gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Yoooooo! Could you maybe do a wedding and baby series for gilinsky please? No pressure but, it would be amazing if you could!!💕xoxo
Yes I would love to! I just need to finish the Johnson series, it only has about i think 7 or 8 more left and I’ll start gilinsky!!💗💗
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Don’t Lie to Me
a/n: this was a request from the blurb list, with Johnson. It’s a little different, in my opinion, but I hope you guys enjoy it. Requests are always welcome (: and sorry if it took so long to the lovely anon who requested it.
As cool as you’d think it’d be being Jack Gilinsky’s little sister, it’s not. Yeah he’s a cool brother and all, and yeah we get along great. It’s just, he tends to be very…overprotective.
He’s only older than me by a year, and he always claims ‘he’s just looking out for me’ and that ‘he just wants what’s best for me’ but I think it’s all bullshit.
He rarely lets me go out with him and the guys. Despite being close with all the boys since we usually just chill at someone’s house, if they’re going out I have to stay home. He thinks every decision I make is wrong and honestly he’s just way more strict that our actual father.
He also scares off any guy that comes near me. Telling them immediately that if he sees them even breathe the same air as me, him and his friends will beat the shit out of him. And then telling me they’re just gonna hurt me and use me for sex and all kinds of shit. All the boys think he’s being way too overprotective, and I couldn’t agree more.
Like Nate. The other day we were all hanging out at the beach and I had just taken my shorts and top off so I could lay out and tan. Nate made the comment ‘damn ma, you’re hot as fuck’ and Jack freaked out on him, even though they’re best friends.
It’s so annoying that he gets like that. I haven’t had a boyfriend since middle school, where all we would do is talk in class and eat lunch together. Now here I am. 18 years old, never had my first kiss, serious relationship or sex even.
The only guy jack ever really let me talk to was Johnson. And I literally told Johnson everything. We would hang out all the time. Since Jack was usually off with Madison whenever him and Johnson weren’t in the studio or on tour.
So over the years, I’ve developed a soft spot for Johnson. Spending so much time with him, constantly joking around, flirting, and staying up late at night, texting, on the phone, facetiming, or out on my roof, looking up at the sky talking, I just kinda got the feels for him.
There was some party tonight down at the beach, and like everyone was supposed to be there. We were gonna camp out and shit and have a big bonfire and of course drink. Jack had stayed over at Madison’s and I stayed at the boys house. I lived there anyway, at least out in their poolhouse, for ‘privacy’ but last night I stayed inside with Johnson. We stayed up till like 4 in the morning watching movies, talking, joking, flirting, and cuddling. Then I fell asleep on the couch with Johnson.
I was currently in my ‘house’ getting ready. I had on my cheeky bikini bottoms that made my butt look extra good and was currently struggling to tie my top tight enough.
“hey (y/n) I wa-oh shit sorry.” Johnson spoke as he walked into my room seeing the current situation I was in.
“no it’s fine. Actually could you help me?” I asked, turning over my shoulder and looking at Johnson with my puppy dog eyes.
“uh, yeah, um sure.”
He slowly walked over to me, grabbing the strings from me. I could feel the heat radiate off his body behind me as he stood so close. His breath on my neck as he pulled the strings, tying them. His hands lingered on my waist when he was done.
“is that good?” his hot breath hitting my neck and he whispered in my ear, as if someone would hear us.
“mhmmm. Thank you.” I turned around to face him, his hands still lightly on my waist and I looked up at him. I rested my hands on his bare chest and looked up at him. He looked in my eyes and then down to my lips, slowly licking his.
I had no idea what to do. I’ve never been this close with a guy before. Sure the boys and stuff whenever we took pics and Jacks fans always wanted pictures, and their brothers always wanted a picture with me to, being semi-famous simply for being Jack Gilinsky’s little sister and they all thought I was ‘a babe’ according to their tweets and photos. But other than that, I’ve never been close to a guy like this, in this position.
“Jack” I said softly, my eyes looking up at his brightly.
“Hmmm?” he hummed.
“is this where you kiss me?” I asked shyly. Only to see the biggest cutest smile come onto Johnsons face.
“I was thinking about it.” He smiled.
“You know I’ve never kis-“ I started but was cut off by Jacks lips softly being pressed against mine. I relaxed and closed my eyes, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck.
Jack pulled me in closer to him and all I could think about was how right this felt. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip and I wasn’t sure what to do, but Jack squeezed my butt, causing my eyes to shoot open and I let out a little gasp, I figured out he just wanted to put his tongue into my mouth.
