What's up, Auradon? I'm Gil, you might know my dad. He was the one that tried to kill Ben's dad! He's always talking about how he wished he'd finished him off when he had the chance and got with Ben's mom. But I don't really care that much about getting revenge, just hanging out with my pirate crew. Oh yeah, I think we're taking revenge on Auradon and Mal and Ben for wronging Uma or something. Not totally sure I understand, but being here is pretty cool so far! There's ships that can actually go places and an endless supply of eggs.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
looks: not my type | okay | cute | pretty | handsome | beautiful | DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
would you date/hook up/be friends with them?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | hook up | we’re soulmates | neither | i don’t know!
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looks: not my type | okay | cute | pretty | handsome | beautiful | DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
would you date/hook up/be friends with them?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | hook up | we’re soulmates | neither | i don’t know!
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looks: not my type | okay | cute | pretty | handsome | beautiful | DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
would you date/hook up/be friends with them?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | hook up | we’re soulmates | neither | i don’t know!
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looks: not my type | okay | cute | pretty | handsome | beautiful | DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
would you date/hook up/be friends with them?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | hook up | we’re soulmates | neither | i don’t know!
0 notes
@ Uma
looks: not my type | okay | cute | pretty | handsome | beautiful | DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
would you date/hook up/be friends with them?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | hook up | we’re soulmates | neither | i don’t know!
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looks: not my type | okay | cute | pretty | handsome | beautiful | DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
would you date/hook up/be friends with them?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | hook up | we’re soulmates | neither | i don’t know!
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give me a name in my ask and I’ll rate:
looks: not my type | okay | cute | pretty | handsome | beautiful | DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
would you date/hook up/be friends with them?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | hook up | we’re soulmates | neither | i don’t know
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“Oh, um…” Ben stopped in his tracks at the sight of Gil picking a mushroom off the ground. He didn’t want to seem condescending, but he didn’t think it was the greatest of ideas, either. “Well, you should Google if it’s safe first, and then you definitely need to wash it if it turns out it’s not poisonous, at least.”
His eyes bugged when he realized he was talking to Ben. It always surprised him when he talked to Ben. Ben was smart though so it was good he was talking to him. “They have goggles that tell you if food is safe?” Gil asked in surprise. He couldn’t believe it. “That would have been so helpful on the Isle. I’m pretty sure I ate plastic at some point, but it tasted pretty okay so I don’t get why people were so scared. Why do you guys make poison food here anyway?”
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“You’ll never know unless you try.” The young captain grinned at her brother’s friend, if they were lucky, maybe it would make him hallucinate, give Harriet some entertainment for an hour or so. “I’ll be right here if you need anything - like seasoning or something like that.”
Gil smiled. Harriet was Harry’s sister and a captain just like Uma, so even though he wasn’t in her crew, he trusted her. She was right. “You’re right,” he said, holding the mushroom up to his mouth. Then he got distracted by thinking about the seasonings. “What seasonings would be good on this, do you think? Salt? Pepper? Spicy juice?”
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“Yuck!” Audrey shrieked, swinging her little pink purse at the mushroom and knocking it out of Gil’s hands and far out of sight. Once it was gone, she could breathe normally again; mushrooms had always disgusted her, to an ‘irrational’ level according to some, but was it her fault they were so disgusting? “I’m sorry, but you don’t just go eating things off the ground! It isn’t right. If you can’t afford yourself a meal, let me buy you one,” she offered, trying to get the gross gross mushroom out of her head as she smiled at the pretty boy instead. Children of villains were slightly terrifying, but Gil was nice without his crew around, and if Ben had forgiven him specifically, it made him a semi-safe option.
Gil blinked for a second and when he opened his eyes, the mushroom was gone! “Are you a magician?” he asked with eyes wide open. That had been so fast. He couldn’t believe it. He forgot the mushroom totally when she offered free food, though. “Okay,” Gil said happily, smiling. Who said no to a free lunch? “Can we get something with mushrooms? Oh, or cake! Do you think they have a mushroom cake in there somewhere?”
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“You’re welcome,” Mary Kate laughed, “But uh, don’t expect that you won’t still get…” she trailed off in the middle of her warning that drinking too much could still get him drunk as she realized he’d started without her even counting down and saying 3, 2, 1, go. Frantically, Mary Kate tipped her own drink back, trying to catch up to Gil as she chugged as fast as she could.
