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gildedworld · 6 months ago
I want to feel alive again.
Rosaria closed her eyes and inhaled sharply.
Focus, she thought to herself silently. Just focus.
January 4, 2023 was when her life changed forever. It was the day she was ‘reborn’ so to speak - it was the day she truly accepted that she was the phoenix. And the Phoenix was her. And just as Rhiannon had always said, the second Rosaria stopped fighting it, she’d be awake again. And she was.
But now that she was awake, she barely felt alive. The only indication of her own consciousness was her brother - Jimmy. Even now, he was the only one who actually spoke to her and treated her as if she were still herself. To everyone else in the world, she was either dead, or a deity. And if it were up to Rosaria, she would be neither.
All she had ever wanted was to return to her old life - to Alex, to her friends, to her family.
I want to feel alive again
She could hear them - their heartbeats, their thoughts, desires, feelings, emotions, cells - she could hear everything that was alive, from the plants to the people around her, and beyond. She could hear them all. She could feel them all. She could see them all.
I want to feel alive again.
Ironically, that only reinforced the hopelessness of the situation for Rosaria further - she could experience their sentient nature and that just made her doubt her own. Rosaria had her own experiences but they seemed like distant images to her, just as if she was flipping through the images in a book. She knew she had felt some sort of attachment towards them, but it felt almost foreign to her. It was as if she hadn’t even lived those experiences herself but it was someone else instead.
And that terrified Rosaria. She knew this is what Rhiannon had always spoken of - the world around them would continue. People would come and go, empires would rise and fall. But the Phoenix would remain constant - it would always exist. It would never die, nor would it ever be born. It was beyond the circle of life, beyond the reach of time.
I want to feel alive again.
With time, her own experiences would be distant memories, all existing within the Phoenix. Eventually, she would feel nothing towards them and the people who had meant the world to her would be all but a distant dream. That terrified her more than anything in the world - even more than the Phoenix. She simply could not accept forgetting the people closest to her.
But at the same time, she could not bring herself to simply go back. Rosaria knew that if she wanted, she could easily find them in a heartbeat. In fact, she knew that they were in Canada. But doing so meant exposing them to the chaos that had become her reality now - it meant exposing them to the Order, to a potential threat that had been hidden in plain sight for centuries, and bringing back the scrutiny of the government to them.
But mostly, it meant exposing them to herself - on her good days, Rosaria could go a full day without being overwhelmed by the Phoenix and “dying”. On her bad days, she could barely make it through an hour.
She simply could not risk that.
I have to walk before I run. I will not stay, standing in the grey
It was bad enough that Jimmy had been exposed to this. But Rosaria knew that she had to - Jimmy was not safe at home. Rosaria knew it was only a matter of time before the world would learn that she was still alive and they’d come for Jimmy first. And of course, there was the ever present threat of Selike reaching Jimmy first as well - she could not risk either.
I want to feel alive again And I will not pretend
And on days like these, where she doubted her own sanity and her own sentientness, Rosaria always let Alex’s words guide her.
I want to feel alive again.
She could picture him standing in front of her - leaning against a tree, rolling his eyes behind his glasses. She could hear him telling her to snap out of it, chiding her for letting her own emotions consume her like this. He’d remind her of the importance of staying disciplined, of staying in control of herself no matter what the situation.
Slowly, Rosaria opened her eyes to see the vastness of the open seas as she felt the wind pushing her hair away from her face.
Calmly, she exhaled. She was in control again.
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gildedworld · 6 months ago
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The suryavanshi are an ancient mutant sub-species, typically originating in south-eastern Europe and known best for their distinct abilities of energy and solar manupilation.
Name and Origins
The name Suryavanshi itself finds its origins in the Indian subcontinent- it's root, Surya is derived from the name of the Hindu Sun god, Surya. The name Suryavanshi, therefore, can be directly translated to "Children of the Sun."
Suryavanshi in History
The Suryavanshi emerged as powerful energy manupilators who dominated the Silk Road and it's trade, often providing traders and traveler's with warmth and shelter through their abilities. While their language today is largely unknown, historical texts attribute them to having spoken an Indo-European language with it's roots in Sanskrit, much like other southern-European languages in the region. The Suryavanshi were also avid worshipers of a Sun God and attributed their abilities to be gifts of the Sun God in return for their loyal worship.
Over time, the Suryavanshi race dissipated due to travel to unexplored lands across the world, including South America (modern-day Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and parts of Mexico), Egypt and former Byzantine lands, and unexplored parts of Oceania as well (Australia and New Zealand). Distributed across vast geographies, descendants tended to assimilate with the local culture and eventually lost contact with other Suryavanshi.
Prominent Suryavanshi
Over time, the Suryavanshi race itself was forgotten all together, existing primarily in history books.
Distinctive Suryavanshi Powers and Abilities
Energy manupilation
Energy absorption
Energy protection
Energy siphoning
Solar projection
Solar absorbtion
While the Suryavanshi race is largely forgotten, their abilities and powers are not. They still live on, passed down from mother to child.
Mastronadi, originating from Sicily
Prominent Suryavanshi Lines
Almedia, originating from Pourtugal
Prominent Suryavanshi Descendants
Isabella Mastronadi
It is strongly suspected that Alexander inherited his abilities from his mother, whose own abilities were dormant during her lifetime.
Alexander Mastronadi
Isabella 'Bella' Costa
Alexander likely inherited his abilities from his mother. His abilities were triggered due to a combination of grief of losing his mother and learning of his father's betrayal of his mother and his involvement in anti-mutant pharmaceutical production, and the side effects of the pharmaceutical drug produced by his father's company.
Alexander is also Isabella Costa's third cousin.
Bella inherited her abilities from her mother's side of the family, the Amelia's. The Almedias and the Mastronadi's are related via the Mastronadi maternal line. Bella is also AlexanderMastronadis's third cousin.
Lucian Huntington
Son of Isabella and James Huntington, inherited part of his abilities from his mother.
Lunaria Huntington
Daughter of Isabella and James Huntington, inherited part of her abilities from her mother.
Selene Huntington
Daughter of Isabella and James Huntington, inherited part of her abilities from her mother.
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gildedworld · 6 months ago
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Christian Grimaldi / Archangel
FULL NAME: Christian Grimaldo
TITLE : HSH Christian II of Grimaldi, Heir Apparent to the throne of Monaco
SEXUALITY:  Hetrosexual
SPECIES: Homo Superior/ Mutant
ETHNICITY:  Caucasian
ACCENT: Southern French
HAIR:  wavy, dark brown
EYES:  brown
BODY: Christian is tall, lean, and well-built . At 6'5 Christian tends to tower over over people and his muscular physique also helps with cement his image of being celestial and heavenly as an Archangel.
UNUSUAL FEATURES: Has white angel wings with a span of 16-ft expanding from his back.
STYLE:  Christian's style is very classic, old world, European- lots of tailored clothes, casmare and Marino wool sweaters, and classic time pieces. He does not wear fast fashion and prefers high-quality clothing and items as opposed to what's trending- a lot of brunello cucinelli, eton, Hermès, etc. Christian is also not the kind of person to wear prints or any article of clothing with words - he tends to go for solid, muted colors in terms of the range of colors.
Christian is rather quiet on the whole, always seemingly calm and collected. Like his grandfather, Christian is pragmatic, cautious, and rather conservative.
Those who truly know him know of his ongoing insecurities regarding his wings. Rarely ever in the public eye growing up, Christian was always withdrawn and aloof, unsure of how others would perceive him due to his wings. These insecurities are rooted in his grandfather's rejection of his mutant nature.
Specifically, after meeting Rosaria Huntington in 2019, Christian began to undergo a drastic change in personality. Rosaria somehow had triggered his other latent mutations, forcing Christian and his grandfather to confront the reality of Christian being a mutant. That also meant that his grandfather also had to confront the reality of his grandson being a mutant.
Over time, Christian has become a lot more outspoken and confident. He is no longer afraid to speak his mind, although he still is pragmatic and chooses when best to reveal his true thoughts and feelings as per the situation. But most of all, he's accepted that his grandfather will never accept him for who he is.
Apart from this, Christian is also exceedingly loyal, almost fanatical at times. This is seen especially with his relationship with Rosaria, whom he regards to be a divine being and refuses to see her as anything less and erases all her flaws and insecurities in his mind. Similarly, he tends to have exceedingly favorable and exceedingly unfavorable views of people, based on his own perceptions of them. There is no in between and gray areas with Christian. No doubt, that tends to rub a lot of people the wrong way.
Christian has angel wings that extend from his back. When fully extended, his wings span around 16 ft. These wings, along with his hollow bone structure allow him to fly to extreme heights and at extreme speeds - specifically, reaching and in rare cases beating the speed of sound. He also tends to be resistant to extreme pressure and temperature and can survive in spaces with very low to no oxygen for prolonged periods.
In their normal state, his wings are snow-white. However, when desired Christian is able to organically change them to exceedingly durable organic metal that can cut through the hardest of surfaces and is resistant to heat and magnetic forces.
He is also possesses the regenerative healing factor that enables him to heal himself exceedingly fast. Additionally, Christian also has superhuman strength and sight up to 1000 miles in range. Interestingly, Christian's blood can also be used to heal others.
A secondary ability that Christian inherited from his mother's side of the family allows him to manupilate kinetic energy through his wings and make them explode at targets at will. Additionally, he is also able to sense changes and disturbances in the cosmic balance and at times has glimpses of premonitions - as demonstrated with Christian seeing reccuring images of Rosaria channeling the Phoenix as she awakened.
Princess Christina Grimaldi (deceased)
Born to the Greek royal family, Princess Christina was married to Prince Charles VI of Monaco and was the mother of Prince Christian Grimaldi. She died while he was still an infant and therefore, Christian has no memories or attachments to her.
In general, he is not close with his maternal family and rarely ever interacts or sees them. They are interestingly enough,descendants of the Medici in Italy, most famously, Catherine de Medici. Because of this, his maternal family do have several witches, Catherine de Medici being the most famous. As a result of this, he also has inherited some aspects of magical abilities and some resistance to the effects of magic in general.
Christian's paternal family is close-knit and is limited to his grandfather at this point with whom his relationship is quite strained.
King Charles V of Monaco
King Charles V of Monaco is the current King of Monaco and is also the father to Charles VI , and the grandfather to Christian Grimaldi.
King Charles V is exceedingly private and conservative in his thoughts - he is a traditionalist and believes that the activities of monarchy should be beyond the public sphere. He has long criticized his grandson's public pursuit of mutant rights advocacy and strongly dislikes the fact that his grandson's mutation is so visible.