Next thing I know my hands are in his hair, and his are roaming my body as we’re making out. Things were definitely getting hot, but I was totally okay with it. This is Johnson we’re talking about. The only guy I’ve ever actually had feelings for. All the guys Jack scared off were just first date, that would hopefully lead to more, but never did.
Jack and I pulled apart, just looking at each other. He still had his hand on my waist.
“(y/n), I like you…a lot, if it isn’t already obvious.” Johnson nervously chuckled.
“Jack, I like you too.” I smiled.
He smiled and pulled me closer to him, and our lips met again. It was sweet and gentle and I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
Things got heated again and Jack picked me up, wrapping my legs around him he walked over to my bed, laying down over top of me. We started grinding into each other. Both needing more friction. He started kissing my neck and I arched my back, feeling so good.
“Jack” I breathed out.
I felt him smirk and then he started kissing down my body. He stopped right above my bottoms and looked up at me.
“can I try something? You can tell me to stop if you’re uncomfortable I ju-“
“yes Jack. I trust you.” I smiled, looking down at him.
And with that he was pulling my bottoms off. I was so self conscious. Like I’ve never been like this with anyone.
“Jack what are you doi-mmmm” I cut myself off with a moan. His lips were on my clit and his fingers were inside of me. It felt so good.
“j-Jack” I moaned. My legs were shaking, and my back was arched up off the bed. He hummed against me and that was enough to do it for me. I released all over Jacks fingers.
He removed his mouth and fingers from my core and hovered above me with a smile. “was that okay?” he asked.
“y-yeah” I breathed out, causing Jack to let out a little chuckle.
“we should probably get going.” Jack said, getting up and handing me my bottoms.
“thank you” I smiled shyly, standing up and putting my bottoms on.
We walked out to Jacks car and got in after putting all our stuff in the trunk. I sat in silence. How was I supposed to act? How was I supposed to talk to him? Does this change things for us? Then he reached over and let his hand rest on my inner thigh.
“hy (y/n)” he spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.
“yeah?” I asked nervously.
“I was thinking we could go out to dinner tomorrow. I’d really like to take you on a date.” He smiled, looking over at me briefly.
“I’d like that.” I smiled.
“okay good.”
We got to the beach and everyone was there and I went to get out but before I could Jack grabbed my face and kissed me again. Then we headed down to the beach where everyone was.
Deciding to just act like we always do, Jack gave me a piggy back ride. We laughed, and once we got to the fire where everyone else was, I got off his back and we smiled at each other, walking over to Sammy, Skate and Emily.
“what’s up guys.” Sammy asked as we joined the group.
“nothing much.” Johnson responded, and with that the guys broke off into conversation.
Emily and I went to go get drinks for us and the guys and I told her about Jack and I and she was so excited. She always thought we would get together, so she was pretty happy about that. Then as we were standing there talking two hands snaked around my waist and I was pulled back into someones chest.
“hey beautiful.” Jacks familiar voice whispered in my ear. And I couldn’t help but smile. And looking at Emily, she had a huge smile on her face.
“hey Jack.” I said, placing my hands over his.
“hey Em.”
“Hey Jack.” Emily smirked, knowingly.
“do you know where G is?”
“yeah, him and Madison went down the beach for a walk.”
“oh, okay, well I’m gonna steal (y/n) for a bit then.”
“okay, just don’t be gone too long, we won’t be able to cover for you guys too long.” Emily winked and then walked back to the boys.
Jack took my hand and dragged me down to the shore, staring out at the ocean and walking ankle deep in the water hand in hand.
“so I was thinking about tomorrow, and the guys said dinner is to cliché so I was wondering if you’d like to grab something to eat and then go to the amusement park.”
“yeah, that’s fine with me.” I smiled brightly. “as long as that’s what you want.”
“hey, I’d do anything if it meant being with you.” He smiled.
“you’re so cheeky.” I laughed, playfully bumping into him.
He grabbed my waist though and turned me to face him. Grabbing my face and kissing me again.
“you love it.” He smiled, squeezing my side.
“whatever.” I laughed, wiggling out of his grip, only to have him grab my hand, stopping me. He smiled at me as we headed back to the fire with everyone. We walked up laughing and headed over to Emily and Wes, talking to them.
Suddenly Jack was grabbed by his shoulder and yanked around.
“YOU FUCKED MY SISTER” my brother yelled at Johnson.
“what?” Johnson asked, looking so confused. “no man.”
“DON’T LIE TO ME” Jack yelled.