He finished his drink and licked his lips. It was not the best tasting thing ever but it made him feel twinkly, which was never a bad thing. A loud burp came out of his mouth and he laughed at how loud it was before remembering they were competing. “Did I win? Did we tie?” Gil asked, looking over to Mary Kate and her cup. “I missed it. My eyes were closed. Should we do it again?”
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CJ paused for a moment, trying to make sense of the way Gil’s mind worked. It was entertaining, for a second, anyway. “It doesn’t, but I can always get you some later,” she promised, knowing she’d be able to keep that promise easily. Stealing food was fun, but it was always more fun stealing it for someone else. Her eyes lit up at the money he pulled out, and the temptation to take more money than she’d charged and tell him it was five dollars was strong, but she couldn’t do it, not to someone so simple. She smoothed out the wad of money and took out five one dollar bills, folding the rest in half before returning it to him with a shirt. “You have around 21 dollars in there left, cute stuff. Spend it wisely, kay? And rock that shirt!”
Gil was glad he’d get Twinkies later. Twinkies were delicious but tasted even better when they were a present. He reached out and took the money and the shirt, smiling. “Twenty one dollars? I’m rich!” He stuffed the shirt under his arm and put the money in his pocket. “Thanks, CJ!” he said, walking away to find Uma and ask if he could wear his new shirt.
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“Why would I know?” Harlow asked, rolling her eyes. “Do I look like a chef or a grocer to you?”
Gill looked at the girl for a long time, considering which she looked more like, before smiling and nodding. “A chef! Definitely a chef! Did I guess right?”
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Eyes widening when she eyes the mushroom, Shula shook her head no. “Gil I don’t think that’s the greatest idea.” She says with a slight frown, “What if it makes you sick?” A little bit of concern was laced in her voice. Silently, Shula hoped that the risk of getting sick would make him shy away from wanting to eat it.
Gil looked to Shula, to the mushroom, and back to Shula again. The idea that something from Auradon could make him sick was confusing. Sick was what the Isle was for, Auradon was clean and healthy! “It can’t be worse than raw eggs, right?” He raised it to his eyes and looked at it close. “And it’s so pretty! How can something so pretty and from Auradon be bad for us?”
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“Can I eat this mushroom?” Gil asked. He plucked it off the ground. It was so much prettier than the ones in the dining hall that it was hard to resist the temptation. But he wasn’t supposed to steal things and maybe eating it counted as stealing from the ground.
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“You mean have a chugging contest?” Mary Kate asked, trying to stifle a laugh at Gil’s question. She was pretty sure CJ would tell her it was a terrible idea to have a chugging contest with a pirate if she were here, and would say something along the lines of ‘Yeah, right, Hoodsie’, but Mary Kate was too competitive for her own good, already nodding her head. “Yeah! Yeah, let’s do it,” she said, plucking two beers off of a tray that was going past them. “Here, this is better for chugging than wine – wine headaches are the worst,” she offered.
“Yeah that,” Gil agreed. Mary Kate was already on the move getting him a drink and it didn’t have the same kind of bubbles as his champagne but it was the same color almost. Like a pirate’s pee when they’d been on the sea and had not had enough water. “My head hurts enough already. Thanks for looking out for me,” he said with a smile as he took the glass and raised it up to his lips to start drinking as fast as he could.
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“You can absolutely not pay in fingernails! I make at least ten of those myself, I don’t need your sloppy seconds,” CJ laughed, although she did keep her nails generally short. The way this guy’s mind worked - or failed to work - would never not entertain her. It was funny, and also useful, and her eyes lit up with an idea. “You know, he MK shirts are usually twenty bucks, but I’ll give it to you for five, how’s about that? The friends and family discount.” She winked at him like she was giving him the deal of a lifetime, when the truth was she’d been selling the shirts for five dollars all day anyway. It didn’t feel like taking advantage of Gil if she wasn’t overcharging him though. She had to have some boundaries. “You’d look cute with her face stretched across your pecs!”
“Do they come with a twinkie?” Gil asked. CJ’s wink reminded him of Twinkies which were one of the first foods he’d tasted when he’d gotten here. There had been a box waiting in his room and he wished that people would keep giving him more all the time. After the first box he had to find his own though. “But okay.” Gil reached into his pocket and pulled out wadded up bills that he’d stuck in there this morning. He had not been sure if he’d need money or not but now he was glad he had it. He didn’t like saying no to Hooks. “I don’t know what these ones are but one of them has to be right, right?” He held the wadded up money out to CJ to pick the right ones out for herself.
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