Christian has a very, very strained relationship with his grandfather because of this. Most of his insecurities regarding his wings root in his grandfather's rejection of his mutation since an early age.
Prince Charles VI of Monaco
Son of Charles V of Monaco, and his heir apparent. Charles VI was married to his betrothed, Princess Christina of Greece and is the father of Princs Christian Grimaldim Charles VI died shortly after Christian's birth in a sailing accident with his wife. Because of this, Christian has no real memories or attachments towards him either
Rosaria Huntington
Christian's relationship with Rosaria Huntington is rather odd. His relationship with her is based on his relationship with her astral projection during a time when Rosaria herself was under a telepathic-induced comma. In summary, his relationship with Rosaria's astral projection, therefore, wasn't even the 'real' Rosaria, so to speak - it was the Phoenix.
When Christian sees Rosaria's astral projection channel the Phoenix, Christian equates it to be a divine moment wherein she was transformed into her true divine form. Christian takes a lot of strength from this moment, interpreting it as a way of accepting himself as a mutant as opposed to hiding it. This serves as a turning point in his life.
Since then, Christian finds it to be his purpose in life to serve and protect Rosaria Huntington in any way that he can, much to her annoyance.
Alexander Mastronadi
Alex is exceedingly irritated by Christian. He finds Christian's devotion to Rosaria uncomfortable and, on the whole, finds him to be disingenuous.
From Christian's perspective, obviously, there is no love lost. Christian detests the closeness and intimacy between Rosaria and Alex and feels that no sentient being should have that close of a relationship with her in order to help her preserve her neutrality, allowing her not to get swayed by emotion.
He also, in general, finds Alex to be cold, brooding , and far too pessimistic in nature and is not afraid to criticize his strategic decisions on and off the field.
Princess Amalia of Denmark
Christian's former wife - they had a pleasant relationship until she was consumed by Selike. While Selike could utilize her body and memories to impersonate her, Christian could detect the change in her aura - that is really what led to the deterioration of their relationship. They began to see each other less and less, until she finally disappeared all together and Christian never gave her another thought.
That was until Rosaria Huntington revealed to him several years later that his wife had been one of Selike's victims. Since the relevation, Christian perception of his late wife is very different - she's often on his mind. Christian also feels extremely guilty for her health and blames himself for not digging deeper into the case when he first noticed the change in her aura.
Christian was the only child of Charles I and Clarise of Monaco, making him the heir apparent to the throne of Monaco. His parents died subsequently after his death as a result of a sailing accident.
Christian grew up how you'd expect the heir to one of the richest royal houses to - he grew up with a diamond-encrusted spoon in his mouth. Materially, he had no wants. He was private schooled by his tutors on account of his wings and his grandfather's desire to keep the "deformity " concealed.
Christian rarely left the his palace in Monaco and because of that, he remained largely isolated from the events of the world and remained committed to living the life laid out for him - marry his betrothed, succeed his grandfather and become the king of Monaco, live a life without controversy and speculation.
At the age of 21, Christian was married to his betrothed, Princess Amalia of Denmark. Their marriage was peaceful and quiet. Shortly after their marriage, they embarked on a world tour, meeting various leaders and dignitaries. On one of their stops in Denmark, they attended a gala in Copenhagen. When they returned to the hotel room, Christian noticed that something was odd about Princess Amalia. He could feel that she was not the same and something had fundamentally changed, although he could not put his finger on it.
From this moment, their relationship took a turn for the worse - although their interactions were pleasant and they remained in close proximity with each other, Christian could tell something was not right and any affection he held for his wife steadily evaporated.
In 2019, Christian happened to be in Greenwich, Connecticut, for an investor meeting with the managing partner of one of the worlds most successful hedge funds - Stephen Huntington. It just so happened that he crossed paths with his daughter, Rosaria Huntington, at the time.
The meeting with Rosaria Huntington, although brief, left him permanently changed. It was as if something within him had been awakened. Apart from his wings, Christian began to experience odd things - he grew significantly stronger and resistant to aging and injuries. His senses also became heightened, and the range of his eyesight grew significantly. But perhaps the most significant change was that he seemingly could see people's auras. And when he met his wife again, Christian was struck by the thick black aura around her. He never saw his wife ever again after that.
Over the next few years, Christian's life was changed forever. His wings, which were previously small enough for him to fold away discreetly, grew significantly. His metabolism also increased significantly, as did his strength and his sight.
At night, Christian was plauged by the same dream - Rosaria Huntington screaming for help, her body seemingly made of light. One night, 2023, however, the dreams changed - she no longer screamed for help. Her body was still made of light, her eyes a pale lavender, and her hair replaced by strands of cosmic flames. In his dream, Christian saw Rosaria Huntington change from a human to a "being of light."
Unable to understand this, Christin began his journey to find Rosaria Huntington, only to learn that she was dead. However, Christian never believed this due to the vividness of his dreams and began to delve further and further into who she was and why he had those dreams.
As time passed , Christian began reading into the dreams further and further. He found Rosaria's channeling to he incredibly inspiring and began to take it as a sign of starting to accept his own mutations and began to be increasingly public with his own mutant abilities, and also began to vocalize his advocacy for mutant rights globally, despite his grandfather's disapproval.
During this time, Christian also came across the Order and slowly began to connect the dots between what the Order was and who the manifestation of the Phoenix was. Soon enough, Christian was able to triangulate the Order's activities to Northern Jutland. This was confirmed once Rosaria left the Order and returned to L-Mansion of course. Rosaria's return to L-Mansion also prompted Christian to formally join the X-Men in hopes of repaying Rosaria for inspiring him to accept his own mutant abilities and mutant status.
Suspected to be descendants of Cheyarafim mutants - an ancient race of mutants who were famously denoted by angelic-looking wings and the ability to self-heal and heal others.
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gildedworld · 6 months ago
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Isabella Costa / Magma
Character Form
FULL NAME : Isabella Costa
NICKNAME : Bella, Belle
BODY : tall, slender, evey skinny
HAIR : straight, dark brown, almost blackish hair, down to her waist
EYES : honey-brown
UNUSUAL FEATURES : When using her powers, Bella's body is transformed into a "Magma state," where her body and its organic matter are composed of magma, and her hair is replaced by strands of fire. In this form, she is immune to any fluctuations with temperature and pressure, can heal herself at a significantly accelerated rate, and can also raise the temperature of any given space she occupies to dangerous levels.
Bella is extremely shy and quiet by nature. She is an introvert at heart and dislikes attention, and hates making any kind of decisions at all. But having said that, she is also one of the most selfless and kind people you will come across.
Idealistic and optimistic, she truly believes and tries to see the goodness in people and refuses to gossip and judge anyone. Because of this, Bella is often regarded to be trustworthy and usually has a very large circle of friends. Bella is also extremely loyal and does not take people's trust lightly - another reason for her popularity.
However, Bella, if you were to go ask Bella to describe herself, it would be exceedingly negative. Her humbleness sometimes borders on self- deprecation as it's rooted in insecurities. Over the years, she has become more confident and outspoken, but she still tends to be exceedingly critical of herself.
Geokinesis: Bella can psionically control the movement of tectonic plates within the Earth's crust. This ability is of relatively short range, probably no more than a radius of a city, but within this area, she can create both small and large earthquakes.
Geo-thermokinesis: She can cause magma, molten rock from deep within the earth, to rise and break through the surface, forming miniature volcanoes. She can also turn nearby rock molten and telekinetically project fiery blasts of magma at targets. Bella's power to create small or large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is very much linked to her emotions.
Pyrokinesis: Bella can create flames and project blasts of heat that do not contain any molten rock. These flames and projections are similar in nature to Alex's optic blasts.
Regenerative healing factor : can heal herself at an accelerated rate, especially in her Magma form
Bella was born to David and Gabriella Costa in a small Brazilian village located on the foothills of Pico de Capugi, an extinct volcano. Bella, for the most part, enjoyed a happy childhood filled with laughter, family and friends.
The village she was brought up in revered mutants and celebrated their abilities. Because of this, growing up around mutants was incredibly normal to Bella.
At the age of 15, Bella was offered a scholarship for a summer program at NYU at no cost - and while she was reluctant to attend, her parents pushed her to do so. New York, however, was overwhelming for Bella for various reasons - she had never left her village in her entire life, and navigating a city as large as New York proved to be difficult. She was not used to the culture or the language. But the biggest adjustment was the anti-mutant stigma - she had grown up in an environment where mutants and their powers were celebrated, so it proved difficult for her to understand why it wasn't the same in New York.
Bella noticed that the longer she remained in New York, the more depressed she got. And that affected her control over her abilities greatly. Of course, the increasing tectonic activity in New York attracted the attention of government agencies as well as the surviving X-Men who invited her to join them at L-Mannor.
Bella declined their offers, wanting to return to her family in Brazil. Unfortunately for Bella, her parents refused to accept her back - they cited increasing anti-mutant sentiments and raids and wished for her to remain in a peaceful and safe space. Therefore, Bella reluctantly accepted the X-Men's proposal to join them in Canada.
In many ways, the L-Mannor felt like home to Bella - mutants were free to be themselves, and no one hid their abilities. In fact, they were proud of them. Even so, Bella struggled with not being close to her parents and family, and that greatly affected her control over her abilities as well. Often erratic and unpredictable, Bella was assigned Alex Mastronadi as a mentor to help her regain control.
When Bella met Alex, he was still incredibly depressed and just annoyed at the world. Based on whispers from the other X-Men, Bella gathered that he had lost his girlfriend somehow in an invasion along with many other students. Naturally, Alex was in no position to mentor anyone, but even so, he took it upon himself to mentor Bella.
Alex, as a mentor, was probably one of the best things that could have happened to Bella. Previously, it was very difficult for her to explain her abilities in words, but Alex seemingly understood them, often times better than she did. She found that his abilities were also very similar to her own, and because of that, he was able to give her constructive advice on how to control her powers and Abilities.
Over the years, Bella's control over her abilities improved, making her a valuable member of the X-Men. And even though she doesn't need a mentor now, she still remains incredibly close to Alex, regarding him as her older brother in many ways.
Mother - Gabriella Costa
Bella was very close to her mother, being the only daughter in the Costa family born that generation. In many ways, she inherited her mother's features and temperament. Moreover, she also inherited her mutant abilities from her mother. Leaving her parents was probably the most difficult for Bella, especially because she was unable to contact them as frequently as she would have liked at L-Mannor.
Based on her mother's stores, Bella remembers her mother's line being renowned for energy manupilation, and Pyrokinesis - several of her cousins, uncles, and aunts. also displayed similar abilities.