“yo chill G. I didn’t fuck your sister.” Jack replied, remaining so calm.
“bullshit. I told you not to make a fucking move on her.”
“G, bro, do you not get it. I fucking like your sister. So what.”
“I don’t care, that doesn’t give you the right to fuck her.”
“Jack, we didn’t have sex. Chill out.” I finally stepped in.
“(y/n) I don’t care. Whatever you did do, he’s just using you. All he wants is sex.”
“That’s a shit thing to say bro. Especially about your best friend. You know I’ve liked her for a while now, you know I’d never do that. I care about her a lot and the fact that you think all I want form her is sex hurts a lot dude.” Jack spoke.
G looked between us and just shook his head and turned and walked away. Johnson went to go after him, but I reached out and stopped him.
“let me.” I whispered, looking at him with sympathetic eyes.
I went after Jack, finding him down by the shore. Ankle deep in the water, just looking out at the moon.
“jack.” I spoke softly.
“look at me.” I sighed. I hated when he was mad at me. But regardless, he turned around.
“Look, I get it, you’re mad. But you really have no need to be. We didn’t have sex.”
“but I’m sure you guys will. (y/n), I know Johnson, and he’s crazy about you.”
“okay? And what’s so wrong with that Jack? Honestly. He’s your best friend, you’ve known him forever, and you think he would actually just want it to be all about sex?”
“no, I just. I don’t like the idea of something happening. (y/n) you could get all kinds of diseases, or pregnant. Do you really want a kid right now?”
“okay? But you and Madison have sex all the time? Aren’t you worried about her getting pregnant?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest.
“it’s different. We use protection an-“
“you don’t think I’d make whatever guy I have sex with wear one? And on top of that you know I’m on the pill.”
“Yeah, I guess, I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” Jack sighed.
“I know you don’t.” I sighed. “but do you really think Johnson would hurt me? Wouldn’t you rather me be with him than some other random guy?”
“I see what you’re saying little sis.” Jack sighed. “You’re just my little sister and I really wanna watch out for you. You deserve the best.” Jack smiled, pulling me into a hug.
“thanks Jack.” I smiled, hugging him back. “so can you go talk to Johnson now?” I asked, looking up at him.
“yeah.” He smiled. “if that’s what you really want.” He said playfully.
“yeah, I’d love it. I don’t want you scaring him off. I like this one a lot.” I smiled, hugging Jack and kissing his cheek.
After a while, we all just sat around the fire and hung out. Jack and Jack talked things out, and Jack was totally okay with me and Johnson. I sat on his lap at the fire, and we started acting more coupley. Hand holding, random kisses, and everything in between. I’ve never been happier.
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
New Years
Don’t lie to me
one rule
back off
first holiday
no emotion. just sex (feat Sk8)
sneaking out // part 2
Hate / part II // part III
Late Night Fights
Holidays at Home
Hurtful words and Broken plates
Not your toy
leave me alone please
shut up and…
bubble bath
the three best friends
public disturbance
no emotion. just sex (feat G)
Nudes feat. feelings / part II
we fight, we makeup
clothes off, now
fuck, i love you
have you been drinking again
she’s mine
stuck with you
mine and only mine
shut up and…
love you
unwanted company
everything reminds me of you
friends & feels
the waitress
started with a goodnight kiss
2 am
The Jacket / part II
best friends
back off
empty bed / part II
unspoken feelings
the three best friends
brothers best friend
shut the fuck up
Derek (my mf daddy)
its luh, bitch
tease / part II
that grin
is everything okay
someone else / part II
mami & daddy
unwanted company
mine again
a good feeling
in love with you
6 months / part II - Beau Brooks/Nash Grier
ex-girlfriend - Jai Brooks
which one - KDL
crush - Ben Wilkinson
double date - Jai Brooks
from the club, to the car, to the crib, to the bed - deejay rupp
please don’t go - Cameron Dallas
Give into Me- JG|NM : part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22
4K notes · View notes
gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
If Not For Yourselves- (Derek/Jack G x Reader)
Request: Can I get a Derek imagine where he and Gilinsky are like “rivals” and yn is best friends with one and dating the other (you pick which is which) and they both talk shit about each other to her and then she finally breaks down and sits them both down and tensions run high and she leaves the meeting and then they both come to find her and they both apologize and promise to tolerate each other?
Warnings: Cursing, whats new?
