portfolio Site
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ginuki-mga2023mi5016 · 2 months
First CV Draft
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ginuki-mga2023mi5016 · 2 months
A comic about an unprofessional thing taking place in a workplace
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ginuki-mga2023mi5016 · 2 months
Examples of principles of professionalism
Office worker led a group project and was assigned as a group leader gave detailed instructions to group mates for their roles.
The office worker did not give proper instructions and the rest of the group flailed and could do their project.
Team work
In a group project everyone does their part equally
Not everyone contributes and the rest of the team mates need to pick up the slack
Critical thinking
A person breaks down a huge problem or project into parts so that it is easier to complete and they can manage their time better
Person doesn't break down their project and it becomes overwhelming for them to complete 
Using AI to help with your art and work
Using AI to mooch of another artists work
Being nice to a fellow employee because of common courtesy 
Being rude from the get go
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ginuki-mga2023mi5016 · 2 months
Portfolio resources
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ginuki-mga2023mi5016 · 2 months
Topic 5
Sports animation and its growing popularity
japenese genre sports
use of effects and how studios got real life sportmen to play in order to get reference videos and sound effect
teams and found family in sports anime
the music in sports anime
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