Alexander Mastronadi
Bella is closest to Alex at the L-Mannor. She was assigned to be mentored by him, given the similarity in nature of their abilities. When they were first introduced, Rosaria's loss was still fresh for Alex. Because of that, Alex was brooding, depressed, and just annoyed at the world.
However, training and mentoring Bella gave him something to focus on other than Roasaria, and he channeled the entirety of his energy towards this. Of course, for Bella, this meant years of seriously intense training. But it paid off as Bella has mastered control over her abilities and is significantly more confident today as well.
Bella was also able to help Alex heal a little, helping him process his emotions and thoughts and helping him grieve. This really brought both of them closer - today, Bella sees Alex as her older brother.
Father - David Costa
Bella is equally close to her father. As his only daughter, David doted on Bella, and Bella rarely ever left his side.
Bella inherited her father's passion for gardening and his mutant abilities of geokinesis.
Her father's family is significantly larger as compared to her mother's. Bella grew up with most of her cousins on both sides of the family in the same village and is exceedingly close to her father's side as well.
Rosaria Huntington
So far, Bella has never met Rosaria in person, although she's heard plenty about Rosaria from Alex and other X-Men members who knew her. At first, Bella walked on eggshells around Alex (but to be honest, so did everyone) anytime Rosaria was mentioned. Over time, Alex was more forthcoming about Rosaria with Bella, often telling her small stories here and there about her.
Over the years, although Bella has never met Rosaria in person, it does feel like she has known her all her life. Bella is unsure of Rosaria's status, but having become so close to Alex, she truly does believe that if he feels so strongly about something, there has to be a reason for it. All she hopes for is that the Rosaria he knew is the Rosaria somewhere out there.
Francesca Moreno
Bella actually really likes Francesca. She finds Francesca to be unintentionally funny and finds her to be really kind and generous under her superficial and vain exterior and loves spending time with her.
James "Jimmy" Huntington
second cousin to Alex on her mother's side but does not know of it yet.
She hates all forms of transport that are not via ground - she gets seasick and gets sick while flying as well. She loves road trips and train rides though
She loves Brazil and misses her village terribly and often gets very homesick
She hates the winter and rain and finds it to be gloomy
She loves gardening and is extremely passionate about organic farming - had she not been in the X-Men, she had dreamed of opening a flower shop or running a farm stand at her village.
She is very passionate about science and finds it to be very interesting.
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gildedworld · 6 months ago
Teleporation, part 1
Rosaria, post her most recent power-surge, unknowingly teleports herself to a remote tropical island and returns back. She finds it increasing harder to simply ignore the reality of her growing abilities and Rhiannon.
September 4th, 2016, was the day Rosaria's life changed forever.
Lately, Rosaria had been having a very tough time in all aspects of her life - at school, with the X-Men at the Academy, with her parents, her friends, at night.
Ever since she'd come back after the summer, everything had changed. She was now attending training sessions with the Professor on the account of her abilities growing too quickly every day after her regular school. Meanwhile, everyone else around her seemingly was having fun - going to parties, attending concerts, and shopping. Yet, she was stuck training.
To be fair, this was something Rosaria enjoyed. She had a true passion for learning new things, and any opportunity to learn more about her own abilities was great. But it just felt unfair sometimes. Sometimes, Rosaria just wanted to be a normal teenage girl who could go to the mall without risking, blowing it up with her telekinetic abilities.
Rosaria sighed as she flipped the page of her book, her eyes barely glancing at it. Her body was physically present in the class, but her mind was far from it.
Soon enough, her eyes drifted from the pages of her book to the window outside. It was a beautiful day - the skies were clear and the weather still quite warm, though not overbearing hot. The line of evergreen trees danced in the gentle breeze, and Rosaria could hear the faint echo of birds chirping through the closed window.
Today was perfect, she thought to herself silently. It was the perfect day for a pool party.
Her lips extended into a small smile as she pictured herself on the white sands of one of the beaches in the Bahamas, with gentle waves of clear-blue water rolling away towards the vast ocean.
Momentarily, Rosaria closed her eyes, imagining herself on the beach.
She could hear the seaguls chirping in the distance. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin. She could hear the gentle waves breaking against the sands. She could smell the ocean.
And that's when the questions set in.
Rosaria could actually feel the grains of the sand against her skin. She could feel the gentle breeze in her hair and the warmth of the sun on her skin. But what was most unsettling was thar she could no longer hear the lecture of her teacher, nor the chatter of her peers.
This was starting to feel too realistic to be a daydream. Something is wrong, she thought to herself silently as she carefully opened her eyes.
As suspected, Rosaria observed that she was no longer physically in her classroom. Instead, she was on a beach. Her hazel eyes skimmed over the surroundings - crystal blue waters, white sandy beaches , palm trees swaying in the warm, gentle sea breeze, and not a single person in sight.
A sigh escaped her lips. As far as she could tell, she teleported herself. But the question was to where.
Once more, Rosaria's eyes skimmed around her. There wasn't even a single structure around her - no one to ask, no way to call anyone else either.
Rosaria sharply inhaled, closing her eyes in an effort to stay calm. She could feel her heart racing, and a million thoughts swirled through her mind. But they all seemed to return her to the same point - she had no idea where she was, and she had no way to call anyone for help either.
Rosaria inhaled sharply once more, her eyes fluttering open. Only this time, she saw her - Rhiannon's figure stood out sharply against the current backdrop of the beach. She appeared to be dressed in her Viking battle armor - the metal glistening in the sun, her long, red hair tied in intricate braids down to her hips as she stared at the ocean.
Rosaria's lips parted slightly - she wanted to ask what was going on, what she was doing here. But somehow, the words weren't coming to Rosaria as freely as her thoughts were.
"You tell me," Rosaria heard Rhiannon speak, her voice lingering with a thick Danish accent.
"You brought us here," Rhiannon added flatly, swerving around her heel to face Rosaria, her face expressionless.
"I did?" Rosaria asked, raising an eyebrow as she processed Rhiannon's words. Rhiannon nodded quietly in response.
"But how?" Rosaria asked quietly. As far as she knew, she was a telepath and had telekinetic abilities. So if she had brought herself here, was this real? Maybe it's an illusion, she thought to herself silently.
Rhiannon shook her head slightly, her armor echoing as she did. "No, it's real," she replied. "You teleported here," she added flatly.
But how, Rosaria thought to herself quietly as she processed Rhiannon's words.
She had no abilities to teleport as far as she knew. So then how was this possible?
"It just is," Rhiannon answered, shrugging her shoulders lightly. "You think it, it happens," she added. "You people have different words for it," Rhiannon continued, turning back to face the vastness of the ocean.
"Teleporation, manifesting, projection, reality-bending, " Rhiannon continued. "But it's all the same," she added, turning back to face Rosaria. "You think it, it happens," she repeated. "You feel it, it happens," she added flatly.
Rosaria tried to process Rhiannon words. They made no sense to Rosaria. How was that even possible, she thought to herself silently.
"It just is," Rhiannon repeated flatly. "You know it is," she added.
Rosaria raised an eyebrow at that, her attention caught by Rhiannon's words. "Stop fighting it," Rhiannon spoke, turning towards the ocean again.
Stop fighting it, Rhiannon's words echoed in Rosaria's mind as she closed her eyes.
When Rosaria opened her eyes again, she was back in her seat in the classroom, her teacher still writing on the board with the chalk, her peers still whispering among themselves, the clock still ticking away.
Gone was the white-sand beach, gone was the crystal blue waters and the palm trees, and gone was Rhiannon.
Rosaria was back in her classroom. To everyone around her, the day went on as it normally would. But to Rosaria, her life had changed forever. Today, she teleported herself, and no one noticed.
No one but Rhiannon, she thought to herself silently as Rhiannons words continued to echo in her mind.
Stop fighting it.
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gildedworld · 6 months ago
Accidents Happen, part 2
Summary: Not knowing what to do, Rosaria calls Alex. Alex immediately starts piecing together what is going on by talking to Rosaria and starts preparing to leave the Academy to fly to Greenwich in the X-Jet. Parallely, Rosaria is unconsciously in the middle of a power surge - she unknowingly erases the memory of the police officer giving her a ticket and telepathically hears Alex, despite Alex being well out of her telepathic range.
Vacations never mattered to Alex, really. Perhaps they did when he was younger, but since his mother died, it really made no difference. After all, vacations didn't really exist if you were homeless.
So when most students went back to their homes from the Academy, Alex and a handful of other students would stay back with the Professor and the other teachers. These students had no home to return to for a variety of reasons and had made the Academy their home instead.
During vacations, Alex's routine remained the same- he'd wake up before dawn and go for a run around the Academy grounds, head to the library after breakfast, pester any remaining teacher or Professor into teaching him advanced level topics in their subject area after lunch, and spend the rest of the day training in the danger room in advanced simulations.
He honestly liked it like this as well - no distractions, he didn't have to share the danger room, the library was empty, the hallways were quiet- if anything, this was his vacation.
Today was no different either.
Having recently finished his danger room simulation for the day, Alex headed to his room for a quick shower and then headed down to the library.
By now, he had finished every single book in the Professor's expansive collection at least once and was on his second round. Currently, he was making his way through a rather fascinating read on mutant genetics and how the ranking and classification system was established.
Flipping through the pages, Alex felt the table vibrate - his eyes skimmed from the pages of the book to his blinking phone screen. That itself was enough to catch his attention. After all, no one called him and the phone really was just for emergencies.
Furthermore, it was the called ID that really caught his attention - Rosaria. She never called him. If she was at the Academy or nearby, she'd communicate with him almost exclusively via telepathy or in person. But never via the phone. So if she was calling him now, it meant something was very wrong.
Immediately, Alex answered.
"Hi," he heard Rosaria speak - her tone was different, uncomfortable, and awkward.
"What happened?" He asked bluntly.
"Well-" Rosaria began with a light chuckle. Only her tone was not amused. It was uncomfortable. He knew her well enough to know that she used humor to deflect from uncomfortable topics, and the laughter was not amusement. Moreover, he could hear quite a bit of background noise.
"Are you hurt?" He asked instantly, cutting her off and not waiting for her response.
"No," she replied. "Well, I don't think so anyway, '" she admitted.
"What does that mean?" He asked.
"It means I don't know," Rosaria snapped, frustrated.
"Where are you now?" He asked. Alex knew she had gone back to Grewnwich as she usually did every vacation, but he had to be sure. From the background noises, she was not at her house but was somewhere outside.