A/N: I may have gotten carried away lmao
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Not only was it beginning to get so old, it was also starting to get on my nerves. The whole rivalry was pointless, and it was on an extremely long path to nowhere. Each day that went by, was another day that their hatred for each other, cut even deeper. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the both of them with my entire heart, but the disapproval that Derek and Jack had for each other, began to drive me away from the both of them.
And they were beginning to notice.
“You don’t know how to have some fucking respect, rather than to stop arguing with me, and now look what you did. You made Y/N stop talking to us. Congratulations, Gilinsky, your own girlfriend doesn’t want to talk to you,” Derek said, in a strangely calm voice, knowing that getting angry would only upset me more, acknowledging that I was still in the room, trying my best ignore them knowing that trying to stop them would be hopeless.
“I DON’T HAVE RESPECT? HOW ABOUT YOU HAVE RESPECT FOR MY GIRLFRIEND AND STOP DISRESPECTING HER BOYFRIEND.” Jack takes a breath and chuckles to himself, slightly, before continuing,“Are you just mad because poor little Derek is still stuck in the best friend zone?” I open my mouth to interject, but I’m stopped by Derek. Again. “Yeah, do you know why I’m ‘stuck in the best friend zone’, Gilinsky?,” Derek questioned. With his confident tone, I already knew that what he was about to say, was going to be beyond cheeky.
“That’s because, Y/N can’t handle this magnum that sitting in my pants, so it’s best that we stay friends, and she can deal with a limp shrimp that easier to manage.” Gilinsky raises his arms and shoves Derek back, against the wall, which I didn’t blame him for, not only was that undeniably rude to Jack, it was fairly rude to me just as much.
This was going way too far, and if I don’t stop it from progressing, it never will stop. I jumped out of my seat and charged towards to the both who were pressed against the wall, engaging foul words back and forth. I grabbed both their wrists and pulled them towards the back door the led to the backyard. Almost immediately lower their voices, but once they realize what I’m trying to do, they start quarreling again, but this time it directed towards me.
“It’s not going to work, Y/N.”
“If you think I’m getting along with him, you thought fucking wrong.”
“Dude, you’re not a therapist.”
“Dr. Phil, can you stop dragging us out here.”
“Can you two stop running your mouths for five minutes, please?,” I say in a harsh voice, surprising them, with my newfound tone. I wasn’t one to come off as mean or rough, I usually very gentle and patient with people, but once my patience was tested, it wasn’t pretty.
“You two have been fighting ever since, I started dating you,” I say, pointing a finger at Gilinsky. “If I’m being completely honest with you, all this arguing and tough-guy-bullshit is getting old and as harsh as it may sound, I don’t want to your best friend if you’re going to be fighting with my boyfriend,” I say, watching as a sad expression takes over Derek’s face, but a smug one makes it way onto Jack’s. “And you need to wipe that grin off of your face, because you’re no better. I don’t want to be your girlfriend if you’re going to fighting with my best friend.”
And once again, they start arguing. Again. And again.
“This is your fucking fault!”
“You drove her away!”
“And how she hates me, because of you.”
It didn’t matter how much I loved them. If I was going get married to Jack, like we had planned to, are him and Derek still going to be rivals? If I was going to be best friends with Derek for the rest of my life, like we had planned to, are him and Jack still going to be rivals? With such thoughts in my head, and Derek and Jack still fighting in front me, even after everything I just said, I had to go elsewhere. Anywhere but here.
One hour later
I opened my eyes slowly to the sound of my bedroom door being knocked loudly. I must’ve fallen asleep after crying so much after what happened not too long ago. Before my hand touches the door knob, it’s swung open with Derek and Gilinsky standing in the door way, with frantic looks on their faces.
“Look, we’ve talked to each other, okay? It took a lot, but we both can at least agree on the fact that we don’t want to lose you just because we too petty for our own good,” Jack says, taking my hands in his. “Y/N, we love you. I’d rather have you as my best friend than to keep arguing with Gilinsky,” Derek says, nodding his head in the direction of Jack.
“I just want you guys to apologize to each other, if not for yourselves, then for me? Please?,” I say, looking down not making eye contact with either of them. “We already apologized, we talked about the fighting, and we’re cool, everything’s fixed now,” Jack says looking at me through hopeful eyes.
“We promise.”