"Rosaria, where are you now?" He asked again, this time his patience starting to slip at her unwillingness to respond.
She was definitely not okay, he thought to himself silently.
"Downtown, " Rosaria replied quietly.
"With who?" He asked quickly. "Where are your parents?" Alex followed up.
"At work, " Rosaria admitted sheepishly with another chuckle.
Alex slowly pieced things together based on her responses - she probably snuck out of her home to Downtown Greenwich because she was bored.
"Let me guess, they don't know you're there, do they?" He asked dryly. Rosaria chuckled sheepishly in response. She definitely snuck out, he thought to himself silently.
"Ma'am, please step out of the car," Alex heard a man's voice in the background, followed by the opening of a car door.
"Are you injured?" He heard the same man speak, followed by silence. Alex assumed that Rosaria had responded by shaking her head as opposed to verbally.
"Well, we have the paramedics here just in case and they can get that cut treated for you," Alex heard.
Cut, he thought to himself silently. She hadn't mentioned anything about a cut. Alex assumed that either Rosaria hadn't seen the cut herself or she had intentionally left it out, dismissing it to be a trivial injury.
"Please provide me with the registration, insurance, and your driver's license, " Alex heard the man speak - by now Alex had pieced together that this was a police officer.
"Will a learner's permit do?" Alex finally heard Rosaria's voice. He could hear the quietness and sheepish tone in her voice.
Alex couldn't help but roll his eyes as he hung up the phone. Now he knew exactly what had happened - she drove her dad's car to Downtown Greenwich without telling anyone and got into an accident.
Closing the open book on the table, Alex stood up and plaved the book back on its shelf and left the library, heading to the Professor's office.
"Don't move. Don't say anything. Get the cut treated. I'm on my way, " Alex said telepathically. He doubted that Rosaria would hear it - she was too far, and he range was about 300 miles.
"Would a learner's permit do?" Rosaria asked the police officer standing in front of her with a sheepish smile.
The police officer glanced up from his notebook at her and looked rather unimpressed.
"Ma'am, you need an adult in the car with you ," he replied bluntly. Rosaria chuckled nervously in response.
"Don't move. Don't say anything. Get the cut treated. I'm on my way, " Rosaria heard Alex's familiar voice telepathically. That confused her - as far as she knew, he was at the Academy, well over 300 miles away from her. He should have been out of range.
"I'm afraid I'm-" he began, snapping his notebook shut, snapping Rosaria out of her thoughts.
And just as he was speaking, the police officer's eyes glazed, and his expression changed - he now looked strangely peaceful as if he was staring into the sunset on a beach.
"What am I doing here?" He muttered, confused. His eyes glanced over the scene of the accident and an equally confused Rosaria.
"You were giving me a ticket, I think?" Rosaria replied, equally confused at his sudden change in behavior.
"I was?" The officer asked, still disoriented and confused.
Rosaria nodded quietly in response.
"For what?" He asked.
That's when a thought occurred to Rosaria - he didn't remember what she was in trouble for. She didn't know what happened to make him forget, but the fact was that he did forget. That meant that unless Rosaria reminded him explicitly, she would get no tickets.
Rosaria shrugged her shoulders in response and offered a sheepish smile. She hated lying, and she hated liars. But she also didn't want to get a ticket and get grounded until her funeral by her parents either.
The officer glanced around once more. "Whoa, what happened to your car?" He asked.
Rosaria shrugged her shoulders again silently in response.
"Man, that's wrecked," the officer remarked. Rosaria winced slightly as she saw the sight of her dad's car - it was totaled in the back, completely crushed. The car that had driven into her by now had been completely removed from the scene - only broken class from its windows and windshield remain strewn across the busy street that had now been completely sealed off by the police.
He's going to be so mad, Rosaria thought to herself silently, dreading her father's reaction. How was she supposed to fix this now?
"I hope you have good insurance, ma'am," the police officer began as his eyes returned back to Rosaria. "Because that's going to be one monster of a job to fix," he remarked.
Rosaria nodded, a sign escaping her lips. "I hope I do too," she agreed.
She might have gotten out of a ticket somehow, but her dad was definitely not missing this.
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gildedworld · 6 months ago
Accident Happen, part 1
Summary: A 16 year old Rosaria recently got her learner's permit during the summer vacations and sneaks out of her house in Greenwich, Connecticut, in her dad's Audi A7 and unfortunately gets in an accident in downtown Greenwich.
Rosaria had a love-hate relationship with summer vacations. On one hand, she loved going home to see her friends and family. But that meant being away from the Academy and her friends at the Academy. This cycle always repeated itself every single year - she'd long for summer vacations to visit Connecticut, and when she would be back home in Connecticut, Rosaria wouldn't stop thinking of her life and friends at the Academy.
This year was no different. Rosaria was back in Greenwich. For the first few weeks, she was excited- she frequented coffee shops and the mall with Jimmy and her friends, watched movies, went to the spa, went swimming at the country club, finished two marathons. And now, the familiar lull of boredom was starting to set in.
At the Academy, Rosaria had no time to be bored - she was always occupied with something or the other. If it wasn't class and homework, it was training in the danger room. And there were always people around- other mutant students, teachers, the Professor. There was always someone to talk to and things to do.
On this fine summer afternoon, both her parents were at work, and Jimmy was occupied by an Age of Empires tournament. That left Rosaria all alone - something she detected. Rosaria loved staying occupied as much as possible because it meant that she wouldn't have to pay much attention to her thoughts. Specifically the voices and shadows that seemed to have made her mind their permanent home. Keeping herself as occupied as possible meant that she was only confronted with their existence at night. Ideally, she'd prefer never to deal with them but if she had to choose, dealing with them at night was probably the best as opposed to dealing with them every waking moment of the day.
But today was different. There was a moment during vacations, after which all the excitement dialed down and people slowly returned to their routines. That usually left Rosaria all alone. In her younger days, she'd ask to be dropped off at the library and would simply spend the rest of her vacation gazing through books to keep her mind occupied. This year, though, Rosaria was finally old enough. Earlier in the vacation, she'd obtained her learner's permit. And so, an idea popped into her head.
How about Downtown, she thought to herself, a smile slowly creeping across her lips.
A moment later, the smile was gone as Rosaria furrowed her eyebrows. But I need an adult to be with me in the car, she thought to herself. After all, she was only 16.
But then again, Downtown Greenwich was only a 20-minute drive from her house. What could possibly happen, she thought to herself excitedly as she lept out of the sofa and rushed to get ready, quickly grabbing her bag with the keys to her dad's black Audi A7, locking the door behind her.
Immediately, a grin extended across her lips as she placed her hands on the steering wheel. Oh, this was fun, she thought to herself as she opened the garage door and slowly drove the car out of the garage.
Rosaria grinned as she began to drive her dad's car on the roads of Greenwich, mindful of the stop signs and signals. She knew these roads at the back of her hands and even know she'd been at the Academy, she was still just as familiar with the roads as she had been before she had left for the Academy.
And sure enough, she began to see the familiar streets close to Downtown Greenwich. As she approached Downtown, the streets grew narrower and busier, framed by a row of parallely parked cars. The number of pedestrians also increased dramatically - people were walking and crossing roads paying no attention to oncoming traffic at all.
In the midst of of this, Rosaria's carefree grin was soon replaced by a pensive expression as her eyes scanned for an available parking spot and avoided pedestrians at the same time.
After what seemed like eternity, she finally found a parking spot - a car was pulling out of its spot, and Rosaria knew that it was now or never. If she didn't get this spot , she'd have to circle around once more trying to find available spots again, and she was definitely not interested in doing so, having already circled around a fair bit.
As soon as the car pulled out, Rosaria quickly accelerated towards the now available parking spot, steering the car towards it. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed a couple deep in conversation crossing the street, walking through the available parking spot, paying no attention to Rosaria's attempts to park. Immediately, she slammed her right foot on the break pedal bringing the car to a sudden halt.
A moment later, Rosaria heard a loud crash and felt her body being pushed towards the front of the car - the steering wheel digging into her ribcage and the side of her head hitting the dashboard of the car.
It took a moment for Rosaria to realize what had just happen. There was a dull ringing in Rosaria's ears as she slowly opened her eyes, still slightly disoriented. She slowly took in hed surroundings- a white airbag had deployed in front of her, a street filled with onlookers whispering and taking pictures with their phones, the distant sounds of police officers taking statements.
It didn't take a genius to put together that Rosaria's car had been rear-ended. Still a little disoriented, Rosaria couldn't help but feel overcome with dread and panic - this really happened. Her father's car had been in an accident, and she was driving on a learner's permit with no adult around. I'm so grounded for life for this, she thought to herself with a pensive sigh.
Slowly reaching for her phone on the car console beside her, Rosaria did the only thing she could do in this moment- she called Alex.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
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Lady Delphine
Name: Selike, (real name unknown), currently assuming the identity of Lady Delphine
Nickname(s) :
Current Alias: Lady Delphine
Title(s) : High Priestess of the Order of the Phoenix, Lady
Species: Homo Primus
Birthday: unknown
Ethnicity: southern European
Affiliation : the Order of the Phoenix
Base of Operations: Kringala Hemsins
Appearance and physical features
Appearance :
Lady Delphine appears to be a tall woman of regular stature with dark brown hair down to her waist and dark brown eyes. Physically, Lady Delphine appears to be a regular woman, except she hasn't aged a single day since the day she died.
Unusual features:
Perhaps the most unusual feature of Selike is that he has no features - his true form is just a pool of black goo with no limbs, appendages, or face. Over the years, his physical body has deteriorated beyond repair, and thus, Selike always maintains the outward appearance of one of his victims, at the time when he consumes them - currently, it's Lady Delphine.
Powers and Abilities
Selike has no personality of his own - he is solely motivated to be immortal and will do anything to achieve this goal and destroy anyone who tries to stop him in achieving it.
Lady Delphine herself was a powerful telepath who also exhibited telekinetic abilities. As one of the victims of Selike, he has also been able to adopt these abilities and use them himself. It's through these abilities that he was able to shroud himself and insulate himself, despite infiltrating and manupilating the Order to fulfill his own agenda.
Selike himself is a powerful shapeshifter who has the ability to molecularly shift the formation of his biological cells at will to change his appearance and thereby assume the form of other humans, mutants, and animals. Selike is able to do this by "consuming" his victims, thereby absorbing their entire organic matter, memories and consciousness, and abilities into his own being. Once absorbed, Selike can call on these victims at any point, physically shape-shifting into their form and utilizing their abilities as his own. Some of the absorbed abilities include:
DNA duplication, spontaneous cell regeneration, Intangibility, cosmic fire and infernal control, immunity to magic and mimicry, premonition, mind and body exchange, Mind Control, Soul gathering, Dematerialization, telepathy, telekinesis, and flight. Because of this, Selike is one of the most dangerous mutants to walk the earth.