337 notes · View notes
gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
hope your pets stay healthy in 2017
2M notes · View notes
gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
New Years
Don’t lie to me
one rule
back off
first holiday
no emotion. just sex (feat Sk8)
sneaking out // part 2
Hate / part II // part III
Late Night Fights
Holidays at Home
Hurtful words and Broken plates
Not your toy
leave me alone please
shut up and…
bubble bath
the three best friends
public disturbance
no emotion. just sex (feat G)
Nudes feat. feelings / part II
we fight, we makeup
clothes off, now
fuck, i love you
have you been drinking again
she’s mine
stuck with you
mine and only mine
shut up and…
love you
unwanted company
everything reminds me of you
friends & feels
the waitress
started with a goodnight kiss
2 am
The Jacket / part II
best friends
back off
empty bed / part II
unspoken feelings
the three best friends
brothers best friend
shut the fuck up
Derek (my mf daddy)
its luh, bitch
tease / part II
that grin
is everything okay
someone else / part II
mami & daddy
unwanted company
mine again
a good feeling
in love with you
6 months / part II - Beau Brooks/Nash Grier
ex-girlfriend - Jai Brooks
which one - KDL
crush - Ben Wilkinson
double date - Jai Brooks
from the club, to the car, to the crib, to the bed - deejay rupp
please don’t go - Cameron Dallas
Give into Me- JG|NM : part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22
4K notes · View notes
gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
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WHY ARE WE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS?!? gilinksy-johnsonn
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Wedding/Life Series
Johnson was the winner. Thank you guys for voting. First story will be coming tomorrow!!!
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Wedding/Life Series???
Should I do a series like wedding series with one of the Omaha boys or even Derek?? Send me a message with one of these votes:
2- Gilinsky
5- Derek Luh
I will be telling the top choice Sunday night and will begin writing the series Monday and do some imagines in between.
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
You learn to love them (Jswazz Imagine)
This was a request by one of my followers. I personally love the idea because I have two cats and I love them to death.
Request: Hey :) i just read You need ideas for your writings. I dunno if thats still up to date but if it is i kinda love the idea about swazz sitting his girlfriends cat even though he s More a dog Person. AT First he s not realy into it but at the End of the Day he realy started to love the cat and she finds them all cuddled up when coming Home 😊 btw. I realy enjoy your writings :)
“Ugh why!” I sighed as my boyfriend John denied my request
“Because I don’t like them y/n they creep me out!” He replied.
I don’t understand how he couldn’t like cats. They’re he most adorable animals ever. My boyfriend John thought otherwise. He was more a dog person. I just needed him to watch my two cats for the weekend while I was off for a business trip.
“John please, it’s just two days. They’re really good. Just feed them, give them company and leave.” I said
“Ugh fine y/n, but just for two days. After that they’re on their own.” He said
“Yay! Thanks babe” I said kissing is cheek.
The next morning John took me to the airport and I flew to Vegas so I could close a deal with a big corporation.
Johns POV
I dropped y/n off at the airport and went back to her house to check on the cats. I wasn’t much of a cat person, dogs were my thing. Hence me owning a Pitbull. I walked in her house, one cat was in the window the other was asleep on the cat house.
“Hey kitties.” I said
I looked around for the bowls and I found them by the back door. Apparently according to y/n her cats need a view while they eat.
I filled up their food and water bowls as I was doing it one of the cats came and rubbed herself on my pant leg.
“Hey.” I said stepping back
She just looked at me with her big blue eyes and meowed. A slight smile came from my lips cause if you really looked at her she was a cute cat. I bent down to pet her and she purred very loudly and rubbed herself on my knee as I pet her.
The other cat came and she did the same thing. I sat down there and pet them for a while, then I got up and let them eat. I decided to stay because I didn’t want the cats to be alone. I mean I still don’t like cats but who wants them to be alone right?
I got up the next morning with a text from y/n said she’d be home earlier because she closed the deal quick. I fed the cats again and gave them some love and I left to freshen up to go get y/n from the airport.
“John!” I yelled walking towards him giving him a hug. When I pulled away I noticed his shirt was full of cat hair. I didn’t say anything because well I can admit my cats shed, and a lot.
“Hey baby, how was your trip?” He said
“Good, I closed the deal and made the company so much money.” I said
“Congrats! Lets go celebrate tonight.” He said
“Sounds good, but let’s go home I miss my cats.” I said
We drove home and it was mainly silent. Besides the small talk we made here and there. We finally arrived home after what seemed like forever. I walked in and I was immediately greeted by my cats.
“Hey babies!” I said in a baby voice tone.
“How were they?” I said
“Good, hardly gave me any trouble.”
“Well I’m gonna go upstairs and shower and get ready so we can go out.” I said
“Ok sounds good, I’ll sit down here and watch some TV or something.”
I ran upstairs, quickly undressed, got into the shower and rinsed off. I got out did my makeup, got dressed and then dried and combed my hair. I walked back downstairs to see something I don’t think I would have ever seen before.
I saw John, with my one of my cats on laying by his thigh and the other on his chest and they were all sleep but John had his hands on both cats.
“John” I said whispering and shaking him
“Hmm.” He mumbled waking up
“Looks like you’ve taken a liking to some of my friends.” I said looking at him and the cats
“Whaaat, no…” he said trying to play it off.
I remained looking at him with a grin and a raised eyebrow
“Okay fine you caught me, while you were gone we had some bonding time. They’re actually super adorable.”He said
“See I told you, and you hated cats.. pshh.” I said
“Oh shush, let’s go.” He said standing up and walking towards the door.
I shook my head and laughed as we walked out.
I hope you guys enjoyed!!! I was kinda mind blocked but I still tried. Keep sending requests!! My box is always open! 🌸💗
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Wedding/Life Series???
Should I do a series like wedding series with one of the Omaha boys or even Derek?? Send me a message with one of these votes:
2- Gilinsky
5- Derek Luh
I will be telling the top choice Sunday night and will begin writing the series Monday and do some imagines in between.
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
If Not For Yourselves- (Derek/Jack G x Reader)
Request: Can I get a Derek imagine where he and Gilinsky are like “rivals” and yn is best friends with one and dating the other (you pick which is which) and they both talk shit about each other to her and then she finally breaks down and sits them both down and tensions run high and she leaves the meeting and then they both come to find her and they both apologize and promise to tolerate each other?
Warnings: Cursing, whats new?
A/N: I may have gotten carried away lmao
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Not only was it beginning to get so old, it was also starting to get on my nerves. The whole rivalry was pointless, and it was on an extremely long path to nowhere. Each day that went by, was another day that their hatred for each other, cut even deeper. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the both of them with my entire heart, but the disapproval that Derek and Jack had for each other, began to drive me away from the both of them.
And they were beginning to notice.
“You don’t know how to have some fucking respect, rather than to stop arguing with me, and now look what you did. You made Y/N stop talking to us. Congratulations, Gilinsky, your own girlfriend doesn’t want to talk to you,” Derek said, in a strangely calm voice, knowing that getting angry would only upset me more, acknowledging that I was still in the room, trying my best ignore them knowing that trying to stop them would be hopeless.
“I DON’T HAVE RESPECT? HOW ABOUT YOU HAVE RESPECT FOR MY GIRLFRIEND AND STOP DISRESPECTING HER BOYFRIEND.” Jack takes a breath and chuckles to himself, slightly, before continuing,“Are you just mad because poor little Derek is still stuck in the best friend zone?” I open my mouth to interject, but I’m stopped by Derek. Again. “Yeah, do you know why I’m ‘stuck in the best friend zone’, Gilinsky?,” Derek questioned. With his confident tone, I already knew that what he was about to say, was going to be beyond cheeky.
“That’s because, Y/N can’t handle this magnum that sitting in my pants, so it’s best that we stay friends, and she can deal with a limp shrimp that easier to manage.” Gilinsky raises his arms and shoves Derek back, against the wall, which I didn’t blame him for, not only was that undeniably rude to Jack, it was fairly rude to me just as much.
This was going way too far, and if I don’t stop it from progressing, it never will stop. I jumped out of my seat and charged towards to the both who were pressed against the wall, engaging foul words back and forth. I grabbed both their wrists and pulled them towards the back door the led to the backyard. Almost immediately lower their voices, but once they realize what I’m trying to do, they start quarreling again, but this time it directed towards me.
“It’s not going to work, Y/N.”
“If you think I’m getting along with him, you thought fucking wrong.”
“Dude, you’re not a therapist.”
“Dr. Phil, can you stop dragging us out here.”
“Can you two stop running your mouths for five minutes, please?,” I say in a harsh voice, surprising them, with my newfound tone. I wasn’t one to come off as mean or rough, I usually very gentle and patient with people, but once my patience was tested, it wasn’t pretty.
“You two have been fighting ever since, I started dating you,” I say, pointing a finger at Gilinsky. “If I’m being completely honest with you, all this arguing and tough-guy-bullshit is getting old and as harsh as it may sound, I don’t want to your best friend if you’re going to be fighting with my boyfriend,” I say, watching as a sad expression takes over Derek’s face, but a smug one makes it way onto Jack’s. “And you need to wipe that grin off of your face, because you’re no better. I don’t want to be your girlfriend if you’re going to fighting with my best friend.”