It's unclear how old selike truly is or where selike's origins are from. Based on the degeneration of his true physical form, it's believed that possibility could have been one of the earliest mutants to exist on Earth.
Despite this, Selike is not immortal. Selike hunte his victims in order to continue to live and extend his own life, using his victims as fuel. It can be assumed that he has been hunting for centuries, even before Lady Delphine.
Selike met and consumed Lady Delphine in 1370, in a church somewhere in the Sicilian countryside. Lady Delphine herself had been a mutant with powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities and was a part of a group of mutants who called themselves the Order of the Phoenix, believing that an ancient cosmic entity named the Phoenix manifested itself as a Viking Queen called Rhiannon and bestowed on those whom she favored. They also believed the abilities of the Phoenix were beyond normal mutant abilities- they believed that the next manifestation of the Phoenix would restore balance and order in the world, as Queen Rhiannon did during her time.
The Order mandated themselves with identifying the next manifestation of the Phoenix - this entailed categorizing and cataloging all mutant activity to identify potential manifestations. Once a manifestation was identified, they would "validate" by placing the unsuspecting mutant under strenuous conditions, often resulting in their death - if a manifestation revived themselves beyond this, that would confirm to the Order that they wrote the true manifestation of the Phoenix.
Selike quickly realized that the Order provided him with the perfect opportunity to hunt. In fact, they hunted for him - they identified the mutants, and he consumed them with the Order believing that there had been no true manifestation of the Phoenix since Queen Rhiannon, which of course, was true.
Over the centuries, Selike managed to hunt thousands of mutants through the Order, amassing their memories and abilities within his being.
In 2000, something finally changed. A scout of the Order confirmed the appearance of an infant Rosaria that seemingly appeared out of thin air. This infant had not been born in any medical facility, nor had it been sighted with any adult. Seemingly out of thin air, the infant appeared on the steps of an orphanage wrapped in a yellow blanket in the middle of a December night, absolutely unbothered by the snow and the cold. The infant was discovered the next morning by a Catholic nun who rushed to take the infant Rosaria inside the orphanage. A month later, Rosaria was adopted by the Huntingtons.
The scout kept close tabs on Rosaria and the Huntingtons, reporting back to Lady Delphine and the Order, until they finally lost her in 2014 due to an unexplainable lapse in time and memory seemingly.
Rosaria was finally identified again by the Order through increasingly powerful bursts of telepathic energy around 2018. By then, given the sheer strength of Rosaria's abilities, it was all but confirmed that she was the manifestation of the phoenix the Order had been searching for.
Moreover, the Order felt that the Xavier Academy and Professor X would not be able to help navigate and guide channeling the phoenix as well as they would. And thus, the plan was developed. The Order convinced high-ranking officials in the United States government of the threat of Xavier Academy and it's students, arguing that it would be better to neutralize the students and Professor X's growing "army of mutants " before it was too late. Lady Delphine of course was instrumental in this as she hunted a high ranking official, assumed his identity, and gave the order go invade the Academy. In conjunction to this, Lady Delphine in her assumed identity was also a part of the invasion as one of the soldiers and helped subdue Rosaria, placing her in a telepathic-induced Coma to allow the Order to transport her back go Kringala Hemsins.
At Kringala Hemsins, Rosaria was watched closely. Still in a telepathic-induced coma, her organic functions were suspended one by one , temporarily rendering her dead. Meanwhile, Selike, assuming the identity of Lady Delphine once more, was convinced of Rosaria being the manifestation of the Phoenix. Even when she was dead, Selike found that Rosaria's mind was still very much alive - he was unable to overwhelm it.
Eventually, Rosaria would channel the Phoenix and revive herself in 2022, breaking through the telepathic-induced coma. By then, selike knew that Rosaria was far too strong for him to consume. Thus, he resumed the hunt, now turning and hunting members within the Order itself to try to gain enough power to rival and overwhelm Rosaria in order to consume her. After all, the Phoenix could not be consumed in its natural state - it had to be done in its physical manifestation as Rosaria.
Selike felt one of the ways to deliberately weaken Rosaria was by isolating her , leading to a deteriorating mental state. He had hoped that she would eventually come to trust the Order and Lady Delphine enough to let down her guard and by doing so, he'd be able to consume her.
Of course, this didn't work out quite as Selike had hoped as Rosaria asked for her brother, James Huntington to be brought to Kringala Hemsins. After James arrival, it became clear to everyone that James was the only person she trusted. Selike had decided by then that the way to manupilate Rosaria then was through James - to ultimately consume him and assume his identity.
Selike had his opportunity in 2028, where James' controversial speech left him once again in the spotlight. Hoping to manupilate the Order against James, Selike assuming the identity of Lady Delphine, attempted to "neutralize" him by covertly consuming him. Only, Selike was stopped by Rosaria, who had negated a few members of the Order in the process as well.
Not wanting his own identity as Selike to be exposed, Selike assuming the identity of Lady Delphine, stood down and left James alone, hoping to recalibrate and identity another way to get Rosaria to drop her guard down enough for him to consume her. After all, after Selike consumes the Phoenix, he'd assume it's immortality to.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
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Francesca Moreno
Name: Francesca Moreno
Current Alias : Gloria
Nickname (s):
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Citizenship: Nationality
Species : Homo Mutatis
Affiliation: X-Men
Base of Operations: Leopold Estate
Ethnicity: Italian
Accent : Long Island
Hair : shinny chocolate brown hair with subtle warm-toned gold highlights. Her hair is naturally straight and runs down her back, ending right above her waist. She does hate her hair though and desperately wishes that it was the "good wavy" - the effortless 'beach girly' waves.
Eyes : chocolate brown eyes
Body : Francssca is average in terms of height and is slim. Body-wise, she is athletic and lean, something she's extremely proud of and has well defined abs that she attributes to pilates and yoga.
Style : Francesca lives in Lululemon. Her style is basically athleisure - specifically matching legging and sports bra sets, with "belt bags" (they're fanny packs, let's be real), ponytail running hats, and Addidas sneakers. She has seemingly endless color coordinated sets with matching Yeti travel mugs - literally every single color combination under the sun. Occasionally, she'll switch it up for a tennis dress or a skot instead of leggings.
Unusual features: none
Faceclaim : Maddison Beer
Francesca is an airhead. She's vain, self-obsessed, and conceited. She's the kind of person who truly does believe that everyone in the room is looking, talking, and thinking about her at all times. Then again, why wouldn't they- she's Francesca after all. She truly believes that the sun revolves around her and suffers heavily from Main Character Syndrome. She can't stand having others in the spotlight as opposed to her and focuses her attention and energy in maintaining her spotlight through building her "brand" across social media platforms. After all, she is an influencer and influences must influence!
Despite this, Francesca is actually quite intelligent believe it or not, when her mind is not occupied with getting the latest athleisure wear and yeti tumbler drops, she actually does have moments of insights that tend to baffle the people around her. A fairly good judge of character, she knows how to read people and, of course, manupilate them to further her agendas.
Although it doesn't seem like it, Francesca does have a strong sense of morality and justice and isn't afraid to speak her mind and stand up for those who can't. That's why she's an X-Men, duh.
Francesca is a telepath and can read and influence the minds of those around her. In terms of power, she's probably your average telepath - with the ability to read and influence the minds of those closest to her.
Faith Moreno - mother
David Moreno - father
Francesca is very close to her parents, as italian-American kids usually are. She's the light of their lives, the apple of their eyes.
Extended Family
Francesca has a large extended family, most of whom live in Long Island in towns close to her own. Although large, they are very close-knit and meet up often. Francesca's father being the oldest son, is the family patriarch - that means that dinners and holiday celebrations usually take place Francesca's house with her mom cooking (it's usually lasagna or some sort of pasta)
Significant Others
Alex Mastronadi
Alex really was Francesca's longest and most significant relationship. She'd always had a crush on Alex. But prior to Rosaria's disappearance, she'd never seriously considered Alex at all because it was obvious to anyone with eyes that they were seriously dating. But after moving to Canada, Francesca started getting closer to Alex. It started out with Alex overhearing a call with her mom and remarking that Francesca's mother reminded him of his own in terms of temperament. They eventually got closer and started dating. But even when they were dating, there always was a distance with Alex - she could never get close enough to him. And it really didn't help that everyone around them knew Rosaria and knew that if she were to be here, Alex would still be with her without a question.
Rosaria Huntington
Francesca always hated Rosaria - she was everything Francesca was not. Her parents were rich and always showered Rosaria and her friends (Francesca included) with lavish gifts and presents that Francesca would have never dreamed of. And everyone seemed to like Rosaria too. She was naturally charismatic, and like Francesca, Rosaria too was a telepath - only significantly stronger. The worst part was that she genuinely was nice to everyone, including Francesca.
After the invasion and Rosaria's disappearance, things seemed to get worse - people either treated her as a diety and grieved her loss or villified her and blamed her for the invasion. The worst was that even though she was gone, everyone was still constantly talking about her. Francesca always felt that with time, things would change. And for most people, it did. But that did not include Alex . His obsessed with finding her soon transformed into years of deep-seated grief, resentment, and anger.
Francesca always knew that Alex loved Rosaria. But she had hoped that he'd get over her one day, too. Even though she wasn't physically present and was possibly dead, Francesca always felt as if she was an outsider - that Alex was in a relationship with Rosaria and Francesca was the one looking in. And that just makes Francesca resent Rosaria even more. Normally, girls would have to compete with ex-girlfriends or ex-wives. Francesca, however, was competing with a ghost.
Francesca grew up in Long Island in a large blue-collar Italian-American family. Her father owned a construction company, and her mother was a teacher at a local middle school. Francesca was their only child, and as a result of this, she was the apple of their eye - the child who could do nothing wrong.
Up till the age of 15, she lived in Long Island - she attended school , was a cheerleader, and actively worked towards building up her social media platform among her peers and community. She was known for her practical makeup tips and would go around offering free makeovers to those in need - the less fortune who had unfortunately not been blessed with style, unlike her.
At the age of 15, her telepathy began to manifest - she noticed it first when she seemingly was able to read her teacher and peers' minds during a test and got the highest test scores. Naturally, it made the teachers suspicious who attempted to find evidence of cheating but never could. When they asked her, she quite openly told them that she heard her peers think.
Her guidance counselor recommended Francesca as a candidate to the Xavier Academy - the next day, Francesca was tested, and it was identified that she was a telepath, having the X-Gene mutation present.
Francesca was quite upset to leave her friends and family at first but ultimately recognized that it was the right thing to do. Her true motivations, of course, were quite simple - cute boys.
At first, Francesca hated the Academy - not only did she actually have to study for once, but she also had to do stuff like training, which she hated. On top of that, all the cute boys she expected were either in a relationship or just plain boring.
The good news, though, was that she had the perfect settings to take beautiful pictures and videos for her platforms . Also, mutant teens with cool powers made for great content.
This soon changed with the invasion, of course. Several of her peers were either killed, disappeared , or were captured by the government. And to make matters worse, the Academy was destroyed, half her clothes were ruined, she was missing an entire case of limited edition Yeti tumblers, and she seemingly had to pack whatever she had left and move to rural Canada. Plus she had to sleep on the ground with bugs.
And the worst thing was that she was not allowed internet in the new estate in Canada and constantly had to find work arounds to get access to internet, which Francesca was sure was some sort of violation of a basic human right. But thankfully, Starbucks existed - she could get her Frappuccinos and internet too!
Francesca LOVES lululemon and athleisure
She loves mocha Frappuccinos and loves cake pop
She hates vanilla as it's a basic flavor - chocolate all the way
Francesca loves salads and you won't find her without her Yeti - hydration, hydration, hydration
She has over a million followers across her platforms and is a lifestyle influencer known for her clean-girl aesthetic and healthy lifestyle
She is vegan and can not survive without oatmilk.
She has a secret internet extender through which she is able to connect to the internet and post across her platforms, buy her lululemon and yeti tumblers, and livestream her yoga and pilates classes
Her favorite holiday is Christmas, apart from her birthday, of course.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
Sleepless Nights Part 2
Of late odd things had been happening. Odder than usual, that was.
Ever since Roasaria had seen Rhiannon's face, she seemed to see Rhiannon everywhere. She was fairly certain that no one else could see Rhiannon - humans and mutants included.
Rhiannon was everywhere, much to Rosaria's annoyance. She was there when Rosaria was awake, and when she slept and when she was awake. She never left Rosaria's mind, constantly hovering over her.
And that wasn't the worst part.
Of late, other things were happening, too. Rosaria seemingly was hearing the thoughts of everyone around her - humans, mutants, and even animals. She heard them thinking in their native language, and somehow, the thoughts were translating to Rosaria's native language within her mind. And these thoughts kept swirling around her mind.
When she was awake, it was annoying, but she could control it by anchoring her thoughts on a sepecific object or person - just as the Professor had taught her. But the problem was when she slept. She still heard their thoughts and they still swirled around in her mind.
What was worse was that depending on what Rosaria was dreaming of, when she awoke the next morning, it would take place. One night in particular, she wanted water and could feel herself drinking it from her bottle during her sleep - she could feel the water in her throat. The next morning, she awoke to find her desk had somehow been transformed into a pool of water, suspended precariously over Rosaria's head.
Rosaria wasn't sure what was going on. From what the Professor had hypothesized, she was going through a sudden surge in her abilities and that only served to scare her further. She knew in the day, it was not a problem because she was awake and in control. But at night..
So far, it was just a table turned into water, but who knew what it would be the next time? She couldn't afford to take that chance and find out. Because of that, Rosaria had resorted to not sleeping off late.
Some nights, Rosaria would lay awake, staring at the ceiling in her room. Other nights, she'd wander through the Academy halls, hoping to occupy herself and make the time pass by faster.
Most nights, everyone else would be asleep. But on some occasions, she would follow the lights to the library to see Alex flipping through another book in the Professor's collection.
Even though Alex wasn't her favorite person by far, she felt a strange kind of comfort with him. She could talk to him, like really talk to him. And he would just listen - he wouldn't judge her, nor would he peach. He would just quietly read, nodding as she spoke.
But at the same time, Rosaria knew he didn't just brush off her words either. She knew he took them seriously. But at the same time, he had never betrayed her trust.
It was hard for her to explain in words. But she felt comfortable around him. Comfortable enough to sleep.
And so, this had become their routine off late - Alex would wait for her in the library, knowing that she couldn't sleep. Rosaria would meet him in the library and inadvertently would fall asleep beside him as he continued to read a book from the Professor's collection.
And come dawn, everything would return back to normal - Alex would wake up Rosaria, and they'd return to their rooms to get ready for the day once more - both of them awake, both of them in control.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
Sleepless Nights
Alex always had trouble sleeping through the night - his mind was constantly racing with thoughts. He would sleep for a few hours, and then he'd lay awake, aimlessly staring at the ceiling above in his room.
Of late, Alex's had decided to use his time productively and had resorted to heading down to the library when he awoke at night. He honestly preferred this as well - the whole Academy was asleep and the world was silent. There was no one to distract him, no one to annoy him. He could read in peace.
Like this, he had read through several books - history, biology, physics, astronomy. It was great. He had the time to explore the Professor's vast collection of books, absolutely uninterrupted. This was quite literally a dream come true for Alex.
Of course, he could quite literally picture other students' reactions to this - Freya would roll her eyes, scoff, and tease him for voluntarily studying.
But he loved it. He loved learning - be it through books or through training on the field. Alex loved to learn and strives to be a better version of himself every single day. After all, that was one of the core values he was raised with.
Currently, Alex was reading a book on his namesake - Alexander the Great - and his military conquests. Of all the topics in the world, Alex gravitated towards military history. He loved learning about how people fought and, more importantly, how they won.
Briefly, Alex paused, no longer reading but his eyes fixed on the pages of the book nonetheless.
"Couldn't sleep again?" He asked.
He could feel her presence. Even if he couldn't see her right away, Alex always knew when Rosaria was nearby.
Rosaria, on the other hand, looked a little caught off guard. She'd tried her best to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake the other students. Once again, Rosaria had heard the same woman speak to her in her mind. Once again, she had egregiously claimed that she and Rosaria were one and the same. Only this time, she'd spoken her name - Rhiannon.
There were other things, too, of course - recurring images of fire, the buring of homes in villages and cities, wailing women, ships siking amid violent waves. But what always bothered Rosaria was that these images always felt so real. It was as if she had truly been there herself, as if there were her own memories. But she hadn't. Rosaria grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, and the only other place she'd ever traveled to outside her home state had been the Academy.
This night in particular, she'd woken up startled and panicked only to find half the objects in her room floating above her head. And that panicked her even more - she was using telekinesis in her sleep again. Unable to fall back asleep, Rosaria wandered out of her room to get some water from the kitchen - that's when she saw the light on in the library and allowed her curiosity to get the better of her.
Rosaria shook her head lightly as she took a seat beside Alex, her eyes lightly skimming over the book he was reading. Alex could see her from the corner of her eyes - her face looked tired, troubled.
"Same lady talking?" He asked as he flipped the page of the book. Rosaria nodded quietly , her eyes fixed on the night sky outside through the window.
"What did she say this time?" He asked, glancing at her briefly again.
Rosaria shrugged her shoulders lightly. "That she was me," she answered quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.
Alex didn't know exactly how to process that. Everyone had bad dreams now and then. But in Rosaria's case, he'd stopped suspecting them to be dreams a while back. She'd told him that she'd heard voices and whispers all her life - when she was asleep and even when she was awake at times. Moreover, Alex had seen it himself - he had caught her seemingly speaking to herself when she believed she was alone. These were not dreams. But at the same time, he wasn't quite sure if what they were either.
"Did you tell the Professor?" He asked. Rosaria shook her head slightly. "I will," she answered. Her voice was tired, distant. This was the fifth night in a week she'd joined him in the library, unable to sleep after all.
Rosaria's eyes wandered across the library, briefly skimming over the titles of books on the shelves in front of her before returning to the window again. The night was so peaceful, she thought to herself quietly. So still.
Before she knew it, her eyes began to feel heavier and started to become harder for her to keep open. And before she knew it, her eyes were closed, and she'd drifted into a deep slumber, unable to stay awake any longer.
At first, Rosaria fell asleep sitting on the chair. But soon enough, her body leaned towards Alex, her head resting on his shoulder as she fell asleep, her red hair falling over her face.
Alex's body stiffened slightly as he felt the weight of Rosaria's body leaning against his right arm. She's really tired, he thought to himself silently. Otherwise, Rosaria wouldn't have just fallen asleep anywhere like this. Normally, she was quite particular about sleeping in her room as she would telekineticly move objects around her now and then in her sleep. So the fact that she fell asleep so easily here was concerning for Alex because it meant that she was truly exhausted.
Alex also made a mental note to ask her about this woman - this is getting out of hand, he thought to himself.
He was fairly sure that this wasn't a dream. But it could be anything - someone else telepathicly reaching out to Rosaria in her sleep, a ghost, a demon, her own overactive imagination after binge watching Charmed for the 20th time, anything.
Alex needed to look into this, and if Rosaria wouldn't tell the Professor, he would. Rosaria not being sharp and on point affected everyone after all - she was an incredibly strong telepath, and her telekinetic abilities were some of the strongest Alex had ever seen.
With his left index finger, Alex turned the page of the book in front of him, continuing to read, not particularly focusing on the words or the material on the pages.
Alex was in two minds - he wasn't sure if he should let her sleep like this or if he should wake her up. If he did wake her up, he wasn't sure if she'd be able to fall asleep again. But at the same time, he wasn't sure if it was best for her to be sleeping like this either.
Briefly, he glanced up at the clock - it was about 2 AM now. Even if she slept for another 3 hours, it was still better than nothing, Alex rationalized. So, he let her sleep as his eyes glazed across the words of the page in front of him.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
Rosaria had forgotten the last time she'd actually felt alive - she'd forgotten what it felt like to have her senses engaged. She couldn't remember what rain felt like on her skin or what coffee tasted like on her lips.
She'd forgotten what it was like to feel alive
Rosaria knew she was not dead, though. But at the same time, she wasn't entirely sure if she was alive either. She was somewhere in between - floating and suspended in nothingness.
She felt shapess and undefined. Rosaria couldn't remember the last time she'd even felt her own body - it was as if she had been severed from it. She could not speak, nor could she really even move. All she could do was float aimlessly.
Rosaria had no idea where she was. This place seemed to be beyond light and beyond time itself. She seemed to be the only one here - even Rhiannon was not here. For Rosaria, who had grown accustomed to sharing her mind with Rhiannon, this felt odd and uncomfortable.