And once again, they start arguing. Again. And again.
“This is your fucking fault!”
“You drove her away!”
“And how she hates me, because of you.”
It didn’t matter how much I loved them. If I was going get married to Jack, like we had planned to, are him and Derek still going to be rivals? If I was going to be best friends with Derek for the rest of my life, like we had planned to, are him and Jack still going to be rivals? With such thoughts in my head, and Derek and Jack still fighting in front me, even after everything I just said, I had to go elsewhere. Anywhere but here.
One hour later
I opened my eyes slowly to the sound of my bedroom door being knocked loudly. I must’ve fallen asleep after crying so much after what happened not too long ago. Before my hand touches the door knob, it’s swung open with Derek and Gilinsky standing in the door way, with frantic looks on their faces.
“Look, we’ve talked to each other, okay? It took a lot, but we both can at least agree on the fact that we don’t want to lose you just because we too petty for our own good,” Jack says, taking my hands in his. “Y/N, we love you. I’d rather have you as my best friend than to keep arguing with Gilinsky,” Derek says, nodding his head in the direction of Jack.
“I just want you guys to apologize to each other, if not for yourselves, then for me? Please?,” I say, looking down not making eye contact with either of them. “We already apologized, we talked about the fighting, and we’re cool, everything’s fixed now,” Jack says looking at me through hopeful eyes.
“We promise.”
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Hey loves!!!
Send me some ideas you have for stores with my Omaha boys. I really want to start writing again but I need some ideas. 🌸💗
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
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This episode, which aired twelve years ago as of 2017, saved The Suite Life of Zack and Cody from being cancelled and made Esteban a more featured regular.
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Can I have an imagine where Sammy cheats on you with Stass and you go to Nate and y’all end up together (maybe add smut if you write that)
Done. Let me know your feedback on the post🌸💗
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Cheater. (Sammy Wilk/ Sk8 Smut)
This was a request from an anonymous sender. I hope you enjoy and it’s what you wanted! Go on and keep sending me some ideas to write for you guys. 🌸💗
2:00 a.m the clock read. I was sitting on the couch in the living room of mine and my boyfriend Sammy Wilks shared home. I had been watching Netflix, staying up waiting for Sam. It was getting late and I had to work the next morning. I wanted to wait for Sam to get home but I was getting extremely tired and tomorrow was going to be busy at work. I turned off the T.V and headed to bed.
I woke up a few hours later and still no Sammy. I didn’t think anything of it because he’s done stuff like this before. I checked my phone and nothing from him either. I locked my screen letting out a sigh and rolled my eyes.
I got out of bed, took a shower and continued to get ready for work. As I was driving to work my favorite song came on and it reminded me of Sammy. I sat there on the way to work just thinking of him and I. How great our relationship was and how lucky I was. My thoughts were broken when I was Starbucks, of course I had to stop and get some.
I arrived to work, and immediately it was so busy due to the huge event we had going on.
Skip to after work
I got into my car, checked my phone and still nothing from Sam. I did have a text from Nate asking if I wanted to hang out later. I didn’t reply because I was hoping Sam would be home and him and I could hangout.
When I got home I had a weird feeling the minute I walked in. I then heard a laugh coming from our room. I put my stuff down, I smile because I new he was home and I ran to the room. I was immediately stopped by what I saw. I saw Sam and Stass, in my bed. The bed where Sam and I made love many times, the bed I slept in every night, the bed you shared with someone who you thought you loved.
I stood at the door, arms crossed watching them.
“Mhmm” I said clearing my throat.
“Shit, Y/N I didn’t know you were coming home so soon.” Sam said
“Oh I’m sorry I came to our home, should I have rang the doorbell?” I said angrily pointing behind me
Stass remained staring at me.
“I’m surprised you have nothing to say now because you had a lot to say before you saw me.” I said
“I would say I can’t believe you did this but then who would I be fooling, I new it was coming eventually.”
Tears started forming in my eyes and I rolled my eyes let a sigh come out of my mouth and I grabbed my stuff and started heading to the door.
“Y/N wait!” Sam said.
“What Sam, I want nothing to do with you. God you’re so good, so good. Just when I thought I could start trusting you again and believing that you loved me you turned around and did this.”
“Y/…” Sam tries saying before I cut him off.
“We’re done. You chose your side. I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow.” I said walking out of our home.