But despite all of that, Rosaria continued to hear voices and see faint images pass her by. Unlike earlier, they were not a distinct entity. They seemed entirely random and would pass through her as if she were air itself. And the strangest part of all of this was that Rosaria could truly feel the images as if she was there herself- she could feel herself as the child blowing out his birthday cancels, or the old woman reading the morning paper. She knew the images and voices spoke a different language, but she still seemingly understood them - as if the voices were translating to her language in real time.
And it wasn't even just human experiences that she felt - she felt experiences of animals, the fish, the insects, the bacteria - every single being that was alive. They all passed through her, and she passed through them - floating and still suspended in this space beyond light and sound, where time seemingly stood still.
In Kringla Hemsins, three robe-clad figures walked through large, empty hallways, their footsteps echoing. Their faces were covered by the robes hanging over their heads, their eyes fixed on the floor as they continued to walk ahead.
It was the year 2021 - two years had passed since they had retrieved the current manifestation of the Phoenix from the former Xavier's Academy. Two years had passed since she had been placed in a telepathic-induced coma to allow her to connect with the Phoenix within her.
For them, time was of no concern. Rosaria Huntington could safely take all the time she needed to connect and channel the Phoenix within her - she was safe here, far from the distractions that came with human and mutant society, free to explore herself here.
After all, the Order existed for this, and they had been preparing for this moment for centuries now. There had never been a true manifestation since the time of Queen Rhiannon. At that time, the order did not exist. But today, it did, and it's members intended to serve the Phoenix in any way they could.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
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The Phoenix
The Phoenix itself is considered to be a primordial, sentient, celestial being. By nature, it is shapeless and can not be seen in its natural state. Because of this, there are fierce debates as to what it actually is. While the entity itself is shapeless, the name Phoenix is ascribed to it to describe its immortality along with the constant birth and death cycles of its manifestations.
Powers and Abilities
Shapeless and invisible, the Phoenix is said to have several abilities, including the manuplation of cosmic energies and cosmic fire, weather and climate patterns, geothermal and geomagnetic forces, time, and space. It can also absorb limitless amounts of energy and transform it into something entirely different. Similarly, Phoenix is also able to transmute objects at a subatomic level, fundamentally transforming them into something different.
It's unknown how old the Phoenix truly or when it was even created. It is said to have predate everything - universes, planets, empires.  As a sentient being, it is constantly listening to the stream of consciousness of all sentient beings - their thoughts,  dreams, everything.
Every few millenia, the Phoenix manifests into a physical being, assimilating with the society around it. These manifestations are not bilogically born - they are simply physical manifestations of the Phoenix. The way this works is that the Phoenix manupilates matter on an atomic level, creating both a physical as well as an astral body where it manifests itself as the soul. Because of this, they can not biologically reproduce, nor can their genetic matter be extracted - the genetic matter is not really matter after all.
In its manifested form, the Phoenix is also able to practice powerful forms of telekinesis and telepathy, allowing it to manipulate reality everyone around. These manipulations are exceedingly powerful and have led to permanent altered realities in some cases. Depending on the intentions of the user, these manifestations can have long lasting and often permanent damage on the victims,  often leaving the victims mentally impaired. An important distinction to note is that in its manifested form, Phoenix's true abilities are limited.
Another important distinction to make regarding the manifestations and the Phoenix is the question of intent - the Phoenix in its original form can neither be attributed to good or bad characteristics as it is simply a shapeless, sentient being. However, the question of intent comes in with the manifestations,  who often use the abilities of the Phoenix to further their own intentions and agendas.
Another important aspect of the manifested form of the Phoenix is that it is able to heal sentient beings, returning them to their original states. And while the manifestations may eventually choose to die, the Phoenix itself does not. The Phoenix eventually destroys its own manifested form and returns to its original state, separate from the cycle of birth and death, effectively an immortal being. Moreover, while the manifestation might cease to exist physically,  they continue to exist within the Phoenix - all manifestations of the Phoenix are able to access the memories and interact with other manifestations of the Phoenix as well. While these manifestations may not be present physically, they do exist within the Phoenix and in the astral pane. Thus, the Phoenix continues to amaas its ever growing memory.
Empire of Scaldris and the Myreion Dynasty
One of the most important lores of the Phoenix is the one of its tears - it is believer that the tears of the Phoenix in its manifestations can provide the consumer with enhanced abilities including that of rapid regeneration and immortality. While most of this is lore, there is some truth to this - the Phoenix's tears have the ability to restore a sentient being to its original form, whatever that may be.
Each manifestation of the Phoenix also realizes its powers differently - in some cases, the dominant power might be telepathy, while in other cases, it may be atomic transmutation or negation. It depends entirely on the manifestation itself. Each manifestation also undergoes "power surges," where it begins to realize increasing potentials of its own powers while ultimately leading up to preparing to channel the Phoenix entirely.
Prior to the Big Bang, there existed an anicent universe, ruled by the Empire of Scaldris. For millenia, the Empire was ruled by the Myrenois dynasty, whose reigns tended to be relatively stable and peaceful. However,  that ended with the reign of the 120th Myrenois Emperor, Emperor Daeron who had no interest in ruling the Empire and left the administration of the Empire in the hands of his advisors in the Myreion Council.
This soon set a dangerous precedent where the Myerion Emperor or Emperess was treated as simply a figurehead and the real power lay with the Myerion Council. Under the reign of the Council, the Empire soon descended into war, famine, and poverty. As the Council became increasingly corrupt, they also became increasingly authoritarian. Pockets of rebellions were suppressed swiftly and brutally by the Council. One of the reasons as to why the Council was so successful in suppressing rebellions was because of their control over the military - specifically, General Khydros.
The Destroyer of Worlds
The last Myerion Empress
General Khydros was a formidable war hero who rose through the ranks and quickly became the Council's shinning star. One of the manifestations of the Phoenix force, the General's thirst for war and glory soon earned him and the Phoenix the grim title of the "Destroyer of Worlds" as he often negated entire planets from existence.
General Khydros was also renowned for being the longest living manifestation of the Phoenix, having remained in his manifested form for over a millenia. For the General, the dominant power was negation as he would reduce entire planets to dust, which then he would transform into rings that he wore as symbols of his conquests.
Emperess Irulan was also believed to be a manifestation of the Phoenix. By her time, once great Scaldrisian Empire had been reduced to a single planet as the rest of the former Empire had disintegrated into smaller kingdoms and federations. Emperess Irulan was manifested in a time that was defined by war, death, and political instability. In the wake of the Council, Emperess Irulan quickly assumed the litte power she had and attempted to revive the once great Scaldrisian Empire, selling the only thing of value she possessed - her tears.
Unfortunately for her, this did not go the way she expected and thus time, the Scaldrisian Empire found itself at the heart of another war, one that consumed the entirety of the universe with the exception of the Phoenix. In fact, it is widely believed that Emperess Irulan as the manifestation of the Phoenix consumed the entirety of the universe in an effort to stop the war and imploded it, leading to what we know as the Big Bang today.
The creation of our present universe  begins with the big bang. And even though Empress Irulan did not survive, the Phoenix did.
Phoenix on Earth
The truth of Phoenix's origins continues to remain mysterious on earth.  Having said that, there have been two known manifestations of the Phoenix - Rhiannon, Queen of the Thorvi,  Rosaria Huntington. Based on the ancient texts, it can be concluded that Rhiannon's dominant power was transmutation and time travel. Rosaria's dominant ability appears to be telepathy and telekinesis.
Both cases have been thoroughly examined by the Order of the Phoenix - an organization devoted to the study of the Phoenix and devoted to the idea of the Phoenix restoring balance and order in the world again. To that end, the lore of the Phoenix , although admittedly incomplete, has been documented by the Order and passed down from High Preistess to High Priestess, persevering the test of time.
Channeling the Phoenix
It's hard to say how exactly the Phoenix is channeled through its manifestations  as each case is so unique and different.  Usually, a traumatic event is required to "awaken" the dormant Phoenix within. In the absence of this event naturally occurring, it can be induced artificially via traumatic telepathic illusions, and in extreme cases, the suspension of the bodily functions resulting in death. True manifestations of the Phoenix never die - they will always restore themselves - mind, body, and soul.
When channeling, the manifestation's body undergoes significant duress and changes - in some cases, it might be a few broken bones, while in others, it might be a complete breakdown on an atomic level. In order to fully channel the Phoenix, the manifestation must channel both in its astral form in the astral plane, and in its physical form in the physical plane at the same time- when done, the manifestation returns to the Phoenix true form and has the full abilities and powers of the Phoenix at its disposal.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
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The Order of the Phoenix
An organization that believes that the Phoenix, a primordial force, will restore balance to the universe through its physical manifestations. It's objective is to find and protect the manifestations. They operate from the North Jutland region in Denmark - the former kingdom of Thorvi, the kingdom ruled by the first known manifestation of the Phoenix - Queen Rhiannon. The leadership and membership of the Order of the Phoenix is obscure - members occupy highly influential posts in the world, allowing them to manupilate events around the world in their favor.
Founded : 1310
Headquarters: Northern Jutland, Denmark - Kringla Heimsins
Today the Order occupies the land of the former Kingdom of Thorvi in Northern Jutland, Denmark. In the old Norse sagas, this land is also referred to as the Kringla Hemsins, roughly translating to "the Orb of the World" , denoting the Jutland peninsula that is enclosed by the North Sea and the Skagerrak Strait in the North and the West, and to the east by the Kattegat Strait and the Lille Strait.
The lands itself are privately owned and are usually cloaked by the Order's telepaths, making it incredibly difficult to access and identify.
Founder : unknown
Current Leadership : unknown
Notable Members : Lady Delphine, High Priestess
Books/manuscripts/texts :
Morkinskinna, Fagrskinna, Hryggjarstykki are sagas written about old Norse Kings, featuring specifically the rule of the legendary Scandinavian Scylfings dynasty whose origins begin from the Kingdom of Thorvi and whose lineage is claimed to have traced back to Queen Rhiannon. In these sagas, Queen Rhiannon is depicted as a formidable Queen who was thought to have been blessed by the Norse Goddess Freya and weilds considerable influence over the King, his advisors, and the Kingdom itself. She is able to outsmart her enemies and defend her people, emerging victorious in war and helping ensure the Kingdom of Thorvi survives and thrives.
These are also the only texts that specifically mention Queen Rhiannon's channeling of the Phoenix and destruction of her enemies' kingdoms and fleets. The eye witness accounts describe this as miracles where Queen Rhiannon prays to the Norse Gods and Goddesses to protect the people of Thorvi.
Queen Rhiannon's contemporaries also discuss her death, noting that the Goddess Freya invited her to join her Valkyries in honor of her bravery and military victories.
While many of these accounts incorrectly attribute Queen Rhiannon's abilities to being blessed by the Norse Gods and Goddess as opposed to her being the manifestation of the Phoenix and channeling the Phoenix, they do provide fairly well documented insights into the Phoenix, it's abilities, and it's manifestations.
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
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FULL NAME: Alexander Mastronadi
BIRTHDAY: December 12th
GENDER: male
SEXUALITY: heterosexual
PRONOUNS: his/him
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Xavier Academy, Leopold Estate
ETHNICITY: Italian-American
ACCENT: New York City, Manhattan
HAIR: wavy, dark brown
EYES: cerulean blue
BODY: Alex is quite tall, lean, and agile. H
STYLE: Alex's style always was on the edgier side - dark colored shirts, dark jeans, rock/heavy metal band shirts - that sort of thing. Ever since the invasion, he seems to gravitate specifically towards black clothing.
FACECLAIM: James Norton
Alex is reserved - he is quiet and observant and keenly aware of his surroundings at all times. Alex truthfully, is not someone who is easy to get to know. Rarely trusting people, Alex prefers to keep people at an arms length, not wanting to get specifically close to anyone. Of course, this means that he comes off quite cold and aloof, which he absolutely is.
He is also a massive control freak, constantly needing to control every aspect of everything that happens around him. Part of this stems from the fact that he doesn't trust people easily, and the other is the fact that he believes that no one else can do things the way he wants them done and it's easier to just do it all himself as opposed to delegating or asking for help. Of course, this has slowly changed for the better over the years.
In general, Alex is also exceedingly organized, very sharp, and a quick study. Exceedingly precise and methodical, he is definitely a higj achieving perfectionist who will not be satisfied with anything less than perfect. While Alex's perfectionist tendencies do tend to rub off on his team mates, he is careful not to put the burdon of perfection on their shoulders and tends to keep it to himself - he holds himself to impossibly high standards. This is a big part of why he's so driven as well. He is also exceedingly competitive and absolutely detests losing.
Another aspect to Alex is his morality - he has rather rigid views on morality. Everything is black and white - good or bad. Nothing is grey. Because of this, Alex tends to unintentionally put the people closest to him on pedestals, often refusing to see and accept their flaws. So when these people do fall from his graces and make mistakes, Alex essentially cuts them off entirely. It's hard for him to accept that these people are fundamentally flawed. Naturally, this has gotten him into several fights with his friends and fellow team members. And just as he is quick to anger, he is equally quick to forgive and forget as well. Of course, that is only if you're already on his good side.
On the flip side, it's very difficult for him to accept that people can change for the better. Again, this is rooted in the fact that Alex does not trust people. However, his time at the Academy has helped him overcome this a little - he now trusts his team, and his notion of morality has become a little more flexible with time as well.
While he's not the easiest person to get to know, Alex is extremely loyal and exceedingly protective of the people closest to him - he will quite literally burn down the planet if it meant saving them.
Much of Alex's true abilities still remain unexplored. It's believed that his mother's line carried the X- Gene that would have resulted in mutations that allowed them to channel the sun's energy through their bodies, essentially becoming solar conduits.
Similarly, Alex is able to channel the energy of the sun and release it via his body, primarily through his eyes. The way this works is that the energy and heat of the sun are channeled through his body and become increasingly condensed and released through high-powered laser beams.
To take it one step further, Alex is also able to release the sun's energy through his body in other channels - he can raise his body's temperature to dangerous levels affecting, enough to melt physical objects and metals, and also ultimately altering the climate patterns locally temporarily. Additionally, he can also release the sun's energy through his palms via high-powered laser beams.
Mother : Isabella Mastronadi
Alex was extremely close to his mother prior to her death - he seemed to have inherited the x-gene from her. Isabella, while possessing the X-Gene, had no visible mutations or abilities, and it's widely believed that any abilities she may have had were dormant.
Father : Derek Mastronadi
Alex had always been close to his father and idealized him as he grew up. After the death of his mother, Alex's relationship with his father changed and deteriorated drastically. Alex learned that his father was an executive on a pharmaceutical company's board who had been involved in a series of drug trials gone horribly wrong and was involved in covering it up. Furthermore, he also learned that his father had been cheating on his mother with his secretary for years. Since then, he lost all respect for him.
Freya Sieger
Rosaria Huntington
Rosaria Huntington means everything to Alex. She was and is his first true love. Their relationship started out as rivals as children, but soon grew to friendship when they realized that they were more alike than they'd like to admit. Rosaria was the only person who was able to knock his walls down and get close to him - she was also the only person who didn't seem to be bothered by his aloofness.
They always shared a special relationship, often communicating via telepathy with one another. Because of this, Alex could always "feel" Rosaria - he knew exactly where she was and what she was feeling.
When she went missing during the invasion, Alex never stopped blaming himself for what happend to her and spent the next few years in an obsessive state, doing whatever it took to find any information on what happened to her.
Alex began dating Francssca, a fellow survivor in 2026. No one really understood how they were dating because they were exceedingly different in terms of personality and priorities. However, people were happy to see him move on or try to at least. But even though he dated her, his mind was almost always preoccupied with finding Rosaria.
Alex was born to Isabella and Derek Mastronadi in New York City, and was raised in Manhattan. His mother's family ran a pizzeria and his father was a pharmaceutical executive.
Growing up, Alex was the kind of kid who was always in trouble - not for instigating problems but for defending and standing up for those he perceived to be victims.
At the age of 12, Alex's mother was killed in a mugging gone wrong- she had been on her way home after closing up the pizzeria and was only a block away. Her death devastated Alex and changed his life forever. Alex began to spiral in all aspects of his life - he lost his motivation to do anything really and was exceedingly angry and depressed, unable to process her death. To make matters worse, he also found out that his father's company had been involved in several lawsuits for poorly managed drug trials and that his father played an active role in suppressing the lawsuits. Alex also learned that his father had been cheating on his mother for years with his secretary and had been planning to divorce her.
Disillusioned and angry, Alex decided he wanted nothing to do with his father and ran away from home. He spent the next few months bouncing between homeless shelters and sleeping at the local library. One night, Alex felt extremely unwell and resorted to taking some pain medication to soothe the pain. What he didn't know was that he had accidently taken one of his father's company's medications. For humans, it worked as it was supposed to - it relieved fever and surpassed pain. But for mutants, it seemingly activated the dormant X-Gene.
Alex soon after began to shoot laser beams from his eyes, virtually destroying everything in his pathways. Given the widespread damage, the officials at the homeless shelter reached out to Professor X and urged him to take Alex to the Academy. Shortly after, Alex met Professor X, who enrolled him in the Academy alongside other mutant wards. By then, Alex's eyes had been so damaged by the laser beams that he was forced to wear specially designed glasses that suppressed the laser beams.
Alex was weary of the Academy at first but soon grew to enjoy his time there and became fast friends with his fellow peers. He also found himself idolizing Professor X and wanted to prove himself to the Professor by winning his favor. This was of course to be achieved by being at the top of his class . And thus began his infamous rivalry with Rosaria Huntington.
Eventually, his rivalry with Rosaria became a friendship, and before he knew it, he had seemingly fallen in love with her. Now, this was exceedingly obvious to literally anyone but Rosaria. At the age of 18, Alex finally got the courage to ask Rosaria to be his girlfriend officially.
In 2019, the Academy was invaded by American armed forces. This not only resulted in the destruction of the Academy, but also in the death of several mutants including Professor X and Rosaria. While Alex never quite accepted that Rosaria was dead, he was distraught by the fact that she was missing.
For the next few years, Alex obsessively looked for Rosaria, often going through questionable means to find any information he could about her. He seemed haunted by the fact that he could not feel her presence.
Around 2026, Alex began dating a fellow mutant survivor - Francesca. Later that year, Alex awoke, and for the first time in years, he found himself not using his glasses. His eyes were healed. Unable to explain how this happened, Alex devoted his free time to learning more about his own abilities and mutation, furthering his abilities to channel solar energy. He'd eventually learn that Rosaria had unknowingly healed him through the tears of the Phoenix while she was astral projecting one night.
Around this time, Alex also started to "feel" Rosaria again, often telling his closet friends that he would see her often in his sleep or that he could feel that she was still alive.
Alex loves black coffee and rock music.
He also obviously loves the sun and loves beaches.
He hates winter, and the snow
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gildedworld · 7 months ago
Alex hated everything about shopping and the mall. But most of all, he hated how crowded it was. Alex had absolutely no issues with the fact that most of his peers were regular humans - what made him uncomfortable was that there were so many of them.
Crowds had always made Alex nervous. He knew that even for a moment if he were to lose control, he could very well blow up the entire building. Of course, if he could turn off his mutation and the laser beams that shot out through his eyes, that would be ideal. But it wasn't the case unfortunately.
"I didn't realize that we were at a funeral." Rosaria's familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.
"We aren't," he replied curtly, gesturing for her to get into his car.
"Then why do you look like you're going to one?" Rosaria countered as she climbed into his car, her eyes quickly skimming the interiors.
Alex's car was exactly like his room - neat, orderly, and without a single thing out of its place. Although he'd had the car for over 2 years now, it still looked as new as the day they'd bought it at the dealership.
Alex refused to answer the question and reached for the GPS, typing in the mall on its screen, watching it calibrate.
Rosaria watched Alex from the corner of her eyes as she ran her fingers through her hair. God, he's so stiff, she thought to herself silently.
"You know...," Rosaria began, reaching for her phone from her bag. "You don't have to come - I can go by myself," she added.
Alex shook his head slightly. "You can't drive - you don't have your license yet," he commented as he turned the car on, getting ready to drive.
Rosaria shrugged her shoulders lightly. "I could take the bus, or I could ask someone else to drop me off at the mall if they're going that way." she replied.
Alex rolled his eyes behind his glasses - Rosaria couldn't see it, but she could feel it.
"Terrible idea - that is how horror movies start," he commented dryly.
"The bus?" she replied, confused. "No - getting into a stranger's car," Alex responded dryly. "And as for the bus - you don't know who you'd be traveling with. For all you know, there might be crazy," he added.
Rosaria rolled her eyes at that. "Millions of people take the bus everyday Alex," she responded dryly.
"But not you," he countered, his eyes focused on the road as he drove. Rosaria's lips curved into a small smile at his response as she turned to look outside the window.
Alex hated the mall, and he hated shopping. He hated the crowds, he hated the idea of browsing, and he hated the traffic on the roads. But if he had to go, he'd go with rather Rosaria.
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