I got into my car and I call Nate immediately, he was one of the boys I trusted the most. I called him for everything, he was my first go-to
“Hello” Nate said
“Hey.” I said sniffling on the phone
“Hey Y/N you good?” He said
“can I come over?” I said
“Yes absolutely, come.” He said
“Okay, see you soon.” I said hanging up the phone.
I drove to Nate’s house, tears were just falling uncontrollably. I don’t know why I was so hurt. I knew he was a playboy type but after investing two years of my time and supporting him in everything he does and being alone, him making me believe he loved me. It hurt.
I got to Nate’s house and I knocked on the door.
“He… y/n what’s wrong?” He said noticing my teary eyes.
“I caught him… I caught sam cheating.” I said crying
He gave me a hug and brought me inside. Him and I sat on the couch and just talked we talked about the situation, we talked about what I should do about it, we talked about his music, my work, his touring. We realized it was hitting 11:00 pm when we finished talking.
“You can stay here if you want Y/N” He said
“Can I really? I asked smiling
“Of course”
He stood up let out his hand for me to grab it and led us to his room. He opened his drawers and gave me a pair of sweatpants and grabbed me a shirt from his closet.
“Thanks” I said
He smiled and kissed the top of my forehead.
I started to change and he turned around and said “oh, I’m sorry.”
“No it’s fine, I’m comfortable around you.” I said
He walked up towards me and leaned his forehead and ran his hands down my sides.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said
Our lips and bodies were very close he turned me around and leaned me against the cold wall, goose bumps were all over my body
“Kiss me.” You said
He kissed me so passionately, I knew it was wrong becquse Sammy and I technically didn’t break up but the way his sweatpants hung on his waist and his shirtless body just looked amazing at the moment. The way his tattoos and his jawline perfectly looked. I couldn’t help myself.
He picked me up and laid us on the bed and slowly pulled off my sweatpants. We went from kissing to him kissing me slowly down my body. He kissed from my neck to my belly bottom around to my thighs and soon my hot spot. The way he passionaly moved his tongue made me want him even more. He moved himself by slowly kissing my thighs and moving back to my neck. He slowly slid himself into me and we grinded our bodies slowly. Everything about what we were doing was wrong but felt so right. We were both moaning while kissing, we new we were hitting each others climax as soon as his thrusts sped up.
As we were finishing he kissed me and looked at me and said “you’re beautiful, Sammy is stupid.”
He rolled over next to me and out naked bodies cuddled into each other as the cold air hir our bodies.
“Thank you, Nate.” I said falling asleep.
“Goodnight.” He said.
I woke up the next morning rolled over and looked at Nate sleeping so peacefully. I got out of bed, out on some of his clothes and went down to the kitchen. I pulled out some stuff in his fridge and started to make breakfast. As I was making breakfast my phone buzzed. It was a text from Sammy.
Sam❤️: Can we talk?
Me: what is there to talk about? From what I think it’s nothing.
Sam❤️: y/n I screwed up I know but I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. She meant nothing to me. Where are you I’ll come over.
Me: she obviously meant something by the way you two were kissing and loving it up. Sam just move on and let me live and be me. We both know it was gonna happen sooner or later. I’ll be by to get my stuff. I’m sorry but you chose.
He didn’t respond after and I went on making breakfast. I felt hands snake around my waist was I was making bacon.
“Mm good morning.” Nate said nuzzling his head into my neck while kissing it.
“Good morning.” i said putting my hand on the back of his neck and playing with his hair.
I turned off the stove and turned around and put my arms around his neck, he then kissed me.
“Are you hungry?” I said
“I mean yeah but for something else.” He said grabbing my butt.
“Stop I meant for He delicious breakfast I made.” I said
He grabbed the plates and forks and I took the food to the table. We started to eat when Nate broke the silence.
“Y/n there’s something you should know.” He started
“What’s that?” I said with a nervous feeling in my stomach.
“I uh, well I kinda uhh, like you. Not just like you like a small crush, like every time I see you there’s a feeling in my chest in my stomach that makes me get a good feeling when you’re around. I get if you don’t like me either but I had to tell you since of what happened last night. I’ve been jealous ever since you were with Sam.”
“Nate stop, I like you too. I’m actually glad this happened with me and Sam.”
He smiled and leaned over and kissed me.
“Eat your breakfast.” I said
“Okay.” He said lifting me up and taking me to his, now our room
Hope you guys enjoyed!! Please keep sending ideas. I really want to start writing again. 🌸💗
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
🌸Should I start writing imagines and stuff again? Haven’t posted In a really long time and I feel like i should get into again. Send me some requests or ideas you guys have. 🌸
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